Rosabella Black|Daughter Of S...

By Alexandra_060203

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Alone. That's how Rosabella felt. Harry was gone. Hunting Horcrux's along with Hermione and Ron. Rosabella wa... More

The Black Family
The Funeral
The Seven Potters
The Fallen Warrior
First Times
The Wedding
Kreachers Tale
The Bribe
Return To Hogwarts
Magic Is Might
The Muggle-Born Registration Commission
Goblins Revenge
Godrics Hollow
The Silver Doe
Deathly Hallows
Potter Watch
The Wandmaker
Shell Cottage
The Final Hiding Place
The Missing Mirror
The Lost Diadem
The Sacking Of Severus Snape
The Battle of Hogwarts
The Elder Wand
The Princes Tale
The Forest Again
Kings Cross
The Flaw in the Plan
The Wedding
Jason & Katie
Jacob & Ginny
Ron & Hermione
George & Angelina
Percy & Audrey

19 Years Later

770 12 4
By Alexandra_060203

2002 to 2015

Rosabella's Point of View:
Harry and I had spent the last five years as Aurors capturing any escaped Death Eaters and their were still more out there. Ron and Neville worked with us but Ron left because he saw how George struggled to run his joke shop without Fred. Having Ron there definitely helped George but the pain of loosing his twin would always be there, but George remained his joking self and because he lost his partner in crime, we teamed up to prank my twin brothers. Angelina and George were now expecting there first child. They announced it a month ago.

Fleur is also pregnant with her and Bill's third and they insist last child. They've already had two girls, Victoire and Dominique. Dominique was quite the handful, very stubborn and headstrong even if she was only two.
Ginny is also expecting her and Jacob's fourth child. They had their first child Lucas, named after our brother, month's after their wedding. They had their second, Michael, a year later. Then Aurora a year after Michael. Ginny is determined that they're fourth will be they're last.

Jacob and Katie claimed they were also done with having kids after their three girls, Isabella, Sofia and Maria.
Neville left being an Auror not long before Ron because he wanted to be the Herbology Professor at Hogwarts. Jacob was also the Head of Gryffindor house.

Fiona had tried to start going on dates but she claimed that now she knew for certain that no man would compare to Lucas. She was currently sitting with me in the living room while Harry was with Roseanna, who was playing with Winters pups that weren't so little anymore. They were fully grown.







Fiona and I were drinking tea curled up on the sofa with blankets one snowy evening in December.
    "I've made my decision Ro. I'm not going to date anymore. I'm wasting my time." Fiona said casually, sounding completely untroubled.
    "It hasn't been that long, Fiona. Maybe you're being to hasty." I said softly, holding her hand reassuringly.
Fiona raised her eyebrow questioningly as a smile made it's way across her face.
   "Okay, so maybe I'm not one to lecture about hasty decisions but still, Fiona." I said laughing slightly.
Fiona gave a light chuckle as she sipped her tea.
    "I see where you're coming from Ro but . . . how can anyone compare to Lucas?" Fiona said as tears fell from her eyes.
I shuffled closer to her and pulled her into a comforting hug. Fiona cried softly on my shoulder. I soothed Fiona hair.
    "I miss him, too. Everyday." I mumbled soothingly to her.
Fiona wiped her eyes.
     "Ro, I know I'll never have anything remotely close to what I had with Lucas again, and, in truth, I don't want anything else." Fiona said.
     "Fiona, you can't live your life without love." I said compassionately.
     "But I will have love in my life. I have my daughter, what else do I need? She is the best thing Lucas ever gave me and I will dedicate my life into raising her the way Lucas and I would of wanted. I'll raise her to be someone I know Lucas would be proud of." Fiona said determinedly.
    "Fiona, you knowI will support you in anything but that's not healthy." I said softly.
    "My focus is Roseanna. There is no other purpose in my life. You'll understand where I'm coming from Ro, when the day comes when you have a child of your own." Fiona said.

I sighed.

I had never seen Fiona like this. The determination in her. I grabbed her hands in mine and looked at her seriously.
    "I'll support you in anything, you know that, but Lucas would of wanted you ‐" I said.
     "Well, he doesn't exactly get a say anymore." Fiona said.
I smirked slyly.
     "Did he ever?" I asked with a sly smirk.
     "No." Fiona said unashamedly.
We both chuckled.
Fiona sighed and rested her head in her hand.
  "It's been five years and I still expect to see him walk through the door." Fiona muttered sadly as a tear rolled down her face.
     "I know." I sighed as Fiona wiped her tear away.
Fiona then stood up.
     "I'm going to get coffee. Want one?" Fiona said as she started to walk towards the kitchen.
     "No, thanks. I keep being sick lately, that's why Harry didn't want me playing in the snow with Roseanna." I said.
Fiona paused in her tracks and whipped round to look at me. She looked at me very intently.
     "When have you been getting sick? Like what times?" Fiona asked seriously.
     "Always in the morning and after I eat something. And things like coffee, that have a strong smell make me sick. Oh and Harry's aftershave. Don't know why, I loved it when he first bought it." I answered.

Fiona's eyes lit up in excitement.
    "Ro, when was your last period?" Fiona asked eagerly.
I looked at her weirdly and I thought about it. That was when I realised I hadn't had a period in at least two months. My eyes bulged as I looked at Fiona.
    "Two months ago." I answered breathlessly.
Fiona flew up and raced to the toilet. She caught her toe on the door frame in her haste and tripped. She got right back up and continued to run. I sat remained sitting on the sofa, frozen in shock. Fiona came back in record time, a pregnancy test clutched in her hand.
    "You. Bathroom. Now." Fiona said.
Still stunned into silence, I absentmindedly got up and walked to the bathroom. I didn't even register what I was doing. Fiona shoved the pregnancy test into my hand and then pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door.
I stood in shock for a few moments before I snapped out of it and hurriedly did the pregnancy test. I came out of the bathroom and Fiona and I impatiently paced as we waited for the answer.

After a couple minutes of pure agony, we finally got the result.


I looked at Fiona, completely shocked. Fiona was looking at me carefully.
    "Do you want me to get Harry?" Fiona said.
I nodded slowly.
Fiona rushed outside and felt like my brain was going just as fast as she was.
I'm pregnant. I couldn't believe and I didn't know exactly how I felt there were too many different emotions to name just one.
I knew I was happy. I had always wanted to be a mom. But I was also worried about Harry's reaction. We were both 22 and that's not ridiculously young to have a baby, hell Ginny's already had three and she's 21. We're also not in a bad position. We've been married for four years and our relationship is as good as ever and we have more then enough money to have a child. Plus we have a lot of room, we have a big house mainly for the reason we were planning to have kids. Plus we both agreed to stop using protection so honestly what did we expect to happen?

My heart beat raced rapidly and it seemed like no time at all when Fiona returned with Harry, who was giving Roseanna a piggy back. Harry looked concerned.
    "C'mon, Anna. We need to go home." Fiona said as she helped Roseanna off of Harry's back.
     "But Mom, I want to sleep over!" Roseanna protested.
      "You slept over Monday and Aunt Ro has things to do. Say goodbye." Fiona said firmly.
Roseanna grumbled slightly but beamed at me when she hugged me. She then hugged Harry goodbye.
     "Ro, what's going on? Fiona didn’t tell me anything and basically just started dragging me inside." Harry said.

Fiona and I glanced at each other.

   "Well, I'm sure you both have a lot to talk about. Thanks for having us." Fiona said as she hugged me.
     "Good luck." Fiona said as she winked at Harry as she passed.
Harry looked even more confused.
Fiona then left through the floo network with a reluctant Roseanna.
     "Ro, what is going on?" Harry said.
I let out a shakey breath.
     "I'm ‐ eh ‐, well, you see – wow I'm really bad at this." I said with a groan.
Harry wrapped his arms around me.
      "Ro, please just tell me what's going on." Harry said.
I looked Harry in the eye and took a deep breath.
      "Harry . . ." I whispered and I placed one of the palms of my hand in Harry's face.
       "I'm pregnant." I finished, still in a whisper.
Harry took in a sharp intake of breath. His eyes bulged and he was quiet for a few moments and then a grin broke out across his face.
     "You are?" Harry said eagerly.
My eyes welled up with tears of joy as I smiled at him brightly.
I nodded my head.
I squealed as Harry spun me around in pure happiness. I laughed and he finally stopped spinning me.
Harry then kissed me.
     "I don't know if I've ever been this happy in my life." Harry said and I laughed as the joyful tears fell from my eyes.
Harry and I embraced each other tightly. Harry then suddenly pulled back. He was staring at my stomach.
     "Merlin, there's a baby in there." Harry said with wide eyes.
I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. Harry's eyes then snapped back to my face. He was suddenly frantic.
    "Are you hungry? Is the baby hungry? Can you tell when the baby is hungry? You're hungry, I'll get you food. Is there certain foods you can't eat when you're pregnant? Are some foods harmful? Are you tired? You should lay down! I'll get blankets and then I'll get tou food!" Harry rampled and he wouldn't let me get a word in as he hurried off.

A few days later we had our first check up with Fiona. She would be my mid wife and deliver the baby. Everyone in the family was thrilled when Harry and I announced we were expecting at our monthly family dinners.
    "Harry, it's been nice knowing you." Jason said solemnly as he clapped Harry on the back.
Harry raised a cautious eyebrow at him.
     "What do you mean?" Harry said suspiciously.
      "Ro. Pregnant. I can't even imagine. I'm surprised you've lasted this long." Jacob said with a mournful look at Harry.
     "You make me sound like some sort of beast." I said glaring daggers at them.
     "That's an insult to beasts." George said, grinning.
I exchanged a look with Ginny, Angelina, Audrey and Fleur.
All of us were pregnant and we all threw food at Jason, Jacob and George.
  "Merlin help us, five pregnant women in one house." Ron groaned to Jason, who laughed.
      "I'd like to see you try and grow a human in you, Ron. Then we can see how well you cope." Audrey said giving him a death glare.
I high fived her.

The pregnancy went very well and Harry and I both wanted to find out what the baby was going to be but when the time came for Fiona to tell us we got more then one surprise. We were having twins. Both boys. Harry looked like he would die of shock.
     "Oh god. Please don't let them be like Jay and Jake!" I begged.
My brothers found it hilarious when we revealed it was twins and I knew they were hoping for a . . . mischievous pair.
    "It's only fitting the demon child has a demon child of her own." Jason said as Katie was struggling to keep Maria, their youngest, a time out.
     "Jason Black! Will you stop teasing you sister for one god damn minute and help me?" Katie snapped.
    "What did she do this time?" Jason asked.
    "I saw her trying to cut off Izzy's hair!" Katie said, seething as she held the kicking and screaming Maria.
Jason moved to help her.
     "Don't worry, Jay. I'll take over —" Jacob said, as he carried a struggling Aurora over his shoulder.
      "No you will not. I can't exactly force our child onto the naughty step when I'm 8 months pregnant can I?" Ginny said fiercely.
      "Does she really need to go on time out —?" Jacob started to say.
       "For biting her brother? Yes. Yes she does." Ginny said and after a hard glare Jacob proceeded with a time out.
Bill was also wrestling with Dominique while Fleur held their new born and now only son Louis.
     "Dominique Weasley you can't just tackle your sister because you felt like it!" Bill said at a screaming Dominique.
     "God help Hogwarts when they go." Mrs Weasley said as she hugged Victoire while Fiona cleaned and patched up her scraped knee from being tackled.
Maria, Aurora and Dominique were all the same age, 2 years, and were inseparable. They weren't naughty as if they prank and get into mischief, they are just sassy, stubborn and headstrong.
Lucas II (Jacob's oldest), Isabella (Jason's oldest) and Victoire (Bill's oldest) were also the same age (4) and inseparable.
Sofia (Jason second child) and Michael II (Jacob's second child) were also inseparable and the same age of 3. Teddy was now 6 and Roseanna was 8. They both tended to stick together but Roseanna, as the oldest, was the ring leader and her cousins would always copy her.
     "They can't be any worse then we were." I said with a laugh in response to what Molly said.
      "You can say that again." Hermione said as she helped Lucas II read his book.

Angelina was the next one to have her baby. It was a boy they named Fred. He was born in the middle of January 2003.
Ginny then had her forth and final child, a girl they named Skylar. Audrey had hers barely a week after Ginny and she too had a girl. They named her Molly II.

Then it was me.

Fiona has delivered everyone of our kids and I had Andromeda and Harry in the birthing room with me. Let's just say that giving birth is not fun but the reward is worth it. The joy I felt when the twins were born was the happiest I've ever felt.
We named the first twin James Lucas Potter.
The second we named Sirius Michael Potter.

Just as Jason and Jacob hoped . . . they were a nightmare. As they grew up they became inseparable from their cousins Loius and Fred who were also mischievous. I knew they would basically be the next Marauders when they went to Hogwarts. James and Sirius loved to switch places and Harry had to keep the permanent markers away from me as I was getting extremely tempted to write their names on their foreheads. They loved to hide and jump out to scare their cousins. They're usual victim being Sofia as she scared easily. Whenever they scared Maria they usually got punched and then would have to deal with the wrath of Aurora and Dominique along with Maria.

Harry and I had three more kids. Two years after the twins were born we had another son we named Albus Severus Potter. Two years after we had Albus we had twin girls.
The first girl we named Lily Luna Potter.
The second girl we named Rosalie Hope Potter.
Albus was very much like Harry that sometimes they seemed like the same person. Lily greatly resembled her namesake and was probably the most well behaved out of all of them. Rosalie, however, may be even worse then James and Sirius.
George and Angelina had their second and last child a year after Fred. They named her Roxanne. Percy and Audrey also had their second and last child a year after their first. They named her Lucy.
Lucy and Roxanne were inseparable.
The same time I was pregnant with Albus, Hermione was pregnant with her first child Rose. Hermione told me she named her in honor of me.
     "She's so beautiful." I said.
I was visiting Hermione in Saint Mungo's. Ron and Harry had gone to get food for us all and Harry and I had dropped the twins off at Andromeda's. I was 8 months pregnant. Hermione smiled as I cradled her new born daughter in my arms.
     "I'm a mom. I honestly can't believe it." Hermione said as she lay back tiredly.
I smiled reassuringly at her.
     "I couldn't quiet believe it either when the twins were born." I said with a quiet chuckle.
      "What's her name?" I asked Hermione.
      "Well she's named after my favourite person in the world, who will also be a great role model for her. Her name is Rose, after her godmother." Hermione said, smiling at me.
I stared at Hermione, completely stunned. I knew I was going to be godmother because Hermione had asked me as soon as she found out she was pregnant.
     "You look so shocked." Hermione said with a giggle.
     "I am. Thrilled, obviously, but I can't believe you named your daughter after me." I said.
      "Ro, you helped me feel confident in myself. Not just in my abilities academically but just in me. You were always there. I would be proud if my daughter is even half as good as you." Hermione said.
     "I'm honoured Hermione, really. And I may have helped you gain confidence but you kept me alive." I said and we both had to suppress laughing hysterically as we didn't want to wake Rose but we were both shaking with laughter as we remembered all the times Hermione had saved my ass.

Hermione had her second child, a boy called Hugo, a few weeks after I had my second set of twins. The three were inseparable, though Rosalie would rope them into her schemes. Winters pups each became very attached to one of my children each.

Storm basically became James's wolf, like Winter is to me.

Loki is Sirius's.

Koda is Albus's.

Snow is Lily's.

Shadow is Rosalie's.

What Harry and I weren't prepared for was how much the kids argued and bickered.
    "Is everything just a joke to you two?" Albus exclaimed angrily at James and Sirius.
    "Pretty much." James and Sirius said calmly, unphased bu their younger brother's anger and were grinning tauntingly at him.
     "Your both such prats!" Rosalie yelled dramatically at her older twin brothers, coming to Albus's defence.
     "Stop yelling!" Lily shouted.
     "But you're yelling!" James and Sirius  yelled back loudly, grinning broadly at her.
     "No, I'm not!" Lily yelled.
     "Are too!" James yelled.
     "Am not!" Lily yelled.
     "Leave her alone!" Rosalie yelled.
     "No!" Sirius shouted.
     "Yes!" Rosalie shouted back.
     "No!" Sirius shouted.
     "Yes!" Rosalie shouted.
     "You're giving me a head ache! Shut up!" Albus yelled.
James and Sirius shouted even louder.
Harry and I sat on the sofa, not really knowing what to do.
    "What do we do?" Harry asked me.
    "How am I supposed to know?" I demanded.
     "You're the one with siblings!" Harry exclaimed.
      "But we never fought!" I yelled.

It wasn't long before most of the kids were at Hogwarts. During James and Sirius first year of Hogwarts they drove the Transfiguration teacher too retire extremely early as she was only 35, but McGonagall knew the perfect punishment for them along with detention.


Rosabella's Point of View:
Because the Transfiguration teacher quit days before the start of the next school year, McGonagall asked me if I would consider being a temporary Transfiguration teacher for a year until she can find a new one. I agreed and McGonagall was delighted, mainly because she knew James and Sirius would not like it. For that reason I didn't mention anything to the any of the kids, only the adults knew. Harry would be able to handle being the Head of the Auror department without me.

Roseanna had graduated from Hogwarts two years ago, she got top marks and was in Gryffindor.

Teddy was in his last year and he was a Hufflepuff and the Captain of Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

Victoire, Isabella and Lucas II were in sixth year and all in Ravenclaw. Victoire was very much like Fleur but had Bill's heart. Vic was a Seeker on Ravenclaw team.
Isabella was quiet and determined. She was a keeper on Ravenclaw team.
Lucas was reserved and stoic. He was a beater on Ravenclaw team.

Sofia and Michael II were in fifth year. Sofia was in Hufflepuff. She was by far the kindest of all our kids. She was considered the peace maker of the family. 
Michael was in Gryffindor. Michael was the opposite of his brother and loved to tease his brother on a daily basis. Michael was a Keeper on Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Aurora, Maria and Dominique were in forth year, all three of them Gryffindors. They made up the three chasers on Gryffindor team. The three of them were very much alike. They were all fiercely firey and head strong. They also had the reputation of being heart breakers and not very interested in long term relationships.

James II, Sirius II, Louis, Fred, Skylar and Molly II were in second year. The four boys were in Gryffindor but Skylar was in Hufflepuff along with Molly II.

Skylar was the opposite of her sister Aurora and Molly II could be fierce when needed but liked to avoid confrontation.

James and Sirius are exactly like their namesakes along with Fred. Louis reminds a bit if Remus. Being the maturer friend while still causing trouble.

Harry wished he could be there to see the kids reaction to me teaching. The plan was that I would teach at Hogwarts but wouldn't live there. At about 5 in the afternoon I would go back to out Manor. That's what Jacob does because the beauty of Magic is you can get to places very quickly.

On the first of September Harry and I took the kids to platform nine and three quarters as usual. They got on the train and were off. After taking Albus, Lily and Rosalie to Mrs Weasley, I kissed Harry goodbye and appeared to Hogsmeade and then made my way to Hogwarts with Winter close at my side. Years have passed and nothing has changed between us, Winter remains forever loyal.
    "Cutting it a bit close, sis. The train will be here soon." Jacob said as he helped me finish setting up my office.
     "Hey, I'm not one for organisation." I said.
     "Neither am I to be honest." Jacob said, chuckling.
     "That's why I wonder how you both are teachers." A familiar voice said.
I whipped round to see Neville Longbottom smiling at us from the doorway.
    "Neville! It's so good to see you!" I exclaimed as I hugged him.
    "You saw him last month." Jacob pointed out.
     "Thirty days is a long time!" I exclaimed dramatically.
Neville chuckled and shook his head.
     "I think McGonagall has lost her mind. Ro, a teacher." Neville said.
      "Tell me about it." Jacob said.
      "Your both so mean." I said.
We all laughed together and then walked up to the Great Hall.
Hogwarts had been repaired amazingly. It looked exactly the same as it did before the battle of Hogwarts.
      "Ro, where did you go when you first arrived? We barely got your office finished." Jacob said.
I looked at him seriously.
     "Something you should of done the moment you started teaching." I said.
Jacob rolled his eyes.
     "Do you want to clarify what that is rather then just being vague?" Jacob said.
     "I unblocked all the secret passageways." I said.
Jacob's eyes widened.
     "Blimey, I forget that the Carrows blocked them up." Jacob said.
      "You don't have the best memory." Neville said.
      "Oh look who's talking! You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached to your shoulders!" Jacob said.
Neville and I laughed at him as we took our seats at the head table.
A few minutes later, students started Pilling into the Great Hall.

Teddy, Sofia and Michael where some of the first to come in.
    "Aunt Ro? What she doing here?" Sofia said curiously.
    "Huh. No clue." Teddy responded.
    "Maybe McGonagall asked her to help keep James and Sirius in check." Michael said.
     "Oh please, she'd sooner help them, then stop them." Teddy said.
The three chuckled.
Teddy and Sofia said bye to Michael as they went to the Hufflepuff table and Michael went to the Gryffindor.

Victoire, Isabella and Lucas arrived next. They too were confused as to why I was here.
    "She can't be here to teach can she?" Victoire asked the others as they sat down at Ravenclaw table.
      "Why would she? She loves being an Auror." Isabella said.
      "Could of always had a change of heart." Lucas said, shrugging.

Aurora, Dominique and Maria came in next, arms linked together.
    "You don't think my dad wanted to get another relative to spy on us?" Aurora said.
     "I don't see why they're all that bothered. It's not like we're hurting anyone." Dominique insisted.
     "Tell that to the boys of Hogwarts." Sirius said, coming up from behind them with James, Fred and Louis.
     "Hey, we make it clear that it's just –" Maria started to say.
      "A one time thing? C'mon, Mia. You and Rory have the irresistible black genes and Dom is ⅛ veela." James said as if it was obvious.
     "The poor boys don't stand a chance." Fred said in mock sorrow.
      "Personally, I don't see it. My sister's a nightmare." Louis said, smirking at Dominique.
       "Oh you want a nightmare? I'll give you a bloody nightmare!" Dominique said angrily.
Teddy, who had guessed what was happening, had rushed over as soon as he saw them all talking.
     "Can we not get through the first night with out one of you killing each other?" Teddy said, restraining Dominique.
Skylar and Molly II then entered the Great Hall.
     "Where did you four go? We've been looking for you." Molly said.
     "No where in particular." Sirius said smoothly.
     "Just wondering around." James said, not nearly as smoothly as his twin brother.
Teddy eyed them suspiciously.
      "What are you up too?" Teddy asked.
      "Ask us no questions and we shall tell you no lies." Fred said.
      "What's aunt Ro doing here?" Skylar said in surprise.
     "What are you on, Sky? Do you really think you could trick Jamie and me?" Sirius said in disbelief but he looked fondly at his cousin.
      "A for effort, though." James said.
      "Hate to break it to you mate but . . ." Louis said, biting his lip.
      "Your mum's sitting at the high table." Fred said in shock.
James and Sirius whipped round to look at the high table. Jacob and I glanced at each other and we grinned at the kids and waved exaggeratedly at them.
     "Oh, Merlin!" James said.
     "This can't be happening!" Sirius said.
     "Your mom is awesome though. What's the problem? My dad's here all the time." Skylar said.
     "There's two ways this can go." Sirius said.
     "One, mom doesn't care about our antics and helps us." Janes said.
      "Or she catches us doing it and gives brutal punishments because she knows us so well." Sirius said.
      "Either way, sit down the feast will be starting soon." Teddy said.
Skylar and Molly followed him to the Hufflepuff table and Aurora, Maria, Dominique, James, Sirius, Fred and Louis sat with Michael at Gryffindor table.
Jacob and I grinned at each other as all the kids eyed us suspiciously and McGonagall had an amused smirk when she looked at James and Sirius. The Sorting ceremony took place. James, Sirius and Fred shouted out their guesses and got it wrong practically everytime. Loius also guessed but got it right pretty much every time. Maria, Aurora and Dominique bowed their heads in embarrassment at their behaviour while Michael laughed at the annoyance of James, Sirius and Fred when Louis kept getting it right. When the finale student was sorted McGonagall stood up.
     "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. It is with remorse that I inform you that Professor Slynt retired last year. Because Professor Slynt left in such short notice, Professor Potter has agreed to temporarily fill in the post of the Transfiguration teacher for this year intill I can find a permanent replacement. Good luck, Professor." McGonagall said and the Hall burst into applause and whoops.
James and Sirius sat there gobsmacked while Fred, Louis and Michael stood on the table and whooped.

Harry and I were both well known Aurors for rounding up and putting away all of Voldemort's remaining supporters. Plus apparently the portraits have been telling all the students that come to Hogwarts how I fought the Carrows. It took a while for the Hall to settle down.
     "Now let the Feast begin." McGonagall said and she sat down.
I couldn't help but glance over at me son's who were smirking and glancing around eagerly along with Fred and Louis.
Jacob was about to start eating but I put my hand in his shoulder and stopped him. He looked at me curiously but then  everyone in the Great Hall was screaming as their skins turned into different colours. All around the room where patterns of neon colours. Jacob and I burst out laughing.
McGonagall stood up and waved her wand and made everything go back to normal.
    "Rosabella –" McGonagall started to say angrily reminding me oh so much of my school days.
    "It wasn't me." I said, chuckling.
McGonagall looked at me confused, she knew I never lied about a prank or not take credit for one.
McGonagall's hawk eye eyes turned to Jacob who immediately stopped laughing.
    "Wasn't me. Why don't you try the demon spawn?" Jacob said.
McGonagall turned back to me.
     "No, I'm demon child. Demon spawn would be my children, more specifically, my sons." I said and grinned at James and Sirius.
James and Sirius stood up on the table and bowed exaggeratedly. The hall clapped while some of their cousins rolled there eyes. Fred and Louis also bowed with them.
    "Well, looks like all four of you will be joining Professor Black in detention." McGonagall said.
     "What we doing uncle Jake?" Fred yelled.
     "Oh, I'll think of something." Jacob said, grinning.
The Feast then continued and McGonagall read out the notifications. The kids were then sent off to bed.
James, Sirius and all their cousins were obviously waiting for me.
Jacob and I looked at each other and laughed as we went over to them.
    "Yes?" I said andcwas hit with a roar of voices.
     "You're our teacher?" James and Sirius yelled.
     "It's your own fault for scaring off the old Transfiguration teacher!" Aurora yelled back at them.
      "I don't know why your making such a big deal about it. Our dad has taught all of us for ages." Skylar said, smiling as she hugged me.
Sofia also hugged me.
    "Transfiguration is going to be so fun this year." Sofia exclaimed happily.
     "Aunt Ro, your not going to punish us for pranks are you?" Fred insisted.
     "You're going to be cooler then uncle Jake right? Your not going to put us in detention?" Louis said hopefully.
     "Oi!" Jacob said, affronted.
      "We can get away with everything, right?" Michael said, smirking.
      "Of course not you imbeciles!" Victoire said, rolling her eyes and giving Teddy an exasperated look.
Teddy laughed at her.
      "She's a teacher. She can't show favouritism." Isabella said, rolling her eyes.
      "McGonagall wouldn't have hired her if she would show favouritism." Lucas said as if it was obvious.
      "Your going to be more interesting then dull Professor Slynt aren't you, aunt Ro?" Molly said.
       "Your not going to tell my dad what I do wrong are you? Izzy already does that." Maria said, shooting an annoyed look at her sister.
   "Huh. Your dad wasn't exactly a model student. Try having my dad and you're 'perfect' older sister always snitching on you." Dominique said, putting a lot of sarcasm on the word perfect and she gave her sister a death glare.
     "Hey, let's all just calm down." Sofia said, calmly.
They all kept bickering and Jacob and I couldn't even get a word in. I whistled loudly to get their attention.
     "Jesus christ you guys make it hard to answer questions. Let's go one at a time. Who first?" I said.
Jacob groaned.
      "We'll be here all night." Jacob groaned.
I elbowed him in the ribs.
       "You're our teacher!" James and Sirius said dramatically.
      "Well then don't scare off your teachers. Consider yourselves lucky you got me instead if your aunt Hermione." I said giving them a pointed look.
      "Look, I need to get back to Harry. I'm teaching but I'm not staying at Hogwarts. I dread to think how Harry will handle Leah on his own for days on end." I said.
I hugged them all goodbye and headed off home.

On my first lesson which each class  I took a page out of McGonagall's book and greeted the class in my Animagus form. My children, nieces and nephews already knew about my Animagus form and they all laughed at the shocked expressions on the other students faces when I transformed back to my human form.
I highly enjoyed teaching but I loved being an Auror. Especially after having kids, I feel better when I know I've put bad guys away. Neville had warned me in advance that the kids would ask all dlsorts of questions about my Hogwarts years as the portraits like to exaggerate. I was practically hero worshipped and I could only imagine what it would be like if Harry was teaching. Not long before Halloween, I fulfilled my life long dream of turning one of my brothers into a teacup. During one of Jacob's lessons I snuck in and transfigured him into a tea cup that had  roses on it.

     "Why, Jacob, don't you make a beautiful teacup?" I said as the class burst out into laughter.
Aurora, Maria and Dominique were laughing harder then anyone.
I eventually turned him back and I was laughing just as hard as the other students.
Jacob and I stared each other down.
    "You know what this means little sister?" Jacob said seriously.
I smirked at him.
     "Prank war." Jacob said.
     "It's on." I said, smirking broadly.
All the staff practically cried when they found out as all of them had been teaching at Hogwarts the last time there was a Black sibling prank war.

In retaliation to my tea cup prank, Jacob made all the desk fly around my class room.

In retaliation to that, I made all his desks blow up just before his class would come in.

In retaliation, Jacob managed to borrow some nickers from Hagrid and set them loose in the middle of my lesson.

In retaliation, I hid in his class room and kept hexing and cursing him in his lessons and it took him a while to finally find me.

Between all these stunts and many more, Jacob and I also dueled each other on day at lunch. This would be the decider on who won the prank war.
We shot spell after spell at each other while students watched in awe. Jacob's kids cheered him on while my sons cheered me on. Our other nieces and nephews remained neutral but watched eagerly. Neville was cheering just as loudly and enthusiastically the kids.
McGonagall then stormed into where we were dueling.
    "Professor Potter,  Professor Black, what do you think you're both doing?" McGonagall said, shaking her head.
     "Teaching." I replied casually as I dodged one of Jacob's spells.
     "Teaching? How exactly does this qualify as teaching?" McGonagall said sarcastically.
      "We're . . . um . . . er . . . teaching them how to . . . duel? Duel? Yeah, let's go with that." Jacob said as he dodged and blocked the five spells I just shot at him as fast as I could.
     "Hey, Jake, maybe we should start a dueling club? You know like the one Lockheed did but you know, actually teach them unlike him." I suggested.
Jacob and I just stopped dueling as we chased after McGonagall begging her to let us start one.
McGonagall had practically every student in Hogwarts ambushing her to let us, non more then James and Sirius.

I did miss working with Harry everyday but at least I still saw him and my other children every night and let's just say, Harry and I struggled to keep our hands off each other.
Not long before the Christmas holidays I had been feeling a lot more tired. As I was teaching the second years in the last week before the Christmas break I got a sudden sense of nausea. It hit me fast and just out of nowhere. I started throwing up in the bin the class room.
    "Mom!" James and Sirius said and I cod hear their concern.
I heard chairs scrapping and motioned for them all to stay back.
My sons didn't listen.
When I finally stopped and stood back up, James handed me a tissue.
    "Thank you. Go sit back down." I said to Jzmes and Sirius as I ruffled their hair affectionately.
I wiped my mouth on the tissue and then turned back towards the class.
     "Sorry about that guys. Right so, you've sll successfully turned your needles into matchsticks so now we are going to move in to Animal Transfiguration which is more complicated and difficult as, mamals in particular, are much more complicated organism —" I said but then another wace of nausea hit me and I was doubled over the bin again.
    "Freddie, Leo, go get McGonagall! Jamie, find uncle Jake! Mols, Sky, stay with mom, I'll go get Madam Pomfrey!" I heard Sirius say frantically.
Molly and Skylar rushed over to me. Molly rubbed my back as Skylar held my hair out of my face.
     "Class dismissed." I managed to choke out to the remainder of the class.

James II Point of View:
With Storm running next to me  I sprinted up to the Defence Against the Dark Arts class room and didn't bother knocking and just barged in. Uncle Jacob was in the middle of teaching a forth year class.
    "Now, the stupify hex is very effective in multiple situa – James, you can't just barge into my class room when I'm in the middle if a lesson —" Uncle Jacob started to say but I cut him off.
    "It's mom! One moment she was fine and next she's filling up a bin!" I said frantically.
     "Class dismissed. Go wreak havoc somewhere." Uncle Jacob said at once as he followed me out of his classroom.
Aurora, Maria and Dominique followed us. We all hurried to Mom's class room.
Rosabella's Point of View:
James returned first with Jacob.
    "Hey, sis. C'mon get it all up." Jacob said soothingly, holding my hand.
I gasped for breath as I finally finished being sick.
The bin was nearly full.
Everyone looked at me in concern.
    "C'mon, let's get you too Madam Pomfrey." Jacob said and he helped me up.
We all went down to the hospital Wing, where Sirius was frantically arguing with Madame Pomfrey, his wold Loki looking anxious at his side.
     "Mr Potter, if you would please calm down and tell me what us wrong." Madam Pomfrey said, reproachfully.
    "It's me, Madam Pomfrey." I said as Jacob helped me to a bed.
     "I am capable of walking, thank you. I was sick not passed out." I said.
Madam Pomfrey quickly hurried over to examine me, just as Sofia, Teddy, Isabella,Victoire, Lucas and Michael came running in looking worried. Fred and Louis soon followed with a worried looking McGonagall.
    "All of you outside." Jacob said to the kids.
They all immediately protested.
     "She's our mom!"
     "We're not going anywhere!"
     "You can't just expect us to –"
Jacob yelled over them.
     "The last thing she needs is all of you in here! Wait outside and I'll tell you everything we know when we know it ourselves! Out! Now! All of you!" Jacob said and some of the kids quickly obeyed as Jacob has rarely raised his voice. .my sons just glared at him and looked at me with worry.
I winked reassuringly at them and the reluctantly let themselves be dragged out by Teddy.
McGonagall stood by me with her hand in my shoulder. She looked highly concerned.
    "What's the matter with her, Poppy?" McGonagall insisted.
     "One moment, Minerva." Madam Pomfrey said.
     "Well, Rosabella, you're a bit pale but from what I've been told you lost a lot of fluid. Tell me if anythings been wrong lately. Headaches. Nausea. Dizziness. Anything you can think off." Madam Pomfrey said.
I stoked Winters head that rested on my lap. 
    "Well, I've been more tired then usual I guess. A bit dizzy and having random headaches." I told her.
     "And the incident today, did it just come out of nowhere?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

I nodded.

    "One moment I was fine, the next I'm bent over the bin." I said.
Madam Pomfrey looked thoughtful and she contemplated everything I told her.
The doors to the hospital wing then burst open and Harry came hurrying in.
    "Are you okay? What happened? What's wrong?" Harry said quickly as he hurried over to my side and grabbed my hand in both of his.
     "I'm fine, just nauseous. Where are Al, Lils and Leah?" I said.
     "Andromeda's." Harry mumbled as he kissed my head.
     "How fid you even know?" I asked.
     "Teddy. He messaged me using his Patronus." Harry said.
I mouthed 'oh and then we looked back at Madam Pomfrey and she was looking between us and I could almost see the light bulb turn on.
    "What?" Harry and I both said.
    "Rosabella, this may be a bit of a personal question but when was your last menstrual cycle?" Madam Pomfrey asked.
My eyes bulged as I frantically thought of when it was.
    "I'm a few weeks late!" I exclaimed and I clapsed my hand over my mouth.
Harry stared in shock and disbelief.
Jacob burst out laughing.
I glared at him.
    "Oh this is great! I hope it's twins again then you'll have achieved dad's dream of having your own Quidditch team." Jacob said.
I threw a pillow at him.
McGonagall covered fir me the rest of the day and Harry and I went to see Fiona. I was indeed pregnant.

As planned, I taught at Hogwarts for the rest of the year and the baby was born in around the start of August.
We named her Andromeda Minerva Potter.

(Just imagine with emerald green eyes)

Summer was particularly fond if her and I knew they would be inseparable. Everyone was ecstatic for the new addition and I knew she was going yo very protective and I could only pray for her future dating life.

1st Of September 2017:

Rosabella's Point of View:

Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first of September was crisp as an apple, as we bobbed across the rumbling road toward the great sooty station, the fumes of car exhausts and the breath of pedestrians sparkled like cobwebs in the cold air. Three large cages tattled on top of the laden trolleys. Harry helped pushed Albus's while I pushed the pushchair with our one month old daughter in. James and Sirius pushed their own trolleys and Rosalie sat on the end of Sirius's trunk as he pushed the trolley. Each of there wolves stood faithfully by their sides just as Winter has stood by mine these many years and continues to do so.

James had his grey wolf, Storm.

Sirius had his brown wolf, Loki.
Albus had his light brown wolf, Koda.

Lily had her white wolf, Snow.

Rosalie had her black wold Shadow.

Baby Andromeda also had her own wolf. A light blonde one called Summer.

The owls inside the cages hooted indignantly, and Lily trailed fearfully behind her brothers and twin sister, clutching her father's arm with Snow trotting right bedside her. Her eyes scanning thoroughly for the threat that had scared her.
    "It won't be long, and you'll be going too." Harry told her.
    "Two years. I want to go now!" Lily sniffed.
     "You and me both sis! I can't wait to break Mom's detention record!" Rosalie called back to her twin sister.
      "If anyone's going to break it, it's us!" James said confidently.
      "You're delusional, Leah." Sirius said.
      "Keep telling yourselves that." Rosalie said in a sing song voice.

The commuters stared curiously at the owls as the family wove its way toward the barrier between platforms nine and ten, Albus's voice drifted back to Harry and I over the surrounding clamor. Our sons had resumed the argument they had started in the car.
    "I won't! I won't be a Slytherin!" Albus insisted.
    "James, give it a rest!" I said.
    "You're such a prat Jamie!" Rosalie said, giving James an annoyed look.
     "Don't look so smug Sirius! You're not any better!" Lily said angrily to her brother coming to her sister's defence.

Rosalie and Lily were complete opposites but they were inseparable and very close.
    "I only said he might be." James said, grinning at his younger brother.    
   "There's nothing wrong with that. He might be in Slytherin –" Sirius said but when Sirius saw my pointed look he fell silent.
Baby Andromeda started to cry as her dummy fell out of her mouth. I made shushing noises as I placed back in and she immediately started to drift off.

The eight of us approached the barrier. With a slightly cocky look over their shoulders at their younger brother, James and Sirius took the trolley from his mother and broke into a run.
    "Hold on, Leah!" Sirius said eagerly.
Rosalie grinned widely as she gripped the trolley.
    "I hate it when they do that." I groaned.
Harry nodded exasperatedly.
A moment later, Janes, Sirius and a laughing Rosalie had vanished. They're wolves not far behind them.
    "You'll write to me, won't you?" Albus asked us immediately, capitalizing on the momentary absence of his brother.
    "Every day, if you want us to." I said as I ruffled his messy hair affectionately.
   "Not every day. James and Siriys say most people only get letters from home about once a month." Albus said quickly as he flattened his hair.
I scoffed.
   "Your dad wrote to Jamie and Sirius three times a week last year and I saw him everyday." I said.
    "And you don't want to believe everything they tell you about Hogwarts. They like a laugh, your brothers." Harry put in.
    "You'll be okay with the Lily and Andy? Or do you want to take Al and I'll take them through?" Harry said.
    "I'll manage." I assured him.
Side by side, Harry pushed the second trolley forward with Albus, gathering speed. As they reached the barrier, I saw Albus wince, but no collision came. Instead, they would emerge onto platform nine and three-quarters. Koda followed behind them. Lily held onto to one side of the pushchair and we pushed it towards the barrier with Winter, Snow and Summer following after us.

We arrived on platform nine and three quarters, which was obscured by thick white steam that was pouring from the scarlet Hogwarts Express. Indistinct figures were swarming through the mist, into which James and Sirius had already disappeared along with Rosalie.
    "Where are they?" Albus asked anxiously, peering at the hazy forms we passed as we made our way down the platform.
    "We'll find them." I said reassuringly.

But the vapor was dense, and it was difficult to make out anybody's faces. Detached from their owners, voices sounded unnaturally loud, I thought I head Percy discoursing loudly on broomstick regulations, and was quite glad of the excuse not to stop and say hello. He would be dropping Molly and Lucy off. Molly would be in her third year and Lucy in her second.
     "I think that's them, Al." I said suddenly.

A group of four people emerged from the mist, standing alongside the very last carriage. Their faces only came into focus when we had drawn right up to them.
    "Hi." Albus said, sounding immensely relieved.
Rose, who was already wearing her brand-new Hogwarts robes, beamed at him. She was going into her first year too.
    "Parked all right, then?" Ron asked Harry.
Lily hugged Hugo in greeting and baby Andromeda was starting to get fussy, all the noise waking her up. I took her out her out the pushchair and cradled her too my chest. Hermione immediately came round to see her and started gushing over her.
   "I did. Hermione didn't believe I could pass a Muggle driving test, did you? She thought I'd have to Confound the examiner." Ron said.
   "No, I didn't. I had complete faith in you." Hermione said as baby Andromeda held onto her finger, Hermione reached out for Andromeda and I handed her to her.
   "As a matter of fact, I did Confund him. I only forgot to look in the wing mirror, and let's face it, I can use a Supersensory Charm for that." Ron whispered to Harry and I.
I suppressed a laugh as Harry and Ron lifted Albus's trunk and owl onto the train.
Soon Jason and Katie joined us with their three daughters Isabella, Sofia and Maria. Isabella would be going into her final year, while Sofia was going into sixth and Maria into her fifth. My nieces immediately went to see Andromeda and I hugged Katie in greeting.
Ginny soon followed with her four children, Lucas, Michael, Aurora and Skylar. Lucas was also in his final year, Michael in his sixth, Aurora her fifth and Skylar her third.

I saw Bill and Fleur not too far away scolding  Dominique as Louis made his way over. Though no Victoire. Strange. She was in her last year, Dominique in her fifth and Louis in his third.
Fred and Angelina also came over with their children Fred and Roxanne. Fred was in his forth year and Roxanne going into her third. Ron and Harry returned while Lily and Hugo, Rose's younger brother, were having an animated discussion about which House they would be sorted into when they finally went to Hogwarts.
    "If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you," said Ron, "but no pressure." Ron said.
I laughed as many others chuckled.
    "Ron!" Hermione said.
Lily and Hugo laughed along with there other cousins, but Albus and Rose looked solemn.
  "He doesn't mean it." Hermione, Ginny and I but Ron was no longer paying attention.

Catching our eye, Ron nodded covertly to a point some fifty yards away. The steam had thinned for a moment, and three people stood in sharp relief against the shifting mist.
    "Look who it is." Ron said.
Draco Malfoy was standing there with his wife and son, a dark coat buttoned up to his throat. His hair was receding somewhat, which emphasized the pointed chin. The new boy resembled Draco as much as Albus resembled Harry. Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and I staring at him, nodded curtly, and turned away again.
    "So that's little Scorpius. Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains." Ron said under his breath.
    "Ron, for heaven's sake. Don't try to turn them against each other before they've even started school!" Hermione said half stern, half amused.
   "You're right, sorry." Ron said, but he was unable to help himself.
     "Don't get too friendly with him, though, Rosie. Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pureblood." Ron added.


James, Sirius and Rosalie had reappeared. They had divested themselves of their trunks, owls, and trolleys, and was evidently bursting with news.
    "They're being dramatic." Rosalie said as she wentbto stand by her twin sister.
     "Says the most dramatic person in the family!" Sirius snapped back.
    "Znyway, Teddy's back there. Just seen him! And guess what he's doing? Snogging Victoire!" James said breathlessly, pointing back over his shoulder into the billowing clouds of steam.
    "Oh, really? I was wondering when they would get together." I said.

James and Sirius gazed up at the adults, evidently disappointed by the lack of reaction.
   "Our Teddy! Teddy Lupin! Snogging our Victoire! Our cousin! And I asked teddy what he was doing –" Sirius said as I'd trying to empathise the disbelief we should be feeling.
    "You interrupted them? You are so like Ron –" Ginny said.
    " – and he said he'd come to see her off! And then he told me to go away. He's snogging her!" James finished for Sirius as though worried they had not made himself clear.
    "Like I said, being dramatic." Rosalie said.
    "Oh, it would be lovely if they got married! Teddy would really be part of the family then!" Lily whispered ecstatically.
    "He already comes round for dinner about four times a week with Anna." Harry said.
   "Why don't we just invite him to live with us and have done with it?" I said jokingly.
   "Yeah! Jamie and I don't mind sharing with Al – Teddy could have my room!" Sirius said enthusiastically.
    "No, you two and Al will share a room only when I want the house demolished." Harry said firmly as he checked the battered old watch that had once been Fabian Prewett's.
    "It's nearly eleven, you'd better get on board." Harry said.
    "Don't forget to give Neville our love!" I told James as I hugged him.
    "Mum! I can't give a professor love!" James said as I moved to hug Sirius.
    "But you know Neville –" Ginny said as she was hugging her own children.

James and Sirius rolled their eyes.

    "Outside, yeah, but at school he's Professor Longbottom, isn't he? We can't walk into Herbology and give him love. . ." Sirius said, shaking his head at his mother's foolishness, he vented his feelings by aiming a kick at Albus.
    "See you later, Al. Watch out for the thestrals." James said, grinning at Sirius.
    "I thought they were invisible? You said they were invisible!" Albus responded.
James and Sirius merely laughed, permitted me to kiss them on the cheek, gave their father a fleeting hug, then leapt onto the rapidly filling train with Fred and Louis right behind them. They eagerly high fived each other. We saw them wave, then sprint away up the corridor to find their friends.
    "Thestrals are nothing to worry about. They're gentle things, there's nothing scary about them. Anyway, you won't be going up to school in the carriages, you'll be going in the boats." Harry told Albus.

I kissed Albus good-bye.
    "See you at Christmas." I said as I hugged him tightly.
I then reclaimed Andromeda off Hermione.
"Bye, Al. Don't forget Hagrid's invited you to tea next Friday." Harry said as Albus hugged him.
    "Don't mess with Peeves." I added.     
    "Don't duel anyone till you're learned how. And don't let James and Sirius wind you up." Harry finished.
   "What if I'm in Slytherin?" Albus whispered.

The whisper was for Harry alone, and I knew that only the moment of departure could have forced Albus to reveal how great and sincere that fear was. I pretended not to listen as I swayed with Andromeda and waved to my nieces and nephews.
Harry crouched down so that Albus's face was slightly above his own.
    "Albus Severus, you were named for two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew." Harry said quietly that only I could hear.
    "But just say –" Albus said.
    " – then Slytherin House will have gained an excellent student, won't it? It doesn't matter to us, Al. But if it matter to you, you'll be able to choose Gryffindor over Slytherin. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account." Harry said.
    "Really?" Albus said.
    "It did for me." Harry said.

Harry had never told any of his children that before, and I saw the wonder in Albus's face when Harry said it. But now the doors were slamming all along the scarlet train, and the blurred outlines of parents swarming forward for final kisses, last -minute reminders, Albus jumped into the carriage and Ginny closed the door behind him and waved goodbye to her nephew. Students were hanging from the windows nearest them. A great number of faces, both on the train and off, seemed to be turned toward Harry.
    "Why are they all staring?" Albus demanded as he and Rose craned around to look at the other students.
    "Don't let it worry you. It's me, I'm extremely famous." Ron said.

Albus, Rose and Hugo laughed.

The train began to move and Harry walked alongside it, watching our son's thin face, already ablaze with excitement.
Wait, where's Lily and Rosalie?
I frantically looked round. My face paled as I saw Rosalie waving out the train with Lily looking highly disapproving. I glaredcdaggers at Rosalie and she continued to wave. All the adults looked at me and burst out laughing as I once did the same thing. I don't think Harry's realised as his focus was on Albus.
Harry kept smiling and waving, even though it was like a little bereavement, watching our son glide away from us. . .

The last trace of steam evaporated in the autumn air. The train rounded a corner. Harry's hand was still raised in farewell.
   "He'll be alright." I murmured with Andromeda securely in my arms.

As Harry looked at me, he lowered his hand absentmindedly and touched the lightning scar on his forehead.
    "I know he will." Harry said and kissed my cheek and then he kissed Andromeda's head as he took her into his own arms.
The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years.

All was well, intill I get hold of my daughters.
    "Al may be okay, bit Leah and Lily won't be." I said angrily.
Harry looked at me perplexed and when he looked around for them, he seemed to realise.
    "They didn't –" Harry started to say.
    "Oh they did and just wait till I get hold of them. I need to inform McGonagall." I said and sent my doe Patronus with the message.

(A/N: Wow. We made it to the end. Thank you to everyone who has read this story all the way through. I really hope you enjoy it. This is not the end of the story. Their will be a sequel with all the kids time traveling. It will be called the 'Time Of The Rose'. Thanks again for reading and I really hoped you enjoyed it as this is the first fanfic I have ever written)






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