Safe (BatBoys)


12.4K 368 64

Cora spent the best summer of her life with the Batfam, learning, loving, and growing. Starting school should... Περισσότερα

Welcome to Hell
Nerve Wracked
Walk the Streets
Jokes On You
Custody Battle
Normal Again
Movie Night
We Can Do This
Sister In Law
Big Brother
Painted Perfection
Therapy Session
Group Chat
Love Sick
A Gift
Cell Block Tango
Happy Birthday!
Date Night
Finally Safe
The End A/N

Missing Piece

326 9 0

Damian's pov:

I stare at the questions in front of me. I know each of them from the top of my head and I'm just lazily filling them out.

I glance up to Cora's desk. It's empty. I shake my head, returning to my questions. No one has asked about Cora yet. The teachers were notified and the students most likely heard about it.

The bell finally rings. Mrs. Brown stops me and presents a stack of papers. I see that they are simply blank copies of the work we did today.

"Can you give these to Cora? She can fill them out and give them back to me when she gets back." Mrs. Brown asks. I take the papers with a nod, handing in my own work as I do.

Math is the same, another empty desk and more paperwork. I hate the empty feeling I have. It's been sitting on my chest like a rock.

I walk outside instead of to the cafeteria. If I'm alone then I'd prefer to be left that way. I climb a tree that sits at the fence of the property. I brought a book to entertain me as I eat.

I read the bubbly, handwritten pencil that sits beside the printed words. The words make me smirk. Occasionally I'll come across a section that she compares to me.

Does Dami have that many knives?

Dami would never.

Damian would say this.

I love reading them. They tell me more about what she actually thinks of me. Sometimes she's wrong, I would do something or I would never say something. Yet, my face still flushes just a little whenever it's just my name.


She hasn't told me what that means yet. I've noticed that she only writes it during romantic scenes. The ones that sound cheesy and exaggerated. I can't help but wonder what it means.

Before I can begin my deduction, the bell rings. Goody. I pack up my things and jump from the tree. I start walking towards the building and I make it inside quickly.

Just as I turn the corner to get to my science class, I'm stopped by Destiny. I have to fight the urge to just shove past her.

"Dami! Hi!" I feel myself tense.

"That's not my name." I state. She doesn't look at all put off by my statement.

"Anywho, where's Cora? Did it get too much for her?" She asks in a condescending tone. Self control. I have self control. Cora wouldn't want me to murder anyone.

"Cora is recovering from multiple kidnappings at the moment. The only reason she's not here is because none of us would let her come." I say lowly. Destiny pales a little.

"She was kidnapped? Multiple times?!" Destiny asks with what appears to be genuine concern.

"Yes. Regardless, she's doing well. If you'll excuse me." I say trying to get past. She grabs my arm quickly and I'm about to yell before she speaks.

"Tell her, that I hope she feels okay again soon. And that it does get better." She says quietly and with a tone I've never heard from her. I nod silently.

She releases my arm and I walk to my science class. I know what she's talking about. Destiny was kidnapped by the Riddler 2 years ago. It didn't take long for her to become her annoying self again, but apparently she still remembers the time when she wasn't.

I sit in my seat with a sigh. If even Destiny is worried for Cora then perhaps she may not be as fine as she believes. The events from yesterday run through my head. I don't think fine is a good word to describe that. Normal? Yes. Fine? Not at all.

My typically chatty partner is quiet today. I see Jeremy sitting in his chair with an odd look across his face. He looks at me and I raise an eyebrow. He leans over in his seat.

"I heard what happened over the weekend. Is Cora okay?" He asks in a small voice. I don't like him, but I'm not entirely heartless.

"She's doing better than expected." I answer. She isn't okay, but she is doing well. I was expecting her to be a complete wreck.

As the class starts my mind is on what Cora is probably doing at the moment. Reading, maybe sleeping, hopefully eating. Does she have enough water with her? Is she warm enough? Has she tried to move today? Is someone with her?

"Mr. Wayne, are you paying attention?" I hear the teacher drawl.

"Yes." I respond simply. She looks at me, scrutinizing me.

"Then what's the answer to question C?" She croons. I glance behind her and read the question quickly.

"Disodium Sulphate." I reply. She looks triumphant until she sees the question and her face falls into a scowl.

"Correct. Keep up the good work, Mr. Wayne." She says, she does not say it like praise.

The rest of the class goes well. At least, I'm not called on again and I complete the work easily. I gladly make my way to my last class.

The class starts easily, we don't need partners and we do regular gym activities. While running laps for 'Warm-ups', Kaidan jogs up to me.

"Hey man, how are you doing?" He asks cautiously. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'm fine. Why?" I question. He shrugs.

"I heard what happened to Cora. I figured that she probably isn't very okay and I'm gonna guess that you aren't either." He says simply. He reminds me of Grayson right now.

"Why would I not be okay?" I ask again. He looks amused.

"Well, you like her, right?" He pauses while I nod. "So you're probably going a little nuts not being able to help." He says as if it's common knowledge.

"Who says I'm not able to help?" I say lowly. He almost flinches, almost.

"I'm sure you can be helpful and she probably does need you, but this isn't something anyone can just fix overnight, ya know?" He says casually.

"Have you been kidnapped before or something?" I question flatly.

"Not me. But this is Gotham. I have a few friends that were taken hostage. Some of them still aren't over it. I just, I get how it feels to want to just fix it but not be able to." He says with a sad smile.

I find myself agreeing with what he says. I do want to do something, anything, so Cora will be okay again. I want to hold her until she runs out of tears, and make her smile so often she doesn't have time to frown.

"How do you do it?" I hear myself ask. He shrugs.

"One day at a time. I'm there for them when they need me and I don't think of them any differently than I used to. Something happened to them, now they just have new boundaries, they're still the same people, ya know?" He says.

"I'll keep that in mind." I hesitate. "Thank you." I say. He grins.

"No problem man! Anytime!" He says cheerfully. Why do I attract people with bright attitudes?

Am I not coming off as uninterested? It's true I don't mind sometimes but I can only handle so much positivity from other people. It's annoying in large doses.

The class passes quickly after that. As soon as we're dismissed I'm in and then out of the changing room. I can't get down this hallway fast enough if I ran. I somehow maintain my composure until I get to the limo.

I pry open the door and get situated quickly. I'm becoming more restless the closer we get to the manor. I almost jump out before it stops moving.

After I pass through the doors, and say hi to Titus, I start to run. I make it up the stairs and down most of the hallway when I'm stopped short. Cora's parents are exiting their guest room with suitcases. We stare at each other for several long moments before I clear my throat.

I open my own bedroom door instead. I regretfully walk inside and fall onto my bed dramatically. Stressful day plus not getting to see Cora yet equals a lot of disappointment and frustration.

I just need to wait for them to leave. I can be patient. This is them saying goodbye so I need to be patient. This is between her and her parents. I just really wanted to see her all day.

I feel like a child. I'm pouting because I didn't get what I wanted right away. I shake my head. I need to distract myself. I do have a life outside of Cora.

I look towards my desk. I pull out my sketchbook instead. I grab a regular pencil from my school bag and begin a new sketch. It's just a simple waterline with some trees and a birds.

As I'm finishing the details I hear Cora's door close and then quiet voices. I set my sketchbook down.

"Are we really going to leave her here? With these people?" I hear Cora's father say.

"What choice do we have? We can't take her, and she was very clear that she didn't want to go." I hear Cora's Mother say tiredly.

"Well I don't see anyone around now, why don't we just pick her up and take her back?" Cora's father asks.

I open my door quickly and with a blank expression on my face. They jump and I enjoy the shock on both of their faces.

"I don't suggest doing that." I state. I would prefer that they like me, but I don't need their approval. They lost the right to my respect when he hit her and she let it happen.

"Young man that was very rude. It's not polite to listen to people's conversations." Cora's mother says. I cross my arms.

"It's not polite to plan to kidnap your own daughter." I say back, no actual edge to my words.

"You can't blame us for wanting to have our daughter with us." Cora's father says. I raise an eyebrow.

"I am fully aware that Cora is an amazing girl and that anyone would be lucky to be around her. However, both of you left her as soon as you were able, only wanting to get her back when someone else is making her happy. I don't blame you for wanting to have your daughter with you. I blame you for abandoning her." I say in the calmest tone I can use.

They both turn red. These people are adults and are trying to prove that they should be able to keep their daughter. Yet they have short fuses and big tempers from what I've seen. Not that I can judge too harshly on that front.

"And what makes you deserving of her?" Cora's mother bites.

"I'm not. I am aware that she is better than I ever will be. It's her choice to be with me and the only thing I can do is try to be the best version of myself for her." I admit. I have nothing to prove to these people.

I see something spark in her eye. She doesn't stop scowling, but her face softens slightly. She turns to Cora's father.

"We need to go. Now." She says firmly. He looks a little taken aback but grabs his suitcase regardless. She turns back to me.

"You will take care of our girl like your life depends on it." She states. It's not a question.

"I would rather perish than see her in pain." I state back. She nods. It appears we now have an understanding. I watch them walk down the hallway before finally knocking on Cora's door.

"One second!" I hear frantically. I wait and hear a few clatters and a lot of shuffling. Then after a long moment of silence,

"Come in!"

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