It Started With A Bullet - Da...

By Yennie-Fer

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Co-writer: @Banunu ~Warm blood trickled down her shoulder while shielding him. There were spots onto the grou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (After-Story Arc)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 1
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 2
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Shigaraki's Route
Shigaraki's Route - Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Shigaraki's Route (Ending 1)
Chapter 1 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 2 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 3 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 4 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 5 - Another Shiggy Route
Chapter 6 - Another Shiggy Route (Ending)
Hawks Route - Chapter 1
Hawks Route - Chapter 2
Hawks Route - Chapter 3
Hawks Route - Chapter 4
Misfortune Route - Chapter 1
Misfortune Route - Chapter 3
Misfortune Route - Chapter 4
Misfortune Route - Chapter 5
Misfortune Route - Chapter 6
Misfortune Route - Chapter 7
Misfortune Route - Chapter 8
Memory Route - Chapter 1
Memory Route - Chapter 2
Secret Route
Dabi's Route - Alternative Bad Ending
New Dabi x OC Story
(Deleting Later) We need your help!

Misfortune Route - Chapter 2

28 3 2
By Yennie-Fer

Ochako let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, no one was injured badly enough to kill them. The wound on her leg was rather painful, but she didn't seem to be losing enough blood to kill her. She spoke up to get Katsuki's attention. "Is there a first aid kit up there? Toga and I are both hurt."

Katsuki's eyes widened. He glared towards Toga. The fact Ochako was bleeding caused him to be enraged. "Psycho can deal with it."

He dug around the compartments of the bus and found a first aid kid. He stomped over towards Ochako so she wouldn't have to move. "Klutzy idiot. Gimme your leg."

She extended her leg to give a clear view of the injury. She slipped a little as she did so. Her hand reached out and squeezed his shoulder as she hissed in pain. "It doesn't look nearly as bad as it feels. That weird knife in her shoe must be different somehow than a regular knife."

It made him strangely feel hurt hearing her every whimper. While cleaning it, he was so careful and gentle as he could be not to cause any pain. He cursed when he did though. "Bullcrap. It does look bad! I'm gonna kill her!"

"Seriously. He isn't even cute like Izuku, Ochako." Toga frown in disapproval.

"Ha?" Katsuki snarled, a bit oblivious to what she was meaning. "You wanna die?"

Ochako looked slightly angry at that comment. More than anything, she was embarrassed that Katsuki heard that. She hadn't confessed her feelings to him yet because she didn't realize them until Toga said something.

Ochako's voice was little more than a mumble. She didn't meet Katsuki's eyes. "I think he is."

A few moments went by, he couldn't process what she said at first. His eyes widened with a red face, trying to think he heard right. His shoulders tensed up.

"You-" His voice went low to high. "No, you're cute, idiot!!!"

A compliment that came out as an aggressive tone. It seemed to be more competitive to calling her than. When he realized what he's done, whole face looked like a tomato.

Ochako's face turned just as red. She started to sweat a lot. Out of all the people in her class, she definitely didn't expect Katsuki to find her cute. She didn't expect Katsuki to find ANYONE cute. She felt relieved, nonetheless.

"Well, um, you're really handsome too." She kept on complimenting him. It felt nice to finally say those things out loud. She smiled. "And I like you a lot."

"What?! No! You're pretty!" He argued. "Who said you could say that first, ha?! I like you more, stupid!"

"I always thought you had no interest in women." Eijiro commented. "How manly of you, dude!"

"SHUT UP! I AM MANLIER THAN YOU! I HAVE MORE GUTS!" Katsuki felt too frustrated and flustered from all this. It annoyed him more that this wasn't private so it's making him flip out more.

Ochako giggled at their antics. One of the other students moved to restrain Toga so that Ochako could reach both hands out in an offer for Katsuki. "So we're together now? Does that mean that I can hold one of your hands while you finish taking care of my leg?"

"How can I use only one hand to take care of you?" Katsuki grumbled awkwardly. His hands were starting to wrap her leg. His finger traced against her skin at one point. It wasn't a big deal to Ochako, but to him, it was.

Immediately, his heart was fluttering in an aggravating way. (It's just a leg! Geez! What's wrong with me?!)

"You do the rest yourself!" He couldn't take it and turned away. He didn't want to be like a pig like Minoru is.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

"...Okaaaaaaaaayyy?" Ochako noticed the look on his face. It was easy for her to tell what he was thinking. At least, something along those lines. She finished wrapping up her leg, ignoring her own feelings of being flustered. "Thanks for the help. It feels a lot better now."

Regardless and without him looking at her, he took her hand when she was done. "Just don't do that anymore. I hate seeing you like that." His tone was more of a husky grumble.

"I'll try." She smiled as the warmth in her heart grew stronger. The feeling was so strong that it was overwhelming. Such a pure type of happiness could be difficult for one's heart to handle. "Hey, maybe we can send out some sort of distress call? That way the heroes know what's going on. The others could be in danger still."

They were stranded there anyway. There wasn't any adults in sight thanks to Toga's doing.

"Everyone else might be dead already." Toga smiled happily.

Eijiro was already on the bus's intercom. He was able to get ahold of Hawks and Endeavor.

"One of the league members hijacked one of the buses! We're stranded and our friends may be in danger!" The students' voices overlapped each other.

"We're on our way." Hawks replied on the other end. There's no doubt the other members are there.

Satoko would be dragged into this for sure.


Izuku was on another bus where Twice's clone had disguised himself as the bus driver. His real self was able to knock out another teacher on the bus. Present Mic.

It didn't take Izuku too long to take Twice down. He had to limit his powers a bit in order to keep everyone safe.

When Present Mic finally came to, he was able to help keep Twice restrained. The bus was in poor condition to keep driving due to the damage from the fight.

Thankfully, they heard that the pro heroes were coming for backup.


(This bunch...I'll never get proper rest with them.) Aizawa was sitting near the front of the bus. He had tried to go to sleep, but it didn't work out. The students were too loud. He could hear a few of them talking excitedly above the rest. It was something about Shoto and Momo. He simply sighed.

Suddenly, there was a noise on top of the bus. Aizawa immediately became alert. It sounded like someone was walking on top of it.

A hole started to decay in the ceiling. It was clear what quirk it was. Aizawa prepared to use his quirk, but he was quickly met with other worries.

Before he knew it, the bus driver was a puddle of blood on the floor. Shigaraki smiled at that as the bus started to go out of control.

Aizawa cursed. He knew that he had to do something to keep the bus from crashing. He tried to move towards the wheel, but Shigaraki's hand reached towards him as he wasn't paying attention.

The bus was unstable. Satoko saw what was about to occur as she motioned her legs to keep balanced. She got separated from Dabi.

Standing in between Shigaraki and Aizawa, her back slightly bumped into Aizawa's shoulder. Her hand swiftly gripped onto Shigaraki's wrist, staring him down. "That's enough. I can't stand around with you causing meaningless bloodshed."

Shigaraki paused. There was that funny feeling again. He wanted to pull his hand away to get it to stop, but at the same time, it was nice. He tried to cover it up with a glare. "Someone has to die. Otherwise this whole thing is meaningless!"

While they were arguing, Dabi's eyes scanned the seats. Most of the students either glared at them or looked afraid. Some seemed uncertain. Among the ones who glared in his direction was Shoto.

Dabi smiled. "I found Shoto. It's not meaningless if we take him."

Tsu leaned over in her seat towards Jiro. It was difficult to hear what Dabi had said because he said it quietly. All they knew was that he was looking at them. "Ribbit. Did you hear what he said?"

"Y-yeah." Jiro stammered in a low voice. "He plans on taking Todoroki."

While the bus was unsteady, Momo held onto Shoto. She was trying to concoct a plan in her head from the anxiety. Seeing Satoko stop Shigaraki from harming their teacher, they may have a chance. It didn't do away with her anxiety.

(The bus needs to stop in order to fight properly.) Momo thought.

"Go ahead and get him. It'll be a good message to send," Shigaraki instructed with a smile.

Aizawa could hear what they were talking about. His priority was getting his students out safely instead of fighting. With so many students to watch over, he wanted to make sure that none were lost. They needed to find somewhere with more people to pull over so that his students could get out. It was especially important that Shoto got away since he was a target for whatever reason.

They were approaching a bridge over water. That could be a good sign. They were in an area with more people. Aizawa squeezed the wheel until his knuckles turned white.

Dabi made his way through his seats until he got to where Shoto and Momo were sitting. Shoto's anxiety started to rise with Momo's. It wouldn't be good to fight on a bus. With them being seated, it also meant that they were cornered. Shoto moved so that he was partially blocking Momo. "What do you want?"

"I don't want anything to do with her. You, on the other hand? You're coming with me." Dabi stated.

Satoko noticed what was occurring. She cursed, thinking whether she would use her quirk or not. Or how can she remained focused with many people nearby?

What if it happens towards them instead?

(If I separate from Shigaraki, he might kill this guy. But then there's those kids.) Satoko felt torn.


(Why are we still driving? I should stop the bus from moving first!) She went to move Aizawa out of the way.

Meanwhile, Momo's hands were clinging onto the back of Shoto's shirt. She shot a glare at Dabi. "He's not going anywhere."

Satoko was unable to reach Aizawa. Shigaraki did first. His hand came into contact with the wheel causing it to crumble, forcing Aizawa to let go of it. Aizawa's eyes widened.

He pushed down on the brake with full force. It only caused the bus to start tilting on its side. He saw out the window what was going on. He could only instruct his students and hoped that they listened. "Try to get out of the emergency exits! The bus is going to go into the water!"

The students tried to get out with the help of their quirks. Some of them just barely managed to pull their friends out before the bus completely went on its side. Unfortunately, with Dabi in the way, Shoto and Momo weren't able to get out.

The bus went over the side of the bridge. Shoto, Momo, and Dabi all hit the ceiling. Momo's arm bent at an unnatural angle with a loud cracking noise.

Momo cried out in pain. The collision caused glass pieces to spread out everywhere, causing her and Shoto to be cut.

Satoko stumbled into Shigaraki's chest from the impact. Her hands gripped onto his shirt. A shard even hit into her leg, but she didn't falter from the pain. She looked up furiously towards Shigaraki. "What are you trying to do?! Kill us all?!"

"I didn't plan on us going over the edge." He hissed in pain as he got cut too. His hold on her tightened as he felt the bus tilt more. They both lost their footing.

The bus fell completely. There was a loud splash. The impact itself brought all of them pain too. The bus was filling up with water quickly.

The water was above their heads. Shoto winced while trying to reach out to Momo. (I have to get her out!)

A hand grabbed Shoto and pulled him away from her. It was Dabi. He pushed Shoto's face down against the glass. (It'll be easier if he blacks out. That way he can't fight back at all.)

Shoto involuntarily gasped as the shards got under his skin. It caused water to go into his mouth. The panic was clear in his eyes.

Most of the students and Aizawa was able to make it out.

Momo couldn't swim due to her injury. She was blacking out as she started sinking outside of bus.

Satoko saw what was occurring, but she first swam up with Shigaraki to resurface. She could see that he was struggling to swim. Like he didn't know how. A tire was floating above and she had Shigaraki hold onto it. They were both coughing out water.

"I'm going down. I'm gonna help those kids and Dabi." She was getting ready to dive.

"Stay up here!" He shouted. It sounded more like he was pleading than actually ordering her around. There was an apparent fear in his voice. He leaned forward on the tire, subconsciously trying to get closer to her. "Dabi is an idiot, but I doubt he will let himself drown. He's probably trying to go after that student."

"I'm not staying. I can't let these kids die like this. Don't you dare move from your spot! I don't want to hafta save you again." She gave him a reprimanding and considerate look.

Not letting him answer, she took a deep breath. She went down into the water, leaving Shigaraki behind.

Shigaraki wanted to go after her. It was dangerous to go down after that. However, he would most likely drown if he tried to. It made him feel so irritated towards himself. Once again, he was utterly helpless as she was in danger.

Satoko swam as fast as she could. The bus was sinking down further than before.

(That idiot Dabi. He'll die too!) She gritted her teeth inside her mouth. Finally, she reached below there. Shoto was unconscious with Dabi still pressing him against the broken glass.

(The other girl is gone!) She panicked in her mind. Swimming in between Dabi and Shoto, she moved her hand into him. Indicating that this needed to stop.

That she will save this boy. She grabbed ahold of Shoto to aid him. Not only that, she needed to help one more person. She gave Dabi a leer and looked up. (Go back up. You need to breathe too.)

Dabi's eyes were full of anger. It was clear what he was feeling without him saying anything. (Fine. But we're not done with him.)

He kicked his feet to push himself through the water. He swam past her.

Thankfully, Dabi can't use his fire underwater. It gave Satoko some sense of relief that she could swim upward. Straining to do so, she kept at keeping Shoto within her grasp.

It was a real workout, especially holding her breath. Managing to reach the surface, she gasped for air. She had Shoto's head above the water.

Dabi's head broke through the surface too. To Satoko's surprise, his hair was white instead of the usual black color. He ran his hand through his hair. "Now give him to me. We need to take him back with us."

"No. He won't make it back with us. He'll die. I won't let you do anything else." Satoko retorted with a growl. "Don't make me use my quirk on you." If she had spare time, she would have made a comment about his hair shade.

Without letting him reply, she already started swimming towards land with Shoto. Ignoring Dabi cursing a bit from behind her.

Upon reaching the land, she saw Aizawa already heading down towards where she was swimming at. She hoisted Shoto onto shore. "Hurry and take him. I need to help the girl. She's still down there."

Aizawa nodded. There was no time to stand around and talk with Shoto having possibly swallowed water. He quickly pulled him back onto the land and placed him on his back.

He started doing chest compressions. After a while, Shoto finally coughed some water up. He immediately sat up, coughing violently.

"You're fine now." Aizawa put a hand on Shoto's back as a means of comfort. "Try to calm down."

Shoto shook his head. He managed to stop coughing so he could say what he wanted to. "Where is Yaoyorozu?"

Aizawa felt a deep sadness when Shoto said that. The student was no stranger to pushing himself far past his limit. Aizawa knew what he would do if he was able to. "Focus on your injuries for now. You're bleeding a lot."

"I said..." Shoto turned his head towards Aizawa. He was trying to seem fierce, but he looked scared more than anything. "Where is Yaoyorozu?"

"She's still in the deep end." Satoko was already making her way back into the water. It was strange to them how this woman came with the villains, but was helping them out.

Who was she anyway?

Shoto stood up. He hurried over to where Satoko was. "I'm coming. I'll get her."

He said that even though he was in no condition to be moving around a lot. The boy looked like he was in horrible condition. Blood marked his face and dripped down his arms. His neck even had cuts on it. The way that he moved was like he didn't feel any pain at all. Either that or he just didn't care all that much.

"No, you won't." Satoko firmly said. "I didn't rescue ya so you can go die. Dabi's still out there and he'll kill you. I'm in better shape than you are!" She softly grabbed his arm to drag him towards Aizawa.

Heading back to the waters, she already started swimming away. She yelled back at Aizawa. "Don't let him come with me!"

Shoto tried to go after her, but Aizawa grabbed his arm. Shoto was determined to get to Momo. That was the only thing that he cared about. He tried to pull his arm away, but Aizawa wouldn't let him. "She could be hurt. Let me go help! We can't trust villains."

"She isn't a villain." Aizawa tried to reassure him. "If she was, she would have helped Dabi to take you. You would either be dead or being taken away to be locked up somewhere. The most rational explanation is that she isn't one of them."

Shoto still didn't want to give up on going after her. He knew that Aizawa was right though. He stopped trying to pull away. He didn't say anything else in response as his eyes search the water for their return.

Satoko ended up swimming back to the part where she resurfaced with Dabi prior. Oddly enough, he was still located there. It was a bit beneficial for her to back track though. She went to dive, but his hand grabbed her arm.

"What are you doing? I need to save one more!" Satoko leered.

Dabi still didn't quite know why he felt the need to keep her close to him. Yet it was there again as strong as it was before. The chance that she could die was one thing that Dabi wasn't about to risk. "Leave her. She's already dead."

His words came across as harsh. He knew that. He didn't care. All he cared about was that he got what he wanted when all was said and done. What he wanted then was to keep Satoko with him.

Satoko was a bit in denial, but she felt like he could be right. Enough time had passed that she could only hope some kind of miracle was there.

Her doing this may look like she had betrayed them.

"Look. I won't know until I try." She didn't remove her arm from his grasp just yet. Her hand lightly went on top of his. "I don't want the League to die nor do I want these kids to either."

Time keeps passing. She needs to get going. She didn't want Dabi to interrupt her.

Then she moved his hand off of her with what seemed like a pained smile. "I'm selfish. You may think I'm taking their side. I'm not. I'm trying to figure out in my own way to end this corruption. Go now. I'll catch up with you after this."

Without letting him reply, she dove down once more.

Dabi cursed. Going after her once she was already down there would likely be useless. Of course, Satoko always had to be stubborn and reckless. She had a habit of risking her life for strangers. Dabi knew that all too well.

He looked back towards Shoto and Aizawa on the land. He could always go after Shoto again, but something stopped him. It was the look on Shoto's face as he stared out at the water. No doubt looking for Momo.

Dabi felt something oddly similar when he thought about Satoko being underwater. There was no way that he was feeling sympathy towards his younger brother. It was something else. Eventually, he decided to go in another direction to get on land.


Earlier, Momo couldn't swim due to her injury. She was blacking out as she started sinking outside of bus.

(Todoroki...) Her hand weakly and desperately tried to reach out towards him. Her nose was starting to burn from the water.

Fighting to stay conscious, she tried to create an inner tube to help her get to safety.

Her fatigue was hindering her Creation process. A part from the bus hit into her head, causing her to black out.

All she could think of is going with Shoto to the flower fields. She had a need to save him from Dabi, but she was too weak.

(I'm not strong like everyone else is. I'm sorry...)


Satoko couldn't find Momo just yet. She swam away from the bus. It caused rumbling within the waters.

Finally, she found Momo. She was unconscious.

(Hang on! Please, be alive!)

Satoko's hand kept slipping to grab ahold of Momo. She first grabbed her wrist and found a weak pulse.

Just when she was about to be relieve, the bus behind her exploded. Bubbles flew everywhere from her mouth as one of the parts hit the back of her head.

A red hue started dyeing parts of the water. Water was starting to go into Satoko's mouth as she faded out into unconsciousness.


Endeavor had arrived at the other buses with the police. Hawks was faster to find the final bus as Endeavor wanted him to update him on his son.

While in the air, he spotted Aizawa and Shoto near the water's shore.

"Is everyone alright? What's the damage?" Hawks asked, seeing if there's anything he could do.

With his feathers, he knows Dabi and Shigaraki are nearby. But he doesn't hear Satoko anywhere. He didn't think she wouldn't be around. Somehow, he felt a little anxiety.

Aizawa motioned towards Shoto. He spoke quickly. Any wasted time that passed by could be time that people were in danger. "His injuries don't seem to be critical, but some medical attention for him would be nice. Yaoyorozu is still under somewhere. There was a woman with the villains who went down after her and hasn't returned yet. The villains seem to have gotten away."

Hawks wanted to ask how long she's been down there, but that would be pressing for more time. He didn't hesitate to jump into the waters.

(No wonder I couldn't hear her.) He had to concentrate with his feathers underwater. It was a bit of a challenge since he never had done this before.

Realizing it was useless, he used his wings to swim swiftly deeper and deeper.

Already, he found Satoko and Momo. The red shade around her was causing him to be alarmed.

(Don't die on me now, Sunset.)

He scooped her up into his arms and used his feathers to retrieve Momo.

Finally, he reached the surface with the two. His feathers gently let Momo onto the ground. He laid down Satoko in front of him, who wasn't even waking up. Trying to calm his nerves, he tilted her head to the side. It allowed any water drain from her mouth and nose.

After some chest compressions were done, it was no use for Momo. Shoto seemed shocked at first. He stood still, staring at Momo. He couldn't take it in at first. He couldn't believe that she was really gone. He forced his feet to move in her direction. He sat down at her side and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.

"Yaoyorozu?" The first time he said her name, he sounded composed. He was just too shocked to really express the feelings inside. When he said her name for the second time though, it was clear that he was in emotional pain. He brought her hand up to press against his face once more. Unlike when he did it on the bus, her hand was now cold.

There wasn't any answer coming from her mouth. Even her facial expression didn't look peaceful.

It looked like she tried the hardest to survive, but failed to do so.

Hawks could see that Satoko wasn't breathing. There wasn't any pulse. He knew a bit about CPR training. Having no pulse can always turn around with chest compressions.

He started working on Satoko with that. He let the chest rise completely between pushes. He tried to hide the panic in his voice. "Eraserhead, how long was she down there? Get something for her bleeding!"

"The first aid was all on the bus." Aizawa started to unwrap the capture tape that he always wore. It certainly wasn't the best option. Clean bandages were what she needed. The situation was dire, however. The bleeding needed to be stopped as soon as possible.

He handed the capture tape to Hawks. "Be careful. If it sticks to her wound, she could get an infection," Aizawa instructed.

Momo's death hit him hard too. He was doing his best to not show how much it hurt him. He could cry later when he was alone. He had to focus.

Hawks did what he could to stop the bleeding. There was a lot for him to focus on. One death was enough.

(Please. Get up.)

After some more chest compressions, he tilted Satoko's head gently back. He didn't want to worsen her wound. Softly lifting her chin, he started to pinch her nose.

This wasn't how he wanted to place his lips onto hers, but he had no choice. He took a normal breath as he caused an airtight covering upon her mouth.

Again. He gave two one second breaths, watching her chest rise. He followed along with more chest compressions and repeated the cycle.

He was about to go into it again, but she started coughing. Breathing.

"Sunset?! Hey!" Hawks tapped his hand onto her cheek. But she wasn't awake. Her injury must be causing her to remain unconscious.

But she was alive.

Shoto pulled Momo into his arms. He barely made a sound when he cried, but his shoulders shook like he was sobbing. It felt to him like something was missing from his heart that he could never get back.

He loved seeing Momo happy. With her lifeless body in his arms, he couldn't stop thinking about how he wished that he could keep making her happy. He would never see her smile again or see how her eyes lit up when she was excited. He would never hear her voice again.

"I should have been able to go with her..." He lowered his head. His lips gently brushed against her head. "I could have saved her, maybe. If I couldn't do that then at least I could have been there when she died. I could have held her hand or something."

Hawks and Aizawa were both speechless. There weren't any words of encouragement that could be said.

What could there be?

"I don't know what had happened," Hawks finally spoke up. "If you were with her, you would have possibly die too."

"You may carry her if you want to." Aizawa felt thankful for his long hair. It helped hide the sadness in his own heart from being visible to them. "We need to get out of here and get you taken care of."

Shoto needed a few more minutes with her before getting up. He stayed there and ran his hand through her hair for a while longer. Eventually, he stood up with her still in his arms.

Hawks couldn't even look at Shoto. He wouldn't know what he would do if he were in his position. But Satoko doesn't show signs of coming back into consciousness. He didn't want to seem inconsiderate to leave, but he can't let her be either.

He, also, lifted Satoko up to carry. "She's not waking up so I'll-"

"It's her fault," Shoto interrupted. His eyes were downcast. The heartache that he felt was difficult to deal with. He felt the need to blame someone for it. It was mostly his way of deflecting the fact that he felt a heavy feeling of guilt weighing down on him. "She should have let me go under. I had a better chance at being able to save Yaoyorozu."

Aizawa gave him a stern expression. "Todoroki. Stop it."

Shoto's tears dripped down his chin. His voice cracked. "She wasted too much time in the first place! What if she had went straight to Yaoyorozu instead of trying to get me out? That's what she should have done. She made the wrong decision twice. Yaoyorozu should have survived!"

Hawks felt a little bit of anger boiling up in him. He knows Satoko is negligent when it comes to herself.

He got that impression of her when he first took her to the hospital. When she had gotten her period and refused help. When it came to others, she puts them above herself. This factor proved that point even more.

"Was it not enough for you that she risked her life to save her?" His eyes darkened a little bit. "Look, I get it. This hurts like crap, don't it? You're probably not thinking straight and pointing out false accusations."

He looked down at Satoko. "I know she did her best. That's who she is..." He let out a sigh. "Once she finds out she couldn't save her, she'd be devastated too. She'll take the blame most likely. She'd probably agree with you."

It became no secret to them that Hawks knows her.

"No one's at fault, alright?" He finished.

"Someone has to be." Shoto continued to get more and more upset. "She survived the crash. She was strong enough to do that. The only reason she died is because no one reached her in time. A few minutes earlier and she would be fine! She would be standing here with the rest of us!"

There was a pain inside that wouldn't stop growing. It felt dark and bitter. The more that he talked, the more he became aware of it until he couldn't push it down anymore.

Why was he the one who survived? Why couldn't Satoko focus on saving Momo first?

That's what Shoto was really thinking of.

"She wasn't forced to save anyone," Aizawa stated with a hint of sadness. "She could have saved herself the trouble and left you both to die. She decided that she wanted to act as a hero instead."

Hawks let out another sigh. There's no point for him to stand here any longer. As selfish as it sounded, he needed to get Satoko help.

"She saved you so be grateful. Your little girlfriend would have wanted you to survive too." He spread out his wings, indicating he was about to fly. He looked towards Aizawa. "I'm taking her to the hospital. It will be faster if I go take her, Eraserhead."

Aizawa gave a quick nod. "Go ahead. I'll continue on foot with Todoroki."

"Take care. And sorry." Hawks sounded sincere. He knows not to act inappropriate with his nonchalant attitude at times.

With the flap of his wings, he soared into the sky. He held Satoko closely towards him. (I hope her head injury isn't something bad.)

Once he gets to the hospital, things will be alright. He believed that more than his inner anxiety.

Aizawa looked over at Shoto. He was clearly still trying to hold back, but his sobs had gotten louder. His shaking was more noticeable as well.

Sometimes Aizawa forgot that these were children he was working with. They were extremely strong, but they deserved to be able to break down every once in a while just like everyone else. His student who he was supposed to be taking care of was in pain; both physically and emotionally. His job at that time wasn't to help him get stronger. It was to help him heal.

"You'll feel a little better after you get your wounds tended to and get something dry to wear," he said. "I'll handle telling your friends what happened. If you need emotional support with all of this, let me or another teacher know. We can help."

"It won't fix anything." Shoto finally got up the courage to look at Momo's face again. Her expression pained him to see.

Aizawa sighed. "No, it won't. All we can do is be there for you."


Shigaraki and Dabi watched everything from behind some bushes. No one seemed to notice they were there. Someone would have for sure if they weren't exhausted. By that point, they were ready to just be done with the day. They were done searching for villains. Aizawa likely would have went after them, but his focus was taken by his grieving student.

Dabi lifted his head to look up at the sky. He could see Hawks flying away with Satoko in his arms. It was happening again. Just like before.

Dabi felt a sense of sheer anger. He knew that he would have to contact Hawks to find out what was going on with Satoko. He mostly just wanted to get her back.

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