The Warners With Red

By Beautyyyshaker9000

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Yakko x Red ~Book 1~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Crazy. Love. And rakish-ness. Red Pandalore's her name and she's a forgotten... More

Opening Theme
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1

192 2 0
By Beautyyyshaker9000

"Thank you! Thank you, so much!" I smiled in glee happy have a place to call home though the place I was to temporarily live in was with a toon who was really loud...I mean, LOUD.

I finally got a job at the Warner Movie Lot. After being a forgotten cartoon drawing and being introduced to the staff, I was told that my role here was to be part of Jay-Pac's waiters and helpers, in his show. I helped set up everything that he needed me to put up and sort out the Discs that needed to be played, while we worked to get everything ready.

Jay-Pac seemed to love the color purple, since that exactly what he wore for every single show he puts up. Purple hats, clothes, pants maybe, shoes...actually, I think they were, I don't always look out for him I wasn't really that interested but that was my role.

He then did those, unbelievable- looking, poses and tried to look dashing and lovable, making me his audience since I was the only one in there, sorting everything out. He then looked at me as if inquiring something from me.

"Hmm, what should the stage look like? And what should I put?!" He asked me, in his rough, yet raspy African voice, with a smile. I rolled my black eyes as I stared at the undecorated stage, thoughtfully, while sorting out the magazines that layed out on the tables at the front desk, of the warehouse.

If you want to know who my character is, then I shall tell you. I am an interesting cartoon individual, of a red panda (but call me 'panda' and you will regret it). Yes, I am that animal. A toon that has inexplicable velvety, red fur, soft black paws, a red face as well but with white patches of fur around my black eyes, have whiskers and a stripped red and white tail, same for my ear on top of my head, as they twitch to sounds heard from afar and near. I wore a black shirt with glittery, golden vynil printed with cursive words that said, Anger me, or I'll bite! I also wore an orange knee-length, skirt yet it felt silky to the touch having two small hallow pockets. I'm a toon, so I can make anything happen.

The shuffling of papers and discs, to Jay-Pac's vents about how good and perfect sounding, he would be as a singer, as soon as he stands on that stage, we're unbearably, the only source of sounds that my ears have picked up.

Now, to me, Jay-Pac was a shallow man, and is still is. With all his blinging rings and shiney, bold letters, JP, necklace on his brown skinned neck, his golden wireless microphone was all he had clutched so far, while his other hand worked and surprisingly didn't need much help but decorating did, so there was me he had to ask. He was full of himself, although a man, he is still a child, that I could get annoyed at everything he talks about, especially with the girls but I won't get to that point. I know he means we'll, but he can be too much.

"Hmm...I think, I have an idea!" I dropped everything down and zipped past him, swiftly putting up the decorations, such as the blue light bulbs that outlined the the letters JAYPAC and painting the letters in blue, as well, which my tail did for me while my top half busied itself with the things to place onto the stage.

"Perfecto, Red!" He exclaimed, with a happy cheer. It looked perfect and yes, he called me Red, because I was introduced to JayPac, by Matthais the guy who drew me, and placed me under Pac's care. I was grateful, yet annoyed. Ever since we met, he has shoved binds of paper into my arms but they had to stretch to get me to take each and everyone of them, until I realised they were a preparation of the party and errands I had to do for him. I knew, that it would be a VERY, long day.

Every celebrity of the Warner Studios, was invited to the show. There were three other celebs, who people were hesitant to talk about since they were locked away for 22 years and rumers about them were all, bad ratings. So, fortunately, I wouldn't have to see or meet them in this disco, or they might sabatogge our party. And I didn't want any party crashers.

Other people came to check out, our warehouse and asked if they could help out, since they knew Jay-Pac, the best singer and rapper of all time, and he allowed them while he got everything set.

They then set their eyes on me, with a look of confusion yet with a tinge of disgust, but they sure didn't show it and and asked him who I was. He told them dismissively that I was just a helper and a side character to the set. I felt bad inside, as my ears drooped slightly, but I shoved that thought away, because it was true, but he didn't have to be so, out-going about it.

While I helped around, I heard that he was far more better than Shakespeare. In the little time I had in between work times, I quickly sifted through my pockets for my iPhone. Pulled that out and clicked away on the buttons, searching who he was. The Internet scooped up William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist. I scanned through for his poems and they were divine, and so heartfelt. No one could compare to such an art. I frowned. I wonder, why they say JayPac, was way better than Shakespeare? I tucked the phone back in and continued.

"Where do I put this, Jay?" A man asked, holding out a disco light, with lots of strings tangled about, which almost tangled him as well.

Then through the next few hours, we worked our backs off, to set everything perfectly and right. There I was, walking and running, back and forth and back and forth with every errand I did. It wasn't at all adventurous and fun. He didn't even say, Please! In any of his inquiries. Huffed in disappointment but shrugged it off.

The celebs finally came and it was, slightly, a better change than to be bossed around by a certain, pompous, brown skinned, singer.

"Welcome, to the party, everyone!" I greeted, as everyone put on a smile but they were still awkward about havibg me around because I was different from everyone else and I was an unusual drawing. But, I was relieved to see that they rushed to the front stage to meet JayPac and fangirled over him. And he was drowned in admiration from his fans and peers. I shook my head and chuckled abit.

"Men, go figure!" I muttered lowly.

Just then a robot came in and spoke in a robotic voice, "Someone order a DJ?!" He replied in a gruff voice yet a way?

He had on, a metal mask that looked like the 1900s gas masks and had on grey and black ninja looking suit, made of metal too but had a hint of purple to it, as well as his mask, having a hint of pink, in both its eyes.

"Hi, I'm Red!" I greeted warmly towards him, and he only gave a slight nod.

"Hello...Red, pleased to meet your aquaintance." It replied robotically.

"Okay, who is really in there?" I asked as I climbed onto him and tried to take a peek, through the pink eyes, since there was a saying that said, The eyes are the windows, to your soul.

When I was close to looking inside, the robot slapped me away but not so hard as injuring me. But I only hit the ground with a slight thud but not enough to capture unwanted attention.

"Please, don't do that." It said monotonously, and made its way to the host of this warehouse, and started to talk with him. I sighed and looked back at the things I had to do for Jay and the party.

I stood up dusting myself since he or it didn't help me back up so I had to do it independently.

"Why do I always have to clean up, mess after mess, after mess?" I mumbled quietly that no one could hear.

"Let's get this party started!" My red ears twitched as he said that.

"YEAH!" The people siad in unison. I gulped hard when I realised it would get loud, the second the music would start to blast out and I was not the loud type of animal, nor was I in the mood.

Lights! Camera! Action!

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