Loving Him (Pietro x Male!Rea...


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you were new to the avengers, but it felt like you were treated as if you were with them since they started. ... Еще

Him and his Pranks
As a Thanks
A bit of work, and a bit of Pietro
Damn. Damn indeed.
A shower
A night to remember
Nervous for no reason
Sweet like candy
New and Improved
Just a normal day
False Alarm
Its just You and Me
Back in reality


353 15 0

"You ready yet, Pietro?" You asked, waiting for his response. "Yeah, I'll be out in a second".

He walked out wearing a white long sleeve, black slacks, and brown leather shoes, underneath a coat. "So, how do I look" you looked at him in awe, he looked amazing, handsome, perfect.

"Well damn, you look better than I do" you replied. You wore a white long sleeve, black suspenders, a gray jacket that hanged on your shoulder, black slacks, and black shoes, you purposely opened the top 2 buttons of your long sleeve cause it was tight.

"Yeah right" Pietro stated, you two chuckled and Pietro checked you up and down, "You look great" he stated once more. "Let's get goin' then" you stated as you grabbed onto his shoulder and warped to the restaurant.

"Hey, we have a table reserved for uh, I think Tony reserved it, Tony Stark?" You stated as the waiter looked down on the list and checked for your names.

"Names, sir" he replied, "Oh, uh, Pietro Maximoff and Y/n L/n" you replied.

"This way sir" he guided you into a large table, big enough to fit the whole team. You sat beside Pietro and held his hand under the table. "Nervous?" You asked him, "Kind of, I haven't had a meal with most of them since I joined, it's just me, you, and Wanda" he replied.

"Aw, it's gonna be fine, it's just dinner, nothing to be nervous about" you stated as you left a kiss on his cheek. Just as your lips parted from his cheek you heard whispers

"Look at those two, disgusting"

"What a waste of a pretty face"

You turned around to see who it was, it was a group of male friends on a table, obviously spending daddy's money to flex on his friends. You gave them a look and they taunted you back. You were pissed. You warped the 4 of their glasses just above their members and their drinks spilled, they all stood up, you could see the dark liquid stain on their black slacks.

"Someone forgot to use the bathroom" you chuckled as everyone looked at their situation and giggled. They were embarrassed and tried to grab you. One of them decided to grab your collar, boy was that a grave mistake. The second you felt his arm you warped him into the middle of the ocean. The other 3 were shocked.

"Where the fuck is he" one of them stated, "He went for a swim. In the ocean. If you three don't want to end up getting eaten by a 60-foot shark, I suggest you mind your own business, eh?"

They took a few steps back as you stood, hands in your pockets, and slowly walked in their direction.

"Y-yes, sir" the three of them stated, "Good", you snapped your fingers and the smoke started to appear again, revealing a male in a suit drenched in water as he panted for breath.

"Get the fuck out of here" you stated. They ran out of the door into who knows what sports car bullshit they drove. Everyone clapped at you for handling the situation so calmly. A waiter came by and offered you something

"A bottle sir", he offered a fresh bottle of unopened wine, "Oh no, we don't have our friends yet" you stated, Pietro didn't even talk, he was just smiling at you. "It's for you to take home sir, many of our guests have been complaining about those...men, this is thanks for handling them".

You were in awe, you got a free bottle of wine for fuck's sake. "Oh, thank you" you gently took the bottle and placed it under your chair, you looked at Pietro and mouthed the words, "We have something to drink at home now", he giggled, and you smiled at him.

As a few minutes pass by, you had a small talk with Pietro now and then when you got bored, most of the time you just stared at how he would look around and smile at him. He always had a charm to his face that made you smile even if he wasn't trying to.

After a few minutes pass by once again, you see Tony walk through the door of the restaurant in one of his suits. He wore a typical black suit with a tie.

"You two are always so early, I'm surprised Steve isn't here yet", he stated as he sat down across from you two, you giggled at the response, "I'm surprised we got here before he did. I'll get them, hold on"

You stood up and walked out of the restaurant. You warped to the tower and saw Steve walking. You took your hand and placed it on his shoulder, "Steve" he jumped at the contact. "Jesus, stop that" you giggled and warped him to the restaurant, you could've just warped them there without seeing them, but you didn't know if they were done preparing so you went to see them

After a while, you got to warp all of them to the restaurant within a few minutes. You sat back down and said, "Okay, everyone's here should we order?" You stated and everyone nodded in agreement, you saw none of the waiters in your view were available, so you decided to warp in a waiter.

Waiter POV:

I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my notepad, after I washed my hands, as I stepped out, a feeling of cold air went up to my neck, it was black smoke with a hint of silver in it. The smoke engulfed me and I saw nothing but black.

After a second of thinking the smoke opened up and I was in front of a table.

Your POV:

"Ah perfect, I'll take the (food you like)" you stated as the waiter looked at you shocked at what just happened. You chuckled and he wrote down your order

The others stated theirs and the waiter went into the kitchen to get the food started.

As the awkward silence filled the table, Tony asked you questions. "So, Y/n, what else can you do aside from teleport things around".

"Ah, well, I can travel dimensions, time travel, and I monitor everything I warp. So, nothing can harm me or the things I warp." You replied, "Time travel?" Steve asked, "Yes, you want proof?" You replied, "Sure" he replied.

You warped into the '90s and grabbed Peggy by the shoulder and warped her to the restaurant. "Tadaaaa" you stated as Peggy looked around in shock at what just happened.

"STEVE?" she said in contusion

"PEGGY?" Steve replied. Before they could do anything else you warped her into a hospital into the '90s and put a paper beside her saying she passed out.

"Was that good enough for you, Capsicle", you asked with a giggle, he just looked at you in awe. Pietro was smiling at their reactions. Everyone was dead silent the only people who didn't have an actual reaction were Wanda, and Pietro.

"Well damn." Steve stated, his mouth agape, he looked at his plate and stared into nothingness. You were having second thoughts on bringing Peggy. "Uh..I'm sorry about that, let's forget that ever happened. And I think I just ruined dinner" You stood up and warped out, not bringing anyone with you.

You warped into the tower into a locked guest room. You fell to your knees and kneeled. "God, why did I do that, you fucking idiot, you absolute god damn dumbass." You cursed yourself and kicked a box covered in dust.

Pietro POV:

As the team fell silent, Y/n warped away somewhere. I stood up and said, "May I be excused" with an awkward chuckle. I quickly sped up to places I would find Y/n. The ice cream parlor, the café, the shawarma place, by the lake, his old apartment. He wasn't in any of those places, there was still a place for me to check, our room.

I ran to the tower and went up the flight of stairs. I knocked to check but no one answered, I opened the door to be greeted by darkness and cold air, no one was there. I tried calling his phone and texting him, no answer.

Pietro: Where are you
8:37 pm

Pietro: Please, I'm worried
8:56 pm

Pietro: Please, Love. I'm worried sick and I don't know what's happening to you, or where you are
9:12 pm

Your POV:

As I finished scolding myself and feeling stupid for what I did, I went to check my phone.

3 unread messages and 76 missed calls

I went to check who texted me, it was Pietro. Only Pietro. Which made me think I messed up, I felt even dumber than before, so I warped to the ice cream parlor we go to for dessert and grabbed a medium cup of Matcha flavored ice cream.

I sat near the big window of the front, near the entrance. I looked down at my ice cream and mixed it, not having the energy to eat it, but I urged myself to take a few scoops now and then.

As I was mixing my ice cream to and fro, I felt a gust of air coming from the entrance to the seat across from me, I didn't bother to look up. But I wasn't expecting it to be Pietro.

He took my hand and looked me in the eye. "Where. The hell. Have you been." He stated as I saw the anger in his eyes. "Here" I replied, sadly, looking back into my cup and leaning on my other arm.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was, I looked for you all over the whole city, in this." He gestured his clothes, you let out a big sigh of sadness and said, "I'm sorry" and mixed your ice cream in your cup. His anger suddenly faded into worry and concern, he sighed and said;

"Look, Y/n, I was worried to death, I thought you left me, I checked here 4 times, and even checked our room multiple times as well, why didn't you tell me" as he entangled your fingers in his, you looked at him and said, "I felt stupid for warping in Peggy from the past" as you placed your arm on the table and rested your head on your forearm, looking down on the table, the other already entangled in Pietro's touch.

"So you warped away? We could've talked about it, why didn't you just tell me", "Cause it was so stupid to the point where I felt like I just ruined the most important night ever. One of the rare nights we spent time with the team", you replied in a shaky voice, your hidden eyes forming tears. But Pietro could tell you were crying when you sniffled

"Hey, hey, it's ok, it was a mistake, everyone makes mistakes, okay? You don't have to overthink it" he stated as he kneeled beside you and hugged you, whilst kissing you on the back of your hand.

You sniffle and quickly pulled him in closer into a tighter hug and cried on his shoulder. "Let's get back to dinner, okay? Your steak is waiting for you, it's getting cold", Pietro stated, which made you giggle a little. You cleaned your nose and wiped your tears, "Alright, let's go" you replied as you entangled your hand in his and warped back to the restaurant, as you two warped, the team had their eyes on you.

You looked down at your shoes and didn't make eye contact with anyone, except Pietro. You sat down at your seat and ate your food.

As the team was eating, they made small talk now and then, talking about their experiences and certain occasions that have happened. You only looked down at the table leaning on your arm, while the other held Pietro's hand.

"You okay?" Pietro asked, "Yeah" you replied and smiled. "Dessert? Anyone?" Tony asked, everyone else decided to nod in agreement except for you, Pietro shook your hand lightly for a response. You looked at him and looked at everyone else, "Y/n?" Tony asked.

"I'm..fine..thanks" you replied, not making eye contact, "Are you sure? You're always down for dessert, is something wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing's..wrong" you replied, "There's obviously something wrong" Thor stated as he looked at you. "What's wrong my dear friend" he asked, as he placed a hand on your shoulder and rubbed it lightly, "I just feel stupid" you replied. Everyone looked at you with a mix of shock and concern. "For what" Thor asked, "For existing" as those words escaped your mouth everyone on the table's voice escaped their mouth.

"HEY, HEY" they all said in sync and started bombarding you with positive things. "Don't you ever, and I mean ever say that, who has made you feel this way, I shall execute them immediately. Was it this man" he stated as he pointed at Pietro. "What, no, don't, I love him." You said as you held his hand close to your heart.

"Don't you ever say that Y/n" Steve stated, "You are the most important person in this team, we cannot, and I mean we cannot, execute these missions we are given without you" said, Tony in a stern manner.

"Yeah, we had that combo where you warped my arrows" Clint barged in, "What we're trying to say is, you're important to the Avengers, and to Us" Natasha stated as she put a hand on your shoulder. "All I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry for bringing in Peggy, maybe I should've just bought a dinosaur egg or something" you replied to all their positive comments.

"Is that why you're down?" Steve asked, "Well yeah, you guys looked at me like I just killed someone and went silent", they looked at you with a smile and giggled, "Y/n, we weren't silent cause you brought in Peggy, we were silent because we couldn't comprehend your abilities"

You just looked up in shock, Pietro had a smile on his face, "Told you so" he stated, there was nothing to overthink about. You were making the situation worse than it was in your head, but in reality, it was nothing like that. "So, change your mind about dessert? Y/n?", Tony asked.

"Oh, I'm fine, I'll have Pietro for dessert later", he took your hand and slapped it, "WE'RE IN PUBLIC" he stated and you giggled, and so did everyone else.

As Tony ordered the desserts, they were quick to act, after only a few minutes they were ready, they made cream puffs with a side of ice cream. Pietro got his and started eating, and while you didn't mind the dessert, because you had ice cream earlier, you just sat there, watching them eat, holding Pietro's hand.

He looked at you and said, "You want some?" He gestured his spoon to the ice cream and cream puffs, "Sure, why not", he cut up half of the cream puff and spooned it to you. "Oh wow, that's good, kinda too sweet though, don't you think?"

You stated, he giggled and said, "You're sweeter than this, I don't mind it", you opened up his hand that you held and placed it on your face, putting your hands on top of it to hide your blush, when you let go of his hand, he put his hand on your cheek and rubbed it with his thumb, "You need to shave soon" he stated as your stubble ran against his thumb, "Why, I like it like that. Don't you think it makes my face more defined" you replied and he giggled, "Yeah, I like it"

As you finished up dinner with everyone, they wanted to get home so you warped them 1 by 1, but before you could warp Pietro, he stopped you and said, "I'm taking you home this time, you've used your warping too much, I know you're exhausted." Though you never felt tired using your abilities, you agreed and went with it. He picked you up bridal style and he sped up towards the tower.

As you got there he put you down and opened the door to your room, you jumped and warped on the bed, releasing a relieved sigh. "I'm so tired, I wanna go to bed" you stated and opened up your arms for a hug, in no time Pietro snuggled his cheek into your chest and hugged you tightly, he was tired as well. He looked all over the city for you.

"You want me to cuddle with you this time?" You asked the tired Pietro laying on top of you. "Ugh, Please." He replied, and you giggled, "Let's get changed then" you responded and warped to the closet causing Pietro to fall into the soft mattress. You decided to wear your usual tank top with boxers and warped back onto the bed, when you got back, Pietro was already changing. He walked out of the closet shirtless, wearing only his boxers. "Get a tank top" you stated, "No~" he replied in a playful voice and sped up to the bed, he moved beside you and you placed your arm around his shoulders like usual. "We gotta do a lot of stuff tomorrow, Specifically me" you stated, you had files to work on again, work out, cook food, get the laundry, and whatnot. Pietro just had to work out and eat all day, "Yeah, so you better make this the best hug I'll ever get" he replied.

"Oh please, I give you the highest quality of hugs every time you hug me, whether it's on the chair, the tub, the sink, the bed, the couch. Anywhere really, you cannot argue that my hugs are your favorite. Period" you stated and he giggled with you.

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