Random One Shots based on my...

By Zazzy109

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Random small oneshots of my books. Mostly writing these as a way to practice writing in different senerios an... More

Number 1 E2 Class Tank Engine
That Damn Toon
Mark and Sora's Date
Mark Making People pass out laughing
Daniel and Thomas
Cards Part 1
Pushing To Hard
Battle (An Idea)
Hide and Seek
Mark and Tidus
Power Training
A Strange Boy Part 1
Prototype Chapter for The Boy From Another Dimension
Thomas' Day Off
Thomas's Day Off Part 2
Helping Someone In Need Part 1
Halloween Part 1
Voice Impressions
Trick Or Treating
Kingdom Hearts Dimensions III Ideas
Fanfic Titles
Horror Games
Staring Contest
He's coming for you~
Torn Pants
Tickling Hayner
Fighting A Skeleton
Sean and Daniel
Valentines Day
Teaseful Toon
Valentines Chocolates
Shirtless Mod
Teasing Thomas
No More Shaming
Mark's Going Insane
Fang ache
Hollup... Let Him Cook

Laughing At Mark

67 4 0
By Zazzy109

It was the weekend. Mark wanted to spend his two days off with Sora, and spend the two days with his boyfriend. He was packing some stuff in his bag, since he was going sleep over, he wanted to make sure he was bringing necessary things. He had ask Sora if it was alright with him coming over to spend the two nights, and he of course, was thrilled. But, he didn't tall David, older his brother who looks after him.

"I hope he says yes"

After Mark was done packing his stuff, he left his room, and went out to the living room, where is brother was watching TV. "Hey Dave." Mark said to his brother. "Hm? Oh hey Mark. What's up?"

"I... was wondering if you'd want me go visit Sora for the weekend, like... a sleep over?"

"A sleep over? Well, sure! Why not? Just be sure to be back in time for shcool to start back on Monday"

Mark's face lit up. "Really?! Thanks David!" Mark exclaimed. His brother smiled. "When you going?"

"Well, I technically already packed.

David chuckled. "That quick huh? Ok, let me turn on the TV for you to do, what you usually do to travel to your Kingdom Hearts game"

David got up, and turned off the TV, and Mark got up to get his controller. Once the game had started, he pressed "Travel to game"

"See you David!" Mark said as he jumped into the portal


Mark entered into the video game hallway, and ran down, until he entered Twilight Town at the other end. When he entered, he could see Roxas and Pence heading into the station. Pence heard Mark running, and he turned around to see who it was. "Oh, hey Mark!" Pence said. "Huh?" Roxas said, turning around. "Oh, hey!"

"Hey guys!" Mark smiled, as he walked up to his two friends. "If you're looking for Sora, he's at Destiny Islands." Pence said. "Yeah, he wouldn't stop going on and on about how you both are going to spend two days together" Roxas said with a small smile. "He's on Destiny Islands? Oh, alright, I'll just call him and tell him I'm here. What are you two up to?"

"Oh, where heading to Sunset Hill. Just heard there's a new ice cream shop there" Roxas

"Yeah! They apparently have so much different flavors" Pence said smiling. "We all know you're still going to love sea salt Ice-cream more" Roxas chuckled. "Yeah... You're probably right" Pence said. Roxas sofly laughed.

"Well, see you Mark" Roxas said as him and Pence entered the station. "See you!" Mark said. Pence waved by to him.

Mark got out his phone, and dialed Sora's number.

The phone ranged until someone picked up.

"Hello?" They said.

"Hey Sora, it's me" Mark said.

"Oh shoot! Mark, I totally forgot you where staying with me for the weekend. Don't worry, I'll be there soon with my Gummi Ship"

And then all of sudden, Sora hanged up the phone before Mark could say another word. "Uh... Sora? Hello?"

Mark sighed, with a chuckle. "Sora can be so silly sometimes"


After a few more minutes, the Gummi Ship, entered trough a portal in the sky, and swooped down to the ground, and landed just in front of the station. Mark walked up to it, as the doors opened.

Then, out walked Donald Duck, and Goofy. "Oh! Hey Donald! And Goofy!" Since Mark is able to travel to his games, you'd think be use to it by now, but he still gets this feeling of joy, and nervousness about being around actual Disney characters.

"Hy-yuck! Hello Mark." Goofy said. Donald, didn't look to happy. "Donald, what's wrong?" Mark asked. "Sora is what's wrong." He said. "Huh? W-what did he do?"

"Don't worry about Don. He was busy with something and Sora told us to come get you" Goofy said. "Oh, so Sora isn't with you?" Mark asked. "Nope, he had to do something before he had to come get you, so he asked us to pick you up with the ship"

Mark was surprised. "Oh.. he didn't say anything about that-" He said. "Ugh, that's Sora for you" Donald said angrily. Mark just chuckled. "I'm sure he had a reason"


Donald flew the ship into the world of Destiny Islands, and exit the portal, down into the atmosphere of Destiny Islands. He flew down, and landed it on the sand. As soon as it touched the ground, Mark took of his seat belt and got up out of his seat. "See you Mark! Hy-yuck!" Goofy said. "Bye Goofy! See you later Donald!" Mark said as he left the ship. Once he was out, Donald lift the ship back into the air, and into the sky. Mark watched as the ship entered into a portal in the sky, and vanished. "The space in-between worlds, is different than the space in-between planets.." He said to himself.

The area they landed in, was not on the Island where Sora, Riku and Kairi hang out, but on the Mainland of Destiny Islands. A huge land mass, where all three of them actually live.

Mark has been to Sora's home before, so he knew where it was. He walked down the sand path, that lead from the sandy beach area, into a small lot of houses. Sora's house was just a few houses down.

He was nearing the house, and then he saw Riku walking down the path. "Mark? Is that you?" He asked as nothing Mark walking towards him. "Yeah! It's me, how are you Riku?" Mark asked as he stopped to talk with him. "I'm going alright, are you here to see Sora? He went on the Island?"

"Huh? He... did? Thought he was going to be here"

"Nah, he's on the Island. You're both sleeping over right? He wanted you and him to spend some time on the beach there" Riku said. "Oh.. ok..." Mark said.

'Then... why didn't he call me-?'


Both Mark and Riku made their way to Destiny Islands small island, and once the small boat docked, Mark jumped out, and walked along the wooden dock, onto the sand. It was afternoon in Destiny Islands, and the sky looked similar to Twilight Town' sky.

Mark was walking down the sand, and he saw one of the final fantasy characters, who lives at Destiny Islands, sitting on a small bench. "Hey Tidus, how are you?" Mark asked as he walked by them. "Huh?" Tidus said turning his head around, facing Mark. "Hey man! Sora's over at the Paopu tree" He said. Mark looked over at the Paopu tree, and saw his boyfriend sitting the the tree's bent over trunk. "Thanks Tidus" Mark said as he walked into the small shed, went up the steps to go onto the bridge that connects to the small cut off island that has the tree. Mark walked across the bridge, and once he arrived at Sora, he could see Sora sitting there, on the truck, just staring at the ocean.

"Hey.... you ok?"

Sora gasped and looked over at Mark. "Oh! Mark, you startled me-" He pouted. Mark giggled. "Hey, I just asked if you where ok-" Mark said as he tried to climb the truck of the tree to sit with Sora, but his foot slipped as he was trying to pull himself up. Sora laughed a little. "Let me help you-" He said as he grabbed Mark's hand with his left hand, and put his right arm around his back, helping him up onto the tree. "Laughing at my stupidity are we?" Mark chuckled. "More like I'm laughing at your sillyness~" Sora said as he kissed Mark's cheek. "So, how has my cutie been?"

Mark blushed. "I've been doing ok. Way better now that I'm here with you"

Sora's face went a little red. "Awe" He said as he gave Mark another kiss. Mark smiled as he put his arm around Sora, and leaned against him. "You didn't tell me you where gonna be here, thought you where gonna be on the mainland"

"Hm? I thought I text you?" Sora said. "I-I didn't receive anything-"

Sora took out his phone, and showed Mark. He did send something. "Huh...? But... I didn't get anything... I still haven't-"

"I told you, you need a phone like ours. I'll ask Jimmy to get you one" Sora said. Mark uses his own phone from his world to call Sora and the rest. It's a wonder how it can call people in an interdimensional way, but sometimes it doesn't work well. But the Gummi phone's what the Kingdom Hearts characters uses, are built to talk to people across worlds far far away.

"Yeah, that'll be great"

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind to give you" Sora said.

They sat there for a while, holding hands, until Sora asked if Mark wanted to go down to the beach.

"Sure, I'd love that-"

Sora smiled, then took off his thin jacket, then took off his small black tank top. He was no shirtless, and Mark's face instantly went red. Sora laughed loudly when he saw Mark, making Mark blush even more. "They way how your face can just go so red when you see my bellybutton" Sora said laughing still. Mark pouted. "Stop teasing me-" Mark said, with his face looking like it was going to self combust. Sora smirked. "Never~" He said as he gave Mark a kiss on his cheek.


Mark opened the door from the little shed, out onto the sand, and Sora came flying out bumping into Mark. "Race you there!"

Mark smirked. He had learned some tricks with his Keyblade, and summoned it, turning it onto a glider, and hopped on it. Then he lurched forward, and zoomed right pass Sora. "What?! Hey no fare!" Sora laughed. "Ha! I wo- AHH!" Mark yelled as he fell in the water.

Mark wasn't looking where he was going and didn't realize that the Keyblade glider was heading to the ocean.

He got stood up out of the water, then looked over at Sora, who was laughing his head off, and he fell to the ground laughing.

Mark's face went so red. "Hey! That wasn't funny!"

Sora was still laughing. Mark just pouted and crossed his arms as he sat in the water. "That's what you get for cheating!" He said still laughing. After Sora calmed down, he walked over to Mark. But once Mark looked up at him, with his pouting red face, Sora started to laugh again.

"What is going on? Are you alright Sora?" Tidus most of heard them, and came over to check out what the hell was happening. Sora was still laughing, and he could barely form words. "Mark... he.. summoned a glider, and hahHAHAHA!"

Mark just covered his face. "Sora it wasn't that funny!" Mark said blushing so hard at Sora's adorable laughter.

Tidus just blinked at them, then turned around and left. "You two are so weird." He said.

After Sora calmed down from laughing, he sat down next to Mark in the water. He looked over at Mark, and started to softly giggle. "What.. has given you the giggles so much?!" Mark asked. "You!" Sora said with a laugh. Mark smirked. "I'll give you something to laugh at~" Mark grabbed Sora and started to tickle him all over, causing him to laugh extremely hard. "M-MarhahaHAHAHKK!" Sora said laughing, then his laugh turned more high pitched as Mark tickled him in his exposed bellybutton. "HEHEHEHE! NOHHOHOHO!"

Mark stopped to let Sora catch his breath, Sora panted and looked over at Mark. "You're mean-" He pouted. Mark chuckled. Mark felt the presence of someone watching him, and he turned around and saw Tidus behind them staring at them. "...Tidus? Why are you watching us?"

Tidus blinked. "You two are sooo weird" He said with a cheeky soft giggle as he walked away.

Mark grunted, then turned his head back to Sora, who.... wasn't there.

"Huh? Sora? ....Where are you?"

Mark looked in front of him, and Sora popped out of the water. "BOO!" Sora yelled, scaring the hell out of Mark. "AHHH WHAT THE?! .....Sora?!"

Sora laughed at him. "How did you get scared at that!?" He laughed harder.

"What is this? Sora make fun of Mark da-" Mark froze as he saw Sora. Sora's hair wasn't spiky. Since it got wet with the water, the gel or whatever Sora uses to make his hair have the spiky look washed off.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Sora asked with a small giggle. "Your hair.... it's... long-" Mark said. "Yeah, because it's wet-" Sora said as he shook his head fast, and splashed Mark, who got scared again. Sora of course, laughed at his boyfriend. "You're a scaredy cat~" Sora said.

"I'm not!" Mark snapped.

Sora smiled. "So... why do you think my hair won't be long?"

"Because your hair disobeys the laws of physics in the game series" Mark said.

Sora laughed. "Well, that's a game, this... is real life." He said. "Yeah, I guess you're right.... real life... with a twist" Mark said as he summoned his keyblade.

But then that caused Sora to remember Mark falling into the water, and that caused him to start laughing again. "Oh come on!" Mark pouted.

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