The Sun and the Moon

By Daughterofthebatfam

13.9K 390 95

Theo had been planning on proposing to Liam for a while now, now that he was a high school graduate. but what... More

With all my heart
An unforseen suprise
Interrupted program
A terrifying reason
story update
Relaying information
Careless leads
Impulsive escape
The howl
Finding Liam
Character stuff
An extra heartbeat
Story update 2
Panic attack
You're safe
Story update 3
No matter what
So scarred
Gonna be just fine
Take care of me / I'm here for you
The way we do this
We need to talk
The night it all happened
Story update 4
More at stake
Just hold me
Uncle Stiles / Party favors
Perfect proposal
Nursery pics
Strange scent
Now what? / Finally
Something spontaneous / We did it
Dont tell
Story update
Its all about family

Hard conversation/ Theo's scent

420 17 0
By Daughterofthebatfam

Isaac's POV

After Liam was brought in, I watched Theo place his hand on Liam's stomach.

His eyes went wide a moment later as he looked at Deaton, confirming both their suspensions for whatever they had been talking about.

I figured he'd want privacy though, so I turned to Scott, grabbing his hand to gain his attention. "What now?"

He looked at me, sighing out heavily in thought before shrugging. "For now, we go home, get some sleep...then track down these hunters tomorrow."

He put his hand on my cheek, silently asking if I was okay. When I nodded, he smiled, leaning forehead to kiss my cheek.

When he pulled away though, he was frowning. I bite my lip, looking away and trying to act like I really was okay.

Scott's hand came up to my cheek and when I looked back at him, his eyes were filled with worry. "Isaac, baby, what's wrong?"

He brushed his fingers through my curls, moving some slightly damp ones from my face as I shook my head, forcing a smile.

"Nothing. I'm okay, Scott. Really." He gave me a look, raising an eyebrow as he pursued his lips together.

After a moment I sighed out, looking down as I shoved my hands into my pockets. I could still feel his eyes on me and sense the worry that filled the air around us.

"Isaac, baby talk to me. Please." He pulled me close into a hug, wrapping his arms protectively around me. His scent calmed me almost immediately as I breathed it in, settling into his arms as I sighed out.

Tears started to flow before I even realized it and Scott just hugged me tighter.

"You're scaring me, Isaac. Did you get hurt? Did something happen?" When I realized he was starting to panic, I shook my head, leaning back to look at him.

His hands were immediately wiping my tears as I breathed out, trying to find the words to speak.

"I'm not hurt Scott. I just...I-" my breath hitched as I tried, but failed to hold back a sob.

Scott's eyes widened, gently grabbing my hands to try and take any pain away. I wasn't lying though, I wasn't in pain. At least physically.

Actually, I wasn't sure why I was crying, except that I was nervous. I knew Scott would never hurt me. Ever.

I still had issues with my past though. Everything my father did to still haunted my dreams at night, but Scott wasn't anything like him. He took care of me.

Scott was watching me intently, waiting for me to continue. "Just breathe, baby, whatever this is, whatever's wrong, I'm right here." I smiled at that, sighing a little as I nodded.

I knew no matter what, Scott would be here for me. From the beginning he always was. I trusted him.

Finally, I took a deep breath, gaining the courage to look him in the eyes and speak. As I did, he held my hands tightly, rubbing his thumbs over the backs of them to sooth me.

He just smiled reassuringly, nodding at me, letting me know he was ready when I was.

"Okay...Scott, remember a few weeks ago, after Liam's Graduation party when um...when we both got a little drunk?" He nodded slowly, still watching me intently. "Yeah, I remember. Oh baby, did I do something you didn't like? I'm so sorry."

He brought his hands up to my face, but I shook my head. "No, no Scott you didn't. Actually, you did some stuff that I really liked." I chuckled nervously, rolling my eyes as my cheeks heated up with a blush.

Scott's mouth formed an 'O' as he realized what I meant, but he didn't say anything else, waiting for me to continue.

"Well, we um, we didn't use protection. I thought I'd be fine, but." I looked away, feeling more tears puddle in my eyes.

Scott cupped my cheeks. "Baby, hey look at me. What happened?" I could hear how worried he was and feel him tensing up the longer I took to answer.

We'd never discussed this before so I didn't know how exactly he felt about the whole situation, but he needed to know.

"I thought I was...pregnant, but...Melissa said...she did all these tests and." I sobbed out, moving my hand up to my mouth as I turned away.

My knees were shaking, making my whole body feel weak.

Will he love me differently now? Will he still want to be with me?

Scott was softly saying my name, pulling me into his arms again. "Isaac, whatever it is, I'll always love you. Okay? Always."

I could feel the force behind his words, knowing immediately they were true. My heart was pounding, making me feel nauseous, but I knew I could tell him now.

"I can't have kids Scott...I'm infertile." My sobs got louder as I shoved my face into his neck. I heard his gasp as he held me tighter, rubbing my back gently.

He didn't say anything for a moment and it was really quiet around us. Finally though, he leaned me back, wiping away my tears.

"Isaac, I love you so much. I married you knowing life wouldn't be perfect. I didn't care what was in our future. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

My eyes widened and he placed my hand over his heart. "I'm not lying. I mean every word of that. I'm always gonna love you Isaac. No matter what."

I smiled then, feeling his heartbeat steadily with every word. When I nodded he hugged me again, holding me close with all the love he could give.

I knew we'd be okay. It still broke my own heart that I couldn't give Scott pup's, but knowing he still wanted me helped me feel so much better.

We stayed like this till I started to fall asleep, warm and content in his arms.

Scott chuckled softly, leaning back to kiss my head. "Let's go home baby. We'll figure this all out after some sleep."

When I nodded he started to walk, keeping his arms around me as he led me to his car.

I felt so much better now having finally gotten that off my chest. We'd be okay. I know that now. Any fears I had were gone.

Scott really was the best Alpha, the best mate, the best person I could have in my life. I loved him more than I'd ever be able to express.


No ones POV

Theo took Liam home not long after. Feeling a new sense of protection towards his mate. New feelings rushed around inside him, pushing him to be a better mate. A better boyfriend.

He'd never had kids in his life before and he was nervous, but he loved Liam with everything in him.

They'd be okay.

Liam was sound asleep as he drove them home, snoring softly with one hand placed gently on his stomach.

Theo smiled, not being able to help the thoughts running through his head. Thoughts of Liam getting round with his pup. Beautiful in a whole new way to Theo.

He already smelled so sweet. A mix of his own and the pup's scent. He loved it so much already. He loved them both more than he thought he could ever love anyone.

His life wasn't the best. The things he did...he took a deep breath, silently vowing to be the best mate and father to his small little pack.

He couldn't wait to take these new milestones with Liam. To finally ask him to marry him. To love him as much as he could no matter what. And above all else, he couldn't wait to get his teeth and claws on the men that took Liam.

They would pay for what they did.

Theo would make sure they would never do this to anyone else ever again. Most importantly though, he wanted to know why they wanted his pup.

Why was it so important to them? Important enough to kidnap Scott's Beta.

He'd do whatever it took to find out. To keep Liam and his pup safe.


Liam's POV. 9am.

It was quiet around me. Still. Peaceful.

Wait...This isn't right.

I had been freezing, feeling sick and exhausted. Now, my body feels warm and comfortable. Safe.

I could smell something familiar as I breathed in deeply, shifting slightly on whatever I was laying on. Okay, maybe not too comfortable, but still better than the ground.

The smell started to get stronger the more I woke up. I kept my eyes closed though, not yet ready to open them.


That's what I smelled. He was close. That's why I felt safe.

I tried to open my eyes then, sitting up far too quickly for my body's liking. "T-theo?" I groaned out, moving one hand to my head and the other to my stomach.

My body relaxed slightly when I could feel my pup's heart beat, a small smile crossing my features before I was groaning again, louder this time.

Suddenly, hands were on me. One on my shoulder and another on my cheek, gently pushing me back down. "You've gotta rest, babe. Deaton says you're really weak."

I forced my eyes open as laid back. "Theo?" He nodded, smiling down at me, albeit blurry, but there he was. He had found me.

"Hey baby. I'm right here." He thumbed at my cheek and I leaned into his touch, sighing out in relief as just the contact helped me feel better.

"W-what happened? How'd you find me?" My words slurred slightly as I held Theo's gaze, watching him take a deep breath before just leaning down and kissing my forehead.

"Let's talk about that later, okay. How do you feel?" He grabbed my hand, lifting it up to kiss it as he sat beside me on the...bed.

Oh, we're in our apartment.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment before answering. "Feverish. A little nauseous. Exhausted."

Liam nodded and moved to lay beside me, pulling me into him. "Get some rest baby. I'm here now. I've got you. We can talk about everything later."

He started to rub my back and I nodded, resting my head on his chest and curling up into him.

I had no idea what time it was, or how long I'd been out, or how we even got back to the apartment, but none of that mattered now. I was in Theo's arms again. My mates arms. Safe and sound.

We would definitely be talking about things later. There was so much to tell him. Well, really just one thing. That I was pregnant and for some reason, the hunters wanted the pup.

My heartbeat quickened at the thought and Theo cuddled me closer, noticing immediately. He strarted rubbing circles into my back, soothing me and lulling me back to sleep.

We could deal with that later. Like Theo said. For now, I closed my eyes again, letting Theo's heartbeat lull mine to a steady pace as I breathed out slowly.

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