Camp Cretaceous x Reader

By MintPm

9K 161 84

Oc fic (cause I couldn't resist drawing fan art but im not editing out the y/n inserts) just a 13 year old gi... More

🦖The Day 🦖
Camp Cretaceous
Goodnight Campers
Gyrosphere Adventure
And So It Begins
Not Safe
Hello Again
Welcome To Jurassic World

Happy Birthday Eddie!

352 9 2
By MintPm

Sammy and Yasmina pull open the back doors, you stand cautiously beside Darius and look up at Kenji as he says "Its an ACU transport!.- Asset containment unit." he goes on shoving past you and into the back of the van "Got the tour of their HQ. Super hardcore dino-trapping security dudes."  "Then where are they?" Darius asks looking up at the older boy, there is no sight of anyone being near this van, the first you imagine is someone being swallowed whole. Van abandonment on account of a dinosaur they couldn't handle. a person being dragged away straight from where you stand.

"Is that a tablet?" Brooklynn asks shoving Kenji aside as she jumps into the van, wasting no time grabbing the tablet and turn it on. Sammy steps into the van spotting a radio and picks it up with a sigh "what did they tell us?" she asks quickly remembering "Oh, right. Come on, channel six." she says fiddling with the nob to get it to the right channel "Dave, Roxie! Can y'all hear us?" There is only static on the radio.

"And Of Course this doesn't have communication enabled. Because y'know what? Why would it?" Brooklynn practically shouts frustratedly almost dropping the tablet "If I had my phone!-" she begins but is surprisingly cut off by a much too tired Darius "ENOUGH ALREADY! There are bigger things going on here than your phone!" he snaps. You look at Brooklynn who is stunned and suddenly saddened, do you feel bad? No, obviously, you know its bad when Darius is fed up.

The tablet begins beeping and Brooklynn looks back down at it as you all gather around her to take a look as well  "There is a map program with little moving dots on it." she says."They chip all the dinosaurs electronically to track them, see?" Darius says tapping the screen "there's us, and there's.." he had tapped on one of the dots that was far from us on the map, a Brachiosaurus ID popped up "Wait. Here's the Brachiosaurus Grove on the map" Kenji says pointing on the map "So why are the Brachiosauruses way over there?" He asks pointing back to a patch of Brachiosauruses. Darius steps past Kenji "I think maybe the fences are down. At least some of them." Bumpy who is still outside the van begins to squeal and growl

You turn to the noisy seemingly frightened Bumpy as she continues to squeal impatiently. Ben quickly stumbles out of the van and wraps his arms around Bumpy "Easy, girl." he tries to calm her. Then heavy feet hit the ground in the distance, shaking trees and fluttering branches. Time stands still in that moment until Bumpy lets out a frightened whine

"Guys?" Ben calls having been the only one to really notice this disturbance "Something's coming this way.." Ben trails "That's weird" Brooklynn says staring at the tablet "Whatever that is, it isn't showing up on the tablet."  "what kind of dinosaur wouldn't have a transponder?" Darius asks "I'm not in the mood to find out" Kenji responds in a scared whisper.

Yasmina walks to the end of the van "shh!" she shushes the squealing dinosaur aggravatedly. you step next to Yasmina "Ben make her be quiet!" you whisper with a whine, just as you do this a bone chilling roar is heard, you gasp loudly, its close! "we gotta go now!" Darius yells "GoGoGo!" you help pull Bumpy into the van as Ben lifts her from the back and gets in after her slamming the door behind him. You all buckle up into the back of the van

But the van isn't moving. You are all braced, frightened and tired. You hug yourself tightly with your eyes squeezed shut and only open them once Darius himself notices.."Wait! Doesn't anyone know how to drive a van!?" he asks, you all look ahead to see the empty seat "No. But we drove gyrospheres, right? It can't be that different!" Sammy asks to which Ben replies "The gyrospheres had joysticks and a Jimmy Fallon tutorial. I-I don't even have my learners permit!"
"I do!" Kenji shouts jumping into the drivers seat "hands at ten and two-" he begins to whisper to himself "Kenji!""Go!""Drive" screams come from all of you.

Kenji slams on the gas urgently, the tires screech before you are all jolted and yknow, he begins driving in reverse. "Rong way! Rong way!" Ben shouts, Kenji shifts gears and steps on the gas going forward, You scream as the Indominous becomes visible pushing through the shrubbery, It roars as you drive away, its on your tail, you begin to feel faint, Sammy leans over Kenji's seat "It's gainin'! go faster!" Sammy shouts to him "I can't!" Kenji replies "You're in the wrong gear!" Yasmina shouts "Well how do i shift gears!?" Kenji shouts "Well, how should i know?" Ben shouts as bumpy loudly bellows

I You all scream at the sight of the Indominous as it lunges for the van, it barely misses the van by a sharp turn. "Its coming!" Darius yells "Step on that thing!" Sammy commands "ZigZag!" Darius instructs "Are you Signaling!?" Brooklynn asks irritably "Can everyone not yell at me while im saving our lives!?" Kenji yells. The Indominous looks down into the windows looking directly through with a roar and you all let out more screams of terror, you can see the blood on its teeth and want to get No further look quickly covering your face with your hands.

Yasmina reaches over the front seat and grabs the steering wheel "Drive!" she screams quickly swerving the van left, you've lost the Indominous!. And have fallen over the edge off a cliff! you scream as the van drops wrapping your arms around your stomach as you and the others are lifted into the air until you reach out to pull Bumpy on the bench next to you to make sure she doesn't fall hard from being thrown against the roof of the van in the fall. Luckily Ankylosaurses can withstand pretty much anything being one of the most well armoured dinosaurs.

You hold onto Bumpys sides keeping her steady and groan with the rest of the grunts coming from the others as the van hits the ground. You squeeze your eyes shut as you continue down a steep hill of course. Others whimpering as speed continues to increase, tree branches breaking against the windshield. You hit the end of the hill and are launched over rocks skidding to a stop that almost tips the van but it lands straight on the road.

You are all panting now that the van has come to a stop, you are exhausted. Bumpy steps over you to stand between you and Ben and she nudges him gently. You and Darius exchange worried and tired glances "At least we lost the Indominous." Brooklynn says "Now..where do we go?" Yasmina says softly. Bumpy squeals to get Bens attention who seems to be focused on something else so you reach over and pet her head "How about into the genetics lab?" Ben suggests, you follow where his hand points and look up, there it is..the genetics lab. You all give him surprised looks "it's a gift." he says.

You all enter the genetics lab, greeted by dim red lights and cool air despite the fact it doesn't even seem to be conditioned. The doors hiss as they slide open to the lab that you had stepped in once before, you take your hoodie sliding it back on as you all walk into the lab. Sitting there on the table is a cake with candles still lit "what?" Darius whispers. suddenly something pops out from behind the table and you all scream jumping back you grip Sammy's arm and a bright light is shun on all of you.

There is a man in a birthday hat with the name Eddie written across it, he sighs dropping the lamp he had turned on "Not dinosaurs. You're not dinosaurs." he says to himself then slouching over the table "This is the worst birthday ever." he mumbles and you can't help but let out an exasperated breath
'he's just here all alone on his birthday?'
You all relax and you let go of Sammy leaning against the doorframe.

Darius steps forward "we are so happy we found you!" he says and Eddie steps back and pushes past all of you peeking his head out the door you just came from "mhm- yeah." he says not really paying attention to any of you, when Eddie gets a look at Darius he grimaces "what happened to you?" he asks. Darius begins to explain how you all got here while the rest of you flood into the lab

You stand beside the table Yasmina takes a seat on as Kenji begins cutting into the cake, he hands Sammy a slice and begins putting one away  himself. Sammy takes a bite then gets another piece shoving her fork in your mouth, you lean back against the table a bit shocked before eating it "are you trying to kill me?" you ask playfully "did i poke you?" she gasps "im sorry! Here have another!" Sammy forks another bite of cake into your mouth throwing you into a giggly fit

Brooklynn pushes past a revolving chair to use the landline "Okay Sammy seriously, enough." you say after she had quickly fed you half a slice of cake. You look down at Ben then up at Darius as he walks over to the rest of you. Kenji cuts him a piece of cake and you look up at  the Eddie who is now pressed against the tinted window trying to look out of it. "Again, we are so happy we found you! Things are crazy!" Darius says turning back to Eddie

Eddie nods as he moves and peeks out the door "You're sure you closed the door behind you, right?" he asks
"..Uh, i think so." Darius replies "You think? or you know?" he asks turning back to all of you. Kenji belches starting on his next slice of cake and you all glare at him "Sorry?" Kenji says "Did you want it back?" he asks gesturing to give the plate to Eddie and you let out an exasperated sigh. "You know what? doesn't matter." Eddie says turning back to the door  "The dinosaurs got out and no one bothered to tell me, they just ran. so why not? Knock yourself out." he says crouching down beside the door.

Brooklynn groans as she finishes trying with the phone "Ugh! there's no dial tone!" she lets herself fall back in the revolving chair "The landlines are down. So is the radio, and cell phone service keeps cutting out." Eddie says "But the park obviously has a plan. So, what's that plan? what do we do?" Darius asks and Eddie laughs "Is that,like, a good freaky laugh?" Sammy asks and you put a hand on her shoulder "Sammy" you scold in a soft tone.

"Do you not get it? We're doomed." Eddie says standing and walking towards Darius "No one is coming to help!" he says causing Kenji glance back at you Sammy and Yasmina wryly  "But about Dr.Wu or-" Kenji begins and flinched when Eddies head snaps towards him "Wu? Who do you think is to blame? Wu got greedy. Instead of dinosaurs, he built monsters!" Eddie says pointing back at the dim glowing incubator and the eggs inside of it

Eddie begins to walk up to the incubator and picks up one of the eggs"Masrani, Dearing, they're all clueless about what's really going on here. And after all i did for the other guys-" Eddie says with another laugh setting the egg down "Other guys? what other-" Brooklynn begins but Eddie cuts her off "It doesn't matter does it? Jurassic world isn't a park. It's a powder keg, and its detonating all around us! We're all going down. End of story." he says this dramatically causing Kenji to drop his plate, soft gasps coming from the campers with fear rising once more.

"No, you have to know what to do. You're an adult" Darius says with desperation
"Don't look at me" Eddie says raising his hands "I was just hiding until you all barged in."   "But wr drove all the way here 'cause!-" Darius begins "Woah woah woah, You have a vehicle?" Eddie asks rushing up to darius with a grip on his arms that makes Darius wince before he lets go pushing Darius back and runs out the door. You stand straight and look around at the others "Guys, I left the keys in the van." Kenji states.

You are all running out after Eddie "Stop! what are you doing?" Darius shouts as you all run after him "Getting outta here alive!" he shouts. Yasmina takes off ina sprint, if anyone can overtake Eddie, it's her. Bumpy squeals at Yasmina stopping in front of the girl causing Yaz to trip over the small dinosaur "Bumpy!" she growls irritably and gets back on her feet running back towards the van, she stops when Eddie starts it and swerves around her but continues to follow behind the van down the road. She is almost caught up to it when the Indominous comes headbutting it off the road and she falls back to the ground.

You all scream as it roars and runs up to the van, you run and meet Yasmina half way on her way back to the rest of you. Once Yasmina is secure in your grip you look up hearing the scream of Eddie, he had crawled under the van but the Indominous turns it over and suddenly clamps down on Eddie, you gasp in horror hearing his bones snap and blood splatter but before any further gruesome action Yasmina grips your arm and begins running pulling you along to catch up with the rest of the already fleeing group.

You can eventually continue at your own pace fast enough for Yasmina to let go. You all run past storage containers to be met with a large fence causing you all to complain "what!?" "Come on, are you kidding me?"  "PERFECT! The parks only intact fence!" Kenji yells the last one with intense sarcasm slamming his hands against one of the metal bars. The Indominous's roar echoes, it's coming for you, and you're stuck.You all run along the fence and hide behind large piles of rocks all crouched low to the ground. You sit between Yasmina and Ben who is hugging Bumpy. You pull your knees to your chest and let out a shaky breath.

"I told you she'd get in the way! if it wasn't for her, I could have made the van!" Yasmina whispers angrily to Ben "Would you just leave him alone?" you whisper back just as upset "Stay out of it." Yasmina demands "No!-" You are cut off  "Maybe if you'd stop babying him  he'd have a chance to grow a pair and we wouldn't have to drag around Two helpless toddlers" Kenji snaps and you gasp "I do not!" you reply while Ben continues with Yasmina  "Bumpy saved your life." he says sternly "Why couldn't you just leave her behind!?" Yasmina snaps "Because I won't abandon her like we were." Ben says causing all of your arguing to stop.

The silence that follows Ben's words is more sad than tense "..Ben's right." Darius says looking up at all of you "we're on our own." After he says this there comes an ear shattering roar, you all scream and you close your eyes covering your ears turning to press yourself against the rock. Its right behind you.. you hear it snarl and the harrowing footsteps shaking you to your core. Bumpy jumps from bens grasp and beging braying. Ben gasps and you flinch as Bumpy tries to paw at you, you open your eyes hold onto her.

You hear the Indominous snarl. Darius turns back to all of you and shushes you, you look up from hugging Bumpy to see Darius get up and peek around the corner from where you are standing, your heart begins to beat rapidly. Darius motions forward for you all to follow, Ben grips his shoulder trying to tell him against it but Darius moves forward, you look down at Bumpy then quickly stand to your feet as you all run behind a large storage container.

Darius peeks around the next corner, you are trying to keep your breathing steady and not have a panic attack while playing the worlds most dangerous game of hide and seek. You are prepared to run again when you see Darius move out on the other side of the storage container but he gasps and quickly ducks behind a barrel. you hear the Indominous and its loud footsteps growing quicker so you make the split second decision to run for it. You barely make it behind the container.

You look around and see Darius to your left and Brooklynn and the other girls to your right
'oh my god where are they!?'
You hear the indominous roar as its rapid ground shaking footsteps stop. You turn your head with Darius as you both peek around the side of the storage container to see Ben Kenji and Bumpy piled together behind two barrels. Darius signals for them to come over but Kenji shakes his head, you slap your hands over your moth as the Indominous snarls, it is leaned down directly behind the boys, it is behind the barrels and all it takes is a step for them..for them.. You don't even want yo think about the possibility.

Darius looks down grabbing a rock and jumps to his feet, you gasp softly as Darius runs to the other side of the container and throws it against distant barrels, you turn your attention back to the other two boys and the small Dino as they run over as soon as the Indominous leaves to inspect the echoing noise. You pant softly from holding your breath the entire time That wad happening, you turn away from them and look ahead at the open van that is just ahead of you.

Darius runs past to another storage container, the last one before you all finally reach the van. Darius motions for you all to follow and you do, Brooklynn trips and falls groaning as she hits the ground, the tablet she had had in her hand begins thrilling. you all begin to run off "Brooklynn!" Sammy calls pulling from Yasminas grip to run tp Brooklynn "Sammy!" you yell but have no time to run, you watch as Sammy pulls Brooklynn from the ground just as Yasmina grips your arm and pulls you along to the van.

You look around and see Darius isn't here either. By the time you and Ben have got Bumpy into the van you see them making their way towards you. You all load into the van buckling up. Yasmina shoves Kenji into the passengers seat "Im driving." she says starting up the van.
you become anxious looking around at who is all in the van "Wait! Where's Darius?" you call causing all the others to look out of the van.

You watch as Darius screams to escape the Indominous, he slides under a storage container that it gets its head stuck under, he braces himself for death which  knocks the breath out of you until he finally gets up and sprints for the van. As soon as Darius jumps in the back Yasmina steps on the gas and you are driven away from the Indominous.

Darius pants heavily, his pants soon turn into chuckles the father away you get from the Indominous. you shove his chest gently "Don't! you could have Died!" you say sternly but of course you can't help but laugh as he continues to laugh "oh my god this kid" you say through giggles leaning against Sammy who begins to giggle at this and soon enough the whole van is in a laughing fit "Yeah!" Kenji cheers

You hear a faint voice over the radio "Kids? Come on, pick up!" Its Roxie! "there's something going on. stay at camp, we're headed to you." Roxie says, Darius grips the Radio "No! we're headed to you!" he says with a smile "Darius- wait- why are you-" Roxie begins "we're fine, but we had to leave camp." Darius says "what!?" You hear both the councilors say in unison "Long story." Dares replies. "Short story, a dinosaur ate camp." Yasmina says "Shorter story, epic leader Kenji somehow got everyone out safely." Kenji adds "And then we found a van, And Bumpy!" Ben finishes with a small squeal from bumpy "We're cutting through the jungle and heading to the main park. Should be there soon." Darius says shutting off the radio.

"We're getting out of here!" Brooklynn shouts and you all cheer. you sit back and let out a tired yet relieved sigh. Kenji looks back at Darius "Good job not getting me eaten, bro." he says with a smile "Thanks, "Brah"" Darius says and you cringe sitting up with a laugh "oh no you- you made that sound weird. No more bro talk for you." Kenji says. You look around at all your fellow campers with a big smile, on each side of you Ben and Sammy sit, you couldn't have done this without any of them.

Brooklynn reaches out offering a high five to Sammy making you smile
'its their time!'
Finally to put all that nonsense behind. Sammy laughs happily "we did it camp family!" she says raising her hand to give Brooklynn a high five "And not a moment too-" She is cut off when the van is bumped over a pile of rocks.

you are all shaken and you feel something hit your thigh then hear it hit the floor of the van, you look down to see..Brooklynn's gasp at the sight and look up at Sammy with furrowed brows, she looks at you then at Brooklynn who begins to speak
"My phone.." Brooklynn says in shock then fueled with anger "I knew it!" she says looking up at Sammy
'it was true..'

"huh?" Yasmina turns back, a look of disbelief in her eyes "Sammy?" she whispers, all eyes are on Sammy, none on the road to see that there is a split in the road and you are going to crash into a rock.
You all scream with the realization but by then it's too late.

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