Trapped On An Island with One...

By five1Derfulboys

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SEQUEL TO TRAPPED IN A MALL WITH ONE DIRECTION Its been a year since Dezi, Shayna, Scarlet, Miranda and Macke... More

Trapped On An Island with One Direction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eigth
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Ten

3.5K 117 15
By five1Derfulboys

Zayn's POV~

I can't stop thinking about her.

We're huddled under a large tree, but it's not doing much to keep us from the storm that's raging. Louis and Kenzie are cuddling close, but I can't force myself to look at them without seeing a flash of Shayna behind my eyes, causing a sharp pain to stab at my heart soon after.

"Zayn?" I heard Louis say, and I struggle to make my body move so that I can see them. "Do you want to come closer?"

"I'm fine," I answer, then turn back away from them and watch the storm.

But I'm not fine.

I'll never be fine.

Not without her.

Harry's POV~

At first the whole having this house on a stranded island to just me and my girlfriend thing was great. We made out, practically destorying the living room, watched movies, and ate some popcorn. It was amazing, to put it simply. But now that this storm was going I couldn't help but think about the others....

"Harry?" Dezi asked, from the couch.

"Yeah baby?" I asked, walking across the room with two cups of water to sit next to her. She looked up at me, dark brown eyes full of worry. "What if they're dead?"

I set the glasses of water onto the table in front of us and wrapped both of my arms around Dezi. "They're not dead," I said sternly. "They're not."

"But what if they are, Harry? And we're on this island all alone? Eventually we'll run out of food, and water, and then we'll end up dead too."

"Dezi, they're not dead, and we're not going to die, okay? I'm not gonna let that happen," I said, leaning down and planting a kiss on top of her head.

"Maybe we should go look for them," Dezi suggested.

"Dez, if we go look for them during this weather we actually will end  up dead. If you want to look for them that badly, we gotta wait until it clears up, okay?"

She didn't look happy about it, but she relaxed against me and put her head on my shoulder. "Okay, Harry."

Shayna's POV~

The first one to break the silence was Scarlet.

"SHAYNAAAAA!!!!" She screamed, running up and tackling me in a hug that nearly sent both of tumbling to the cave flour.

"Scarlet!" I yelled back, wrapping my arms tightly around her.

We both started talking at once."Where have you been?!" I screeched at the same time she yelled, "We thought you were DEAD!"

Over Scarlet's shoulder I could see Liam setting an unconsious Miranda on the cave floor with some help from Danny and Niall standing awkwardly in the enterance of the cave. "Niall!" I yelled, never more happy to see the little blonde Irish lad. I hugged him, and he laughed, taking a step back and hugging me back.

"Hey, Shay." He said, sending me a smile.

I looked over at Liam, saw that he was staring at Miranda closely with worry. "Is she going to be okay?" he asked Danny.

"Yeah, I think so, she's just in shock..." Danny answered. I noticed that his hand was wrapped tightly around the knife in his hand, and I walked over.

"Danny, these are some of the friends I was telling you about. They're safe, I swear, calm down." I turned to my friends, "Guys, this is Danny. He helped me out. He's cool."

Danny relaxed a little, but his hand was still clenching the blade.

"Where are the others?" I said anxiously. "Harry and Dezi? And Louis and Kenzie and Zayn?"

Scarlet and Niall exchanged a glance. "We don't know."

I felt myself sway slightly.

They didn't know where Zayn was?

One thought crossed my brain: What if Zayn Malik was dead?

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