The Sun and the Moon

By Daughterofthebatfam

13K 367 95

Theo had been planning on proposing to Liam for a while now, now that he was a high school graduate. but what... More

With all my heart
An unforseen suprise
Interrupted program
A terrifying reason
story update
Relaying information
Careless leads
Impulsive escape
The howl
Finding Liam
Character stuff
An extra heartbeat
Hard conversation/ Theo's scent
Story update 2
Panic attack
You're safe
Story update 3
No matter what
So scarred
Take care of me / I'm here for you
The way we do this
We need to talk
The night it all happened
Story update 4
More at stake
Just hold me
Uncle Stiles / Party favors
Perfect proposal
Nursery pics
Strange scent
Now what? / Finally
Something spontaneous / We did it
Dont tell
Story update
Its all about family

Gonna be just fine

301 9 0
By Daughterofthebatfam

Theo's POV continued.

Lydia gasped and rushed forward, hugging me tightly. "It will be okay, Theo. He's doing so much better already. He needs time and he needs us. He has both okay. He'll be okay. You both will."

Her words ment so much to me and I didn't even know I needed to hear them. I honestly didn't realize I was this stressed till now.

Even Stiles walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. "We're here for both of you, Theo. You can talk to us too. Whatever you need...we're here."

I nodded again and held back a sob, swallowing down the hard lump in my throat.

Everything hurt suddenly. My head. My stomach. I felt guilty. Guilty for not being here when Liam needed me. For not being able to protect him. "I-i should've been there. I...I could've stopped them."

Lydia just hugged me tighter and suddenly another pair of arms was around me too.

The scent told me it was Scott. He must have come in just a few seconds ago and heard me.

I would've felt embarrassed any other time for being so vulnerable in front of him, but now I just welcomed his comfort as I turned to cry into his shoulder. "I'm s-sorry. I could've...I should've saved him."

Scott hugged me and shushed me. "You can't blame yourself Theo. Any one of us could have been there okay. The hard truth is, none of us were...Theo I'm sorry. If I hadn't...if I hadn't acted like an ass to you maybe...maybe you wouldn't have felt like you needed to live farther away." His breath hitched too and I looked up at him, confused.

He sighed heavily and shook his head. "I'm sorry Theo. I was such an asshole. It's not fair that only now I'm nice to you. I should've put my feelings aside as soon as you and Liam realized you were mates."

He looked as broken as I felt and I realized he'd been blaming himself too. Probably more than I had been.

"We were both assholes, Scott. I moved Liam away from his pack. From his Alpha. I took him away from you...I'm sorry too."

The tension seemed to melt away as we looked at each other, both nodding, accepting the other's apology.

I felt like we could have said more, but we didn't need to. We both understood how the other felt and accepted it.

Stiles walked over, putting his hands on both our shoulders. "I think what's best is just to focus on Liam now." We both nodded and I looked down the hallway and through the slightly open bedroom door.

I could just make out Liam's face, completely relaxed and sound asleep. I smiled. "Yeah. That's what we'll do. He will be okay. He has us."

Scott smiled and nodded. "He does. I wouldn't be surprised if in two more weeks he's himself again."

My heart fluttered at the thought and I huffed out, nodding at Scott before turning to Lydia. "Thanks" I shrugged, not knowing exactly what to say. It's not like I was known for breaking down in tears.

She smiled knowingly and nodded. "Of course, Theo. You're welcome. I'm always here if you need me." She patted my arm, making me smile wider. "Thanks. I think I'm just gonna go lay down with Liam. You guys are welcome to stay if you want."

Lydia nodded. "I'll stay. I can clean up a little and make a grocery list. Maybe do some laundry." She eyed my shirt and I shifted my gaze to the side, knowing full well I'd been wearing this shirt for at least three days now. "Right...I'll um, I'll put the hamper outside the door."

She laughed and Stiles gently nudged me into the hallway, grinning in his own Stiles way. "Just go. We've got this."

Scott nodded. "I can't stay long, but Isaac and I have some great news, so get some rest and I'll bring dessert for dinner."

I nodded and smiled at the three of them, sighing out and relaxing. "Thanks guys. So much. They nodded at me and I turned, walking into the bedroom.

I pulled my shirt off and put it in the hamper, leaving it in the hallway before closing the door.

Lydia was seriously a saint. I knew at some point I'd have to actually do some of the house work myself, like actually unpacking...but for now she didn't even complain or bat an eye. She just did it. And I was definitely grateful.

I crawled into bed next to Liam, just watching him sleep. He looked so much better now then he did even yesterday. Less pale and more relaxed now.

I pressed my lips to his forehead gently and whispered against him. "We're gonna be just fine. All three of us."

I placed my hand on his stomach, smiling when he hummed in his sleep and snuggled into me. We really would be.

I said it to myself before, but with the air cleared between Scott and I, I really believed it now. I knew from here on out things would just get better. I was determined to make sure of that.

I looked at Liam one more time before closing my eyes. Focusing on the sound of his breathing and the feel of our pup's heartbeat as I fell asleep.

Two more weeks. That's what Scott said. I held onto that hope and let it drive me to stay positive and patient. We could make it. I could make it. For Liam and the pup.


Stiles POV.

Lydia had me in the kitchen, putting away the food she brought as she started laundry.

After Theo laid down with Liam, the house was quiet. It was almost unnerving, but it was nice. Peaceful. Just what they both needed.

I sighed out, looking around for a minute, feeling anxious and fidgety. Maybe Derek wasn't so wrong about giving me that tea. I could go for some now.

I eyed the boxes in the living room, shrugging before walking over to them. The least I could do was help unpack.

They'd only just moved in four days ago and we were all shocked at how fast the house was bought.

Though, my dad had a way with pushing documents through the city system. So it really shouldn't have been surprising that they found, bought and closed on a house all in one day.

The boxes were full of decor from their last house. Picture frames with photos of the two laughing and hugging. Some with the whole pack and some with just Liam or Theo.

There was one of Theo and Liam in front of Scott and Isaac's house after they found out they were mates.

Liam looked so happy with Theo's arms around him. They were looking into each other's eyes, probably talking about the future.

I remembered that Malia had taken the picture then framed it for them for their one month anniversary.

My mind wondered as I thought about her. We'd told her what had happened and she'd talked to Liam on the phone a couple times and said she'd come visit and see him the first chance she got.

She'd only just moved to New York three months ago for her job, but I knew she missed it here.

My phone ringing made me jump and I grabbed it, quickly answering and hoping the noise didn't wake Theo or Liam. I held it to my ear, huffing out slightly before I spoke. "Hey Derbear. What's up?"

He was silent for a moment. "Your hearts racing babe. You okay?" I chuckled softly, placing the framed picture on a shelf.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My phone just startled me." I took a deep breath to calm myself then started on another box, finding blankets in it. "Oh, okay. Are you still at Theo's?"

I hummed in response, looking for a good place to put the blankets. "I am. Why? What's up?"

I was only half paying attention to him as I opened a closet by the front door, finding it completely empty.


"Well, I managed to get the day off and I know you've been really stressed about Liam lately." I stopped, standing still as I waited for him to continue. "Yeah?"

He chuckled a little. "Well, I thought maybe we could finally continue what we started on our date two weeks ago."

My heart rate sped up again and I swallowed, grinning to myself. "That sounds perfect. You'll have to come pick me up, I came here with Lydia."

I placed the blankets on one of the three shelves in the closet. Trying to make them look neat, but probably failing. I shrugged, leaving them as they are and closed the door. It would be fine. They were blankets. Well, that's two boxes done.

"Sti?" I jumped. "What? Sorry I-" Derek laughed. "Got distracted. It's okay babe. I'm on my way."

I smiled happily. "Okay. See you soon. Love you Der." He chuckled again and I heard his car crank. "Love you too Sti."

When the line went dead, I slipped my phone back into my pocket then went to go find Lydia. She'd be fine without me and honestly probably preferred that.

I helped as best I could, but I knew she enjoyed it and would probably end up re doing what I just did anyway.

Derek and I had bealry had any alone time since one or both of us were usually with Liam.

I needed time with him though. He was my boyfriend after all and I was what you called 'hot and bothered' for him right now. He'd left me like that after his untimely call from Jackson.

Which, at the time, I was seriously confused, but glad about because without him and Ethan we might not have found Liam. Or at least not as fast.

Now though, I was just anxious and ready for Derek to put his hands all over me. I grinned, ready for a full day of just him and me.

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