Forever Yours

By FonzFan

40.6K 1.9K 329

Sequel. Follow Severus and Katherine and their family and friends, through their complicated lives after the... More

Prologue 1: Fallen Soldiers
Prologue 2: A Young Man Dreams
Chapter 1: Home At Last
Chapter 2: Tell Me Everything
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Becoming a Real Prince
Chapter 5: The Prophet's Report, Part 1
Chapter 6: The Prophet's Report, Part 2
Chapter 7: Mr. Prince Goes to Town
Chapter 8: Union Station
Chapter 9: This is Who You Are
Chapter 10: Father & Son
Chapter 11: OWLs
Chapter 12: St. Augustine's
Chapter 13: Potions, Snitches & Nightmares
Chapter 14: Wakanda
Chapter 15: Birthday Kisses
Chapter 16: The Green Steam Engine
Chapter 17: Wounds We Keep Hidden From View
Chapter 18: Spoofhounds vs. Sidewinders
Chapter 19: All Hallows Eve
Chapter 20: A Peaceful Moon
Chapter 21: A Letter, A Bond and the Witch
Chapter 22: Christmas Shopping Chaos
Chapter 23: A Family Christmas Part 1
Chapter 24: A Family Christmas Part 2
Chapter 25: A Family Christmas Part 3
Chapter 26: Starting A New Year
Chapter 27: Re-Bonding & Re-Healing
Chapter 28: Forgiveness Begins the Healing
Chapter 29: A Big Decision
Chapter 30: "Coming of Age"
Chapter 31: I Remember You
Chapter 32: Training Days
Chapter 33: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 1
Chapter 34: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 2
Chapter 36: Her First
Chapter 37: The Final Journey
Chapter 38: Turning One
Chapter 39: Sev's Fortieth
Chapter 40: "Something Unexpected"
Chapter 41: "Life Decisions"
Chapter 42: The Greatest Game Ever Played, Part 1
Chapter 43: The Greatest Game Ever Played Part 2
Chapter 44: The Greatest Game Ever Played Part 3
Chapter 45: Graduation Day
Chapter 46: Draft Day

Chapter 35: Dodging Hogwarts, Part 3

567 37 4
By FonzFan

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people or places that belong to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, as they belong to J.K. Rowling. The OCs (Katherine, Septimus, Serenity, Helena, Christoph, Elisa, Henry, Nick and any name you don't recognize and isn't from the HP universe) are entirely my own.


Two women stood before Septimus; one with kind eyes, a thin mouth and long chestnut colored hair. The other with dark stern eyes and a shallow, pointed face; but it was the eyes that unnerved him the most, because they were his and his father's eyes looking back at him.

"I must say he does look quite like Severus at that age," the black eyed woman stated, as she floated towards Septimus. "Except he's not as gangly as his father was."

"Quite right," the other woman exclaimed, as she, too, drifted forward. "He may have Severus' height, but he has Katherine's athletic built."

"Who...who are you?" Septimus said, all but in a whisper.

"You don't know who we are?" the kind eyed woman asked, frowning slightly at the question.

"Of course he wouldn't, Athena" the other stated. "Do you really think that they would have told him about us? We left them to fend for themselves at a young age! Do you really think that they don't hate us for it!?"

"They still had their fathers, Eileen," the first argued back.

"Oh right, forgive me," the second sneered. "Their fathers. Oh of them that would beat his own flesh and blood daily, and another who wouldn't even look at theirs..."

"Now Eileen..."

"LADIES!" another voice came booming over them, silencing the two women. Septimus whipped back around; he could feel his head spinning in all directions as he tried to figure out what was going on. Behind him stood another floating, see-through person, but this one he had seen before. "Now is not the time for arguments. As I believe Mr. Prince has many questions."

"Professor Dumbledore," Septimus whispered, as the aged wizard floated toward him.

"I see you recognize me, easily enough," Albus Dumbledore smiled.

"I saw you in my parents' memories," Septimus said, before turning back towards the witches. "Athena? Eileen? You're my grandmothers, aren't you?"

"Yes, we are," Athena said with a small smile. "Didn't Katherine and Severus ever tell you about us?"

"Mom and dad rarely talk about their pasts," Septimus shrugged lightly. "I've only saw bits of their childhood in the pensive last summer."

"So you do not know anything about your heritage?" Eileen asked frowning heavily as Septimus shook his head.

"The only things I know are...are your names and those of mom's aunt, Minerva, and uncle, Albus," Septimus said. "But that's all."

"Then you should ask them to show you the Dumbledore and Prince Family Trees," Eileen scoffed. "I'm sure they are in that expansive library of theirs somewhere."

"But for now," Athena said, cutting Eileen off with a glare. "Do you have any questions for us, love?" The three spirits went silent; contently watching the young man before them.

"I guess," Septimus said before taking a deep breath and turning towards Eileen. "I heard mom telling dad that he is not his father; she always seems to be reassuring him about that. Why?"

"Let me say one thing before I begin young man," Eileen stated, as she floated closer. "My greatest regret is ever staying with that man. Love does strange things to people, Septimus, and for some ungodly reason I still do love him."

"Is he still alive?"

"No," Eileen said, pursing her lips tightly. "Tobias Snape drank himself to death the summer before Severus' final year here."

" said before that he beat him. Why?"

"Because he stepped between us," Eileen said sadly. "Tobias only ever attacked me when your father was young, but one day he began stepping between us, and started protecting me. Merlin knows why..."

"Why didn't you use your magic to stop him?" Septimus asked fiercely; sounding much like Severus.

"I gave up my magic long ago," Eileen sighed. "Because of fear. It was because of that fear that I failed to protect your father."

"Why did you say that mom's dad never looked at her?" Septimus asked, looking back and forth between Eileen and Athena.

"I believe I should answer that," Athena sighed, as she too floated forward. "Aberforth, your grandfather, once had a younger sister, who looked very much like Katherine did when she was younger. Her name was Ariana..."

"Mom's middle name..."

"Yes," Athena smiled sadly. "Ariana was killed tragically when a duel broke out between Albus, Gellert Grindelwald and your grandfather. Aberforth had always blamed himself for what happened to her, and I believe as Katherine grew more like her, it was too hard for him to watch."

"But she was his daughter," Septimus stated. "He should have taken care of her, not pushed her away."

"I don't disagree with you, love," Athena said. "But I wasn't any better, considering I was working all the time. If I had been there with her more...maybe things would have been different."

"Different," Septimus muttered. "Personally I think they deserve an apology above all else. From all three of you."

Septimus looked down at the rock in his hand; a part of him screaming to put it in his pocket and take it home with him. His mom and dad could see their families again, and he could talk to his grandmothers anytime he wanted. His parents deserved to see them, and get the apology that they so much needed and deserved.

"It would not be wise my boy," Albus spoke softly. "It does no good to dwell on the past, and with that will only bring back hurtful memories to your parents. Why make them suffer, when they have been given the second chance at a better future?"

"But you are right Septimus," Athena spoke up. "They do deserve and apology from us. But remember, if the past had been would not be here."

"You don't know that for sure though," Septimus stated quietly. "Mom and dad may still have fallen for each other, just in a different way and time."

"Maybe," Eileen commented. "But no one knows for sure."

"Time grows short my boy," Albus said softly. "It is time for us to leave you, as this coldness settles in."

"Coldness?" Septimus asked confusedly. "But it's summer."

"Darkness is coming Septimus," Albus continued. "And you must be prepared."

"Prepared for what?"

"Drop the stone Septimus," the elder wizard commanded. "Arm yourself!"


"SEPTIMUS!" Suddenly, the world around him felt unnaturally cold and darkness seemed to envelope the area around them.

"Septimus," Athena said quietly. "Drop the stone, love. And remember that we'll always be with you in your heart."

"SEPTIMUS!" The cold began to bite deeper and deeper into Septimus' skin, and his lungs felt frozen and heavy.

"It's time," Eileen whispered. "Let go Septimus."

"SEPTIMUS!" The small stone slipped from his fingers, and landed amongst the pine needles. Blinking slowly, Septimus raised his eyes, only to be greeted by a terrible scene before him. Where the three spirits once resided, there was now three horrifying humanoid shaped figures hovered before him; wearing long, ripped black cloaks and emitting a rattling breath.

The happiness drained from his body as they closed in on him. But somewhere in his mind, Septimus heard his father voice...'you are ready.' Septimus raised his wand and aimed it high enough to hopefully shield off all of them. 'Happy memories...happy memories...'

Septimus closed his eyes and focused on the goodness in his life. Brewing with his father; running with his mother; Serenity staring up at him happily from her cot; Christoph, Elisa, Henry and Nick sitting around their dining room table laughing happily with one another; and then Helena and her soft hazel eyes glittering in his mind...'I love you Septimus. I think I always have...'

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Septimus shouted, as the silvery light burst forth from his wand. His broad-winged hawk spread its' wings and bore its' sharp talons; charging with full force at the Dementors floating before him, chasing them successfully back into the depths of the forest.

"Septimus!" a voice shouted from behind him. The hawk faded in the distance and Septimus' legs gave way. He felt so weak, as though they had completely sucked the energy right out of him.

"Septimus, are you alright?" Prescott asked as he dropped to the ground next to his student. "Here, eat this." He got a whiff of the sweet, aromatic smell of the rich, milk chocolate bar that Prescott hovered under his nose

Slowly, he reached up and took the bar from his professor and guided it into his mouth. It melted almost instantly; sending its' warmth drown his throat and into the pit of his stomach.

"Better?" Prescott asked quietly, as the sound of footsteps thundered towards them.

"Yeah," Septimus whispered, as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath to settle his nerves.

"Darius!" Slughorn panted, as the small group reached them. "By Merlin, Darius, forgive me. Minerva did warn me of possible Dementors in the area, but I never thought they would be this close."

"It's quite alright, Horace," Prescott sighed. "But I think it would be wise to get Mr. Prince back to the castle."


"You should have seen it Minerva!" Septimus could hear Slughorn exclaim from below him. "A corporeal patronus! And the boy's only a sixth year! Why I believe he could be as good as Ms. Granger or even Mr. Potter for that matter!"

"Be that as it may Horace," the Headmistress interrupted the professor. "We have a very serious problem here! The Dementors were within the school's grounds! I am still trying to figure out how they managed to get through the wards!"

Upon their hasty departure from the forest, the three professors led the boys back to the castle; with Hagrid taking Zach back to their room, and Prescott and Slughorn taking Septimus up to see the Headmistress. He had been gently led to one of the lounges on the second floor and as order to rest while the professors retreated back downstairs.

Septimus laid there, faintly listening to the conservation from below, and flinching slightly as the Floo roared to life, emitting another person into the room.

"Minerva," a deep voice joined the conservation. "How far inside the wards were they?"

"Several kilometers, which is what has me worried, Kingsley," the Headmistress sighed.

Septimus zoned out and let his eyes drift about the room. It was for the first time he realized that this was once his father's office too. It may have been only for a year, but it was his none-the-less. Thousands of books lined the walls of the circular stone office, and he noticed several moving portrait lining the walls downstairs when they first arrived.

The portrait of Albus Dumbledore had watched him curiously as they entered, but never said a word as they moved through the office. As much as he wanted to talk to him, Septimus knew he would never be able to with the others in the room.

"Septimus?" Prescott's voice drew him back out of his thoughts. "You alright?"

"I'm fine sir," Septimus said, sitting up slowly.

"Good," Prescott sighed, before gesturing Septimus to follow him. "Come on; I'll escort you back to you room."

"But what about the Aconite?"

"It will be fine until tomorrow," Prescott explained. "Professor Sprout is taking the plants back to the greenhouses and storing them for us until tomorrow morning. Now come on, let's go."

It had been a long night; for every time Septimus closed his eyes, he could still see their ragged forms and hear their rattling breaths. It unnerved him greatly that the one spell that he almost couldn't do nearly a week ago, had to be use and so soon. He had come to realize how sheltered the States really were. Sure they had their own problems back at home, but definitely not the ones they had here.


Morning had coming far too quickly, and Zach and Septimus found themselves in Slughorn's classroom, working on the Aconite from the day before. Zach and Prescott worked together on delicately distracting the small flowers from their stems; while Septimus and Slughorn prepared the roots for storage.

"I must ask my boy...where did you learn to cast such a magnificent Patronus?" Slughorn asked a he scraped away at an overly large root. "Surely they don't start teaching you that spell already?"

"Um, no," Septimus said, before clearing his throat. "My dad taught me."

"Your father!" Slughorn exclaimed. "Merlin's beard! He must be an extraordinary wizard to teach someone at such a young age! They must be very proud of you to accomplish such a feat!"

"Yeah," Septimus chuckled softly. "Mom actually cried."

"I would assume that your father can cast a Patronus as well."

"Both my mom and dad can," Septimus smiled light, as he began chopping a root. "They have mate Patronus...foxes."

"Oh ho!" Slughorn's eyes lit up. "Very rare! Very rare indeed! Not many get the chance to find the one they truly belong to!"

"Yeah," Septimus whispered, as a softly smile graced his lips.

It was well into the afternoon by the time they had finished, and Septimus found himself wandering the halls, waiting for Ginny to be done with Defense class. He had gone in search of the kitchen's portrait, in which Ginny had told him about, when he began to get a strange feeling that someone was watching him...possibly even following him.

Septimus turned a sharp corner, knowing damn well that someone was definitely following him now. Quite footfalls paced behind him, ones he knew were not his own. Rounding another corner quickly, Septimus came to an abrupt halt and withdrew his wand. Swiftly, he spun on the spot and raised his wand.

"I know someone's there," he snarled, as spells ran through his mind. "Show yourself!"

From around the dark corner came the slender boy with sleek, white-blond hair and cold grey eyes. His Hawthorn wand was clutched tightly in his hand at his side.

"Can I help you?" Septimus asked rather coldly, with his wand still raised.

"Put your wand away," the boy sneered.

"I only will if you do," Septimus replied, still refusing to lower his wand. The blond-haired boy sighed heavily, before stowing his wand in an inner pocket of his robes. Slowly, Septimus brought his Rowan wand down and stashed it up his left sleeve. He had started doing it only a few weeks ago, when his father showed him how easily it was to remove, rather than fumbling around with your robes, trying to find a pocket.

"What do you want?" Septimus asked again. "Who are you?"

"They didn't tell you," the boy hissed.


"Granger and Weasley."

"Apparently not," Septimus scowled, not liking where this was going. But of course he knew who the boy was; he was his parents' godson...the one he saw in the Pensieve.

"Draco Malfoy," he said, as he stood up straighter, as though to make himself more important.

"Nice to meet you," Septimus said, as he stuck out his hand in greeting. "I'm Septimus Prince."

"Tell me," Draco hissed, as he looked at Septimus' hand in disgust. "Are you a pureblood?"

"What's a pureblood?" Septimus asked, as he lowered his hand and raised a brow.

"It means that your lineage isn't tainted with Muggle filth," he sneered.

"Honestly?" Septimus questioned, as he raised a brow. "Does that really matter?"

"Of course it does!" Draco snarled. "Prince is an old pureblood name! Their family is connected to mine through my second great-grandmother. I only found out recently that Professor Snape's mother was a Prince; so not only was he my godfather, but my third cousin as well."

"What does the matter to me?" Septimus asked, as he rolled his eyes. "My family's from the United States! We have absolutely no connection to England what-so-ever!" Okay, so Septimus knew that was the biggest lie, but he couldn't have Draco find out about his parents.

"You look like him, that's why..."

"So I've been told," Severus growled as he interrupted him. "Listen, I don't know him and I'm not related to him. Both my parents were only child's and their parents had all died by the time I was five. We've always been in the United States..."

"Septimus?" a soft voice echoed in the hall behind him. Out of the shadows emerged Ginny; with Defense book in one hand and wand in the other. "Malfoy. What's going on here? "

"Nothing that concerns you Weasley," Draco snarled.

"Nothing Ginny," Septimus muttered, as he glanced back at her. "Come on, let's go." Without another word, Septimus strode past the red-haired witch and continued on his way. Ginny gave Draco a hatred glare before following her American friend towards the kitchen, leaving Draco standing in the darkened hallway, all by himself.

Septimus was relieved that Ginny refrained from asking too many questions about his encounter with the Malfoy heir. They spent a good hour in the kitchens, being fond over by the house elves, who gladly served them Pumpkin Juice and scones. By the time dinner rolled around, the two had managed one more flight out on the Quidditch pitch and settled into a game of Wizards' Chess in the Gryffindor Common Room.

It would be Septimus' last night in the castle, and he was set on enjoying the last moments he had here. He knew that he would probably never be here again, and there was even a bigger possibility that he never see Ginny or Hermione again after this. Hermione had settled in with her Charms book, intent on studying for her N.E.W.T.s the following week, but found herself laughing along with Ginny and Septimus, as his Bishop hurled Ginny's rook off the chessboard.

As curfew rolled around, Septimus made his way back to his room, after bidding the girls goodnight. And after a long message to Helena, he settled into his bed, and turned to a position that allowed him to look out the window.

The night sky shimmered with millions of tiny stars, and the moon glowed brightly over the lake. Tomorrow, he would be home, and Septimus knew that there were now many more unanswered questions that he had for his parents once he got there.


When they woke, the skies were overcast, and it looked as though rain was threatening to fall. Both boys were sluggish with their packing, but at exact ten o'clock, they were making their way down to the main entrance.

Ginny, who had a free period that morning, joined him at the third floor landed, and followed him down to the carriage, that would be taking them to the gates. The two were silent for a bit, before Ginny gently nudged him with her elbow.

"Good luck next year," Ginny said, as they stopped in the covered outdoor corridor, that were nearest to the carriage. "Hope your Quidditch team does well."

"Yeah, me too," Septimus smirked, as he handed his bag to Hagrid. "Good luck in tryouts for the professionals. I have a good feeling that you'll get picked to play for someone; your too good not to!"

"So are you!" Ginny grinned, as Prescott and Zach made their way towards the carriage. "Who knows? Maybe one day we will play against each other!"

"Maybe," Septimus smiled back. "Thanks for befriending me this weekend. I think I would have been pretty lost around here without someone to show me the way."

"No problem," Ginny said, as she handed him a bit of parchment. "Here...Hermione and I would like to keep in touch with you."

"Thanks," Septimus grinned slightly. "I promise I'll write soon."

"You better," Ginny said, before enveloping Septimus in a hug. "Safe travels."

"Thanks," Septimus murmured. "Good luck with your N.E.W.T.s."

"Thanks. See ya."

"Yeah," Septimus whispered. "See ya."

The two drew away from each other, and Septimus hopped into the carriage, but not before waving to Ginny one last time.


Gray skies turned clear, as Prescott and Septimus popped back into existence, on a hillside near New Salem. They had portkeyed directly to Zach's home in Maine, before Apparating to the school, where Katherine and Severus were waiting for them.

Katherine smiled brightly as she took Septimus in her arms and hugged him tightly. She had worried his safety most of the week, and it had been grating on Severus' nerves, but inside he couldn't help but feel the same.

"The trip went well I presume?" Severus asked, as he and Prescott shook hands.

"The trip went very well," Prescott sighed lightly, before continuing. "We did have a little run-in with a couple of Dementors though."

"What?" Katherine gasped, releasing her strong hold on the boy.

"Don't worry Katherine," Prescott smiled. "Septimus took care of them."

"You managed your Patronus just fine then?" Severus asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah," Septimus smiled softly. "A little nerve wrecking, but I managed."

"Slughorn was so impressed, the whole school knew about it before the end of the day," Prescott smirked towards Severus.

"That doesn't surprise me," Severus scoffed. "The man was always the one for gossip."

"No truer word spoken," Prescott chuckled.

"Well, I'm just glad your home safe and sound," Katherine said, pulling Septimus back into a one armed hug. "And someone at home is waiting very impatiently for you."


"Yes," Katherine smiled softly. "She's watching Serenity for us."

"She's been there ever day Katherine," Severus sighed, with a roll of the eyes. "At this point I'm not sure if it was because she missed Septimus so much, or it probably was because her brothers have been pestering her days on end."

"That probably is it," Septimus chuckled. "Can we go home now?"

"Of course," Katherine replied, as Severus pulled the portkey from his pocket. "Thank you Darius."

"No problem at all," Prescott smiled shyly. "I'll see you both in a few weeks for revisions."

"Of course," Severus said, as he held out the portkey to his wife and son. "Ready?"

"Ready." And with that, the three were gone.

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