Dishing The Dirt: Tommy Lee •...

Por _MissH_

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(#1 in motleycrue 5th April 2021) ❤️ Vanessa is a shy girl. She isn't really great at anything and knows a lo... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 40

681 23 15
Por _MissH_

Duuuuuude! It was time for our. First. Fucking. Tour.

I'm not even gonna lie, I was like a fucking kid! You know, when they're excited for their first day at school and they lay their entire outfit out ready for the morning. The moment me and Nessa got back from our honeymoon, I had us both running around the freakin' house trying to wash all my clothes and pulling out every suitcase we owned between us. She looked like she wanted to kill me and I couldn't blame her but, she was my wifey now, she couldn't escape me hahahaaaa.

I couldn't believe it dude. It's like all my dreams had come true. I got Vanessa back and she was my wife now, plus I was having my own little girl and we were going on tour! Everything was going right and I was the happiest man on the god damn planet.

"Babe! You ready to go!?" I hollered up the stairs as I waited by the door with all my cases.

I waited for a minute but Vanessa didn't reply. "Hello..." I called out as I leaned against the banister but still no reply. "VANESSA!?" I yelled, a little more agitated.

It wasn't like Vanessa to be ignorant, even when she was mad she still had something to say. I flew up the stairs hoping she hadn't fell or anything. She was always losing her balance now.

"Vanessa!?" I yelled as I got to our bedroom door.

"We slip and slide as we fall in love... And I just can't seem to get enough of... DU, DU, DU, DER, DU, DU..."

I rested my hands against the door frame and smirked to myself. Vanessa was listening to her Walkman, that was clipped onto the tops of her black high waisted spandex pants, and busting some moves. She was an awesome dancer, honestly even at 5 and a half months pregnant she could really give those hips a shake, but she still couldn't sing to save her life.

I carried on watching her strut around the room, shaking her ass and throwing things into her suitcase. She looked like Kareem Abdul Jabbar up in this bitch!

I looked at my watch and realised we were already running super late. Nikki and Zatuat were gonna have my balls on a fucking plate. "Vanessa!?" I yelled as I started waving my hands in the air.

She still couldn't hear me. She stood there nodding her head, mumbling the words to herself as she folded up her clothes and packed them into her case. I dropped my arms as I started to gaze at how adorable she looked, but then she jumped on her case to try and close it and all I could focus on was the fact I reaaaaally wanted to be that case right now.

She quickly pulled out her earphones. "Oh! Hi! How long you been standing there?" She smiled. I noticed the apples of her cheeks turning a little red as she panted and brushed her hair away from her eyes.

"Long enough" I smirked. I walked over and zipped up her bag. I helped her off the bed and she went to walk off, but I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Come on! We can't stall! We gotta get this show on the road" she said excitedly as she threw her arms around me and we swung our hips together slightly.

I scoffed and looked down at her, trying not to get drawn in by her huge smile. "You're kidding me right? I've been calling you for the last 20 minutes!" I said as I stopped.

She rolled her eyes and groaned. "You're such a drama queen, Tommy" she smirked as she playfully hit my chest and shook her head.

I raised my eyebrows and my jaw hit the floor. "I'm a drama queen!? You're the one that's always going 'ooo my back hurts... ooo Tommy my ankles are swollen'" I said, trying to mimick her.

She turned around, raising her eyebrow and gave me that mom death stare. "Are you forgetting that I'm carrying your child?" She said in that "I sound super calm and sweet but one wrong word and I'm gonna whoop your punk ass Tommy Lee".

"And you're doing an amazing job, sweetie" I said, putting my arm around her shoulder.

She continued to glare at me and I knew I had to get outta here before she killed me. I grabbed her suitcase which was now on the floor and started wheeling it out of the room as I hummed innocently to myself.

We got to the door and I could hear the bus horn beeping outside. I turned around to start grabbing our things but stopped when I saw Vanessa with a notepad and a pen.

"Babe... what the fuck are you doing?"

She looked up at me and looked at me as if I was supposed to know. "I'm just checking we have everything"

I looked blankly back at her, blinking a couple of times.

"Baby brain, Tommy! Imagine if I forgot your drumsticks or something!? You'd go nuts!" She shrugged.

"Baby, if we left anything behind we can just buy it from whatever city we're in. It's only 8 shows" I shrugged.

The horn beeped again and I saw Vanessa look past me and glare at the door. "Excuse me" she said as she elegantly walked past me and swung the door open.


I quite literally was quaking in my high tops. Vanessa was a sweet girl but god damn, you didn't wanna be on the wrong side of her. She may be a blonde bombshell now but she was still a fiery redhead underneath.

"Alright, fine. Let's just go" she said as she spun around on her heels.

Vanessa walked off onto the bus and Nikki ran over to help me load on all our bags.

"Dude I thought she was about to kill me..." Nikki muttered as he handed me the last case.

"Get used to it, man. She does it all the time and then blames it on..."

"Hormones? Vince said Sharise is the exact fucking same" he groaned. "What did I do to deserve this" he said as he looked up to the sky, waving his finger.

Vanessa's POV:
I was so stressed out. I hated travelling. I had no idea why I thought this was a good idea! All the packing, the timing, being rushed around... I just freakin' hated it!

I left Tommy to pack our things onto the bus while I cooled off. I hated how snappy and grumpy I was but I just couldn't help it. I always felt so guilty after and I felt like I was constantly apologising. He was an angel though, I knew it could really get to him at times but he'd just tell me it was okay and we'd hug it out.

I got onto the tour bus and immediately I noticed that the label hadn't spared any expense. There was so much leather and dark wood, and everything was so shiny and new. It was amazing! But I knew it wasn't going to last long with these boys.

I spotted Sharise sitting with Mick and Vince towards the back. They all looked up and had smiles beaming across their faces.

"Shelly not coming?" I asked as I looked around and slowly made my way over to them.

"Well hello to you too!" Sharise giggled as she walked over and hugged me.

"Sorry! I didn't even... how are you?" I sighed as I gave her a hug and greeted the guys.

"I've got the worst heartburn and cravings for twinkies but my body would just go craaaazy from all the carbs and sugar and I'd gain like... 10lbs so I'm just staying away from all of it" she groaned.

Vince rolled his eyes and Mick glanced over to me. "Shelly can't make it, she's caught up with work" he said.

My aunt Shelly had got this amazing job working as a social worker but it meant she was super busy now. Mick even told her that she didn't have to work and he'd take care of her but she was super stubborn. She loved to work. Mick seemed a little bummed out by it and I could understand why.

"It's alright, man! If you ever want some company I'm sure there's some spare room in mine and Sharise's bed" Vince teased.

Mick smirked as the 3 of us burst into laughter. "Thanks for the offer but I know what happens when another person goes into a room with you too, I'll pass" he chuckled.

"I'm sure you could always double up with Nikki if you get really desperate" I shrugged as I continued to tease Mick.

"I'll save myself the hassle of fighting off all the desperate girls" he smirked.

Sharise started clapping her hands and she began hysterically laughing. Me and Vince didn't know what was funnier, Mick or Sharise.

The laughter died down a little as Tommy and Nikki hopped onto the bus. Tommy slid into the booth next to me and kissed my cheek as he said hello to everyone and the bus pulled off.

"What are you dorks laughing at?" Nikki said as he sat alone in the booth opposite.

"Just about Mick being lonely and the fuckfest you're gonna have" Sharise smirked as she popped open a bag of potato chips.

I frowned at the bag, then up at her and then over at Vince.

"I thought she didn't want to eat..." I started to mutter, but he cut me off.

"Don't" Vince mouthed as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

I smirked a little and relaxed even further into Tommy as he put his arm around me. I knew just how much of a pain in the ass Sharise could be. She was a drama queen at the best of times so I could only imagine how much she was putting Vince through his paces. God, I felt sorry for him.

"... and you wouldn't believe how many fucking condoms I've bought! I got a suitcase full of them" Nikki bragged.

"I didn't realise they did them in such small sizes" I smirked.

"Yeah, what are they? Extra, extra small?" Sharise cackled.

He picked up a cushion that was sitting next to him and threw it in the direction of me and Sharise to stop us all from laughing at him, but it only encouraged us to laugh even louder.

"Alright bitches" Nikki stood up and started unlacing his pants.

"Oh man!" Tommy cringed as he looked away.

Vince turned to look out the window and Mick's head fell into his hands as Nikki pulled down his leather pants and exposed himself.

"How's that for extra, extra small? Huh?" He bragged as he started shaking it about.

"I mean, compared to Tommy..." I shrugged my shoulders and flexed my jaw, showing my teeth.

"Yeah! Alright, Vanessa! We all know Tommy's is fucking inhumane" he snarled.

"Yeah I'm not impressed either..." Sharise said as she shook her head disapprovingly and looked over at me.

"Hey! It's a good size, alright?" He yelled.

"Is it though? I mean... who told you that? That girl with the super short fringe who faked her orgasm in the bathroom?" I smirked.

I could feel Tommy nuzzle into my neck, giggling away to himself.

"She didn't fake it, okay!? She was just super dramatic because it felt so good!" He said in a huff as he pulled him his pants.

"Aw! Is little Nikki sad" Sharise mocked as she put on a baby voice and pushed out her bottom lip.

"Which one are you calling little?" I giggled as I stole a chip from Sharise and pointed at Nikki and then to his groin.

Nikki's jaw hit the floor and the entire bus erupted in laughter, I could even hear the driver laughing to himself.

"You girls a mean!" He sulked as he lay down and started throwing a cushion up in the air and caught it repeatedly.

We were all hysterically laughing but the bus came to a halt and the doors opened which shut us all up. We all looked around at each other with the same expression on our faces.

"We picking someone else up?" Vince asked as he looked back at Nikki.

He slowly got up and even though his fringe was covering his eyes, I could still see him squinting as he looked over to the door.

I tried to look out the window but I couldn't see anything. I heard some loud footsteps walking up the stairs of the bus.

"Zatuat!? What the fuck are you doing here?" Vince smirked.

Me and Sharise looked at each other and I held Tommy's hand.

"Good afternoon to you too, Vince" he said in his usual sarcastic tone. "There's someone I want you guys to meet" he said.

I raised my eyebrow and then saw this shirt, dumpy man come from behind him.

"This is Doc Mghee. He's managed some of the biggest bands in the world and for whatever reason, he wants to manage you guys..." he shrugged.

"Thanks but we don't need a manager" Nikki smirked as he lay back down.

I saw Tommy squint his eyes. "You manage KISS, right?" He pointed. "Yeah... I saw you once outside the civic centre" he nodded.

"I do indeed, and I make them a fuck tonne of money which is exactly what I'm gonna do for you guys" Doc smiled smugly.

Tommy was grinning away and nodding his head. I could see Vince and Sharise's ears perk up. Nikki rose up like the freakin' undertaker and Mick was sitting in the corner with his glasses on.

"I fucking hate KISS" he groaned.

"Well why didn't you say that first, buddy!" Nikki said with a big ass smile on his face as he stood up.

"I'm Nikki! This is my band and this is Tommy... Tommy's wife Vanessa she does our hair and make up... then there's Sharise, she's costume design... her boyfriend and lead singer, Vince and that old fucker is Mick" he said excitedly.

"It's great to meet you all" Doc smiled as he raised his hand.

"So, what have you got in store for our band?" Nikki asked as he folded his arms.

"Well, Tom here told me you've got a couple of shows you're doing but he didn't quite give you all the details" he said.

I frowned at him as he continued to have this smug smile all over his face.

"Boys... you're going on tour with KISS" he said.

Tommy and Vince lost their shit. Nikki was stunned. Mick looked like he wanted to throw himself out the window but me and Sharise, even heavily pregnant, we were jumping around with excitement.

We welcomed Doc onto the bus with open arms, he sat down in the booth opposite us and Sharise and Tommy immediately started firing questions at him but I glanced over to Nikki.

"Tom?" He muttered.

"Yeah!?" He said proudly, his face beaming with joy.

"You ever make a decision like that on behalf of my fucking band and we're gonna have a problem" he said quietly as he gave him the death stare.

I quickly looked away and tried to join in with the conversation. I couldn't believe we were about to meet KISS and tour with them!? Me and Sharise literally used to kiss (no pun intended) the posters on our walls while we sang the words to Rock and Roll All Nite repeatedly. This was already so crazy! And yet, it was just the start of one big ass adventure...

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