Awakened by the living (ON HO...

By ChelseaTurrell

2.1K 38 1

Emalia salvatore is Damon and stefans younger sister. She is very devious, scheming and ruthless like Damon... More

Awakened by the living
the reunion
morning welcome
The Agreement
Miss Observer??
Drink up
Authors Note
The Doppleganger
It feels different I feel different.
Teenage Drama
Brotherly Advice
Teen Romance Movie?
Let him in?
Goodnight Jeremy
You can't change the past
It's ok to feel
Study time
So many events, so little time.
Mystery guest
Blast from the past
I'm A Tough One
Visiting Father
Mystery Box

Now who's stalking?

83 1 0
By ChelseaTurrell

I walk into school passing the rowdy students and making my way to my locker. opening it and getting my books out for my first period, math, 'urgh worst subject ever'.

"Hey, Miss Observer."

A smirk crosses my face as i shut my locker, jeremy is leaning on the locker beside mine.

"Mr Gilbert. we meet again."

"Well it is bound to happen. I mean we do go to th same school, in the same grade. Not to mention that your brother is dating my sister."

"wow, now who is stalking?" i rase my eyebrow at him.

"Pfft dont flatter yourself it was more like observing." he says imitating me.

"Ha Ha, very funny. walk me to maths?"

"Sure. Im heading that direction anyway."

We walk down the hallway towards class.

"So I met your sister yesterday. She seems controlling."

"Yer, i guess she can be a bit. You know the whole older sibling thing." he chuckles, bring a smile to my face.

"Tell me about it. Try growing up with two older brothers. It was like war in my house. Heaven forbid anything happened to me when i was little, cause i would never here the end of it."

"Yer i can imagin that would be a little hectic. You said when you were little, what about now?"

"I can take care of myself now. But i know that they would still always be there if i needed them."

We stop outside my classroom door and i turn to face him.

"So............ do you want to sit together at lunch?" he says looking down at his feet and shuffling them.

"Sure. Guess it wont kill me to sit with you for one day."

he lifts his head up and looks at me. A small chuckle coming from his mouth.

"Nice to know my company brings you so much pain." he hitches his bag up. "meet you in the cafeteria?"

"See you then."

He begins to walk backwards towards his class.

"yer, ummm. I'll see you at lunch. Try not to Get distracted by any guys in class."

"Very unlikely. I reserve my Oberving for certain people."

"well i feel honoured then. Cya Em." he says turning around and running into someone.

I laugh softly and mummble "Bye Jer." before heading into class.

A/N: Jeremy looking as adorable as ever in the picture.

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