The Bat & The Witch {1}

By storyforfun3311

29.5K 609 39

BOOK 1 OF 2 "A witch in love with a creature of the night. What a sob story." - Lex Luthor (BRUCE WAYNE/BAT... More

<Chapter 1: Funnel-Ferry Butterbar>
<Chapter 2: Nightmares>
<Chapter 3: The Party>
<Chapter 4: Vaher>
<Chapter 5: The Rock>
<Chapter 6: Batman>
<Chapter 8: Project Witch>
<Chapter 9: Bruce!>
<Chapter 10: Doomsday>
<Chapter 11: Let it go, Laia>
<Chapter 12: Together>
<Chapter 13: A Promise>

<Chapter 7: Laia>

1.4K 31 1
By storyforfun3311

Third Person's POV

Bruce threw a hammer down on the tire and kept repeating the process. He was getting ready for a fight with Superman.

He finally had what he needed.

Bruce did pull ups with weights chained to his waist.

He had the rock.

Bruce made a sure that the rock was indestructible.

He had Laia back, or so he hoped it was her.

Bruce pulled a rope, pulling the tire across the floor.

Now all he needed to do was destroy the god called Superman.

Bruce looked through the other files of the LEXCORP page, and found a file called META HUMAN. He clicked on it and it showed 5 files. He clicked on one and looked at a picture of Diana Prince. He watched a video of her at the ATM. Then, he found a picture of her in 1918. She was a Meta Human. He exited out of her file and clicked on the one that had a L on it. It showed a picture of Laia, or the girl he thinks is her. He clicked on a video.

"Okay." A young teenage boy said. He walked out and stood in front of the camera. "My name is Lex Luthor. And today is test 1 of Project Witch." He turned the camera to show a girl around the age of 15 and a water bottle on a table. "Alright. Go ahead, Lais." The girl nodded. She turned to the bottle and pointed her hand at it. Red energy surrounded her hand and the bottle floated in the air for two seconds before dropping. Young Lex chuckled in happiness. "Did you see that?! Did you see that? She's amazing." The girl smiled and the video ended. Bruce tried to enhance the video, but it was too blurry. He moved onto the next video. This time, Lex Luthor was older. "Alright. My name is Lex Luthor. Today is test 809 of Project Witch." He turned the camera to a girl around the age of 17 and a book on the table. "Okay. Begin." The girl pointed her hands out at the book. Red energy surrounded her hand again, and the book floated for about a minute before dropping. "It's progress. We're getting closer to proving that the Meta-Human thesis exists. Good job, Lais." The video ended. He moved onto a picture and it shocked him. The picture was of 13-year-old Laia. It was taken 5 days after she "Died". So now he knew he was right, Laia Vaher is alive, and he had her back.

Laia's POV

I woke up on a comfortable bed. I looked around and saw I was in a room I didn't recognize. I got up, and remembered I was shot. I looked down and saw I was wearing a shirt that I didn't own. I pulled it up and saw I had a bandage over my right side. I pulled my shirt back down. The last thing I remembered was Batman.

"Apologizes, miss." I heard a man say. I turned to see someone I remembered from a long time ago. "But Master Wayne insisted that I leave you in here."

"Alfred." I said. He smiled at me and walked in.

"Hello, Mistress Laia." He said. "It's been a long time."

"It has." I said. "Where am I?"

"Wayne Manor." He said. "But not the one you remember."

"Why not?" I asked.

"The original Wayne Manor burned down several years ago." He said. "Master Wayne built this one to resemble the original. Although, I still think it has too many staircases." I chuckled, softy. "Miss, if I must say, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, Alfred." I said. "Can I ask, how did I end up here?"

"Master Wayne brought you here." He said.

"But that's impossible." I said. "Batman took me, so how could I end up...unless..." It all clicked in my mind. "Unless...Bruce is Batman, isn't he?"

"I'm afraid so, Miss." He said. I couldn't believe it. "Master Wayne is down in the basement, if you want to see him."

"Basement?" I asked. "But the original Manor didn't have a basement."

"I meant, the Batcave." He said. Oh.

(Time Skip)

I walked down the stairs and saw Bruce sitting at his desk. I didn't know what I was going to say to him. Suddenly, a jacket was thrown at me. I held it and looked at Alfred. 

"It's cold down there, Miss Laia." He said. I nodded.

"Thank you." I said as I put it on. I sighed and walked into the room Bruce was in. He was staring at a picture of me when I was13. "I see you are looking back on the past."

He turned to me. 

"Just wanted to remember what it was like before..." He trailed off.

"Before I left?" I asked. He nodded.

"How did you survive?" He asked. I sighed.

"Well, it all started the day my parents died." I said and begun my story. "My mother was making lunch for us. My father was reading the newspaper at the table. I was playing in my room. We were on the 3rd floor. I wanted to play with my dolls, so I went to look for them under my bed. Instead, I found a bomb. I couldn't read what the brand was on it. So, I called my parents into the room. They came in. My mother saw the bomb first. She told my father what it was, and they quickly tried to get me out of the building. They knew the whole floor was gonna blow so they told me to get out through the fire escape. I cried and said I didn't want to leave them. But they said they'd be fine. So, I went down. And when I got to the ground..." A tear rolled down my face as my voice started to crack of sadness. " was already too late. The building exploded and I got hit in the head by a brick. When I woke up, I was in the woods. I didn't know where I was or how I got there. I was there for 2 days, until I found a family camping. Lex found me. He convinced his parents to adopt me. And I've been with them ever since." He stood up and walked over to me.

"I'm sorry about your parents." He said. I nodded.

"It's okay, Bruce." I said, wiping away my tears as I sniffled. "And I understand why you didn't look for me. You thought that I was dead. It's fine. I wouldn't look for me either."

"No, I did." He said. "Laia, I tried so hard to look for you. But Gordon, he...he convinced me that there was no way you'd survived the explosion. I'm so sorry that I didn't keep looking." He slowly reached out and grabbed my hand. "I'm not gonna make that mistake ever again." I nodded.

"I know." I said. "But Lex is dangerous. He'll be looking for me. I have to go." I tried to walk away but he held me in place.

"Laia, no." He said.

"Bruce, you don't understand." I said. "He killed everyone in the capital. Even his own worker. He'll kill anyone who gets in the way of what he wants."

"That's why you're staying here." He said.

"If I don't leave, he'll hunt Batman down to find me." I said.

"Let him come." He said. He let go of my hand and put his hands on the sides of my face. "I'll fight to keep you safe."

"I know." I said, putting my hands over his. I took his hands off the sides of my face. "But I can't let you risk your life for me." I started to walk away, but he grabbed my hand.

"Laia, please." He begged, with tears coming to his eyes. "I...I can't lose you again."

"I know." I said, my heart hurting from the pain of leaving him.

I pulled my hand out of his and walked to the door. I stopped and looked back at him, with tears in my eyes.

"Huvasti." I said and walked out, letting a tear roll down my face.  




"Huvasti." -> (Goodbye.)

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