Two Albinos in academy orario...

By mariohiginio

9.5K 251 124

Bell cranel and Accelerator cranel or just Accelerator the two of them are brother's and are espers and the m... More

Going to school
two Albinos in a dungeon
the apartments
The bar
A familiar face and the past
A familiar face and the past part 2 and final
ΒΏI got a question?
cooking. gone wrong...
albinos vs monkey
Bugs they suck
Making up but no kissing. Right?
Bell vs red minotaur
Making plans

New students, again.

393 11 5
By mariohiginio

Hope you enjoy:>

3rd person

The sun rises up and shines its light on to the world and the ray of light gose through a certain albino blinds waking him up much to his frustration

Accelerator: I.H.a.t.e.S.c.h.o.o.l.

Accelerator reluctantly gets up and into his room's bathroom and freshens up

Once done he walks out of his room and knocks on bell door

Accelerator: bell! Wake up!

From the other side: go away!

Accelerator: bell i swear to god. Get out here or do you want cold water on you?

From the other side: fine!

Accelerator then goes to the kitchen and opens the fridge and gets his morning black coffee and drinks it

Bell POV


I get out of bed and take a quick shower dry myself and put on my clothes

Bell: why did we have to pick the one school that requires you to wake up at 7 in the morning?

Bell gets out of his room and sees accelerator there

Bell: sup.

Accelerator: not being default now are we?

Bell: oh shut up, i rather not fight this early in the morning.

Accelerator just drinks his coffee and bell starts making breakfast

Once bell was done he placed the plant's of food on the table of which consisted of bacon and eggs and toast

As they fished eating they put the plants in the sink and washed them quickly and grabbed there bags that they bought recently and head out the door

Bell: forgot we where going to a school. Bell said as he holds the bag over his shoulder

Accelerator: same. Accelerator says as he also had his school bag over his shoulder

As they walk to school they ran into touma and index and walked to school together

When they arrived at the school they entered the blinding and head to the classroom. When they opened the door they see hestia and two other people standing there

Accelerator: huh? Are those third strings?

Touma: magnus, kanzaki? What are you guys doing here?

Magnus: we enrolled here and wanted to see this "dungeon" thing here.

Kanzaki: and this is are classroom.

Bell: so you guys know each other?

Touma: yeah. The one with the red hair and black clothes is Stiyl magnus and the one with the sword is Kaori kanzaki.

Accelerator: is that sword even allowed on school grounds?

Hestia: she got permission from the principal.

Touma: well aside from that it's nice to see you guys.

Magnus: yeah. And who are dose two?

Magnus said Ponting to accelerator and bell

Index: the tall one is accelerator the older brother and the other one is bell cranel the younger brother.

Accelerator: hi.

Bell: hello.

Hestia: alright since magnus and kanzaki already have my falna classes will start so please take your sits.

As they did so they sat at their seats that was no spread across the room instead of just a line

Bell: wonder what today has to offer.

[Time Skip]

As class ends hestia tells them that it's lunch and she walks out of the room to the faculty room or something

Magnus: so where's the cafeteria?

Accelerator: in the sch-

Bell bonks accelerator on the head making him shut up

Index: on the right side of the school.

Touma: we should probably explore the school actually.

Kanzaki: if everyone ok with it I'll go.

Bell: same here.

Accelerator: whatever.

They get up and leave their bags in the classroom and explore the school

[Time Skip]

The group was done exploring the entire school and are now heading to lunch

Accelerator: this school is massive.

Touma: you can say that again.

They walk into the cafeteria and get their lunch and sit down

Bell: so how did you guys meet?

Touma then explains how he met magnus and kanzaki

Accelerator: so your telling me that you two met hero boy by wanting to erase index but you two didn't do it and are now somewhat friends with him?

Magnus: yep.

Bell: alright.

Kanzaki: how did you two meet touma?

They was a little bit of a pause before bell answered

Bell: we met him when we bumped into him one day when he was getting chased by some guys. Right accelerator?

Accelerator: yeah you should have seen the look on his face when we was being chased haha.

Touma just scratches his cheek and laughs nervously

Then some guys came up to the table

Guy 1: hey give us your money punks.

Guy 2: hey why don't you come hang out with us babe?

The guys said addressing kanzaki

Kanzaki just looked at them with a disinterested face

Magnus got up and walked up to the guys

Guys 3: oh when you wanna fight?

Magnus: well if you insist.

Then fire suddenly surrounded magnus getting everyone's attention

And a certain accelerator looks at the fire around magnus

(Those aren't normal vectors then what vectors are those?) Accelerator thinks as he looked at the fire

And as for the three guys they got destroyed. Magnus put out the flames and walked back to the table and just as the flames went out accelerator manged to calculate what vectors they where and can now manipulate it.

As magnus was walking to the table he got praises

Random: hes so cool!

Random: and hot!

Random: you think he's single?

And other comments like

Random: i could have done that.

Random: yeah and he's not that hot.

Once magnus got to the table bell looked at him

Bell: are you a esper?

Kanzaki: no actually, where from the magic side.

Bell: magic?

Magnus: don't believe us?

Bell: no after seeing that i can't really say i don't believe you.

Magnus: alright, say what level are you two anyway am level 4.

Kanzaki: I am also a level 4.

Accelerator/Bell: level 5.

Kanzaki: wait as in one of few level fives?

Index: yeah thats them.

They look at touma and he nods comforting it

Magnus: if you don't mind me asking what are your guys abilities?

Accelerator: vector manipulation.

Bell: blank and noul.

They look at the two shocked as they had a good idea of who the two are

Just then the bell rings and the group leaves the cafeteria and go to the classroom. Hestia enters the class and starts the lesson

(~Time Skip brought to you by accelerator thinking about coffee~)

Hestia: that's it for today I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Index: bye hestia!

Hestia: bye index.

Hestia walks out of the classroom and the group get there bags and leave the classroom as well

Index: what do we do now?

Bell: magnus kanzaki you said you wanted to go to the dungeon right?

Kanzaki: yes.

Bell: then let's go.

Accelerator grins and walks along side bell

Accelerator: haven't gone there in a while.

The other four catch up to the two

Index: so what's the dungeon?

Bell: ah right you and touma haven't gone to the dungeon.

Touma: yeah am also curious about the dungeon.

Bell: well what you need to know is that in the dungeon monsters appear and when you kill them they drop purple crystals and then you exchange them to the guild place for money.

Magnus: sounds simple enough.

The group make it to the entrance and go in once they where in to the labyrinth they make it to the first floor

Index: it's pretty scary down here.

Touma sinks up behind index and scares her

Touma: gahaaa!

Index: ahhahaaa!

Index screams and looks at touma

Index: you jerk! Don't scare me like that!

Touma: sorry, sorry, couldn't help myself.

Just then monsters started to appear

Accelerator: alright since this is your guys first time down here take out those goblins

The four nod and index boost there strength and touma runs at one of the goblins and punches it in the face and magnus burns the goblins to a crisp while the goblins rush at kanzaki where immediately sliced in half

Bell: not bad, let's keep going.

The group went down the floors and where now on the ten floor

Kanzaki: there mist everywhere.

Bell: yeah.

Bell then manipulates the wind around them and makes the mist go somewhere else

Just then two orc appeared and stoops there way to the group but bell activates blank and a plan ball appears on his hand and rushes at the fist orc touch it and takes control of it and makes it break its own neck killing it and it turns to ash

And the second orc gose to bell but because of his weight it was very slow and bell just manipulates the gravity around it and makes it fall to the ground and crushes it

Bell: too slow.

Bell then walks back to the ground

Magnus: i have never seen something get destroyed by gravity in such a short time.

Bell: what can i say am just to good.

Then a dragon pop out of the ground

Bell: we-

Accelerator: mine!

Accelerator kicks a rock at high speeds and it goes through the dragon leaving a hole in its chest and it falls down and turns to ash

Touma: ok then..

They then star going up the floors while talking

Bell: so what did you guys think?

Magnus: it's not bad.

Kanzaki: it's ok.

Touma: it's kinda weird being down here.

Index: scary!

Accelerator: well that's enough for today am tired.

Bell: same.

The others nodded and in no time they were out of the dungeon

Bell: well see you guys tomorrow.

Index: bye!

Touma: have a good night.

Magnus: yeah you too.

The group go on there separate ways and go home. On the way home bell and accelerator stop by a store and bye coffee

Accelerator: alright got my coffee.

Accelerator said hold a bag full of black coffee

Bell: knowing you it will all be gone in a matter of days.

Accelerator: maybe.

Accelerator and bell open there respective coffee and drink them

Accelerator: now lets go home.

Bell: yeah.

The two then walk to the apartments with a bag of coffee's in hand

And that's it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed:3

If you haven't noticed i have a new book out it's called. A certain accelerator in danmachi. Go check it out it would mean alot to me

With nothing more to say I will see you guys next time bye Byee!:)

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