(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Ch...

By Senpai025

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Please make sure to read (Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice... Before reading this please!! ~~ Osamu Dazai, a... More

Author's Note!!
What I Wish For..
Unexpected Allies...
A Tiger's Story..
Her Anger..
Beautiful Summer Day...
My Little Sunshine..
The Truth in His Words...
Us Losers..
The Secret to Love...
Humming Bird...
Take Apart...
The Right Way...
With A Stranger....
Our Stories...

The Stories of a True Friend..

724 44 75
By Senpai025

"Atsushi-kun..." Kaori mumbled, as she looked around the office.

"Hm? What's the matter Kaori-chan?" He asked, giving her his full attention

"Have you seen my daddy?" 

"Dazai-san? He and Kunikida had a job to do today, he should be back by noon though."

Kaori looked down at the ground which made Atsushi feel a little sad. If anything, Kaori hated being separated from her dad for a long period of time. She even cried on her first day of school, not wanting to leave Dazai's arms.


"Did you need something? I may not be your dad but I can still help." Atsushi smiled.

"Well....I wanted to go and see someone today."

"See someone? A friend?" 

Kaori nodded, "I guess you could say that." She replied.

Atsushi didn't know why she said it like that but decided to just roll with it anyway. Placing his work aside as he stood up.

"Alright then, let's go!"


"Here Atsushi-kun." Kaori said, stopping in front of a certain grave. Atsushi was rather shocked that this was the place Kaori was talking about..

He knelt down and glanced at the grave, "S Oda, who's that?"

"My dad's friend.."

Atsushi nodded, "Ah..." 

Sakunosuke Oda, or as Dazai used to call him, Odasaku. A lowly grunt for the Port Mafia, the one who would get all the jobs that no one else wanted. But four years ago he died while there was a fight out between the Port Mafia and a certain gang called Mimic.

"Dad...would tell me stories.." Kaori whispered, as she gently patted the grave. "Stories of how this man lived, dreamed, and how he made my dad's life more colorful and fun...it always made me cry whenever daddy told me the stories. Cause I could feel how much he missed him." She said.

Atsushi could already imagine it. The way Dazai might smile while telling the story...but in reality it pained him...to be reminded of something he lost...

"Really? You mind telling me some of the stories?" 

Kaori nodded with a smile, as Atushi and her sat next to the grave.

"Hmm...why don't I start with these stories...my three most favorite ones."


"Bwahahah! Odasaku, you really do know how to make my day!" A young man, Dazai Osamu, laughed as he placed his drink down.

"Really? I find myself rather plain."

"Ahhh-no no Odasaku!" Dazai pointed his finger at Odasaku, "You take that back or I shall cast a spell on you!" He grinned.

Sakunosuke Oda was sitting next to him, listening to his friend acting like a fool. But he enjoyed it, enjoyed the time he had with him.

"Really? What spell?"

"The truthy, puthy, yuthy spell!" He cheered.

"Ah, interesting." 

"I cast this spell on youuu~" he started waving his hands in the air, "AoooAooo! I cast this spell on youu!" He then clapped his hands together with a smile.

"You casted it?"

"Mhm! Now you no longer think bad of yourself!" 

"I see....I think it worked."

"Yahoo! I'm a wizard Odasaku! A wizzardd!" Dazai took a huge sip of his glass before stretching his arms up. 



"Do you have...a pen and paper?"

"Pen and paper?" Odasaku grabbed a pen from his pocket and asked the bartender for a paper which he gave rather quick. Odasaku then handed it to his friend. "Here you go." He said.

"Yayyy~" Dazai giggled, taking the paper and pen and started scribbling on it.

"You writing to someone?" 

"Mhmm, but it's a secret~" Dazai whispered, as he continued to write.

"I see.."

Odasaku then continued to drink while Dazai continued writing. Time going by slowly, as the clock near the back of the bar ticked.

"Done~" Dazai smiled, as he lifted the letter up and examined it.

"Oh, looks like that person has a lot to read." 

"Mhm, they do." Dazai then placed his head down and put the letter in front of Odasaku.

"What? You want me to read for corrections?"

"Nooo, it's for you."

Odasaku was shocked by that. Dazai wrote him a letter? Random yet what did he expect really. Dazai wasn't as normal as he thought he was. Placing his drink down, Odaskau grabbed the letter and began to read it.

Odasaku.....I wanna write this for you. But I don't know what to put so I'll  put stuff on as I go :D

Odasaku chuckled as he continued on.

Odasaku....you're such a great person..and Ango too...you both make life so much more fun for me, and sometimes I wonder how life would've been like if I haven't met you..

If I didn't stop and talk to you under that cherry blossom tree..

Or asked you out to drink...

I wonder if I'd still be the way I am now...

But still, rather then focusing on the weird stuff that didn't happen I should focus on the now. The time and place that I am at now. Which as I've said, is fun because of you..

A mafioso who doesn't kill...so weird yet interesting...

A Mafioso with a kind heart....one who cares for orphans and even traitors too...one who cares for people like me..

To me Odasaku...you're my hero...

The bright and awesome hero from the comics that make all the people happy. That's what you are to me...and I'm sure...you're like that to many other people. :)

So thank you....thank you...thank you Odasaku for being someone I can count on.

-Osamu Dazai ☆

"Ah, Da-," but when he glanced back at his friend, he realized he was asleep. Snoring softly as his chest lifted up and down. Sighing Odasaku took the pen from Dazai and asked the bartender for another paper. 

He then wrote his own little letter for Dazai and placed it gently in his hands without waking him up. "His drinks are on me." He said, placing some money in front of the bartender.

But as he grabbed his jacket he looked back at Dazai, he's never seen him this peaceful in such a long time..

"See you tomorrow..Dazai." he whispered, as he walked up the stairs and out of the bar.

It took Dazai at least fifteen minutes after Odasaku left to wake up and realize what just happened. Dissapointed to see that his friend was no longer there with him. But as he noticed the letter in his hand he couldn't help but get curious.

Opening it and reading it...

Three words were on the paper...but they were enough to bring a smile to Dazai's face. Written in Odasaku's neat writing were the words...

Thank you, Dazai.


As Odasaku walked towards the small shop he made sure to fix his suit. He planned to visit the kids and pops today to see how they were, since he's been busy with work and all and only got the chance to now.

Odasaku dusted himself one last time before opening the door, "Yo pop-,"

"No way I'm letting you beat me this time!" 

"Mwahaha! I shall destroy you-Mafiosos!!" 

"Hurry Saukra!"


"Try and get me Dazai-san!"

Odasaku stopped as he saw Dazai laughing wih a toy gun in his hands, while th kids were running around in their own outfits and toy guns. Pops was near the back of the place, cleaning in the kitchen area.

"Oh! Odasaku!" Sakura cried, making everyone look at him. The kids all stopped what they were doing and ran towards him. 

"Odasaku!" They cried.

"Yo you little trouble makers." He smiled, kneeling so he could hug them all. "What're you guys playing?" 


"Dazai-san came up with it!" 

Odasaku glanced up at Dazai who had a smirk on his face. "Yes I did!" He cheered.

"You wanna play Odaskau?! It's fun!"

"No no, you guys play. I'm too tired."

The kids all sighed disappointingly and stared up at Odasaku with puppy eyes. Trying his best to not give in, he stood up and made his way towards a seat only to be face to face with a puppy eyed Dazai.


"Odasaku! You work and work, you need a break!" He pouted.

"No I-,"

Dazai then grabbed Odaskau's cheeks and started pulling them. "Odasakuuuu I command you as your executive to play Mafioso!" He said, as the kids giggled behind him.

But in a flash Dazai's gun got stolen, Odasaku loading it as he aimed it at him.


"Fine then...let's play." Odasaku then shot Dazai in the chest.

"Ahh...oh no...I'm dying!" Dazai did a little act before falling to the ground, pretending to be dead.

"You did it Odasaku!"

"You saved us!" The kids cheered, as Dazai opened one eye. He then swiftly grabbed some of the kids and twirled then around in circles. 



"Ooo me next! Me next Dazai-san!"

"No me!"

Odasaku chuckled as he watched the kids and Dazai playing around. 

"It's nice, to see them smiling like that." Pops said, as he finished drying a few dishes.

"Yeah...it is."

"Hey Odasaku!" Dazai threw something at Odasaku. He caught it and then examined the object...it was a camera, a rather vintage one. "Take a picture of us all!" Dazai smiled.

"Yeah! Please Odasaku?"


Odasaku stood up, "Alright then, come on get into positions."

The kids and Dazai immediately stared moving around, trying to find the perfect spot and poses for the photo. Dazai ended up grabbing a water gun that they had and posed with it,  the kids also had some stuff with them as well to pose with.

"Alright..you guys ready?"



There it was, a picture with the frozen smiles of the kids and Odasaku. But to his shock Dazai had let the kids keep the photo, thinking it would be best for them to have it.

Their games of Mafioso continued on till late at night until the point where the kids actually fell asleep during a game as well as Dazai. Pop's ended up allowing Odaskau and Dazai to stay for the night.

But as Odasaku glanced down at the kids and Dazai he felt like...

He found something...

Something he was searching for his whole life...and it was now in front of him...

Then...about a few months later...

As Odasaku was dying in his friend's arm....he clutched a photo in his pocket....

A photo...that helped him realize what exactly he saw when they were together......Dazai and the kids...they were...

His family..

The picture...the one that he held with his last dying breath...was the exact same one that he took on that day...

With his whole family smiling up at him...


Odasaku knocked on the door, holding Dazai as tight as he could. It was around the evening time, as the sun was slowly setting. He and Dazai went out for a few drinks and all...

But Dazai ended up drinking too much...

He fell asleep and Odasaku had decided to bring him back home so that (Y/N) wouldn't worry. It took a few seconds but the door opened, and (Y/N) came out with a smile.

"Heyoo Odasaku!" She said, as she glanced behind him. "Drank too much again?" She asked.

"Mhm...sadly." he grunted. Odasaku was welcomed in, and he walked towards the couch and placed Dazai on it. 

"Thank you..." (Y/N) sighed, as she grabbed a blanket and put it on top of Dazai.

"Of course, I knew you might worry so I brought him home."

(Y/N) blushed and hid her face, "I-I wasn't w-worried!" She cried. Odasaku shook his head as he glanced around the house.

"Where's Chuuya?"

"Work, the boss needed him to do something."


Odasaku was about to leave until (Y/N) spotted something outside that caught her attention. "Odasaku hold on! Don't move!" She cried, as she ran down the hall. Odasaku waited and waited until she finally showed up again, a camera in her hand.

"A camera? What's that for-,"

"Something~" she then grabbed his hand and made her way out of the apartment. Odasaku couldn't think of anything else to do but follow her, as they walked down the steps and made their way to the back of the building.

"Wait where-," but as (Y/N) finally stopped in her tracks Odasaku stared at the object in front of them with awe. It was a huge cherry blossom tree, it's buds just bloomed, and the wind took a few petals down to the ground.


"Hehe, why don't we surprise him!"


"Mhm, we can give this to Dazai for his birthday." She said, as she started to turn on the camera.

"Give him the tree!?"

"No silly," she pointed the camera at him, "A picture!"


(Y/N) giggled as she and Odaskau tried to think of different positions to sit in. Posing and making weird faces as they laughed and had the time of their lives.  

But as they weren't looking, the camera shuttered and took a picture of them that they didn't expect..

One that made it look like it wasn't a picture...but rather a beautiful view..

The both of them laughing, bright smiles on their faces as the sun shone brightly on them, the cherry blossoms falling all around them..

It was a picture that they loved, but weren't able to give to Dazai, having forgotten that it even existed...


That picture...was the one that Dazai held dear and close to him...

The one thing that reminded him that he had met such beautiful and kind people...

A photo of his lover and best friend....to him...

It was the greatest gift...he could've ever asked for...


As Kaori said her last goodbyes to Odasaku she grabbed Atsushi's hand as they started walking back to the Agency. Atsushi glanced back at the grave one last time...

"So you've never met him before Kaori-chan?"

"No...I wish I could've though." She replied. "I even heard...my mom saved him from a job."


"Mhm, he was having a hard time with a few guys and my mom saved him. But she didn't arrest him, even though she was a cop and he was with the Mafia...because, she knew he wasn't a bad person. Then because of that, they became the greatest of friends who were two sides of a coin..." Kaori smiled.

"Well, that's what my dad told me anyway."

"I see." Atsushi thought for a moment before a question came to mind. 



"What would you say to Odasaku-san if you could see him?"

Kaori's eyes opened wide at the question. She stood still for a moment, thinking of an answer to that question. She could've said anything really. But she knew...there were only a few words that she would ever need to say to him.

"I would say..." she turned to Atsushi, "Thank you for being there for my parents when they needed you the most." She replied.

Atsushi nodded approvingly, "I think he would like that." He said, as they continued walking. 

The wind whistled in their ears as they walked out of the cemetery. On the grave, Kaori had pinned a picture that she had for the longest time. Her father said she could have it, but she knew it would be better there..

A picture of her father and Odasaku, when they were younger and happier...together and not apart...

It looked like her father was laughing in the picture, as he grabbed Odasaku's lips and curled them into a smile.

Though it looked like Odasaku wasn't having a good time...

Kaori could tell...

That in his eyes....as he was glancing at her father in the picture..that he was truly and surely...

Enjoying the time he had....with Dazai...


(I'm sorry I keep doing backstories😃✋ but eh-I still might do more😅)

(But I hoped you enjoyed this chap! This one made me smile not gonna lie, made me wish I had a friend to spend memories with ;-;)

(But anyways, thanks for reading and waiting! Dont forget to vote😗and have an amazing rest of your day/evening!!)

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