Goblins Revenge

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Rosabella's Point of View:
Everyday I fought. Everyday I was punished. Beaten. Tortured. Buy that wouldn't stop me.
With Dumbledore's Army behind me we would graffitie the walls with

Dumbledore's Army Still Recruiting

Duels between me and the Carrows became expected but the best part was no one knew how seemed to disappear before the Carrows could get hold of me. It drove the Carrows nuts. I would us instant darkness powder, transform into my animagus form and run before they could get hold of me. I always turned up to the detentions to protect the kids that were going to be used as target practice for the Cruciarus Curse.

I would also help Madame Pomfrey I the hospital wing. Even with me constantly fighting the Carrows I couldn't always get there in time before the kids would be beaten. I didn't have many lasting injuries thanks to Fiona useful teachings. Most of the D.A were used as spies to help me be where I needed to. If there was a kid being punished by the Carrows I would be there as quick as I could.

I could tell me being able to hold my own against both Carrows rallied the spirits of the other students. Then I decided to do something bigger.
   "You want to steal the sword of Gryffindor out of Snape's office?" Ginny asked me in disbelief.
   "It's a Gryffindor relic. Plus, imagine how much it would undermine Snape if something that important was stolen out of his office?" I implored them.
I needed to keep the numbers for this one small.
Just Neville, Seamus, Ginny, Luna and I.
    "I understand if you don't want to do it. We're risking a lot." I said sincerely.
    "I'll follow wherever you lead." Neville said.
    "I'm in." Ginny said, grinning.
    "I'd like to, as well." Luna said in a dreamy voice with a small smile.
    "You can count on me." Seamus said determinedly.
We made plans and the very next night we carried it out.
Using the Marauder's Map, we waited I'm a deserted corridor for Alecto Carrow on her patrol. When she came round the corner. Ginny stunned her, Neville tied her up. Seamus gagged her and Luna confounded her. I hung her from the roof by her feet.
    "Now, let's get her brother dearest." I said to them and they all grinned eagerly at me.

Again using the Marauder's Map we did the same to Amycus Carrow but instead we stuffed him into a closet.
   "Okay, Snape isn't in the Headmaster's office. C'mon." I said and we snuck up to office.
In my excitement I made the mistake of putting the Map back inside my pocket.
    "Well if it isn't my great - great - great granddaughter." The portrait of Phineas Nigellus said.
I turned to glare at him.
   "Go annoy someone else will you?" I spat at him.
The others were stood frozen, staring at something.
   "What are you all -?" I started to ask but Seamus grabbed my jaw and turned my head to where they were looking.
I stared in shock and Seamus released my jaw.

Behind the chair of the desk hung a large portrait of Dumbledore, underneath the portrait was the sword of Gryffindor. I choked back a lump in my throat as I hesitantly walked forward.
   "Headmaster." I said bowing my head a little at Dumbledore's portrait.
Dumbledore smiled at me.
   "What is the pleasure of this visit, Rosabella?" Dumbledore said with a kind and understanding smile.
   "Can I borrow this?" I asked with a small smile as I gestured to the sword of Gryffindor.
   "Hm, you'd have to ask the Headmaster." Dumbledore said, still smiling.
    "I am. I refuse to recognise Snape as Headmaster." I said angrily.
I seized the sword and turned towards the others.
   "Alright. Let's go -" I said but then the door slammed open.
Snape marched into the office. I stared in shock and I looked round to see Phineas Nigellus sliding back into his portrait.
   "You told me to go annoy someone else and I thought the Headmaster would of liked to know what you were up to." Phineas Nigellus said with a triumphant grin.
    "Expelliarmus!" Snape said, pointing his wand at me.
The sword of Gryffindor flew from my hands.
     "Thank you, Phineas." Snape said.
I went to charge at him but Seamus held me back.
      "You son of a bitch!" I yelled at him as I struggled in Seamus hold.
Seamus was barely holding me back so Neville jumped in to help him.
      "Hold your tongue, Black! Your in enough trouble as it is!" Snape snapped at me, glaring.
      "What? What are you going to do? Punish me? Torture me? Kill me? Go ahead! Shoot me off the Astronomy Tower too!" I yelled with venom in my voice.
      "If you don't pull yourself together your going to get yourself killed." Snape said.
Snape glared around at all of us.
      "You'll serve detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest. Don't let me catch you sneaking intonthis office again. Out! Now!" Snape hissed like the snake he is.
Luna left dragging a glaring Ginny with her. Neville and Seamus dragged me out as well as I gave Snape a death glare.
Detention with Hagrid was far from terrible. It was actually fun and I got to visit Winter. I visited her everyday and I missed having her by my side and I could tell Winter missed me and worried about me constantly when Ieft.

Rosabella Black|Daughter Of Sirius Black|(Book 7)Where stories live. Discover now