Fierce: A Forever Series Book

By silver-shadowss

19.6K 676 92

Book ONE in the Forever Series Raphael doesn't think that him and his brothers will ever be accepted by human... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

1K 31 11
By silver-shadowss

"Because I know you?" She asked, confused. He started to pace and muttered stuff to himself that Jasmine couldn't hear. "Raph. What do you mean?"

"He asked about a photo of me. Do you still have one?" He asked suddenly. Jasmine looked down and nodded. He stared at her. "What?"

"My backup memory. All serious photographers have cameras with a secondary memory. I uploaded the photo onto my laptop after I came back here." She said quietly. He stared at her and she could tell he was fighting back anger.

"Jasmine-..." he huffed angrily.

"I know, I know. It's just I didn't want the photo to be gone because-..." she stopped and he looked at her. She looked down again. "Because I was afraid I wouldn't see you again." His eyes softened and he sighed, rubbing his hand down his face.

"I've gotta say, you're the first person that actually wants to see me again," he muttered and then started to pace again. "But my question is, how did they get past Donnie's security system and into your apartment?"

"Ask Donnie," Jasmine said plainly. He stopped pacing and rolled his eyes.

"Well duh. I will once I get back," he sighed. "Are you sure you'll be okay here tonight? I don't want you getting attacked again."

"Yeah. I'll be fine," she bit her lip, letting her nervousness show through and Raph saw it. He walked over and crouched in front of her where she was sitting on the couch. She looked into his green eyes as he gave her a small smile.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"I'll be fine, Brooklyn. Besides, I know you'll be here if I need help," she gave a tight smile back and he nodded, hesitating before gently brushing a stray piece of her dark hair out of her face. Jasmine felt a blush creep across her cheeks as he stood.

"If you need me, call me," he said before he jumped out her window, leaving her and him both with confused feelings running around their heads.


"He came, Master. You were right. Raphael seems to be very protective of her."

"Good. Now we know how to draw him out." The dark figure had a hint of a smirk in their tone. The cloaked one that was in Jasmine's apartment stayed kneeled in front of them. "Set the next part of the plan in motion."

"Yes, Master."


Jasmine didn't sleep. At all. She stayed in bed with her eyes open, listening for the slightest noises. I mean, thank god it was Friday though.

She groaned when her alarm went off and rolled slowly out of bed. When she went to the bathroom to start getting ready, her own reflection scared her. Under her eyes were purple from lack of sleep and her face was droopy. She sighed and splashed some cold water on it, accomplishing nothing but making herself cold.

"Fuck it," she huffed before changing into a hoodie and sweats and going to the kitchen to get coffee. As it started to brew, she leaned against the counter and checked her phone.

1 New Message

Brooklyn❤️🐢- Are you still alive?

Jasmine- Barely.

Brooklyn❤️🐢- Well unless someone has your phone I assume you're still alive

Jasmine- smartass.

Brooklyn❤️🐢- I talked to Donnie last night. I'll come pick you up tonight to come down to the lair if that's okay

Jasmine- as long as someone helps me with calculus I'm fine with that

Brooklyn❤️🐢- I'll pick you up at 8😉

Jasmine felt her heart flutter at the wink he sent.

"Jesus Jasmine. It's not like it's gonna happen. He's a giant hero and your just a person," she grumbled to herself as she poured some coffee into a travel mug. But as she got lost in thought about tonight, she overpoured the coffee and it spilled over the top of the mug. She groaned and quickly cleaned it up, leaving her apartment before she was late.

Today was going to be rough.


And sure enough, today was rough. She almost fell asleep in first period calculus, before a new kid came in and sat beside her nearing the end of class. She opened her tired eyes and her hair flopped into her face. He chuckled before she blew it away.

"Tired?" He whispered. She gave a half smile and nodded.

"Like you wouldn't believe." He chuckled again and she took in his appearance. A tight fitted black shirt showed lean muscle all over, his black hair flopping slightly into his icy blue eyes.

"I'm Lucas," he whispered again and Jasmine smiled.


"Like the beautiful Arabian princess in Aladdin?" He smirked and she blushed.

"Well, not exactly," she said and the teacher finally noticed them whispering back and forth.

"Ms. Sarna, Mr. Maurer. I assume if you're talking, you've both finished the assignment. And Mr. Maurer, I know you're new here, but I guarantee that doesn't mean any special privileges," she snapped out. Jasmine rolled her eyes before picking her head up off her arms.

"Sorry, ma'am. He was just asking a few questions about how to get around the school," Jasmine lied. Her teacher frowned but let it go.

"Thanks. You free at lunch?" He whispered and Jasmine nodded.


Her other morning class went by just as slowly, painfully slowly, and she couldn't wait for the end of the day to just go home and do nothing before Raph came to pick her up. The bell rang to signal lunch, and she quickly went to her locker to avoid the huge crowds that were called the hallways during lunch.

"Did you plan on standing me up?" Jasmine jumped in surprise when a voice sounded right beside her. She turned to see Lucas with a small smirk on his face and she rolled her eyes, a smile playing at her lips.

"Well, not exactly. If I plan on standing people up, I usually plan something great and then stand them up," she said cheekily. He laughed as she shut her locker and strung her backpack over her shoulders. She began to walk and he walked slowly beside her, keeping step.

"So, Lucas." She said. "What brought you to New York?"

"Ah just some family stuff," he replied.

"I get that," she sighed. "When did you get here?"

"A few weeks ago. Just been busy setting up the house and getting used to the new city."

"And? How do you like it?"

"It's not too bad. Other than lots of noise." Jasmine laughed at his answer.

"Well, it is New York."

"I guess," he fell silent as they wandered slowly and she watched him through the corner of her eye. His icy blue ones met hers and he smiled. "What?" She shook her head a bit.

"Nothing. It's just been a while since I've had an actual talk with someone. You seem nice," she said. He smiled, but something in his eyes made her nervous.

"Yeah, you do too," he replied. Jasmine felt something, a feeling in her gut. She forced a smile before digging out her phone and pointing to it.

"I'm sorry, I just remembered I have to call my-... doctor-... yeah. To reschedule an appointment," she said and Lucas nodded.

"I'll see you later then?"

"Y-yeah. Later," she waved and scurried quickly towards the bathroom. When she got there, her stomach was still rolling with the feeling that something was-... off. She locked herself in a stall and leaned against the door, taking a few deep breaths.

"Just get through the day, Jasmine. Nothings wrong. It's just your mind playing tricks on you," she rubbed her hand over her face and opened the stall, looking at her tired reflection in the mirror. A slight tickle on her forearm made her itch it, but it wouldn't go away. She pulled her hoodie sleeve up and glanced down at it, gasping at what tiny word she saw now written on her wrist.


Geez I feel like I've been slacking on the updates a bit

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

XX Shadow


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