It Started With A Bullet - Da...

De Yennie-Fer

16.3K 390 236

Co-writer: @Banunu ~Warm blood trickled down her shoulder while shielding him. There were spots onto the grou... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (After-Story Arc)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 1
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 2
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Shigaraki's Route
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Shigaraki's Route (Ending 1)
Chapter 1 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 2 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 3 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 4 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 5 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 6 - Another Shiggy Route (Ending)
Hawks Route - Chapter 1
Hawks Route - Chapter 2
Hawks Route - Chapter 3
Hawks Route - Chapter 4
Misfortune Route - Chapter 1
Misfortune Route - Chapter 2
Misfortune Route - Chapter 3
Misfortune Route - Chapter 4
Misfortune Route - Chapter 6
Misfortune Route - Chapter 7
Misfortune Route - Chapter 8
Memory Route - Chapter 1
Memory Route - Chapter 2
Secret Route
Dabi's Route - Alternative Bad Ending
New Dabi x OC Story
(Deleting Later) We need your help!

Misfortune Route - Chapter 5

21 3 0
De Yennie-Fer

Lady Nagant waved her hand slowly. "That's basically what happened. It was a real mess."

"I don't get it. I thought I was doing the right thing this whole time. I'm not sure anymore." He then looked at her. "I guess we're both being used, huh? Just like little puppets to be recycled at their will."

The hero commission- If it should be called that. It's truly malicious and controlling. Eerily enough, it seemed cultic the way they handle things.

She swallowed the uncomfortable lump in her throat. It seemed like she was trying to force her emotions down to keep from getting to the point of crying. She turned her face away from him. "Everyone starts out idolizing these pro heroes. The higher up ones like you are celebrities, basically. You get the public attention and fool them with your appearance. It's particularly useful on kids."

She smiled sadly at the thought of her younger self. She was so innocent when it came to the corruption. All she wanted was to be a hero. "The kids with the most love for heroes are often times the ones who suffer the most at the hands of them. It's cruel, isn't it?"

"Heroes shouldn't be this way." Hawks shuddered at the thought. Maybe they were all blind and naive growing up.

Maybe he was just blinded by it even with Satoko around. Was there really no hope?

It was all too confusing to him that it was haunting him. He shifted himself in his seat like he was about to head out.

All he wanted to do was run away from it all. Not have any of these issues or responsibilities. It was all too overwhelming that he wanted to have a moment to forget. Even going home to Satoko would be hard on him, but Lady Nagant doesn't even know her existence.

"I never asked to be a celebrity, but here we are." He finally stood up. "Not any of this. It really is cruel like you said."

She looked at him again. Her smile seemed a little less sad than before. She appeared to be more genuinely happy. "Hold on. Would you mind getting a drink with me before we part ways? Might as well take advantage of the fact that we can be open with each other, yeah?"

(She's asking me out?) Hawks halted for a moment.

His gaze looked towards her for a moment. Lady Nagant was actually a stunning woman. Hawks knew that before, but never thought she'd be interested in him.

A man and a woman going out for a drink is no other than a small date. Satoko crossed his mind for a moment, but when temptation comes to play like this. It's hard to say no.

Especially the way she was looking at him. With all this stress, his decisions are becoming sloppy. Careless to the point where he wanted to forget about the pain he has with Satoko.

"I don't see why not." He nodded.


The bar they went to was small. The two had low weight drinks as they chatted with each other. The two were both in higher spirits and laughing over fond memories.

Not one instance did Hawks bring up Satoko. His guilt was clouded with how much fun it was to be around Lady Nagant.

His head rested on his cheek as he looked towards her in a teasing way. "It's nice to get away like this. Never thought you'd ask me out like this." This was wrong. So wrong. But he didn't stop. "You must really like me, huh?"

She chuckled. In her eyes, Hawks was really a gorgeous man. He was what she imagined an angel might look like. Many women seemed to think that, so she got a sense of satisfaction from the fact that he was at her side like that. "Of course I do. You seem to be fond of me too."

He clanked his cup of wine with hers as the bartender poured more. "I can see the feeling's mutual then."

In comparison to Satoko, Lady Nagant was easier to talk to. She didn't get angry easily. In a sense, she seemed more mature. A classy and casual woman.

(What are you doing?)

However, Satoko and her did have some similarities. But he only related to Lady Nagant more thanks to the Commission.

(You're being unfair to both of them!)

"I'd like to make this date more of a habit. How's that sound?" He asked. "We can keep seeing each other like this to help us both out."

"Sounds good to me. I'm gonna have to ask you for your phone number, marvelous chicken man." She unlocked her phone and handed it over to him.

When her attempt to kill the president of the commission didn't work out, she felt like the world was ending. She felt that, surely, there was nothing left to look forward to. Perhaps the end of her world was waiting to allow her to meet her new reason for living.


That only reminded him of what Satoko used to call him. He quickly stashed away the thought as he took her phone with a grin.

Into the phone, he put the nickname:

<3 Handsome Angel That Isn't A Chicken <3

He snorted, "Your fault you gave me your phone to do that, pretty lady."

"Oh? Give me a second..." She took the phone away. She looked like she was deep in thought as she typed something into the phone.

<3 Handsome Angel That Is Still A Chicken <3

 Finally, she presented it to him. "There. That's more like it."

Hawks snickered. "Hey, now. I can't be a chicken! That sounds like I'd become a meal." He pointed to his own lips in a flirty manner for his attempt of a pickup line.

"Pfftt." She pushed a finger against his lips, leaning forward. She smirked. "Not yet." She removed her finger and straightened up her posture to take another drink. "So, have you ever had a girlfriend before or has work always been in the way?"

His wings twitched when she touched him. This could be the part where he could tell the truth. It was far too late for that. There were some feelings he had for Lady Nagant. It was more of an affair type than feelings of love he had felt for Satoko.

Guess some fires may die down during pressure. Hawks had always been a good liar so this was no different.

"Nope. Just work's been rough. Started out as a hero at a young age, I didn't have a chance. So I've been single." He fibbed. "If I had a girl before, I don't really count childish love. What about you?"

"It's been pretty much the same situation for me." She rested her arms on the bar. Her mood had raised greatly since earlier. She was truly happy being around Hawks. "When I was younger, I wasn't interested in relationships. The only thing I cared about was becoming a hero. Once I did become a hero, I didn't feel any real connection to any of the others. The only one I have had these types of feelings for is you."

She gave a lopsided smile. "How cheesy is that?"

"Not as cheesy as I am." He laughed. He eyed the time on his phone. It was pretty late.

Satoko would probably wonder where he's at. Due to that feather necklace, he can tell that she was home now.

But he didn't even want to go back was the sad and cruel thing. It was so despicable that he was that way. Satoko didn't deserve this. But why was it so hard for him to stop?

"I hate to cut our time short, but I am pretty beat." He gave her a charming smile. "We both need to sleep sometime."

Not only that, he didn't want to go home drunk to arise any suspicion.

"Unfortunately, you're right." She smiled in response. "We do need to plan another date sometime though. Hopefully soon."

"Expect to hear from me more. I can be a bit of a pest." He grinned widely.

The two of them said their goodbyes as they separated.


Satoko returned home earlier to find Hawks gone again. She was still angry and upset from earlier.

(Whatever. He can stay at the meeting as long as he can.)

There was bitterness there, but she was silently hoping they could patch things up.

It became late and Hawks had yet to arrive home. She stared at her phone that he had given to her. Hesitant to text him.

(Why should I do it? It's his fault in the first place!) She laid down in frustration. Time kept passing by as she fell asleep.

Hawks had arrived shortly after, quietly walking in. He noticed the lights are out. In the doorway to his bedroom, he saw her there. The guilt was too overbearing that he couldn't sleep next to her that night. He went to sleep on the couch.

He wanted to apologize to her, but there was no use. He was still frustrated with her that it was making him feel colder towards her.

He couldn't understand it. Why did he become such a cheater?

Yet why did it feel fine to?


The next couple weeks were too rocky between Satoko and Hawks. She'd notice he'd be gone every morning. She wasn't aware that they weren't sleeping next to each other anymore.

When he was around, he was always in a rush. Always saying, "I have to go. Things are busier now."

He hadn't smiled towards her anymore. It first aggravated her that she never got an apology.

Something within her trauma made it eat her up inside. Like she was the one at fault?

They would still argue more and more. He wouldn't kiss her or hug her. Nothing. It was really causing her a great deal of heartache.

It wasn't just that. They never ate meals together. She'd have loneliness eat her away inside.

(I'm sick of this. If he won't drop it and fix this, I will!!) She was sick of staying home by herself most of the time. All she wanted was them to laugh together. Have tickle fights again.

Movie nights. She wanted him. She craved for his attention and affection.


A text message came in.


He had asked her: "Hey. I know things been rough lately. How about you go to the store to grab somethings for me? I'll send ya the list after this You can get yourself stuff too. :) Mwah. Love ya."

There was a list that was sent afterwards. It was pretty long. She felt annoyed he asked her for a favor.

(It's a start... I missed talking to him...)

Getting dressed and brushing her unkempt hair, she head out to the store. She had a wallet now with some cash Hawks had given her if she needed anything.

It was nice that she didn't have to steal anymore.

(Perhaps I could surprise him with a gift to make amends with him.)

She then walked out the door to her destination.


Aizawa walked into the store with perhaps the most awkward, uncomfortable feeling be had ever experienced. He hoped that no one recognized him and thought he was turning soft.

When Shoto wasn't in class, he was training almost nonstop. It got to the point where he collapsed a few times and had to be taken to Recovery Girl. He was working himself way too hard. Someone like that couldn't exactly take the time to pick up cat food and litter.

Aizawa tried his hardest to convince him to go out and buy it himself. That would give him at least a few minutes to not be actively training or studying. He simply wouldn't listen to reason. So there Aizawa was, in the middle of the store with a basket full of food and litter for Michi.

(Maybe I should get something for the students while I'm at it.) He eyed some snacks. He began to sweat nervously. (What do teenagers even like?)

It wasn't like him to consider that at all. The thought of showing up with cat supplies and snacks for a bunch of kids made him a little embarrassed. What was happening to him?

Satoko was also at the store. She had carry on baskets with some food in it. She kept looking around, wondering what she would get for Hawks.

Absentmindedly, she bumped into Aizawa. It made things in her basket spill over. "Ack. Sorry about that."

She felt a little embarrassed for being clumsy a little bit. It wasn't like her at all.

One of Aizawa's eyes twitched. He didn't appreciate being snapped out of his focus. His expression softened when he realized who it was. That was the woman who saved Shoto. The one who tried to save Momo.

"I'll get that." He reached down before she had a chance to and picked up the things that she dropped.

"Thanks." She brushed his hand against his to help put into her basket. It was noticeable that her eyes were swollen a little bit.

Possibly from crying or lack of sleep. It was hard to tell. Talking to heroes always made her clam up. It was still hard for her to get used to.

(So she's struggling too, huh?) Aizawa could tell that something was up. Then again, anyone who knew the situation was likely struggling in some way. They would get through it, but it would take some time.

"Do you know what kinds of snacks teenagers like?" He blurted out.

"Huh?" She had to process what he even asked her for a moment. That was really random. She thought back when she was a teenager. She didn't have that luxury of having foods growing up.

But some snacks that grandpa did steal for her were pretty good. And addicting.

"Pocky." She answered. "There's different flavors of them too."

"Good. Thanks." He turned away slightly to go where the snacks were at. With no hesitation at all, he grabbed almost all of the Pocky that was left and dropped it into his basket. The way that he did so had a certain amount of skill as he managed to fit everything in somehow.

"Hey, uh, wait." She felt awkward that she slightly followed him. Men are so hard to shop for.

And he happens to be a man. Perhaps she could get advice too. It made her a little frustrated even asking. "I happen to have a question too. What kinda gift would you like to get from a girlfriend?"

Aizawa blinked a few times. He didn't have any experience with romantic relationships. It shouldn't be too difficult of a question, right? Hypothetically, if he had a girlfriend, what would he want?

He wanted to say that a relationship wasn't important to him due to his hero work, but he knew that part of being a hero was to help citizens. "A new sleeping bag maybe."

Satoko stood silently with a dumbfounded expression. She started to stifle a small laugh. "That's weird. I'm guessing you like to sleep outdoors?"

At that point, she started laughing more. That was such a strange suggestion.

"I like to sleep everywhere," he explained. "A sleeping bag is the most convenient way to be able to sleep at all times while still being alert. Dragging one around gets it torn up easily though, which is the only downside."

"You're weird." She bluntly pointed out, ignoring the grimace on his face. She then shook her head. "What I meant was, like something, I dunno... More heartfelt, I guess???"

Then she showed him the necklace around her neck. "Like this? This was meaningful gift."

Aizawa recognized the feather right away. He pointed it out. "That's Hawks's, isn't it? You must be his girlfriend."

"Yeah." She mumbled awkwardly. Then her expression turned a little sorrowful. "I wanted to fix our dumb argument somehow. I dunno what I should get him. I don't wanna get him just anything either."

For some reason, it didn't surprise Aizawa at all that Hawks would get into a dumb argument with her. He was acting strangely lately. Not only that, he could come off as rude sometimes. "I don't know what someone like him would want. The only things I have ever seen him get genuinely excited about are food, Endeavor, and a couple of my students that he ate food WITH."

"No. That won't do." Satoko sighed as she face palmed. It wasn't really helpful. She was already buying food for him, but she wanted something more. "Well, thanks anyway-"

Her eye caught onto a plushie of a random chicken. Not only that, the hue of it was red. It had a cute expression on it.

There was a heart on its tummy. She grabbed it as it felt extremely soft. It almost made her chuckle that it was like a splitting image of him. She looked at Aizawa and waved it around. "I think I'll get him this."

Her attitude caused him to smile involuntarily. Something about the way that she talked to him as if she knew him personally already felt so normal. It was like he had known her for far longer than he really did. "It looks just like him."

Even telling jokes? He really was changing a lot.

"Does it? I used to call him chicken when we first met." She snorted. "Do you think he'll love it?"

She even gave the plushie a squeeze a few moments. She was starting to feel a little better about this.

"I think so." Aizawa took one last good look at her before deciding that it was time for him to go. "I need to get back to make sure my students aren't trying to kill each other."

"You do that. I'll finish up here." She waved, feeling a bit pleased with her gift for Hawks.


Hawks was out with Lady Nagant again. Over the course of time, they started getting closer to each other. The flirting became even more intense.

It was almost like he was trying to forget everything. Even Satoko. It was a poor way of doing this.

However, the temptation kept getting worse. Using Lady Nagant's closeness towards him was only masking his other problems.

Hawks had his arms wrapped around Lady Nagant as they stood inside the bar.

"How about you come back to my place so we could get privacy?" His lips curved into a flirty smile.

She giggled. Her heart picked up speed, but she was hiding it extremely well. She spoke up with a smirk. "That sounds good to me."

Hawks knew Satoko would be awhile to getting home. Little does he know that she didn't shop for everything he asked for.


Satoko carried bags of groceries to the apartment door. She opened the door after unlocking it.

(He must not be home yet.) She felt a little nervous for getting him something like this. She hoped he liked it.

The door didn't make a sound as it opened. The bags she had set down. Suddenly, she sensed something was off.

On guard, she walked forward only to catch her man's lips on another woman's. It was so obvious to where this was heading.

(Wasn't I ever good enough for you?)

It felt like there was a loud shatter to her heart that she could only hear. "What the-" She started cursing angrily with her eyes burning. Her whole body felt like it was trembling. "..IS THIS?!"

Hawks felt tense from Satoko's voice. His face went pale as he backed away from Nagant. He was so in tune with the moment, he didn't pick up her presence until now.

Lady Nagant's eyes widened as she looked at Satoko. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Hawks..." She refused to say his true name after seeing the truth. There was so much rage that she felt inside. "You have a girlfriend?!"

"Satoko-" Hawks tried to move towards Satoko. "This-"

"Oh! Even better! She didn't know either!" Satoko shrieked. "Is this why you were acting cold towards me?! For a better looking woman?"

"That's not it-" Hawks felt his pulse peak. The fear in his eyes were apparent.

"I thought you were mine! You said I could trust you!" She started knocking furniture over due to her fury.

"She wasn't the reason! Satoko, please-!" He tried to grab her, but she quickly twisted his arm. It was hurting her more than it hurt him. His touch was causing something inside of her to feel scared for some unknown reason.

Her eyes looked like they were almost glowing. "Well, you're getting what you want. I understand. Toss me out like how everyone always does! You have no right to be with me!"

"Satoko, you don't understand-"

"What don't I understand?! And stop calling me that! It sickens me!!" She pushed him away to start to leave. Hawks tried to prevent her from leaving until she used her quirk on him, "STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

Suddenly, his eyes blanked out. He did what he was told. The door slammed behind Satoko as she kept fighting from any tears from coming out. The burning in her throat wasn't as agonizing as she felt in her heart.


It was dark outside. Satoko kept her pace really fast. Vision was blurring from her tears.

Get away.

Far away.

She didn't want to be in the area where Hawks lived anymore.

It was too hurtful for her. Every memory that they shared together. It was fake.

(Heroes. They really are FAKE!)

Huffing and puffing. Drenched in sweat. She didn't realize how many miles she had ran until she started to slow down.

Her legs were aching, but she didn't feel a thing.

In a dark alleyway, she didn't really have a destination to go to.

(I really have no one.) The League crossed her mind, but it didn't matter.

She left the League to be with Hawks. If anything, she figured they would kill her. It didn't matter to her.

Her sobbing started increasing with every step she took. It was hard to keep it muffled. It didn't matter.

She felt the necklace dangle on her that she ripped it off. It hit the ground and she stomped on it. There wasn't any need to have any attachments to him.

But doing that caused her to wail louder. Why must a cheater hurt her so much?



Dabi was still inside when he heard bawling. It sounded almost like a child was crying simply because of the lack of restraint. (Who is crying out there?)

He stood up and opened the door. He expected to see some lost kid, but his eyes landed on Satoko instead. "What happened to you?"

Satoko didn't realize she was near the League of Villains. It was almost like she subconsciously came here.

After all this time, she was surprised Dabi would even ask her that.

It didn't matter. Nothing did. It felt like her throat was closing shut from her tears. She didn't want to be seen weeping so hard like this.

"Leave me alone." She had such hostility as she hung her head low. She used her arm to shield her face. "This has nothing to do with you."

Dabi stepped closer by a few feet. There was still a gap between them. He eyed her lazily. "We've been looking for you for a while. Now you show up like this and don't think I deserve an explanation?"

He could use her tears to his advantage. In her current emotional state, it wouldn't be difficult for him to get close to her. He could bring back that feeling that he felt when he was around her and finally feel something again. He could also bring her back for good. All he had to do was say the right words.

"Why would you look for me?!" She kept trying to force herself not to cry. "So you could kill me for leaving you guys?!" She took a heavy breath in to suppress it.

"Aren't I just a traitor?" She shook her head. Vulnerable, she was so vulnerable. The usual fierce woman was falling to pieces. The trembling in from her nerves was obvious.

It was clear what she was trying to do. Those emotions were too overwhelming for her to hold back properly. Dabi grabbed her arm that was covering her face. With a gentle tug, he pulled her into his embrace.

He spoke in a low and surprisingly gentle voice. "You can cry. I can't so why not cry enough tears for the both of us, eh, Doll?"

His heart felt like there was a weight attached that was dragging him down. Finally. She was back with him. That feeling was back that he hated yet craved at the same time. It was all just a show to manipulate her, but the things that he did feel were real. He wasn't sure himself how much of what he was saying was actually fake.

Unwillingly, Satoko flinched at his touch. It was like some sort of unknown matter that caused her to do so. Like a random sense of fear.

He could even feel her starting to shake more as she cried. Yet she was actually yearning to have this comfort. His warmth was what she needed and dreaded. It was a very conflicting feeling.

"Why?" Her tears unleashed more as it started to soak into his clothes. "Why are you being so nice? Won't you just abandon me too...?" Her voice caught into a whimper. "Am I just not worth anything?"

He kept his arms tightly around her. He was trying to keep her steady despite her crying. "I won't abandon you. I tried so hard to get you back. Abandoning you now would be counterproductive, don't you think?'re safe here."

"Safe...?" She felt that feeling of dread again. Why?

It almost sounded like a burst of voices were going through her head.

'You're safe, sweetpea.'

The voices kept getting louder. A memory that was locked away deep within her mind was trying to come out. Her head started to hurt terribly. Before Dabi could understand what was going on, she pushed him away. Her hand kept onto his chest as her eyes looked like she was elsewhere.

Dabi was trying to say something, but she couldn't make out what it was. Noise. Screams. It was overwhelming her head. Suddenly, she actually puked a little bit onto the ground. Whatever that was, it made her expression looked frightened. Everything sounded muffled. There was a high pitched ringing in both of her ears.

Her hand clenched against his shirt as she started coughing.

(Is she having a panic attack? Why?) He thought about what he had said. She still didn't tell him what happened. It could be a number of things. He felt an indescribable rage. That sort of anger was something he hadn't felt in a while. He narrowed his eyes. "Who did this to you?"

"It's nothing." Satoko dismissed as she moved her hand away. "Not that it really matters. Nothing ever did. No one ever really cared for me." Her hands would clench against her hair. "It was all false."

She kept trying to subconsciously push her negative emotions away, but she wasn't doing a good job. What even was that? She couldn't even remember anything that crossed her mind.

He felt angry again from hearing her talk like that. Pull her closer or push her away? His mind was screaming for him to do something, but he couldn't interpret the meaning of those feelings. "Did Hawks make you feel that way?"

That's all it took for her to cause her eyes to leak more. All it took to make her words pour out. "I don't understand. I thought he loved me, but apparently he didn't feel the same way."

It started to make sense.

"From time to time, he kept asking about the League. I wouldn't tell him anything. Then," She kept struggling with her words. "He got mad at me one day for not telling him anything. It went against my code and he got angrier with that. Ever since then, he started growing distant."

Then she started bitterly laughing as more droplets fell. "I caught him cheating on me with another woman today."

"Why am I not surprised?" The feeling that Dabi had become stronger when he heard that. Hawks's behavior was always strange. Dabi expected him to betray the league, but he didn't expect him to deceive Satoko like that. It didn't exactly come as a shock either though. (Hawks...I'll kill you. I'll have Satoko for myself. You aren't getting her back.)

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