Chapter 5

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Dabi made it back to the League of Villains hideout in a grumpy mood. Shigaraki noticed.

"Find anything interesting?" Shigaraki asked with a teasing grin.

Dabi glared at him for a few seconds before sitting down with a sigh. "Your face looks even more disgusting ever since she beat you up."

"She didn't beat me up." Shigaraki cursed. "And by the way, your face isn't exactly the most handsome either."

Dabi scoffed, half annoyed and half amused by the remark. "I found her again. Takahashi. She denies it, but she definitely has a quirk. How else was she able to control us?"

"She did it to you too?" Shigaraki asked.

Dabi's expression remained mostly neutral. "Shut up. That's not the point. If she has a quirk, especially if it's what we think, then we can use that to our advantage. She can easily help us."

Shigaraki thought about that for a moment. "...Fine. You may bring her here. But if she causes trouble, I'll kill her. And you won't be able to stop me."

Dabi stood up again. "Great. We can start planning then."


Hawks peered down at Satoko. With everything going on, no wonder she was so tired. Her warm felt nice on his shoulder that it made his feathers twitch.

(Well, well.) He playfully smirked at the sight of her. Her sleeping face looked so relaxed. It's an expression of hers he didn't think he'd see. It was rather pretty.

Her new clothes really suit her too. He forgot to even compliment her with that. Would have been fun to. He sighed.

He almost wanted to move a stray hair out of her face, but she probably would wake up.

Probably punch him in the face.

Yeah. Let's not do that.

He can't even deny his thoughts. He barely knew this woman and keeps stumbling back into her life. The more he meets her, the more he wants to learn about her.

Taking out his phone with his free hand, he looked up her information. Not because of the contract.

Just because he wanted to know her more for himself basically.


There wasn't any information about her. It's hard to tell since her last name is extremely common.

Not even public records. Something was amiss. He didn't like this one bit. He figures it has to do why she's so hateful towards heroes and villains.

(Could it be....)

Family abuse?

His past lingered into his mind. His fugitive, abusive father. His mother, shielding him from the cops. Stuff like that is always hidden in the dark.

No one wants someone to notice something, it gets erased from existence. The fact Satoko's name is like she doesn't exist in this world. That was a bit unsettling.

(This is so suspicious.)

It was good intel, but he wants to dig in further. Just for her sake more so.


Satoko woke up. Hawks looked at her. "Finally, you're awake. You were drooling on me."

Satoko had to process this warmth she was feeling. She quickly backed away. "What do you think you're doing?!"

He was a little disappointed she didn't get flustered, but went with it. "You conked out on me. Want to come back?" He had a teasing smile.

"Oh my gosh." She got up. "Are you flirting with me?"

It Started With A Bullet - Dabi x OC (Multiships)Where stories live. Discover now