Loving Him (Pietro x Male!Rea...

By HusbandOfAMaximoff

23.4K 590 97

you were new to the avengers, but it felt like you were treated as if you were with them since they started. ... More

Him and his Pranks
As a Thanks
A bit of work, and a bit of Pietro
Damn. Damn indeed.
A shower
A night to remember
Nervous for no reason
Sweet like candy
New and Improved
Just a normal day
False Alarm
Its just You and Me
Back in reality


595 18 2
By HusbandOfAMaximoff

You went to sit up, "Why would your sister text me, and ho-" you realized something, "SHE WAS WHY I HAD THE NIGHTMARE", Pietro looked at you confused, but he realized it soon, "So your biggest fear, is losing me?", You blushed at his response, "Y-yeah..", he smiled at you, "No wonder you were as pale as a ghost", he leaned in to kiss you softly, only parting for breath.

"When did she get in our room, I didn't hear anything", you asked, baffled, "I have no idea, but she has her ways", Pietro giggled.

Wanda knew about Pietro's crush on you, she read his mind once, she saw images of you, fantasies, all about you. Pietro had an undying love for you, even before you started liking him. But you wondered why she wanted to see your fear, was she planning something?, No, she couldn't have, she wouldn't want to emotionally hurt her brother, so you just let it pass. You went on to do your morning routine, Pietro asking for affection every now and then, like usual.

By 12pm your phone dinged, Pietro was in the bathroom so he didn't hear it, you looked to see who it was, it was Fury. It read;

"Agent Y/n, I'm going to have to meet you in my office in the headquarters, pronto. Don't bring anyone."

You were confused and shocked, so you made up an excuse so you could leave Pietro unnoticed, "Hey, Pietro, I'm gonna go buy some stuff for my desk, I'll be back in a few", you said at the bathroom door, "Okay, stay safe, Love you" he responded, "I love you too" you replied.

So you walked out of the door, went down to the lowest floor, walked out, and started driving, luckily your car was fast, so you made it there in only 10 minutes. You came into Fury's office to see him in his desk. "Alright I'm here, what is it", you asked. He looked at you blankly, "I'm gonna have to send you off on a private mission" he stated, you were baffled, "But I had the week off",you testified, he stood up and slowly walked towards you, "I know that, Agent Y/n, in exchange, you'll get the rest of the week off, and the following one", you sensed danger, he wouldnt be willing to let you off for 2 weeks for nothing, "This is dangerous isn't it" you asked.

"Good observation. And you're going alone, I'll send you off to Romania, some of our systems have detected an underground security breaking system, it's been bothering the National security system of Romania. And you are the perfect fit, you're the stealthiest we've got". You were at the top of your class when you were in the academy, specializing in scouting and assassination. You graduated with the tittle of Professional assassin, you were perfect for the Job.

"I'll take it then" you stated, "Perfect, you're leaving tonight, don't tell anyone, the system we're up against can go through every persons phone and listen to your voices, the only way you can communicate is with paper or signals.", You were shocked at how early you were leaving, "But what about-", he cut you off, "Pietro?, We have that planned, no need to worry", you sadly sighed and nodded.

You left the building and drove back home to the tower. You went in and went to the elevator, as the doors were opening, you saw a figure, it was Steve again, he tried to close it, but this time wasn't going to be so simple, you put your hand out to stop the doors from closing and went in, Steve went away from you on the other side of the elevator, "Look, Y/n, I'm sorry for what I did, I was-", "Desperate?, It's ok, it happened already, I let it pass", He looked at you with a mix of shock and happiness. You forgave him.

"Thank you-" he turned towards you and gave you a hug, you willingly hugged him back. "Next time, just ask me if I'm single", you stated as you left the elevator for the 34th floor, "Will do" he replied.

As you went in the room, Pietro was at the bed, he was watching a movie, "Hey, Love!" He sped towards you and gave you a hug, whilst giving you a kiss as well, "Did you get everything you needed?" He asked, your thoughts scattered, you didn't know what to tell him. You thought it would be better if you told him, "I uh..I gotta tell you something", you said in a very nervous voice, he looked sad, confused, and baffled, "What is it, is it bad?", He asked, "Let's go somewhere more private", you grabbed his hand, left your phone on your table, and grabbed his phone and left it there as well, you prepared so that nobody could hear or know what you were talking about.


You told Pietro everything about the mission, except for the fact that you were gonna be gone for 2 months, "You can't.." he said sadly, "I have to, I'm their best bet to wrap it up", "Can't they send someone else" he pleaded, you shook your head as a response, "No..I won't let you, what if you die..", tears started to form in his eyes, you pulled him into a hug and he started to cry on your shoulder, "Please don't go..", he pleaded, "I have to, Love, I'll come back, I promise", he kept crying on your shoulder and hugged you tighter.

Tears were starting to form in your eyes too, knowing that if you fail this, you'll be gone. But you had hope in yourself, you told yourself you could do it, and probably even do it earlier than 2 months, so you decided to stay with him for the rest of the day so he wouldn't feel too lonely.


It was already time for you to leave, your bags were packed, you dressed in a jacket, cap, glasses, black pants, and brown boots so nobody knew who you were, incase they would have spies around. You had your last hug and kiss with Pietro, he was the most difficult to let go, you had no problem with leaving the others, but Pietro just wouldn't budge, so you had to leave when he was asleep. Luckily, with all the crying he's done today, he fell asleep pretty quickly.

So you took one last good look at him, and remembered everything about him, his hair, his smile, the way his hugs felt, everything. So you leaned in to give him another kiss on the cheek, and left him a note. You walked out of the tower and drove towards the headquarters.

When you got there, Fury was waiting beside a private jet, "Look who finally decided to show up", he stated, "Goodbyes aren't that easy you know, especially if you don't even know if you're coming back", he just nodded at your response. You walked into the plane and looked back, Fury mouthed the words "Good luck." And with that, the jet's entrance started closing and your journey to Romania started.


Pietro POV:

I woke up to the sun in my eyes, I reached out to the other side of the bed, but nobody was there, I had hoped it was a dream. It wasn't. He left for the mission in Romania.

A piece of paper on the side table caught my attention, I went to get it, when I read it. It made me miss him even more, It read;

"I love you."

My eyes started to form tears, he wasn't here for me to hug, I didnt have anyone to keep me company in the morning, the nights would feel lonely. The tears started to fall on the sides of my cheek, although I was crying, I had a smile on my face, I trusted that he'd come back. He wouldn't die so easily. I won't lose him. But I was unsure how long he would take to come back, I went down to have my breakfast, my eyes, heavy from crying, I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

My phone had a clear protective case, I stored the notes he would leave me on the back of my phone, I opened it up and placed the newer one beside the one he made in the gym.

As I entered the dining room, I was greeted by the others, Steve was there, I didn't dare to look at him, even though Y/n would have probably forgave him by now, I still felt the anger and the urge to throw him off this tower, but I held it in.

"Hey Steve" I greeted him, he looked surprised I greeted him. I let it pass and had my cereal with a side of orange juice


1 month later. I'm worried to death, he hasn't come back yet, I'm scared.

My eyes were tearing up and I couldn't hold it anymore, my eyes started pouring out tears and I hugged the pillow he used to lay beside me, I clenched it with my fingers and cried. It hurt. I want him back. Come back. Please.

I got the urge to stop my thoughts and think positively, "He won't die. He'll come back. He promised." I told myself as I sniffled and wiped away my tears.

I decided to work out for a while to get my mind off of it.

I went to go and change Into some of the tank tops Y/n left behind, they fit me perfectly, and they were comfortable, it kind of reminded me how he would lay on my chest when we fell asleep.

As I went down to the gym, I saw Steve, I decided to wave at him with a smile to show that he didn't bother me anymore, he looked around if anyone else was there, he was confused if I was greeting someone else, but I greeted him. I let it pass and started my work out.


After I finished my work out I went to the showers and freshened up, I got my mind off of my thoughts from earlier and went back to my room, as I went back I saw a shadow behind me, I quickly sped up and checked who it was, before they knew it, I was already behind them, it was Steve, "What're you doing" I asked, He jumped at my question, not expecting me to be there, "I-, I wanted to say sorry, Y/n already forgave me, s-so I wanted to ask for yours too".

I was right, Y/n already forgave Steve, so I decided it would be best to forgive him so our teamwork wouldn't fade, "I forgive you." I replied, he smiled, and shook my hand, "Thank you", he responded, he walked away and I watched him go in the elevator. As the elevator indicated it was going down, I went to walk to my room again.

When I got to my room, I went to my bed and decided to watch some TV and rest, I put my hand out expecting Y/n to move over and cuddle up with me, but I was met with the cold air and silence instead. What was happening to him, I wish I knew, I missed him. A lot.

As time flew by I had already finished 3 movies, I decided to go to bed early and not overthink about the situation and get insomnia. So I turned to my side and grabbed the other pillow and placed it on my chest, I hugged it tightly.

My eyes suddenly started forming tears again. "I wish it was him.." I whispered to myself as I sniffled, I didn't want to cry, I just wanted him to be with me again, I haven't heard from him for a long while.

I hope he hasn't died. I would kill myself just to be with him again if he did. "Please come back" I whispered to myself.


Your POV:

"I'm in.", You sneaked across the underground building, it was like a maze, the hallway stretched into more hallways, "Take the hall way leading you to the left, then take a right, there should be 2 guards guarding the main room", you heard the voice in your earpiece, "Just two?" You asked to confirm. "Yes, the main user of the super computer went out", you pulled out 2 throwing daggers, and sneaked up on the hallways, you stopped at the corner where the room would be.

You took the throwing daggers with both hands and threw them with great force, the first one hitting the first guard on the neck, right on the jugular vein.

The second one hitting dead center on the heart, instantly killing him, they fell to the ground. This was the result of a 2 month preparation, you swiftly went into the room and locked the door from the inside. You placed the USB into the super computer that would inject a virus and put it to a stop.

Just then you heard loud banging on the door.


You acted quickly and finished the injection up, the computer was busted, they wouldn't be able to break into any form of security anymore. You quickly scanned the room and saw possible exits, the most effective one being the vent under the table that held the computer, it was well hidden.

You opened it and went in. You heard the door get smashed open, but they were too late, you already got far into the vents, there was no way they would find you. You traveled through the vents for a while, finding an exit after minutes of crawling. You got out and went up through the way you came, "Fury, it's done. I'm heading home", he didn't respond, "Fury?", You were confused at what was happening, "To your right", the earpiece sounded. You acted fast and grabbed the knife placed on your thigh to stab whatever was to your right. Your senses were right, it was a big man charging at you with a knife in his hand, your stance forced the knife into his heart. "Sorry buddy, I have someone to go home to", you stated before pulling the knife out of his chest, the pool of blood building up underneath his corpse.

"Well done, Agent Y/n, you never disappoint. Prepare your stuff, I'm sending you home this afternoon", you smiled, "Will do", you replied. So you ran towards your escape motorcycle and drove as fast as you could before they would have any clue where you were at that point.


You arrived back at NYC, "Congratulations, Agent Y/n, you're promoted to Executive Senior Agent, You're one of the best we have. Now all you need are powers and you might as well go back to the tower, I'm sure someones waiting for you"

You smiled and said, "Thank you.", You went to your car and drove towards the tower, you called in Thor and Tony, you planned to surprise Pietro, its gonna be great.


You arrived at the tower and went up to the 34th floor, you cued Tony and Thor, Thor was excited about your arrival, Tony just scoffed because you had him do something he didn't want to.

"Friday, can you inform Pietro Maximoff to please come to the kitchen for a talk", Tony stated,  "Will do sir".

"Sir, Your presence is required in the Dining room", Friday told Pietro, Pietro was in his room, he was watching movies to get his mind off of your disappearance, "Sure, tell them I'm on my way" he responded.

"He's on the way, sir", so you hid behind the door of a cabinet, as you went in, Pietro arrived at the dining room

Pietro POV:

I sped through the halls towards the Dining room, as I went in, I saw Tony and Thor, their faces were saddened, Thor not even wanting to make eye contact, "What is it?" I asked.

"Listen kid. It's about Agent Y/n, well..he's Uhm.."

Thor turned around and punched a wall, careful not to break it but applied enough force to make the punch known to everyone in the room.

"What.....is he..no..." Tears started to form in my eyes, my emotions were in shock, I didn't know what to do, Tony held my shoulder and said.

"Well, he's right behind you"

Before I could turn around I felt arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder.

"Hey, Baby", it was Y/n, he was back. He's home, my tears broke down and started to fall, I turned around and held him close to me as I cried.

Your POV:

He hugged me tightly, like he had just lost me, the surprise worked, Thor was giggling and Tony was smiling at the both of us, "Was my acting good", Thor asked, "Very", Pietro replied, he sniffled, "Okay you love birds, that's enough, I'm going back to work", Tony stated.

"Thank you, Tony, I owe you one", he sighed and eventually said "You're welcome", and walked away. It was just Me, Thor, and Pietro.

Pietro was still hugging me, after a few minutes he parted. "Fuck you." He stated, I grabbed by heart and gasped as I act offended, "What?", I said jokingly, "I thought you died, you idiot", Pietro said, sniffling. "Told you I'd be back, let's go out for dinner tonight"

"Aren't you guys forgetting something", Thor said, you chuckled, "Thank you Thor, you're dismissed", he smiled and said, "My pleasure", and he walked out of the dining room.

"So where'd you wanna eat", you asked as Pietro pulled you back into a hug, "I wanna get Chinese" he responded, still sniffling, "Okay, let's get Chinese".

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