The Missing Mirror

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Rosabella's Point of View:
    "C'mon, Ro! Please! Just one more!" Pavarti begged as I was about to set my guitar down.
To boost everyone's moral I decided to play a few songs now they never want me to stop.
Everyone who had been driven into hiding was crowded around me, all of them looking at me with puppy eyes to continue.
     "Okay, okay. Last one." I said with a small laugh.

Everyone cheered and some whipped they're eyes.
     "I would kill for a talent like yours, Ro." Lavender said wistfully.
I smiled at her.
     "It's just a bit of fun." I said as I sat next to her and handed her a hot chocolate.
      "Ha. You could go professional if you wanted. You could be bigger then the Weird Sisters." Lavender said and took a sip of her chocolate.
      "Possibly but I want to do something worthwhile. Putting bad guys behind bars." I said.
Lavender laughed softly.
     "You can't live unless your fighting someone." Lavender teased.
I gave her a mock offended look and we both chuckled.
     "Quiets boring." I said and just after I said that the door burst open and Michael Corner vacate running in.
He looked frantic.
I groaned.
    "I take it back. Let me retire on a bloody private island." I said and Lavender laughed again as we both stood up.
    "Michael, what is it?" I asked running over to him.
     "Ro, they have another first year locked in the Dungeon! I tried but I can't get to him!" Michael Corner said urgently.
      "I'll handle it. Neville, you're in charge intill I get back." I said and I sprinted out if the Room of Requirement and then shifted to my Animagus form.
I stealthy made my way to the Dungeons.
Harry's Point Of View:
My feet touched the road. I saw the achingly familiar Hogsmeade High Street. Dark shop fronts, and the mist line of black mountains beyond the village and the curve in the road ahead that led off toward Hogwarts, and light spilling from the windows of the Three Broomsticks. With a lurch of the heart, I remembered with piercing accuracy, how I had landed here nearly a year before, supporting a desperately weak Dumbledore and Rosabella. All this in a second, upon landing – and then, even as I relaxed my grip upon Ron's and Hermione's arms, it happened.

The air was rent by a scream that sounded like Voldemort's when he had realized the cup had been stolen. It tore at every nerve in my body, and I knew that our appearance had caused it.
Even as I looked at the other two beneath the Cloak, the door of the Three Broomsticks burst open and a dozen cloaked and hooded Death Eaters dashed into the streets, their wands aloft.
I seized Ron's wrist as he raised his wand. There were too many of them to run. Even attempting it would have give away their position. One of the Death Eaters raised his wand, and the scream stopped, still echoing around the distant mountains.
   "Accio Cloak!" One of the Death Eaters roared.
I seized my folds, but it made no attempt to escape. The Summoning Charm had not worked on it.
    "Not under your wrapper, then, Potter? Spread out. He's here." The Death Eater yelled who had tried the charm and then to his fellows

Six of the Death Eaters ran toward us. Ron, Hermione and I backed as quickly as possible down the nearest side street, and the Death Eaters missed us by inches. We waited in the darkness, listening to the footsteps running up and down, beams of light flying along the street from the Death Eaters' searching wands.
   "Let's just leave! Disapparate now!" Hermione whispered.
   "Great idea." Ron said, but before I could reply, a Death Eater shouted:
    "We know you are here, Potter, and there's no getting away! We'll find you!"
   "They were ready for us. They set up that spell to tell them we'd come. I reckon they've done something to keep us here, trap us –" I whispered.
    "What about dementors? Let'em have free rein, they'd find him quick enough!" Another Death Eater called.
   "The Dark Lord wants Potter dead by no hands but his –" The first Death Eater said.
    "'an dementors won't kill him! The Dark Lord wants Potter's life, not his soul. He'll be easier to kill if he's been Kissed first!" The other Death Eater said.

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