My Boss, My Alpha. (In progre...

By EvanescentFlower

319K 8.7K 807

Yvonne Selesa is in the Moon Struck Pack, and is in search of her mate. Instead her Father wants her to marry... More

My Boss, My Alpha.
Saying Goodbye.
My Mate, My Job.
Out of Place, Luna. <\3
Business and Love Don't Mix!
His Desire My Choice.
You're Mine, Only Mine.
My Punishment
Our Official 1st Date (Part 1)
Our Official 1st Date (Part 2)
Jealousy Strikes
Luna's 1st Meeting
****Another Teaser!****
Unwanted Guest
Unwanted Guest (Part 2)
Unwanted Guest (Part 3)
Adult Content!!!! Skip if needed!!
UnRevealed (Part 2)
SNEAK PEEK into... UnRevealed (Part 3)
UnRevealed Part 3
UnRevealed Part 4 (TEASER)
UnRevealed Part 4
The Death of Us..
Revive me
Take Me
Take Me (Teaser)
Take Me (Part 2)
**TEASER** for Upcoming Chapter Our War
Our War (Part 1)
Our War (Part 2)
Reader Appreciation
Let Go (Teaser)
Let Go
Prophecy (TEASER for Part II)
Prophecy (Part II)
Plan? (Part I)
Plan? (Part II)
Plan? (Part III)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part I)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part II)
The Wedding (Part I)
The Wedding (Part II)
I Do?
My Wife
Forward (TEASER)
Melting (Part I)
Melting (Part II)
Melting (Part III)
Melting (Part IV)
A Frozen Wall

Honeymoon (Part II)

332 12 0
By EvanescentFlower


"Jack, you're hurting me.."

Jack's eyes connect with mine, "If I let go of your wrists will you be good?"

I nod, "Jack.. I promise I will be good but please try to understand that forcing me is not love.. Jack if you love me like you say you do.. Wait for me."

"Yvonne, the pack needs an heir.. and I need a wife."

"I will voluntarily give you an heir if you can just wait for me.."

"What the hell do you mean wait for? Wait for what Yvonne?!"

I sniffle, "My heart still aches for Dominick.. This makes every one of your touches feel like acid on my skin... I can't handle it.."

There was a long pause, "Yvonne, he is dead! I am your husband and I am your mate now!! Do you understand!?"

He grips the necklace around my neck and rips it off. I feel a few of the stones hit me and I can hear some hit the floor.

'Oh no.. My heat..' In an instant I can feel my entire body on fire...

"I will make you want me.."


Yvonne's P.O.V.

"Yvonne, I can make this pain go away.. I will mark you and make you mine."

I can see his canines as he leans down parting his mouth ever so slightly.

"Jack.. Please.. don't. You will only make it worse..  And I don't think I can handle anymore pain."

"Once I mark over Dominick's mark.. we can mate and there will be no pain Yvonne."

I shake my head feeling my tears hit my hot face. I feel his tongue graze over Dominick's mark.. Jack looks into my eyes and smirks, "You are mine." I see him lick his lips and his canines sticking out..

My heart is racing.. 'what do I do?' I ask myself.. I refuse to be marked and forever belong to this man..

"Jack, I will never love a man like you.. I will never be yours even if you mark me.." I shove him away, covering my exposed body from him.

"Yvonne.. Stop. We both know that you can't push me away forever." He buries his face in the side my neck. I can feel his lips touch my skin and hear him inhaling my scent.

In this position he has full access to marking me whenever he pleases..  He raises his head from my neck, "I know that it is only me who sees this marriage as something more than transactional but if you can try to act as a sincere wife.. We will be fine. We may even be happy."

"How can I try to be a sincere wife if you forced me to marry you and treat me like a prisoner?"

"Now that you're my wife, I will no longer place restrictions on you at home. You are our Luna now.. "


"Yvonne, I will let your brother stay and join the pack.. He can stay with you and be protected.. He no longer would have to be a rogue."

I shake my head, "No.. You just want to keep him around so you can use him to control me.. You promised after I married you that he was free.."

"Yes, if that is what my wife desires. However, he is still a rogue. When we found him he was hiding and was all beaten up.. He left your pack to look for you and became a rogue Yvonne. He has no pack, no family.. He has no one out there.. "

I feel my eyes tear up, "If he agrees to stay, wouldn't it be hard to convince the elders to let him stay?"

Jack nods, "Yes but not something that cannot be done.. with the right motivation."

"And what motivation is that?"

"Like I said.. genuinely be my wife and not just for the public.. "

"Okay Jack. You win." I admit with tears flowing down my face.

I watch as Jack's facial expression changes, "Cover yourself." He throws a blanket over me and stands up.

"What the f*ck is he doing here!?" Jack punches a hole in the wall.

"Ashton.." I whisper.

The door swings open, "Found you my little flower." Ashton walks in still wearing his suit from the wedding. His eyes are black and his fist are balled up.

I wrap the blanket around me and jump off the bed. I feel myself yanked back by the blanket clinging to my body. I look back to see the bottom of the blanket in Jack's hand.

"Where do you think you're going?" He pulls my body into his arms, pulling me in front of him.

I am speechless and in pain. My wolf cries out to Ashton..

"Can't you see you're interrupting our honeymoon?!" Jack screams at Ashton.

Ashton's face softens as he walks closer, "Yvonne, I am so happy to see you're okay... and that your sweet stench is so strong or else I wouldn't have found you so quickly.."

"Ashton, I don't know why you're here but she is my wife now.. "

Ashton chuckles, "Actually no.. Your marriage is unofficial."

"Excuse me.." I see Jack's face scrunch up and suddenly his grip loosens..

I take advantage and squirm out of his arms. He catches the end of the blanket once again, I drop the blanket from my body, covering my breasts with my hands. Jack goes to grab me but Ashton steps in front of him. I cling to Ashton's side and look up to see Ashton's face turning red.

"Yvonne remember our agreement.. I will not hesitate to act." Jack spats putting his hand out to me.

Ashton removes his jacket setting it over my shoulders. "Here cover up.. I can't concentrate with you like this. .Your stench is enough." Ashton's jacket is practically swallowing me as it hangs a bit below my knees. I grab the jacket closing it over my exposed body by wrapping it tightly around me.

I hug Ashton feeling the pain simmer away with every touch.

"Yvonne." Jack yells, "Get over here now. Last chance."

I nod, "Ashton, I have to."

I go to walk from Ashton's side when his arm shoots up in front of me, "No you don't."

"Ashton, I have-"

"I said no Yvonne."

"Who are you to tell her to not return to her husband!? She belongs to me Ashton! If you steal my wife and my pack's Luna, you will be punished by even your allies.. No one will accept her, not even your own pack will. You will be removed as Alpha and she will be returned to me anyway. Don't make yourself or your pack suffer.." Jack smirks.

"Ashton, its okay.. I will go." I bite my lip trying to hold in my tears..

Ashton wraps his arms around me and looks down at me. "Actually Jack, she is my wife."

He leans down and presses his lips to mine. "She never divorced me before marrying you.. So your marriage is not official and she is still married to me."

"What!? No! That can't be possible, your marriage was only a trick.. How can it be real...?"

I look up to Ashton, "How?" I whisper as he smiles down at me.

"The day before our wedding.. you signed our certificate well we signed our certificate."

"No.. No. NO! That doesn't make it official."

"No, but the witnesses, the officiant and the elders do. They approved and our marriage is recognized by the state, the pack's elders, and even our allies. I'm sorry it took so long little flower but I had to convince our allies.. So. " Ashton's soft eyes looks into mine, bringing my hand to his lips, " Yvonne you are our pack's Luna."

I was speechless...

"Which means Jack you're the one stealing my wife and our pack's Luna.. So you will have to face the consequences.. even us wolves have rules and stealing a Luna is greatly looked down upon."

I can see the rage boiling in Jack.. "Ashton you will die the same way your brother did.. Suffering.."

Ashton punched Jack across the face making him fall to the ground. "You can't kill me Ashton.. Or else your allies won't support you.. Your pack will die." Jack chuckles..

"What is he talking about Ashton?!"

Ashton sighs, " Many of our allies have made agreements with his allies.. to prevent war and demonstrate peace among packs going forward. So, if I kill him, I will start another war among multiple packs. Usually, it is not a big deal but after the war our pack is struggling to stay afloat."

"We were fine when I left.. What happened?"

"The agreement with Jack and just us not having you as our Luna.. I am still learning to lead a pack and we still have no Beta.."

"I'm so sorry.. I had no idea."

"Regardless Yvonne... We have an agreement as well. You leave me and I promise you.. I will kill your brother in the most painful way possible." Jack wipes the blood from his mouth.


"Shhh.. Hey listen remember when I asked you to trust me?"

I nod, "Yes."

"Our pack is safe and your brother is safe.. He agreed to join our pack and is no longer a rogue.."

"No! That's impossible. He's lying to your Yvonne.. "

"I promise you.. We helped him escape and he at home. Our home."


Hello everyone! I hope you're all staying safe and happy!!

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