An Alien In Alola

By cookiemuncher4

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The story is about a young person who was once a hero and a human in his dimension, but was stabbed to death... More

Alien Voice
The story begins
Alien VS Alien
Melemele Island
Pokemon VS Alien
A new day
Another day
Under the sea
A new alien
New friends
Pokemon School
Pikachu VS Scorpiblow
Meeting the parents
Tapu Guardians
A haunted Pokemon school
First Z-Crystal
Water Crystal
A day at the city
Alola, Alola!
Heart of Fire, Heart of Stone
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 1
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 2
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 3
A Wild Yungoos Chase part 4 finale
Memories in the Mist!
Secrets out
Tapu Fini VS Alien
A grand debut
Floors on lava
A game of golf
Show me the metal!
Got Meltan?
UB-02 Beauty
The dealer of destruction!
Fist punch part 1
Fist punch part 2
Fist punch part 3 final
Drawn with the wind!
Aiming for the top floor!
The nightmare challenge
Run while you still can
Survive the night
In a nightmare
Tapu Bulu VS Alien
๐ŸŽ„A Christmas Special๐ŸŽ„
The one that didn't get away!
Alien VS Pokemon friends
Living on the cutting edge!
Pokemon Battle Royale
Finding out the truth
Save me
Underground city
Drill battle
Night at the club
Cuban Pete
In control
Dragon battle
I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
Sled race battle
Bug fight
Fly racing
Hard as steel
Fashion competition part 1
Fashion competition part 2
Fashion competition part 3 final
Important News
Tapu Lele VS Alien
Beach fun
๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿ’€Tales of the Pokecrypt๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿฆ‡
Freaky Thursday
Freaky fight
Who was I?
I wanna party
Mating Season part 1
Mating Season part 2
๐Ÿ‹Mating Season part 3 final๐Ÿ‹
Christmas video and pictures
โ„๐ŸŽ„Christmas Tales๐ŸŽ„โ„
Ice, ice, baby's
10,000 In Alola part 1
10,00 In Alola part 2
10,000 In Alola part 3 (short)
10,000 In Alola part 4 final
Electric cat and Electric mouse
Surfs up
The ice pack
Pancake time
The mall
Kids day out
Under the rag
In the shadows
Running with the Lycanroc's
๐Ÿ‹Hot night~๐Ÿ‹
Evil Shiny arrived at Alola
Brother vs Brother
Friends with benefits
More friends with benefits [WARNING]
Final stand
A heart
Shiny (short)
Full alien house

The truth

567 15 11
By cookiemuncher4

???: I am you, and you are me. And you forgot who we were.

It said as it sounded like a teenage boy. Also, WHAT?!?

ChamAlien: I'm sorry, WHAT?!?

???: I told you, I am you and you are-

ChamAlien: I know what you said! You can't be me! I don't looks like dark shadow figure.

???: thats because your vision is still a bit blurry.

ChamAlien: I could see that!

???: how could you see if it's a bit blurry?

He chuckle at his own joke, which was not funny.

ChamAlien: no pun! Just let me get my visions back.

After a couple of blinking I started getting my vision back. When I can see clearly again I see the dark shadow figure is gone and standing on it's place is a young boy probably 16, standing right in front of me.

And on his left wrist is an Omnitrix and it almost looks like... my Omnitrix.

ChamAlien: ok, I'll ask again. *deep breath in and out* WHO THE F*CK ARE YOU?!?

???: *sigh* for the third time. I am you, and you are me.

ChamAlien: BULLSH*T!!

???: geez. You kiss our mother with that mouth.

ChamAlien: leave my mother out of this! Also, you can't be me! I do not look like that!

???: thats because you're loosing your humanity. As in, you forgot about who you are, who you were, who you were once was.

ChamAlien: yeah right!

???: than prove it. What do you remember about how you got you're Omnitrix?

ChamAlien: pfft! It all started when I was on summer break 10, me, Gwen and grandpa were at the forest. I was looking for some woods for the fire.

???: uh-huh, go on.

ChamAlien: while that I looked up at the sky and saw a shooting star. Only for not to be a shooting star, I moved out of the way and saw it was some sort of space pod.

???: keep going.

ChamAlien: I got closer to it and the space pod opened. And inside was the Omnitrix, when I got closer the Omnitrix suddenly jumped on my waist and has become attached to me.

???: ah-ha! See?

ChamAlien: see what?

???: you said the Omnitrix jumped on your waist, when it clearly jumped on our wrist!

ChamAlien: your point?

???: my point is you clearly forgot you were a human and all your memories are replace in your ChamAlien form.

ChamAlien: no I have not!

???: ok then, next question. What is you're name?

ChamAlien: ChamAlien.

???: and your last name?

ChamAlien: I... I don't have a last name. But then doesn't prove were the same!

???: all right then, then tell me this, how did you die?

ChamAlien: how I died?... how I... died.

I remembered that time he took everything and everyone I loved.

ChamAlien: I... I...

???: you're probably gonna say he killed you by stabbing you on the stomach and the Omnitrix clearly heald you by healing your wounds. But no, that's not what happened and the Omnitrix don't do that.

My head starting to hurt and flashes of memories flashing in my mind.

???: you were once a human that died and your soul is in the Omnitrix, keeping you alive. And ever since then you forgot about who you were. I'm the human you were once was, we are the same... and you couldn't tell anyone.

With that the headache stopped and so did the the memories. I... I...

ChamAlien: I remembered.

???: remembered what?

ChamAlien: everything. Especially who I... am and... was.

I said softly as everything that happened to me in the past.

ChamAlien: is that why you brought me hear and appearing out of no where? So I can remember us about who we are and were?

???: yep. Also, I came here to tell you it's time to tell the others about who you were.

ChamAlien: w-w-what?! No!

???: why not? Are you scared? Are you afraid about how they will react? Are you scared they will leave you?

I didn't talk, all I did is nodded yes as I am scared they will leave me. They're all I got and their my family's.

???: *sigh* look.

He put his hand on my shoulder and spoke.

???: I know your scared but they won't leave you, not after everything you've done for them. Would they leave you after all the nice things you've done for them? Even you're classmates?

I began to remember all the things me and all my friends did together.

ChamAlien: no... they wont.

???: then that's good to hear. Go and tell them.

He gave me a smile on his face, but was interrupted when we then heard a voice.

Abatoon: kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

It was Abatoon, who's been sitting on a chair while eating popcorns.

ChamAlien: what the?! Get out of here!

Abatoon: why? I just want to see the show.

???: this isn't a show! Now get out of here!

Abatoon: ugh! Fine! But are you two gonna kiss?

ChamAlien/???: GET THE F*CK OUT OF HERE!!!

Abatoon: you two are no fun.

He finally get out of here by teleporting away.

???: *sigh* why does that alien exist?

ChamAlien: no idea.

???: I'll be on our way now and remember, tell them the truth.

He began walking away but I stopped him because there's one thing I don't remember.

ChamAlien: wait! If I was once a human, what's our name?

He turned his head facing at me and fave me an answer.

Frank: our name is Franklin Kirby Tennyson. Or just Frank Tennyson for short.

(Note: as I said in the first chapter the character is not Ben Tennyson. Instead he's an Alternate Omnitrix Wielder, just like the Ink Tank did in the 5YL Wiki.)

ChamAlien: oh... wait, Kirby is our middle name?

Frank: it's a family name. And remember, don't forget who you/we were.

ChamAlien: I promise I won't forget.

With that, he walked away and everything around me begins to be even more bright till eventually, I opened my eyes and sat up on my bed. Also, I feel better all of a sudden, I looked out the window and it's already the afternoon.

ChamAlien: whoa. I've must of been really sick to sleep that long.

I got out of bed and grabbed the doorknob but before I could opened it, I took a deep breath because it is time.

ChamAlien: (time to tell them the truth. I should tell someone that's been with me ever since I got here.)

And that someone is Pop. I turned the doorknob and walked out and when I got out, I smell something delicious.

ChamAlien: (what is that smell?)

I followed the smell and it came from the kitchen. Once I got there I see all my friends eating something out of a bowl. Bolt noticed me and waved.

Bolt: hey ChamAlien!

ChamAlien: hey guys!

Pheromosa: you sound better.

ChamAlien: yeah, I feel all better now. I just needed to sleep off the sick. Also, what's that smell?

Tom: thats soup that Braixen and Pop made together.

Pop: we made it with love!

Sylvia: I would throw up if it actually taste like love.

Braixen: you wants some? There's plenty.

ChamAlien: (it's now or never.) Maybe later. But Pop, can speak with you outside, alone?

Pop: uhh... sure.

We went outside and I lead her near by the ocean as the sun was slowly setting down.

Pop: what is that you want to talk about?

ChamAlien: (here I go.) Pop, you know my name is ChamAlien and many others, right?

Pop: yeah.

ChamAlien: we'll... that's a lie. My name is actually... Frank, Frank Tennyson. And I... used to be a human. When he killed me my soul got transferred in the Omnitrix, that's why I'm like that. I used to be a human Pop, I'm sorry I lied to you, and everyone.

I looked at Pop and she was about to say something like "what?!" or something simular like that. But no, her response was this.

Pop: oh, ok.

ChamAlien: I'm sorry, what?!

Pop: I said ok.

ChamAlien: you're not suprice? Shock or even a bit mad?

Pop: no. Because me and the others already know.

ChamAlien: WHAT?!? HOW?!? AND WHEN?!?

Pop: Tapu Lele told us long ago when you were asleep.

ChamAlien: what?!

Pop: she told us, back when I was a Popplio and everyone is there first evolution. And even when  we met Tom and Pheromosa. But anyways, she's a Phychic type and she told us, and the rest of the classmates and the rest of the Tapu Guardians.

ChamAlien: you're reaction?

Pop: I was quite shock/suprice but she told us you'll tell us. All of us has been keeping it a secret so you could yell us and here we are, finally telling us the truth.

Wait, is she told the rest of the Tapu Guardians, then does that mean Tapu Fini already knows? Then why did she fight me? Is is because she wants to know how strong I am? Who knows.

ChamAlien: so I just got a visit by the human version of me, followed me, gave me a fever, told me to tell you guys, and you guys already know?!

Pop: uhhh... yeah.

ChamAlien: *sigh* (I wonder how the human version of me will react when he hears this?)

Pop: also, when I was a Brionne, Tapu Lele told us her and the others told the Pokemon that has the Z-Crystal about who you were. So they kept it a secret.

So the Pokemon's that knew who I was already knew and lied? I then sat on the ground and sign heavily, as I just went threw everything. I was then wrapped around in a hug by Pops large fin, and was pulled into a hug.

Pop: hey, it's ok. Were not mad you for keeping that secret from us. Well, except for Sylvia but Bolt calmed her down. You're just loosing a bit of your humanity and don't have the right words to say. No matter if you're an alien or human, your still the same person that took care of me since we first met.

I... I don't know what to say. Her words touch me and I was having a few tears coming out of my eyes. I hugged her back and embrace the hug.

ChamAlien: *sniff* thank you Pop. *sniff* thank you.

Pop: your welcome. Also, should we call you Frank or still ChamAlien?

ChamAlien: whatever you want is fine by me.

Pop: and also, Kirby is you're middle name?

ChamAlien: it's a family name.

The sun is already down and the moon is up. We both got inside and I explained everyone what happened and they said it's about time. So, when I ate some food it's time for sleep and I'm a little sleepy for some reason. When me and Pop got in pur room, we lay down on our bed and sleep.

Author P.O.V

While these two are getting ready to sleep, they stopped and think about each other.

ChamAlien: (*sigh* oh Pop, you've been by my side ever since we first met, you even still like me for who and was I am. I don't know what I'll do without you.)

Pop: (ChamAlien, you've been with me when I was a Popplio and your the best person I've been with. I don't know what I'll do without you.)

While these two were thinking, their cheeks started turning a bit... red and warm. They both realise it and was shocked.

ChamAlien: (what?!)

Pop: (no!)

ChamAlien: (it can't be!)

Pop: (am I-)

ChamAlien: (falling-)

Pop: (in-)

ChamAlien (love-)

Pop: (with-)

ChamAlien/Pop: (Pop/ChamAlien?!)

To Be Continued...

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