Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 5

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A few months had passed. In that time, Toga and Satoko had started trying to help each other with all the loss. Both of them fell into a depression. Toga did most of the trying to cheer Satoko up.

The door opened while Satoko was on the couch. Toga walked in and waved a pair of chocolate bars around. "I managed to find some. The people around here sure are annoying. Can't even steal chocolate bars without being chased around."

Satoko didn't answer her. It was like this ever since Shigaraki disappeared. There was that sense she was hoping for him to come back, but he didn't.

She would scour every day and night to find him. It would be hard to be able to go out due to being under the heroes' radar.

Satoko is branded as a villain now. If she were to be caught, it would be the end for her. There wouldn't be any of her questions answered.

She had already lost Dabi. Then Shigaraki, who confessed his love for her. She was confused to how she feels. She kept trying to convince herself that she wasn't abandoned.

All For One must have done something. What if Shigaraki was dead?

What would she do then? Kill herself?

But then she felt bad for Toga. She's just a teenager. Satoko was all Toga had as an actual friend.

The fatigue was unreal to Satoko. She wanted to continue searching for him. To feel his lips onto her cheek once more.

To be loved like that to fill the broken feeling she had.

"...You didn't have any heroes follow you, did you?" Satoko finally asked.

Toga threw one of the chocolate bars to her. She sat down beside her and started eating her own chocolate. "When I was looking at the store, there was a blonde haired girl who tried to chase after me. She was DEFINITELY not a hero though. Now that I think about it, her scent was similar to Ochako!"

Satoko sighed as she handed the chocolate bar back to Toga. "You can have it. I don't really have an appetite."

She did lose a little weight due to her depressive state of mind. It's hard for her to eat anything lately. Especially sweets make her stomach churn.

"...What do you mean her scent was similar?" She asked, feeling a little uneasy.

Toga's expression turned thoughtful. "Like the kind of scent when someone is in love. Yet different somehow. Ochako's scent is more similar to mine, but this girl seems calmer about her feelings."

"Huh." Satoko always found Toga strange how she was spot on to how people feel by their scents. Come to think of it, Satoko never asked this question before. "What is my scent like then?"

Toga clapped. She was careful not to drop her food as she did so. "Your scent is similar too! It smells like you're in love, but there is sadness involved in those feelings!"

"...Yeah..." Satoko put her head against her forehead. Is it possible for her to have feelings for two people?

One is dead.

The other... he might be still alive. She really needs to make herself not fall into despair.

Could she be in love with Shigaraki? It still makes her jumbled, but the way she feels about him missing is similar to how she felt about Dabi.

She started to get up to go search for him again. She didn't want to lose any determination she has left.


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