Chapter 6 - Another Shiggy Route (Ending)

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Shigaraki decided to confront Dabi, once again, about the way that he was acting. Because he wasn't supposed to be there at all and, despite being removed forcefully on multiple occasions, he wouldn't stop going back.

Shigaraki stood with Satoko. He spoke up first. "You need to leave. I don't know how many times I need to say that. You're like a parasite. Especially when you try to get between Satoko and I. You're a creep with an obsession."

Dabi didn't seem bothered by anything he was saying. "I'll just keep coming back. It's easy since you're both too weak to kill me."

"I don't want to kill you, jerk." Satoko angrily sighed. "I don't understand you. Why stick around? Not killing someone isn't weakness. Killing someone actually is one."

Her fists balled to her sides. Perhaps, maybe, she could be the bigger person here. This jerk doesn't deserve her compassion. Fighting was causing more damage than not.

"I'm tired of this." She growled. "I'm willing to suck it up and work out our issues. Can't you do that too?"

"I don't have to do anything for you." He shouldered his way past Shigaraki. He put his hand on the wall beside Satoko's head, his nails slightly scraping against the wall. "Look at me. I can't make myself care for anything anymore besides my goal. I've completely lost my mind, haven't I?"

Shigaraki roughly grabbed Dabi's arm and pulled it away so that he wasn't leaning near Satoko. "You have, and you need to stop bothering us."

"You make it not so convincing for anyone to help you when you act like that." She shook her head. "Not that I would help you take part in your goal. You're so pitiful."

"I'm not asking for your help anyway. I'll do it alone." He wasn't paying enough attention to what he was saying to realize the hypocrisy of it. The fact that he didn't need her meant that he had simply wanted her by his side at some point. What happened to that?

"Okay, you're not making any-" Satoko's voice was cut off by a loud rumble.

Walls were starting to shake and cave in. A hole blasted through, making a forced entrance.

There standing in it were Hawks, Endeavor, Izuku and All Might. All Might was more like standing behind everyone to be Izuku's moral support.

Izuku didn't want him to come along, knowing he wasn't in the greatest shape.

"It's over for you, villains." Hawks grabbed one of his feather blades. He was looking towards Shigaraki the most. "Your secret is out. We'll put an end to All For One's plan."

Shigaraki furrowed his eyebrows. He turned so that he was fully facing the heroes and the single student. "Why bring a child here? You're only endangering him. It won't look good for your precious school if he gets hurt."

In his own way, Shigaraki was offering a genuine warning. Dabi wouldn't hold back against Izuku. Izuku was strong, but to Shigaraki, he was still a kid. He promised himself that he wouldn't bring harm to any students.

"Don't underestimate the boy," All Might spoke up.

"We won't let you lead this city to destruction!" Izuku retorted.

"What are you talking about?" Satoko asked. She recognized him immediately. The boy who saved Eri. Shigaraki made a good point. Why did they bring him?

Heroes truly are corrupt idiots.

"He hadn't told you? Aren't you two close?" Hawks frowned. "Not surprised he'd keep it from you. I guess criminals can't even trust one another. Just use each other."

It Started With A Bullet - Dabi x OC (Multiships)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant