Better together πŸ–€An MLB Fanf...

By asparkle75

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I suck at descriptions but ~ Cat Noir can't help but feel heartbroken every single time he's rejected by his... More

One: A Brief Encounter
Two: Thoughts
Three: It's all my fault
Four: A Little Present
Five: I promise
Six: A lucky guy
Seven: Museum
Eight: But what if you weren't?
Nine: Grateful
Ten: Anger from a certain brunette
Eleven: Photoshoot
Twelve: Scared kitty
Thirteen: It's all coming at me...
Fourteen: Thinking of her
Fifteen: You liked him?
Sixteen: Thank you Note
Seventeen: Nightmares
Eighteen: I've moved on
Twenty: Confessions
Twenty One: Admiring you...
Twenty Two: Only for you
Twenty Three: Nervous
Twenty Four: I love you
Twenty Five: Are you friends or something?
Twenty-Six: Missing you
Twenty-Seven: French Plaits and Fluffy Hair
Twenty-Eight: Halloween Shopping
Twenty-Nine: Here for you
Thirty: Sleepover
Thirty-One: Sleepover Pt. 2
Thirty-Two: In your arms

Nineteen: I kissed her

85 1 14
By asparkle75

Not my edit, I found it on the internet, but credits to the owner! <3

Marinette looked at Chat's eyes, he looked slightly off, like he was sad or upset. She wondered why and hoped everything was alright. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I came to see you, I missed you Mari," he said with a small smile.

"It's only been like, a day kitty," Marinette said with a laugh.

Chat gave her a smile but it looked pained and now she knew that something was definitely wrong. "A day feels like a lot to me," he said softly.

She furrowed her brows and tried to meet his eyes, "Kitty, what's wrong?" She asked, stepping closer to him.

Chat's head shot up and he quickly shook his head, a smile now resting on his face, "Nothing, I'm fine Mari, just tired," he said.

Marinette knew he was lying, the tired excuse only worked for her after all.

"One, that excuse only works for me," she said pointedly causing Chat to chuckle, "and two, I know you're lying, so tell me what's wrong," her voice softened towards the end.

Chat looked up at her and let out a sigh, "It's nothing new, just my father, I was having a decent morning and when I came home for lunch he only seemed to remind me of the things I'm not good at and constantly need to work on," he said, his fists clenching slightly.

"Chat..." Marinette said softly as she trailed off for a bit, "don't ever believe him alright? I'm sure you're great and you don't need to be great at everything just to please everyone."

Chat sighed, "I know Mari, it's just...a lot to deal with all the time. Like a constant reminder in my head or a message stitched in, making me feel like I'll never meet his standards. I just hate going home and having to constantly go through it, does it ever stop?" He asked, his eyes pleading and desperate.

Marinette felt heartbroken looking at the poor boy, he always put a tough act in front of everyone, saying that he was okay, but he was deeply hurting inside and she desperately wanted to make it stop.

"I know Chat trust me, I can tell how exhausted you are by this and I wish I could make it stop," she squeezed his hand. "You don't deserve to go through what you're going through, you're probably one of the sweetest guys I've ever met, and your dad really needs to stop treating you like that."

He smiled a little at that, his ears lifting up a little, "Thank you Mari, I can always count on you to make me feel better. I just wish he could stop, he doesn't listen to anyone other than himself, if only my mom was here I-" He stopped short at that, his eyes widening slightly as he shook his head.

Marinette understood what he meant and didn't pry further, this poor boy had lost his mother in some way and was dealing with a controlling, overprotective, and loveless father.

"Chat, I'm so sorry," she said softly. "For what you're going through, hopefully one day your dad will realize how wrong he is," she cupped his cheek.

Chat looked into her eyes blinking slowly, he didn't realize the limited distance between him and Marinette. They were inches apart, just like the time at André's ice cream parlor, just like the time they had almost kissed.

"Mari," he let out a shaky breath. He looked down at her lips, then back into her blue eyes, and saw her move closer to him. She looked into his green vibrant eyes then down to his lips, almost closing the distance between them. 

With his emotions in control, Chat closed the distance between both teenagers and gently pressed his lips onto Marinette's. Marinette was surprised by the sudden action and her eyes widened slightly, once she registered the mild shock, she kissed him back. She felt a spark between them and butterflies in her stomach at the feeling, sure she had kissed Chat before but not like this, this felt so much more different.

As she cupped her hand around his cheek, his hands gently gripped her waist. He moved a strand of her dark hair behind her ear with his other hand and Marinette felt herself melt, along with Chat.

When the two finally pulled away a few seconds later, they were both slightly breathless and their cheeks were flushed red. They stared at each other in shock as Marinette nor Chat could believe what they just did. Marinette felt her heart beat pounding at their still close proximity and only wanted to kiss her kitty again.

Chat on the other hand, was slightly freaking out inside, wondering if he had gotten too far. He had finally kissed her, kissed Marinette, and she had let him. He wasn't sure whether to jump up and down in joy or curl up in a ball and freak out. 

"Mari I-"

"Chat I-"

"Marinette!" Sabine called from downstairs. "You've been up there for so long, are you coming down?"

Marinette's head snapped to her open trap door as she panicked, she had completely forgotten about going downstairs for lunch.

"I-I better get going, see you later," Chat said and quickly jumped off her balcony before she could say anything.

Marinette touched a hand to her lips and smiled, she still couldn't believe that they had kissed and the thought only made her stomach invade with little butterflies.

"Sorry maman! I'll be down there in a minute!" Marinette called out and quickly jumped through her trap door and onto her bed.

"I can't believe you kissed Cat Noir!" Tikki said with an excited giggle.

"I can't believe I did either," Marinette said putting her face in her hands, internally squealing at the thought.

She hopped off her bed and went to wash up again and make sure her hair or anything looked normal. Once she was satisfied, she finally opened her trapdoor and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. Her parents were waiting for her there with friendly smiles as she sent her mom an apology, mumbling something about being caught up with one of her current fashion pieces.

As Marinette ate her sandwich quietly, she kept thinking about the kiss she had with Chat. She had to contain her excitement before her parents became suspicious and curious, along with worried. It was nearly impawsible to contain her excitement though, never in a million years had she expected to kiss her partner. Not that she was complaining though, she was actually ecstatic and slightly nervous at the thought. 

"Is something wrong sweetie?" Sabine asked as Marinette's head shot up.

She frantically shook her head, "Nothing's wrong maman, I was just thinking," she said.

"About?" Sabine asked, her eyes shining a bit excitedly.

"N-Nothing important," Marinette stammered and took another bite of her sandwich.

Sabine shrugged and walked away, causing Marinette to let out a sigh of relief. Tikki poked out of Marinette's purse with a teasing glint in the kwami's violet eyes. "You might wanna tone down your excitement there Marinette," Tikki said.

Marinette shot a playful glare at Tikki before groaning, "I know, it's just surprising that's all," she said with a lopsided smile. Her kwami just shook her head before retreating back into her purse and Marinette took the last bite of her sandwich before getting up and grabbing her plate. 

She placed it in the sink and quickly washed her hands, glancing at the clock on her wall in the process. Class would start in ten minutes so she had a good amount of time to walk back.

"Thank you for lunch maman, I'll see you after school," Marinette said, planting a kiss on her mother's cheek. Her mom just smiled in response and waved to her daughter, Marinette missed the glint in her mother's eyes.

Young teenagers in love, Sabine thought with a sigh as she headed back into the kitchen.


Adrien grabbed his school bag and walked out to his limo, eager to get out of his house. To be honest, his whole mood had shifted from one of anger and sadness to excitement and happiness. He still couldn't believe he had kissed Marinette, his princess, the love of his life, and that she had kissed him back. He could barely contain his excitement either but did in the watchful eyes of Nathalie and his bodyguard.

When he had arrived home for lunch that afternoon, he was greeted by his father at the stairs, who surprisingly had stepped out of his work lair. Gabriel had the most stern and emotionless expression on when he'd arrived, causing Adrien to gulp. Then without so much as a greeting, he began to assess Adrien's work the past few weeks, making remarks here and there on how he should be improving with his extra curricular activities. After his father had finished his lecture, he retreated to his work lair once again, leaving Adrien alone with his thoughts.

That caused Adrien to run up to his room, mumbling something about washing up and taking a shower to Nathalie, and slamming the door shut. He felt angry tears slip down his cheeks as Plagg looked at him worriedly, trying his best to comfort his owner and friend. Plagg didn't even argue when Adrien transformed into his alter ego and slipped through the window, knowing Adrien needed some comfort from somewhere or the boy would lose it. Which led him to Marinette's balcony without thinking, and that kiss.

That kiss

Adrien was so overwhelmed with his emotions and Marinette's comfort and loving words that he couldn't help but kiss her, and hold her, not wanting to ever let go. To his surprise, she didn't push him away, instead she returned the kiss and the two teenagers had melted in one another's embrace. It caused Adrien to be giddy and have some hope fill inside of him as he thought about the one good thing that happened to him that day, and that good thing was her. 

It could finally mean that something could happen between the two, there was hope that Marinette felt the same way about him, why else would she have kissed him back?

That thought alone made him so happy that he couldn't remove the smile off his face once he was safely secured in his limo.

"Try to turn it down a notch would you?" Plagg said, peeking out of his shirt pocket.

"That's going to be a little difficult my friend," Adrien said grinning as he looked down at his kwami.

Plagg face palmed himself, "Unless you want all of your friends curious about why you're so happy, then by all means, please, go on," Plagg said before hiding back in Adrien's shirt.

Adrien sighed to himself and rolled his eyes, he knew Plagg was right, but he was allowed to be happy, even if it was for a bit right?

That was the last thought in his mind before his limo halted to a stop and he found himself in front of his school. Thanking his driver, he stepped out and began walking towards his school, running a hand through his blonde locks to push them away from his face. He searched around for his friends but didn't see them, they were probably inside the cafeteria. As he walked up the school steps, his eyes caught a head of blue hair walking in front of him and up the school steps. 

He glanced at her from behind with a smile, hoping she felt the same way as he did, it took everything in him not to run up to her and kiss her once again.

Get a grip Agreste, he thought to himself as he let out a shaky breath. The bell rang then, signaling the start of class and he quickened his pace to head into his next class.

Marinette speed walked to her next class and made it inside, she found her best friend already sitting down and scrolling through her phone. Sitting down next to her, she set her bag to the side and quickly pulled out her notebook and pencil case to take some notes.

She hummed to herself happily causing Alya to turn and raise her brow, "What happened at lunch that was so exciting?" She asked.

Just then Adrien took a seat beside Nino and his ears perked up at the question that was directed at Marinette, he subtly leaned over to his bag and started to listen.

"Nothing happened," Marinette replied simply as she began to write her name and date down on the piece of paper.

"You know who you're talking to right?" Alya asked, a teasing tone in her voice.

"Why do you always assume something happened Al?" Marinette asked turning to her.

"Well you have that stupid lovesick smile on your face so," Alya said wiggling her eyebrows.

Marinette gasped and smacked her friend's arm, which only caused Alya to chuckle, "I knew it," she said in a sing song voice.

"You don't know anything," Marinette said, furrowing her brows.

"If you think you'll be able to hide whatever you're hiding, good luck," Alya said, patting Marinette's shoulder before looking back at her phone.

Marinette let out a sigh as a blush presented herself on her cheeks, she kept her eyes trained on her paper, and avoided looking at anyone in case she accidentally blurted everything out. It wasn't too hard though, being Ladybug and being secretive had its advantages.

"Dude are you okay?" Nino asked, staring at his friend who seemed frozen at his bag for about a minute or two.

"What?" Adrien asked, his head whipping in the opposite direction to be met with Nino's quizzical stare. He quickly let a smile appear on his face before elaborating, "yeah I'm fine, I just thought I forgot something at home," he stated before pulling out his notebook.

Nino just gave him a suspicious smile and raised his eyebrows before turning in his seat. Adrien breathed a sigh of relief hoping Nino didn't suspect anything. Their teacher began the lesson and everyone immediately turned their attention towards the board to listen and write down any important information. With the few breaks they had, Adrien had glanced over at Marinette, who didn't notice thankfully, but Nino on the other hand...

"Dude, what is with you lately?" Nino whispered quietly. Their teacher had given them a break and let them answer questions independently on the worksheet provided.

"What do you mean?" Adrien asked, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks.

"I've seen you look back at Marinette at least ten times the entire class, I don't know how she hasn't noticed yet," Nino said, gesturing to the dark-haired girl behind him who was chatting with Alya about something.

"N-No I haven't," Adrien defended.

"You stuttered," Nino said with a sly smirk. "Is someone suddenly lovesick?"

Adrien let out a loud cough causing both girls behind him to whip their heads in his direction, "Are you okay Adrien?" Marinette's soft voice filled his ears, a hint of worry and amusement evident in them.

"Peachy," he said giving her a thumbs up as she let out a small laugh before turning back to Alya. 

Adrien looked over at Nino who's smirk had widened, "I knew it," he said.

"I don't know what you're talking about Nino, really," Adrien said, brows furrowing.

"Mhm," Nino said, "hey Marinette, do you, by any chance, like anyone?" He asked, turning towards his dark-haired friend.

Marinette's eyes widened and a blush appeared on her face, "W-What?" She asked, a little surprised that Nino, of all people, was asking her that type of question.

"You heard me, do you, by any chance, like anyone?" He asked eagerly. He saw Alya smirk beside her as Marinette's blush only grew.

"W-Why do you ask?" Marinette said with a nervous laugh.

"Just curious," Nino said with a shrug as he subtly glanced at Adrien who was panicking.

"Oh well I-" Marinette stuttered but was cut off by Alya.

"Babe, who my best friend likes or doesn't like doesn't concern you, now do your work," Alya said with a light laugh as she nudged him.

Nino just gave her a smile and sighed before turning around and looking at Adrien, he gave him a knowing look causing the blonde boy to blush and quickly turn his head.


"I can't believe our geography teacher's already giving us a quiz on today's lesson," Marinette whined to Alya as they walked out of the school. 

"I know right, they really can't seem to give us a break," Alya said with a sigh as she adjusted her glasses.

"I already finished studying and catching up yesterday, only to be welcomed with more!" Marinette threw her hands up in exasperation and groaned.

Alya patted her friend's shoulder comfortingly as they met up with Nino and Adrien who were chatting about something, possibly a new video game or song.

Nino smiled as soon as he saw Alya and quickly put an arm around her and kissed her cheek, "I missed you," he said.

"I saw you like ten minutes ago," Alya said with a laugh.

"You guys are so adorable that I'm not sure whether I should puke or melt half the time," Marinette said with a half smile.

"Says you," Alya said with a knowing look as Marinette let out a loud cough.

"Are you okay?" Adrien asked, with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I'm perfect," she said assuring him as Alya tried not to laugh.

"I know," Adrien mumbled under his breath so only he could hear.

"What was that Adrien?" Alya asked.

"What? Oh nothing, well there's my ride, I'll see you guys later," he said.

He high-fived Nino and Alya before turning to Marinette, he quickly hugged her before walking away with a slight smile. Marinette was surprised by the action, Nino had a knowing smile on his face, and Alya wasn't sure what to make of it.

"Well," Marinette said, twiddling her fingers nervously, "I'm gonna get going if I want to make it through that quiz tomorrow," she turned.

"Bye girl, see you tomorrow," Alya said, as her and Nino waved.

She gave them a warm smile before beginning the walk back to her house, today was going to be a busy day, she had to help her parents in the bakery, study for her geography quiz, and go on patrol for an hour, unfortunately without her kitty, who had said he was busy tonight.

She sighed to herself at the thought and Tikki noticed her slight shift in mood, "Are you okay Marinette?" Tikki asked, her violet eyes worried.

"Yeah I'm fine Tikki," Marinette said with a light laugh, "Just a little bummed I won't see Cat Noir while I patrol tonight."

Tikki giggled, "Oh Marinette you're adorable," Tikki said with a teasing glint, "I'm pretty sure he feels the same because he won't see you either."

"You're acting as if we're a couple," Marinette said with a smile.

"Well you will be pretty soon," Tikki said teasingly before ducking back into Marinette's purse.

Marinette's cheeks blazed red at the thought but before she could scold Tikki she realized that she had arrived at her house. She opened the door of the bakery and was greeted by her parents, her mom was handing a customer a box of pastries with a smile. 

"Have a nice day!" Sabine said waving to the customer who smiled in return. "Oh hello sweetie, how was school?"

"Hi mom, it was alright, I have a geography quiz to study for later though," Marinette said with a groan.

Sabine frowned, "Oh those teachers never give you guys a break do they?" She shook her head in disappointment. "Lucky for you, the bakery doesn't seem too busy today, so we won't keep you for long."

"Thanks maman, and it's no problem really," Marinette assured her with a smile. Sabine nodded and Marinette quickly ran up to her room to place her bag down and purse.

"You'll be okay for a bit right Tikki?" She asked her kwami, while she fixed her hair.

"Yeah don't worry Marinette! I have the other kwami's to talk to while you're gone, don't sweat it," Tikki assured her.

"I'll bring you a cookie when I'm back," Marinette said with a giggle before opening her trapdoor and heading back down.

Once she reached the kitchen, she grabbed her apron and walked over to her dad who was mixing batter for the macarons. "Oh hey Marinette, do you think you could grab me a tray and finish whisking these for me?" Tom asked, gesturing to the mixing bowl.

"Sure thing papa," Marinette said and grabbed a tray, after placing it down, she took over the mixing bowl and began to whisk the pink colored batter. These were most likely strawberry flavored macarons. 

After the whole mixing process was done, Marinette set the bowl aside so her dad could take over and grabbed a bag of flour to work on the chocolate chip cookies. She poured the ingredients in and mixed everything together, faintly humming in the process. After the mixing was done and Marinette went to go grab the cookie cutters, she suddenly had an idea.

It took a lot of digging but she finally found what she was looking for; paw shaped cookie cutters. With a shining glint in her eye, she carefully laid the cookie batter and pressed the paw shaped cookie cutters into the batter, setting them onto another tray when she was done.

"Those look really good Marinette, what's with the sudden interest in paws?" Tom asked, peering across her shoulder.

"What?! Oh I just thought they'd be cute for little kids," Marinette said with a shrug.

"Mhm, they sure will be," Tom said before walking off.

The next two hours went by pretty fast, Marinette baked the cookies, then some more cookies, and just helped her parents with anything that they needed. Once her parents concluded that that was enough baking for the day, she dragged herself to her room and plopped down on her chaise.

Tikki flew over and Marinette handed her a cookie as promised, Tikki took the cookie from Marinette's hands and began munching on it. 

"You look done for the day," Tikki said.

"That's because I am, but I'm not allowed to be," she said with a groan. Forcing herself to get up, she made her way to her desk and started to study for her geography quiz.


Marinette had fallen asleep while studying, the usual, and when her eyes fluttered open, she shrieked at the time and nearly caused Tikki to bump into something and fall. 

"Sorry," she muttered. "I didn't realize I had fallen asleep."

"That's alright Marinette, now get going it's time for patrol," Tikki said encouragingly.

She groggily nodded before getting up and splashing her face with some cold water, shivering slightly, and dried her face with a towel. 

Ensuring her trapdoor was shut, she quickly hopped onto her bed, "Tikki, spots on," Marinette said quietly and leaped through the trapdoor and onto her balcony. 

Attaching her yo-yo to a building structure, she swung through the air before swiftly landing on her feet. Due to Chat not being available tonight, it meant she had to double the work and patrol both sides of the city. Luckily, her enthusiasm returned and she found herself not complaining while searching the beautiful city of Paris for any trouble.

Ladybug had been patrolling for about half an hour, until she decided to take a break by the park bench. Sitting down, she titled her head back with a sigh and looked up at the blue sky that was slightly cloudy.

"Ladybug?" A gentle voice asked and she turned her head to see a blonde boy wearing a warm smile.

"Adrien? Oh hello," she said politely.

"Mind if I sit down? I'm just on a small break from my photoshoot," he asked shyly.

Ladybug nodded, "Yeah of course, it's not a problem," she said with a light laugh.

Adrien nodded and sat down beside her before turning his head towards her, "So what brings you to the park?" He asked, trying to make conversation. He knew she was out on patrol but he still wanted to ask.

"Oh I just took a little break while patrolling, unfortunately my partner isn't available tonight, so it's a little boring," she said with a warm smile.

"Oh I see," Adrien said, feeling slightly guilty for leaving Ladybug alone, but he couldn't leave his photoshoot or his father would be extremely upset. "I'm sure he's busy and didn't mean to."

"Oh no I'm not mad," she said with a light laugh, "I know he's busy with his civilian life which is understandable, it's just a tiny bit boring doing it alone," she assured him.

Adrien nodded with a smile, "That's understandable, he's pretty cool if I do say so myself," he said.

"He's definitely not boring," Ladybug said, causing her and Adrien to laugh. "So what photoshoot are you doing now Mr. Model?" She asked, with a teasing hint in her voice.

Adrien blushed at that slightly, he always felt slightly nervous or uncomfortable when people referred to him as a model, which he was, he was still a normal person, but he knew it was never Ladybug's intention to make him uncomfortable and that she was kidding. 

"It's just a new late winter clothing line that my father's planning on releasing soon, unfortunately I have to model for it," he said with a sigh.

"I can't imagine the pressure," Ladybug said honestly, feeling bad for the poor boy. "But hopefully the clothing line will be worth it."

"For him," Adrien muttered under his breath, "Yes, it probably will."

Ladybug smiled at him and the two continued their friendly conversation about other things, it felt relieving for both teenagers to have someone to talk to right now.

Adrien was in the middle of telling Ladybug a funny story when an explosion in the distance caused them both to jump in surprise. Ladybug's eyes scanned the area and she began to hear screams coming from a distance, it was definitely an akuma.

"Not again," Ladybug sighed, rubbing her temples in frustration.

Adrien frowned as he stared ahead, an akuma attack really wasn't necessary right now, could they both ever catch a break?

He glanced over at Ladybug and noticed how tired she looked, the poor girl already seemed exhausted and now they had to deal with an akuma on top of it. Out of the corner of his eye, Adrien saw something shooting towards them, specifically Ladybug, and with his cat-like reflexes he quickly grabbed her and pushed them both onto the ground. Ladybug hadn't registered the thing that was flying towards them, it only hit her when she heard the crash of a building behind them. 

"I really wouldn't have seen that coming, thank you Adrien, but now I should get you somewhere safe," Ladybug said with a warm smile, but her expression was worried and determined.

Adrien nodded and Ladybug wrapped an arm around his body before attaching her yo-yo to a building structure and swinging them away. She landed on a building far away from the park and hopefully the akuma, before letting Adrien go. 

"Stay here you should be safe, I'll get you down once this is over," she said with a determined expression.

"Thank you Ladybug," Adrien said with a nod, "please be careful."

"I will," Ladybug assured him before swinging away.

Plagg flew out of Adrien's shirt with a small smile, "I thought you were in love with Marinette," he said, crossing his tiny arms.

"I am," Adrien said, furrowing his brows, "Ladybug is still my partner though, remember that," he said to Plagg.

"Do we really have to fight that thing? I haven't even had my third helping of cheese!" Plagg whined.

"You've had enough cheese to be fully powered up Plagg, I'll get you some later. Plagg, claws out!" Adrien said before transforming into his alter ego.

He began to jump from building to building until he saw a figure standing on a nearby one, it was Ladybug who had her watchful eyes on the akuma ahead of them. 

"Hello there M'lady, what are we dealing with this time?" Chat asked, as he stood next to her.

She turned to him with a smile and her arms crossed, "Hey kitty, and I'm not exactly sure yet, still trying to process everything," she said, her brows furrowed.

Chat nodded as his green eyes scanned the area until he saw a figure floating on a carpet, it was a young guy who was holding a shining lamp in one hand and a young girl who looked terrified in his other.

"Let me go! Just because I didn't want to dress up as Jasmine for your dumb costume party, doesn't mean you should get akumatized for it!" She shrieked yelling at the boy while frantically glancing down in fear.

"Now you don't have a choice my princess, you will be my Jasmine as I am your Aladdin!" He cackled evilly.

"You're so pathetic! Let me go you freak!" She yelled out loud, which only caused the guy to laugh even more.

Chat took this as an opportunity and leaped towards the akuma, slashing his claws along the carpet and causing it to rip in half. This caused the two teenagers that were on it to start tumbling down towards the ground. Chat quickly caught the young girl in his arms and leaped on top of the building that Ladybug was at.

"Smart move kitty, unfortunately there was no akuma in his magical carpet," Ladybug said with a frown.

"We'll find it don't worry, for now I need to take this young lady somewhere safe," he said, gesturing to the terrified girl in his arms.

Ladybug nodded, "Go ahead, I'll distract him," she said, as she watched the super-villain float back up onto another carpet.

"You think you could get rid of me that easily?" He cackled, "I have this for a reason," he pointed to the magical lamp in his hand.

"So that's where his akuma is," Ladybug said with a smile. "Lucky charm!"

Meanwhile, Chat leaped across buildings until he landed on one far away from the akuma, he set the young girl down who was now wearing a smile.

"Thank you Cat Noir," she said a little breathlessly.

"No problem, stay safe and out of trouble," he said with a friendly smile.

"Wait," she said, grabbing his hand, which confused Chat as he turned. She walked closer to him gently holding his hand, "I want to thank you with this," she said before leaning forward. As she neared his lips, Chat suddenly understood what she meant and shrugged her hand off and pushed her away.

"There's no need for that," he said with a nervous laugh as he backed away slowly.

"Why not? It's the least I could do to thank you and you're so underappreciated," she said with an innocent look as she neared him. "You're the hero Paris should look at more often."

Chat felt angry at her words, both him and Ladybug saved Paris everyday, sure he was underappreciated at times, but it didn't matter to him. To him, Ladybug and him were equals, no one should be brought down to bring someone else up.

"I appreciate your compliment but me and Ladybug are equal, you don't need to repay me in any way nor do I want you to," he said, his voice firm.

She scowled, "I'm over here complimenting you and you're getting offended over it," she said, crossing her arms angrily.

"You're not complimenting me, you're just trying to get what you want. Besides, my heart already belongs to someone else, so you might want to stay back," he said, and with that he jumped off that building and to another.

The girl could feel her anger rising at that, how could he reject someone like her? There was no doubt we'd be seeing her again. 

Meanwhile, Ladybug stared at her lucky charm in confusion while dodging the hits from the supervillain with her yo-yo. He could make things appear with the magic lamp in his hand, just like how a genie grants Aladdin wishes. He seemed to be angry about that girl not dressing up as Jasmine for his costume party, but she could tell there was something more to the story.

Chat landed beside her with a smile, "A lighter? What're you gonna do with that? Burn his carpet?" He asked confused.

Ladybug's eyes widened at that as she looked around while Chat covered for her, her eyes landed on Chat, the carpet, and the lighter.

"That's a great idea kitty!" Ladybug said with a smile.

"Ladybug," he deadpanned, "You know I wasn't serious!"

"Well the lucky charm is," she said with a wink. She quickly told her partner the plan and he nodded in approval.

"It's a little risky, but your miraculous ladybug's will fix everything in the end," Chat said with a smile.

Together they began to lead the villain over to where they were, the closer he got, the much easier it would be to put her plan into action.

"So how'd it go with that girl? Anything interesting happen?" Ladybug asked, as she dodged a sword coming her way with her yo-yo, grabbing it's handle and throwing it to the side.

"Oh I uh, it's going pretty well," Chat said with a blush on his face. "I might've kissed her today."

"You did?!" Ladybug asked, barely able to contain her excitement. "What did she do?"

 "She kissed me back," he said with a small smile, an excited glint in her eyes.

"That's adorable, I'm so happy for you kitty," Ladybug said, now dodging a plant pot.

"Thank you M'lady, I'd love to keep talking but I think it's finally time," he said gesturing to the villain who had now come closer to them.

"There's no escaping from me now," he cackled evilly, "Now you will give me your miraculous!"

"In your dreams, maybe you could call upon some Ladybug and Cat Noir merchandise if you're bored," Chat said teasingly, only causing the villain to growl.

"Chat now!" Ladybug said as she secured her yo-yo around the villain's body, she flicked the lighter on and managed to touch it at the end of his carpet, causing the fire to spread quickly.

"No my carpet!" The villain screamed, too shocked too notice anything else as he tried to put out the fire. 

Ladybug unwrapped the yo-yo as the villain dropped his lamp, "Cataclysm!" Chat called out and touched the lamp, turning it into dust. 

A purple akuma flew out of it and Ladybug quickly captured it, de-evilizing it, "Bye, bye, little butterfly!" She said to the white butterfly as it flew away. She picked up the lighter that had dropped to the ground and threw it up in the air, "Miraculous Ladybug!" The miraculous ladybug's quickly returned Paris to its original state, thankfully taking care of the carpet on fire first. Once everything was normal and the akumatized victim had returned to normal, he looked up confused.

"Pound it," the duo said in unison at their victory.

"W-Where am I? What happened?" The guy asked worriedly.

Ladybug walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "You were akumatized because of another girl I assume, do you want to talk about it?" She asked, knowing there was more to the story.

"I-" The boy said with a sigh. "I'm not sure what I did while I was akumatized, but I didn't mean anything. That girl, her name's Amber, I've liked her for a while now, so I invited her to my costume party I was having with some friends. She agreed and I suggested that we do a partner costume because it'd be cool and fun. Things took a turn from there and she began to insult me telling me my idea was stupid, I was stupid, and my party was stupid. Not to mention she has the biggest crush on Cat Noir. If she didn't want to she could've just said no, she crushed my feelings and anything I felt towards her," he finished.

Ladybug looked at him with a soft and comforting smile, "I'm so sorry she treated you like that, it isn't your fault. She doesn't deserve you and I promise you'll find someone better in the future," she said, squeezing his shoulder.

He smiled at both of them, "Thank you Ladybug, Cat Noir, it really helped to talk about this, and thank you for saving me," he said.

"It's no purrroblem dude, and if it makes you feel any better, I'm not into that chick from earlier, my heart belongs somewhere else," he assured him.

The guy, who's name was Erik, swatted his hand, "It's no biggie, I'm over her now, thank you," he said, giving them both a smile and walking away.

Ladybug smiled at him and her earrings beeped, "I would love to stay and chat kitty, but my kwami's tired. Wait, I almost forgot! I left Adrien on a building and told him I'd get him down when this was over!" She said panicking slightly.

"Don't sweat it M'lady, I'll get him down, see you later," Chat said, giving her a salute.

She nodded, "Thank you kitty. Bug out!" She said, before swinging away.

Chat still had a few minutes left before he transformed back, but he knew there was a photoshoot he had to get back to. He sighed at the thought before extending his staff and making his way back to the park. He'd just have to visit Marinette later.


Marinette plopped down on her bed exhausted, an akuma fight was not what she had in mind today or wanted to deal with, but at least she had helped a guy out and made him feel better. The thought caused her to smile, hopefully that boy wouldn't go back to that horrible girl.

"You were so nice to that boy Marinette, hopefully he makes the right decision and doesn't go back to that awful girl," Tikki said, holding a pink macaron.

"Yeah," Marinette said with a smile as she looked up at Tikki, "It's part of my job, of course I'd help."

Tikki giggled at that before speaking, "I'm surprised you talked to Adrien without any trouble today," Tikki said.

"Well, I'm not crazy in love with him so it makes things easier, Adrien's a good guy though and I hope he finds a great girl," she said, getting up and shrugging.

Tikki nodded and didn't say anything or else she would blurt out that Cat Noir and Adrien are the same person. At least Marinette didn't have any ill feelings towards Adrien after starting to like Chat.

"Hey Marinette, I...wanted to talk to you about something," Tikki said.

"What's up?" Marinette said, giving her kwami a friendly smile.

"Well since you're the guardian now, I think it would only be right for you to know Cat Noir's identity," Tikki said hesitantly.

"What?!" Marinette all but shrieked. "Tikki you know we can't, we're supposed to keep our identities a secret and remember what happened with Cat Blanc."

Tikki shook her head, "Marinette, I'm not telling you to tell him your identity, I'm only telling you that you should know his in case of an emergency. That way, he won't know you're Marinette and no akumatization will happen. Master Fu isn't the guardian anymore, only you are, I think it'd be better if you knew."

Marinette thought for a moment, she knew Tikki was right, but she was scared. Scared to know who he was behind the mask, even though she loved him completely, the thought still scared her. 

"Tikki I know you're right, but it's just that...I'm scared, scared to know who he really is in his civilian form. I feel like it'll change everything, if I know who he is as Ladybug, how am I supposed to act the same as Marinette when we hang out? Pretend that I don't know while I do? It'll be like betraying him and could make things much worse," Marinette said with a shaky breath.

"You shouldn't be scared Marinette, I know who Cat Noir really is, and I'm sure you won't regret knowing who he is. I see your point though, it would be hard to act, especially with the thing that's going on between you two," Tikki said.

"I think...I just need some time, time to figure things out with myself, and with him and I, to be able to make the right decision," Marinette replied.

"Of course, take your time Marinette, I know you'll make the right decision in the end," Tikki said encouragingly.

Marinette nodded and laid back in her bed, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Around 30 minutes later, she heard a faint tapping on her trapdoor, but being in her sleepy state she shrugged it off and assumed she was imagining things. There were a few more knocks but they finally stopped and Marinette fell back into a deep sleep.

Up on the balcony, Chat sighed after he got no response from his knocking and gave up.

She must've fallen asleep, he thought to himself, it was pretty late after all.

Holding the stem of a red flower between his mouth, Chat quickly scribbled a note and taped it onto her trapdoor, placing the flower onto it. He smiled to himself before hopping off her balcony and into the Paris night.

Hope you guys liked this chapter, I finally made them kiss! Things will be moving on more after this chapter between marichat, so I hope you'll love it! Anyways, hope you're all doing well, much love! <33

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