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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 7

579 26 3



I woke up to people Laughing and chatting out of my bedroom window. Damn… Shut up!

“Baby Girl… are you awake?”

I rolled over and groaned.

“Please Emma; open the door for me, please?”

I rolled back around and covered my face. I couldn’t… if she found out, she’d be devastated and it would be my entire fault.

“Please Em; I can’t do this if I don’t have you by my side. If you want I’ll postpone until you feel better.”

“What? No!”

 “I don’t mind really.”

I quickly jump up and wipe my face, taking a deep breath, telling myself that I could suck it up for two days and I’d be gone again.


I opened the door and the relief on her face as she smiled gave me the indication that she was happy I wasn’t going to make her do it.

“I’ll be down in a minute, let me just get ready.”

She squeaked and hugged me.

“Thank you…Thank you! Can I do your hair?”

I smiled and nodded.


It was actually really good to think about something other than what happened and I hadn’t dressed up in a while so having to do my makeup and hair was fun. 

Mom came in then and smiled at us.

“I thought you two were hiding out on me.”

I couldn’t help, but smile.

“I brought you something.”

She came in, closing the door and handed me a dress box.

“What is it?”

“An early birthday present and a peek of what’s to come.”

“Well come on open it!”

I placed it on my bed and pulled the top off to find a beautiful royal blue dress.

“Still your favorite color right?”

I nodded and picked it up. 

“Wow, mom it’s the one…”

“Sorry I told mom.”

“Hurry put it on so I can see.”

I went into the bathroom and changed, looking into the mirror. It was tight around the bust, of course, and then flowed into layers of silk chiffon all the way to the ground.


I turned and saw them peaking through the door.


They came in and stood behind me.

“You look beautiful.”

I saw my mom look around and see the bottle of bleach.

“Well I think I better get some shoes on!”

I ran to my closet and took out my black suede wedges with the same color rhinestones as the dress that adorned the wedge part of the heel and put them one. I was just about to grab a pair of earrings when a hand came across, grabbing my diamond studs.

“Here wear these.”

I stopped, but didn’t turn.

“Come on Em…”

“I don’t want to talk about it Zander.”

 “I’m sorry okay? I should have kept it cool, but I just couldn’t.”

I looked up at him as he tried to touch me, but I backed away.

“Just leave me alone, okay?”

“Baby girl, you know I would never hurt you.”

I smirk

“When have I ever?”

I looked at him and saw her at my closet entrance. She smiled, but when she saw my face, it quickly disappeared.

I shook my head and turned back around.

“Just go.”


“Go and take her with you!”



But he didn’t. He just wrapped his arms around me making me lose control once more.

“I love you…I love you, no matter what I love you.”

I held onto him tighter and dug my head into his neck, smelling him.

“I promise I won’t ask, but please don’t push me away.”

“I’m sorry.”

He squeezed me and kissed my shoulder.

“I love you baby girl.”

“I love you too.”


“Forever and ever and to infinity and beyond.”

He laughed making me laugh at the same time and slowly let me go.

“Come on fix your face and I’ll walk you down.”

I nodded and went back into my bathroom.


Finally! Man that was the longest flight ever! I ran to the car that was waiting for me and made them take me to the hotel as fast as they could. I could already hear my parents complaining about how I was always late for everything, but I just wouldn’t get away from her room. Just thinking about her made me turn down the hot water down before I began something that I knew she could only finish.

Once I got my room, I quickly took a shower and put on my best suit then ran out.



I got out and ran in.

 I was suddenly swarmed by the large house. It was definitely a family home with high ceilings which were held by large pillars throughout the house and a large stair case leading to the rooms. It was modern for such a pack of this one.

“Dude seriously!”

I looked back down and smiled.

“Hey man!”

I made my way over down the small steps and hugged on my best friends.

“What up Cork!”

“Still with that stupid name I see.”

I pulled away when I saw my brother with dad and an older gentleman which I was assuming it was the future father in law

“Look, I’ll talk to you later man.”

I ran out, taking a drink from one of the bars and made my way over to them just as dad turned around.

“Son, there you are!”

“I know I’m late.”

“When aren’t you?”

I smirk at my brother and wrap an arm around his shoulders.

“Hey I made it didn’t I?”

“George, this is my youngest Xavier.”

I stuck my out hand out to him and smiled.

“Hello Sir, it’s good to finally meet you.”

“Call me George and you’re just in time, here comes my youngest herself.”

I turned and my heart skipped a beat just as she stepped out the back door.


“Come on, I promise I won’t let go.”

“But she’s your mate and you should be with her, I can do it on my own, I promise.”

“No now come on.”

“No… seriously, I’ll be okay, now go.”

Of course he didn’t like that I was being stubborn, but he took his mate’s hand that sent me a thank you smile and gladly followed him. She was actually really nice and looked like a good match for him.

“Okay, but I’ll be just a whimper away, remember that!”

“Of course, wouldn’t expect any less.”

They weren’t out as I took a quick shot of whatever they were passing around and took a step outside. 

My heart was thumping and my hands were already clammy. I took another deep breath and looked around spotting my sister who was eyeing me curiously, as always. 

She gave me a reassuring nod and I plastered my prettiest smile and stepped out into the view of everyone.

“Baby girl!”

I turned my head to the side and spotted daddy with three other males along with my mother and another woman, probably Luke’s mother from the looks of her, but my eyes went back to my sister. Next to her was Luke holding her and I couldn’t help the knot forming in the pit of my stomach just thinking how he could be so loving to her after what had done to me not too long ago. I tried to keep my eyes on her, but they moved over to him where he was happily smiling like he was the sneakiest man alive. That no one knew his secret but him.

“Hello Emma.”

I turned my head down to the bottom of the steps and my heart dropped, no wonder I was so nervous. 

“Trust me; I’m as surprised as you are.”

 He ran his way up and smiled down at me.

“What are you doing here?”

“Luke is my brother.”

My eye widened and was going to take a step back when he took my hand in his and brought up to his lips.

Oh the sensation hat I got was more than I wished for. My heart was fluttering uncontrollably now and I just couldn’t help myself and smiled.

“Shall I escort you?”


He stepped a little closer and I nearly lost it.

“I think… I think I can do it.”

“Emma, just let him bring you down!”

I looked down at her and saw her pleading with me to be nice.


I let him take my hand once again and followed him down the stairs onto the grass where everyone was waiting.

“You look beautiful by the way.”

“Thank you.”

“So have you told your parents the news?”

“What news?”

“That you’re going to New York.”

I stopped mid way and turned, looking at him.

“I am?”

“Yes, did they not call you? They assured me that they did this morning.”

Oh god this morning. 

“I’ll be right back.”

I quickly took off my shoes and took off running back into the house, up into my room. 

Three missed calls and one new message. The first two were from Zander and Tess, leaving only one left.

“Hello Miss Mendoza, this is to inform you that you have been selected to attend this year’s trip to New York City, CONGRATULATIONS!”

I screamed and jumped on my bed.

“Why am I not surprised?”

I stopped and jumped down backing against the corner from earlier.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”

I shook my head and tried really hard not to panic.

“It’s okay… ummm…”

Then Zander ran in and jumped over the bed.

“Hey, you okay?”

I nodded, letting out a breath.

“A little freak out, but I’m fine.”


“Yeah, but ummm… I got it.”

“God what?”

“She’s going to New York.”

“You are?”

 I smiled and nodded my head.

“Yeah, I did it, can you believe it?”

“You both did.”

We look at Mr. DeSantos and smile.


Or eyes avert back to each other and we jump back on the bed. 

“WE DID IT! WE DID IT! We did it!”

Mr.DeSantos laughs at us and I jump back down, running up to him and into a hug.

“Thank you.”

I know I scared him with my boldness and before I could apologize he slips his arms around me and pulls me into his arms, placing his face into my neck. My heart skipped a beat and my breath caught feeling like my fears were suddenly swept away.

“You deserve it.”

I smile, squeezing him until Zander cleared his throat and I realized what I was doing.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”


He then smiles and takes my hand as he bends down and grabs my shoes.

“I think we should tell your family.”

I smile and follow him back outside.

“Emma has some great news.”

“You guys are MATES?!”


“Well are you?”

“NO! I’m not twenty one until midnight and you know that.”

 “Then what is it then?”

I looked up at Daddy.

“I’m going to New York.”

Sissy immediately knew what I meant and screamed making everyone turn around.

“You did it!”

I nodded and we hugged then did our happy dance which got laughs from everyone.

“Alright you two…”

I went up into Mom’s arms and tried not to cry.

“You deserve it baby; I knew you could do it.”

“Thanks mom.”

“Oh shoot look at the time, we have to get to the church!”

“I’m taking my car!”

I ran inside and grabbed the key then ran back out into the garage.

 “Oh baby, how I’ve missed you.”

“We’re going with you!”

I turned and saw sissy dragging Mr. DeSantos and Luke with her. Oh hell no…but it was too late to protest, she shoved Luke and herself in the back, leaving Mr. DeSantos to sit in the passenger side beside me.



I got in and buckled up.

“Dad got it for her eighteenth birthday and hasn’t had a chance to drive it so hold on.”

 I winked at from the rearview mirror and roared my royal blue Chevy Corvette to life, making me purr.

“Hold on!”

I put it in reverse and twisted us around almost missing mom and dad with the DeSantos. I smiled and Dad knew it was on. He and I always raced before I left and since he was a ford kind of guy, I had to prove to him Chevy’s were always better.

“Think you can beat daddy in his Mustang?”

“Only one way to find out.”

As soon as the gated were opened dad was off, but hell I had to let him think he was going to win.

“You’re mean.”

“Teach him to hightail it out so soon.”

I looked at Xavier and pressed the gas.


I smiled and got on the road. Dad was about a quarter of a mile ahead of us, but not for long.

I switched gears and pressed even further down on the gas.


I could feel the adrenaline pumping throughout my veins and more now that I could feel Luke’s fear behind me.

I switched again and just as I got next to dad, I flicked the switch and went flying, getting Rm. DeSantos to hold on for dear life.

“Whoa, SHIT!”

My smile grew as I turned into the church, coming to a complete stop.

“That was AWESOME!”

Sissy and I high-fived each other and got out as dad made it into the parking lot. I could see mom wasn’t so happy about our little race. 

“Hey, he started it.”

Then daddy came out with the older Mr. DeSantos talking about how awesome that was.

I made my way in with my sister and got down to business. 

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