Bitterly, Sweetly

By minifantasy

791 10 14

Love overcomes all is what Kim Namjoo lives by, but maybe not this time. For one thing, it's not her boyfrien... More

The Big Thing
The Bad Guy
Guilty Pleasures
Jealousy Bites
A Line
Left to Right
Phase One
It's Bitter
Sweet Love
Illusion vs Reality
The Maybes
Sour & Sweet
Without Words
Cant Be Choosy
It Is What It Is
Epilogue: Sweet Now


42 0 0
By minifantasy

Sometime in the evening Namjoo finally stirred. Not of her own accord but because he'd been playfully skimming a finger across her cheek into her hair. Once more he was fascinated by her mere existence; the silky strands of her hair; the soft of her skin; the mere fact she was breathing and asleep on his lap.

Everything in him thundered to life, because they were together. They'd kissed. They'd done things unimaginable, but none of it was a lie, and he was so fucking lucky this was happening.

Namjoo nodded her nose into his shirt annoyed before her eyes fluttered open. Her hair slipped over her shoulder as she sat rubbing her eyes.

"Good rest?" he asked.

"How long have you been awake?"

Draping an arm across her belly, he replied, "Long enough." Pecking her cheek he urged, "Come on."

"What?" she wondered when he started rising.

"I saw a convenience store nearby." On his feet now Sehun stretched.

"I have food." Namjoo blinked.

"If I'm staying another night, another change of clothes will be nice." His eyes twinkled.

The corner of her lips curled making his heart leap. He hoped it was a sign she looked forward to tonight, too.

It had to be.

Impatiently grabbing her hand, he lugged her to her feet. He grabbed his wallet. She grabbed her keys. Swiftly slipping into their shoes sharing airy giggles they hurried out her door grasping hands as they dashed toward the elevator.

The joy was surreal as they embarked on the road hands tightly clutched between them. The rest of the world was unimportant. None of the people watching this couple as they blast by in their cars. Or the unlucky weekend workers staring down their windows seeing a man and a woman crossing the sidewalk in love.

Arriving at the convenience store Sehun grabbed a basket with one hand, the other still clinging onto Namjoo's sturdily.

"These, too." Namjoo dunked cookies into the basket.

"You have milk?"


"Milk is cookies' couple." Sehun told. Namjoo gave him a funny eye. "It's a commandment. Remind me to grab milk."

He pulled her into the necessities aisle where he searched for a toothbrush.

"Aww...all the manly colors are out." He moped.

Sehun got a smack on the arm. Namjoo scoffed humored. "Manly." Grabbing a yellow toothbrush off a peg she tossed it into the basket. "There."

Finishing off with a pair of cheap gray sweats and a t-shirt they went over to the cooler section. Propping a door open they went over the variety on sale.

"Want to share a drink tonight?" he asked.

"No, I'm not in the mood."

Tapping the underside of her chin he flirtatiously lowered his voice, "I can get you in the mood."

Hurriedly darting her eyes in case someone overheard she smugly thwarted, "In your dreams."

Chuckling he grabbed a half liter of milk off the shelf. "But I'll cook tonight."

Raising a brow as if doubting his ability, she asked, "You can cook?"

"Other than what I'm best at," he teased then wriggled his fingers, "my hands are pretty good with food."

Giggling she pressed her face into his shoulder, "You're such a loser."

Wheeling her around they went to check out and walked back to her apartment clinging each other's hand.

Namjoo sat down right away letting him dig around her kitchen for a pan and cooking utensils. She really started snacking as he began sorting through her available ingredients. Namjoo had not lied. Her fridge was stocked with fresh goods. From green onions, mushroom, bell peppers, scallions, and eggs all the way down to a sort of fruits all cut up and organized in their own containers. To-go packs of drinkable ginseng and vitamins filled up the side shelf.

He chose a package of chunks of beef and a variety of greens for tonight's meal. The pizza had digested. He was hungry and knew Namjoo was, too. He'd feed her and they would spend the rest of the night savoring each other's company.

Sehun was downright determined to make the best of tonight before Chanyeol returned.

This was their moment.

This was their time alone.

Midway through slicing meat he leaned over, "I want a bite, too."

Instead of giving him a new piece Namjoo stuck her half-eaten cookie into his mouth.

"Cheap." He muttered biting down on the sweet. Namjoo cutely shrugged, but he let her go because this was their first domestic evening together.

As he got the meat cooking Namjoo finally left the table to come turn on the vent, but hovered around him like she couldn't trust him.

"It'll be good. I promise." He said busily stirring his mix.

"I didn't say anything."

"Then," he cheekily eyed her, "I know you want to back hug me."

Namjoo scoffed. "I don't."

"Come on," he half teased. "I know you want to get your hands busy."

She smacked the back of his shoulder causing him to bubble with laughter. He was enjoying this too much. What he would give to always spend his evenings like this with her.

Sehun's heart skipped innumerable beats when Namjoo's arm slid around him. The gentle weight of her head rested on the back of his shoulder; her body pressed into his. The cheery tease from earlier melted into sugar, spreading sweetly like an overdose through his system.

The ginormous smile on his face came to the light of day and he finally felt like this was real love. Namjoo accepting him for all his faults; all the wrongs he was driving aside, especially the trust Chanyeol had given him to take care of his girlfriend in his stead.

In a crooked way Sehun was taking care of her.

"Your back is nice." Namjoo murmured.

"Well, it's yours." He gladly told.

The sound of her appeased laughter drove him over the moon.

He was willing to give everything of himself to her. She didn't have to ask.

Twining her hands at his front she asked, "Is it done yet? I'm starving."

"Give it a few minutes. It has to settle." Twisting around in her arms he suggested, "But we can do something else while waiting."

"Do what?"

"This." Cupping her jaw, he gave her a long kiss she immediately replied to. He tasted her tongue, the moist of her lower lip, and felt her tiptoe to get the better of him.

His heart was racing so hard when they separated, he was breathing so hard. Namjoo's cheeks were flushed mad red. Her chest bounced as she struggled to catch her breath.

Interlocking eyes, they shared happy giggles. And he believed for the first time they were on the same wavelength.


They didn't have sex again, but besides how much she enjoyed that with Sehun she also really liked being with him. Doing regular things besides their date that wasn't really a date today.

There was no way to describe it. Being around him, she hardly thought about anything else. His presence itself was some kind of hypnosis she couldn't escape. Not that she could complain about it now.

Namjoo was merely captivated by him.

Every part of him. His features. The way he moved around her kitchen smoothly like he'd been here forever and knew her apartment inside out. He seemed so comfortable here it was alluring watching him dig through her fridge, take up the stove, eat at her table, and wash dishes at her sink.

It felt like he always belonged right at her side.

Since they'd showered hours earlier Namjoo just brushed her teeth before resorting to bed. She was just waiting for Sehun now. When he did appear in her doorway a grin trickled across her face. He actually looked just right in the tee and sweats they'd picked up from the convenience store.

Her heart did something funny when he closed the door and climbed onto the bed to sit beside her. This feeling of hominess scampered wildly throughout her body. She was so undeniably warm with happiness.

Their toes barely touched but her leg pressed right into his. Neither were their shoulders at level, but she smelled his natural muskiness and it woke up something in her.

Farfetched thoughts way into the future. Sitting like this with her husband chatting into the night, their love swelling a thick cloud overhead. But they were happy and their lives were fulfilling together.

Touching her hand, Sehun twined her fingers. "What are you thinking about?"

A peek and he was so attractive her heart flipped. "Nothing."

"I go back to work Monday." Sehun informed.

"Do you like it?"

"It's a job." His answer was ambiguous.

"You don't sound like you like it." Namjoo pointed out.

"It's better than taking over the chicken farm." Sehun glanced at her. "I'd rather do anything than own a chicken farm."

"Do you hate it that much?"

Leaning away he focused ahead. "It's not exactly an easy breezy life. It's a lot of work running a farm. You have to be awake in the AM to check on all the hundreds of chickens crammed together into one hell of a hot house together. There's always dead ones scattered around. Then you have to make sure there's enough alive to meet demands for the company coming to slaughter them."

"I had no idea." Namjoo shook her head. She was just a city girl who'd never left her zone. At least not until Sehun came along and persuaded her to take this crazy ride with him.

It still didn't feel quite real that she'd been sleeping with him. Kim responsible Namjoo never acted on impulse.

Seemed Sehun was letting her know a new side of herself she'd never accepted before. Despite how unethical, Namjoo couldn't stop striding along.

"But I still want to take you there." Sehun said. "Someday, maybe."

"To your mother's farm?"

He nodded. "Someday."

"Then maybe." She agreed. Laying her head on his shoulder, she told, "Our play opens this weekend. What day will you be coming?"

"Friday." Sehun answered.

"I'll see you then."

She cuddled with him into the night. Pressing right into his body. Holding the sturdy of him in her arms. Letting their legs mingle and tingle. Happily knowing he was there with her all night long was a satisfaction that made her whole.

Early morning Namjoo shifted away drowsily. The weight of Sehun's arm slipped across her breasts to her belly as he turned from her. Blearily opening her eyes Namjoo pushed herself up on instinct. There was a noise outside the door needed tending.

"Jesus, what is it?" she mumbled running a hand through her hair, sleep clogging the coherent side of her brain as she shuffled to answer the ringing doorbell.

Her eyes sleepily shut as she unlocked the door. Opening again when a familiar voice jingled her ears. Blinking awake now she stared at Chanyeol, his eyes narrow slits as he chuckled enamored.

"Sleepy?" he widely smiled. "I'm sorry, I know it's a Sunday."

Namjoo naturally stumbled backward. He took it as a sign and entered dragging what she had missed. His luggage.

"I'm sorry I didn't call," Chanyeol apologized. "I rushed through the seminar, because I couldn't wait to come back and see you." Walking toward her he squeezed her into his arms.

Namjoo's eyes went wide. They were standing adjacent to her bedroom, the door still wide ass open, where Sehun was still dead asleep in her bed.

When Chanyeol released her, she instantly grasped his arms swerving his back to the door. "Are you hungry?"

"Actually," he focused on her, thank God, "I am."

Sighing relieved, Namjoo led him into her kitchen. "Coffee?"

"That'd be nice."

Walking over to the Keurig Namjoo hit a button to heat the water. The moment she grabbed a mug Chanyeol hugged her. The heat of his breath bounced off her ear.

"I missed you, hon." He repeated.

Turning around she peeked into his big eyes. "Chanyeol..."

She was cut off when he leaned in to kiss her. Stretching away she pressed a hand to his chest. Confusion stirred his expression when she looked at him, so she nervously excused, "I didn't brush my teeth yet."

Breathing a giant grin he said, "Then I guess you should." Withdrawing his arms, he urged, "Go ahead, but hurry. There's so many things I want to tell you."

Handing him the mug, she said, "Then, why don't you start on the coffee while I go wash up?"

Excusing herself Namjoo rushed off. She needed to close the bedroom door, get rid of any sign Sehun was in her home. Instead, she skidded to a fast halt. Sehun was standing just around the corner having awaken at the noise. Something on his face said he'd seen everything including Chanyeol trying to kiss her.

Touching his arm, she pulled him away not forgetting to grab his shoes Chanyeol miraculously hadn't seen on his way in. Shutting the door to her bedroom she led him over to the bed. Sehun sat down pulling her between his legs.

Namjoo glanced down at this suddenly piteous man. A part of her heart injured for this new thing they'd spent an entire day enjoying.

"You can't tell him to leave?" Sehun kept his voice carefully low. He held onto her hands gently but firmly.


Breathing bitterly, he turned away. "I hate this."

Honestly, Namjoo had no idea how to console him.

Back to her with his puppy eyes, he whined, "I don't want you to go to him."

Her heart quivered. She reminisced everything about yesterday to the sweet night they'd shared together, just cuddling, in each other's arms.

Giving him a peck, she promised, "I'll talk to him, ok?"

"Will I see you sometime?" Sehun questioned. Before she could answer there was a knock on her door.

"Namjoo?" It was Chanyeol.

Pulling her hands away she regrettably said, "I should go."

Yanking her around Sehun gave her a hot kiss. "Remember that."

Her chest throbbed as she walked away aware Sehun was watching her every step achingly. Sliding out the door Namjoo skillfully shut it right behind her preventing Chanyeol from getting a glimpse of the inside.

"I thought you were washing up." Chanyeol noted. He skimmed her pajamas.

"Oh..." Namjoo anxiously laughed. Brushing a hand over her nape she said, "Of course. I'm on my way. Get my coffee ready, will you?"

Scurrying into the bathroom she shut the door. She was so damned.


Sehun agonized over every possibility of what Chanyeol could be doing with Namjoo out there. Kissing her? Touching her?

He was so God freaking damn jealous!

Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Chanyeol!!!! Why did he come back a day early?! Today was supposed to his and Namjoo's day together! He just had to ruin it for him!

Sehun flopped onto the bed helpless to his imagination. Chanyeol touching Namjoo. Holding her hand. Doing things a man wanted to do to his woman. He was so upset!

That should be him out there. Kissing Namjoo. Hugging Namjoo. Touching Namjoo. Laughing, joking, and enjoying a simple conversation with her. He should be the only one with her.

It wasn't fair it was like this.

Namjoo had just confirmed her feelings for him. She had just started being honest with him and now Chanyeol had to take it away from him.

Half an hour ticked into an hour and a half and he wondered what the hell they were doing out there away from his sight. He hoped Namjoo was telling Chanyeol off. Saying they had to breakup, she'd had a change of heart.

He hoped, he hoped, he hoped...

Then the door opened and Namjoo finally reappeared after what felt like an eternity. Announcing what he'd been waiting to hear, "He's gone."

Sehun wasted no time crossing the room to the doorway. Cupping her face, he desperately kissed her with yearning. Take her down right now? He could. He would claim her.

A hand started unbuttoning the shirt he'd just put on, the other grabbed her hip urging her into him. He was nearly there. Hard and hot for her. He tasted the impatient strokes of her tongue as if she'd been deprived of him for an entire lifetime, too.

Leaving her face he skimmed her shirt up her body recalling she was still braless. And he was angry Chanyeol had seen her like that, but joyful Namjoo had gone to sleep like that with him. He felt her perky nipple gasping into her mouth as the heat intensified.

Right now. Right now, he wanted to be in her right now...

Then the doorbell rang and they broke apart.

Curses whirred beneath his breath when Namjoo stepped away fixing her messy hair, wiping his saliva off her lips, and drawing her shirt over her breasts as she backpedaled to open the door.

Then, he heard Chanyeol's voice, "Is Sehun here? I saw the car downstairs."

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