Carlisle Cullen x Fem!Reader...

By Mrs--Marvel

206K 3.9K 2.5K

Because I have a sneaking suspicion that my Carlisle Cullen phase is going to be a long one. So enjoy some on... More

An Itch
Second Chances (Ending 1)
Second Chances (Ending 2)
The Cullen Games
Fight Me
Possessive, Protective, and Pregnant*
In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised
I Missed You
Is It Over?
It's Time To Party!
Good Kitten*


5.3K 104 6
By Mrs--Marvel


Y/N walked down the street late one night with her husband, coming back from a gala just a ways from their home. She had her eyes cast down to the ground as she always did when she heard a strange sound in the distance.

Y/N head shot up and she stopped, looking around. Her halting had caused her husband Charles to stop too. He looked down at her, "What are you doing?"

She glanced at him momentarily before shaking her head, "Sorry, I thought I heard something."

He shook his head and sighed, "You and your imagination. We are not far from home, let's go."

Y/N nodded, "Yes, of course. Sorry."

After a few steps, she heard another sound. She stopped again and her husband tugged on her arm, "Come on. Let's go."

"I swear, I heard something, Charles," Y/N told him firmly.

He shook his head with a roll of his eyes, "It will be hours before we get back home if you continue on like this, Y/N."

In the next second, his arm was yanked from hers and he was no longer in front of her. She paused, now trembling in fear at the suddenness. "Charles? Charles, where did you go?" you called.

Y/N picked up the bottom of her dress as she tried to move faster to get back home. Suddenly, an arm wrapped around her and she was too quickly yanked into an alley.

Y/N regained her bearings, terrified by what was happening. When she turned around, she saw Charles' dead body lying on the ground, bloodstains on his expensive suit with a large wound on his neck.

She covered her mouth to keep from screaming when suddenly someone spoke right next to her, whispering in her ear.

"Hello, lovely."

Before she could turn around or scream or do anything, really, the person grabbed a hold of her and bit down into her neck. Her mouth was covered to prevent her from screaming and a terrible pain filled her body.

After a moment, Y/N was dropped to the ground next to her late husband. She writhed in pain, expecting to die soon.

The person looked down at her, she couldn't make out their face or anything about them because her vision was blurring in and out. They hummed before suddenly disappearing.

She was laying in that alley all night, writhing in so much pain that she couldn't even scream.

Before the early hours of morning light, the pain had slowly begun to subside. She looked around for the first time, amazed at what she saw. Everything was so...detailed.

It was as if she could see everything ten times -- a hundred times better -- than before. She slowly sat up and breathed in, a strange feeling in her throat she could not quite explain.

Y/N turned around and saw the blood stained body of Charles behind her. She took another breath in and she could smell the blood left over from the thing last night.

A strange curiosity filled her as she looked at the blood. Y/N dipped a finger in the pool of blood. She took a longer breath in, a sweet scent filling her senses. She darted her tongue out, licking the blood from her finger with a hum. It felt... strange, the feeling that washed over her.

Y/N hummed gently before standing. She stared at her late husband's dead body for the longest time, conflicting feelings about his death, before she left him there. She was finally free of him.


"Let's go. The humans will be coming soon," she said, turning to her coven as they fed on their latest victim. Victoria looked at her with a whiny hum. "But we just got this one," she complained.

"And he's already drained. So let's go," Y/N said. James and Victoria rolled their eyes, wiping their mouths of blood as James swung an arm over Victoria's shoulder. They shoved past her as they headed out.

Y/N looked at Laurent and the two of them shared a sigh before you both headed out. Out in the woods, she was looking out over the distance, trying to get a read on the human's tracking. She needed to lead them off of them. That would be easy.

After a few hours, she had successfully had the humans sent off of her trail. "Be more careful, the last thing I need is to have to clean up more of your messes because you decided to knick the wrong person. We don't want to kill everyone."

"Says who?" Victoria giggled.

Y/N rolled her eyes. She turned to Laurent and they shook their heads. He was the only other one there with sense. She announced that she was going out to hunt. She wasn't. She just needed fresh air and time to herself. She could only take so much of their bullshit.

For the coven leader, James didn't do as much leading as she did. He spent most of his time screwing his girl.

The next day, they would be headed out of town, off to the next. It was an endless cycle and she was quite tired of it.

Y/N heard a loud crack in the distance. It was like the thunder that sounded in the air, but it had a very distinct difference. Something came cutting through the air and Laurent jumped up, catching the baseball flying too quickly for a human to have hit with his bare hand. He examined it between his fingers and lifted it for her to see.

Y/N tilted her head and hummed, "Maybe we ran into more vampires..."

Laurent nodded, "Perhaps."

They turned to their coven, motioning them over as they walked through the woods. Y/N emerged from the trees at the edge of the forest with Laurent, Victoria, and James into a large clearing.

There was a clan of vampires lined up in the middle of the field as they walked over to them. She continued to walk over, eyes trained on the others as she scanned over each vampire.

When they stopped at a reasonable distance between each other, there were two things Y/N noticed first. One, their eyes were gold. Two, one of the vampires looked strangely familiar. The woman's eyes were trained on her before her mouth opened slightly. There was something in her eyes -- something about her eyes -- Y/N couldn't quite place.

Y/N stood next to Laurent while he held up the baseball. "I believe this belongs to you."

He casually tossed the ball over at a blinding speed, the blond man that must have been their leader caught it with ease. "Thank you," he said, gesturing to him with the ball with a polite smile.

She tilted her head a little more at him, a smile ghosting over her own lips then. Laurent spoke gently, "I am Laurent. This is Victoria, James, and Y/N."

The woman from before was now staring at Y/N, this look in her eyes that had Y/N trying to figure out what was so familiar about her.

The blond man introduced, "I'm Carlisle, this is my family."

Everyone stared each other down. Laurent spoke quietly, "Hello."

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle said.

"Our apologies," Laurent said, "We didn't realize the territory had been claimed."

"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residency nearby."

"Really?" Laurent asked, looking over at Y/N who gave a look back. She then glanced at James, who had his eyes trained on a specific member of Carlisle's coven.

"Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through."

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them East. You should be safe," Victoria spoke.

Y/N muttered under her breath, even if the others would be able to hear perfectly well, "I did most of the work."

Laurent turned to her with a tsk-tsk tone to his voice, "Y/N, behave." She rolled her red eyes with a small smirk.

"Excellent," Carlisle breathed lightly.

"So could you use four more players?" Laurent asked. Y/N's lip quirked into a smile at the offer.

Carlisle coven looked to him for the answer to that question. His face was set in a hard look, he was going to say no.

Laurent smiled, "Oh, come on. Just one game."

Carlisle breathed a sigh and offered a smile, "Sure, why not? A few of us were leaving. You can take their place. You'll bat first."

He tossed the ball over to Laurent at a blinding speed, but Victoria was the one to catch it. "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball," Victoria smirked.

"Oh, well I think we can handle that," one of their members said. Everyone started relaxing very slightly as they got into the game.

Carlisle did a very quick introduction of his clan. When he got to the woman standing next to him, the woman who had her gaze on Y/N the entire time, Y/N stopped completely in her tracks.

She looked closer at her face, then into her eyes. She the suddenly remembered those golden eyes being a lovely brown once upon a time.


Carlilsle tilted her head. The woman stared back at her as well. "Esme?" Y/N asked gently.

She slowly smiled as she muttered her name under her breath. A smile spread across her face as the two ran to each other, throwing her arms around Esme in a tight hug. "I thought you were dead," Y/N told her.

Esme laughed, "I thought you were dead." She pulled back to look her over, "What happened? How are you here?"

"You know each other?" Laurent asked, pointing between Y/N and Esme.

She nodded, looking Esme in the eyes as she spoke, "Yes." She turned around and looked at Laurent, "Esme's my big sister." She turned back to her, "How are you alive?"

Esme went to explain when Victoria interrupted, "This is a great family reunion, but let's play the game first, shall we? You can catch up later."

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Ugh, shove off, Vic."

She hugged Esme again, before she pulled apart as they went to the bases. Just as they all turned away from each other, a gust of wind blew.

It should have been nothing.

But there was a human on the field.

James took a deep breath in and sighed," You brought a snack."

He turned around as he headed over toward the human, stopping as all of the vampires went to protect the girl. Esme shoved the girl behind her as everyone crouched. James stopped before the coven, itching to attack the human.

"A human?" Laurent questioned suddenly.

Y/N snarled at James to stop as she held him back. Carlisle spoke, "The girl is with us. I think it best if you leave."

"I can see the game is over," Laurent spoke, "We'll go now."

Laurent looked at James, saying his name as a warning. He finally let up. Y/N pulled him away and he turned around, hooking an arm around Victoria as they turned to walk away.

James and Victoria left, soon joined by Laurent. Y/N hesitated, looking at Esme sadly. Laurent spoke her name as they continued to walk off. Y/N sighed before turning around and leaving her long-lost sister behind.

Esme looked up at Carlisle, a frown in her eyes as her little sister walked away.

As Y/N disappeared into the forest with her coven, she sighed sadly. She looked back up rather quickly, however, when she heard James speak to Victoria, "The game is on."

They both shared a laugh as they continued walking away. Y/N shared a look with Laurent, while his was tired, hers was annoyed and angry.

She sighed heavily. "I'm going to hunt before we leave. Laurent, care to join me?"

Laurent nodded, "Don't mind if I do."

They both turned and left a different way from James and Victoria. Once they were far enough away, Y/N turned on Laurent, "I'm getting really sick and tired of his game. We need to break away from James. We need to warn them. This is getting ridiculous."

"I agree," Laurent said. "Let's go before it's too late. The faster we do this, the faster we get out of here."

Y/N nodded curtly and they disappeared further into the wood. Soon they came up on a large, white mansion. Y/N paused at the edge of the forest. Laurent turned to her, "What?"

She sighed and shook her head, "Nothing, let's go."

They walked up to the house, stopping suddenly at the door as she was met with Carlisle and Esme. "We're here about James. We mean no harm, I swear," she said gently.

Laurent began to speak but was stopped when three of the vampires and the human before appeared at the house. They immediately took defensive stances upon seeing Laurent and Y/N.

Carlisle stopped them and said, "They came to warn us about James."

Laurent began, the vampires listening to him. "We've grown tired of his games. But he's got unparalleled senses. Absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in three hundred years."

Y/N nodded, "And Victoria will back him. Do not underestimate her, whatever you do."

Carlisle nodded to him in thanks and Laurent gave the boy named Edward an apologetic look. He spoke, "I am truly sorry for what has been unleashed here."

They both began to turn around to leave. Just as they went to disappear in the trees, Y/N turned back to see Esme watching after her sadly. She turned back to Laurent and sighed, "Laurent."

He turned to Y/N, then to Esme in the distance behind her. She began, "You know that I would go with you but..."

"She's family, I understand. If you must stay, then stay. You know how to find me," he told her gently.

They shared a hug and she said, "Be careful out there. I mean it."

He nodded, "Of course. Goodbye, my friend."

"Goodbye," she told him. He disappeared into the trees then and Y/N turned back around to see her little sister.

Y/N held her arms out as they both ran to each other, hugging on another again. They went into the house where everyone was rushing to get ready to protect Bella anyway they can.

"I've been traveling with James for years, I know his habits. I can help," Y/N said as she entered the garage.

Rosalie turned to her, "Look, I get your Esme's sister and all, but how can we trust you?"

Esme gave her a slightly scolding look, "Rosalie, she's one of the most trustworthy people I've ever know. But if you don't trust her, trust me."

She smiled at her big sister and said, "I swear, I'm here to help. And maybe to see my sister again as well."

Carlisle spoke, "The more help, the better."

Alice, Jasper, and Bella soon left and Y/N was assigned to go with everyone else. They would lead James off in a separate direction with Bella's scent. It would buy them time to get away, but it wouldn't last forever.

They were at it for a while, and it left no time for Esme and Y/N to catch up. But it could wait, keeping the human safe was the current priority.

Suddenly, a phone rang and everyone stopped running. Carlisle picked up the phone, silencing the ringing as he spoke, "Yes?"

On the other end of the phone, Alice's voice came through, "The tracker changed course."

Carlisle sighed and nodded before thanking her and hanging up the phone. He turned to Y/N, "Any ideas?"

She thought, "If he already caught on, he's going to start back to get more information on her. Once he has that, he's going to lure Bella to him. We just need to find his next move first."

Carlisle sighed and nodded, "Alright."

Back in the car, most of the ride was silent. But it was only a matter of time before Esme burst. She needed to know how you were still alive.

"So what happened to you?" she asked.

Y/N laughed humorlessly, "You first."

Esme nodded with a sigh, her small smile fading as she thought back to when she was first turned.

"1921, I'd been with you before..." she trailed off. Y/N nodded, she remembered very little of her human life, but she couldn't forget what happened. After her husband Charles had found Esme after she'd run away from him, Esme went to Y/N to hide out. She had been pregnant and trying to escape. Esme had her child, but he died only a few days later. Esme, devastated and heartbroken, had committed suicide. Y/N remembered that clearly. 1921.

Esme quickly told her what happened, not wanting to go into detail, "Carlisle found me at the morgue, barely alive, and he changed me."

Y/N thought over that. So this man had saved her sister's life. She smiled, looking up at him. She was sure she would have started crying if she physically could.

Y/N told him gently, "Thank you. You don't know how much that actually means to me."

Esme smiled and said, "Now back to you. What happened?"

She thought over it, thinking back to what she could remember about her human life. Y/N sighed, "After we thought you died, I was married off to Charles later the same year."

Esme frowned sadly. She continued, "In 1923, we were attacked by a vampire one night. They killed him and changed me. I found Laurent first in 1931 and joined his coven. So not too much has happened, really."

Esme took in the information, "I can't believe you're alive."

She sighed, "I guess we're both unbelieving."

Esme pulled her into another hug, "I missed you so much, sweetie." Y/N smiled, happy to hug her big sister again.


They were headed for Arizona where they would meet with Alice, Jasper, and Bella. They split everyone back up to two separate cars. It was easier to travel that way than before. This time, they had Carlisle, Esme, and Y/N travel together while Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie rode in the other.

To make conversation, Carlisle asked, "So you're sisters? I don't remember you having two sisters, Esme."

She nodded, "Well, she's my adopted sister. We took her in when she was...four? Y/N was 14 and at a boarding school at that time I met you."

Y/N groaned, despite not remembering most of her human life, there were bits and pieces of it she remembered and still had emotions tied to. "I hated boarding school. It was boring and I had no friends!"

Esme laughed, "I wonder why -- you used to tell all the students a bunch of made up stories to get them to stay away from you. You said they were too stuck up."

Y/N laughed and Esme added, "In one of your letters, you told me that you said you were really a goblin in disguise. The other students called the headmistress on you."

She chuckled, "I don't remember, but I believe it."

"What do you remember?" Esme asked after a moment of silence. Y/N sighed, sitting back in her seat, "Bits and pieces... I don't remember much about my human life... Everything I do remember is either about you or..."

Esme sighed, "Or Charles?"

She nodded stiffly, her smile fading. An uncomfortable silence fell over them before Y/N spoke again, "I remember one time during a Christmas back home. You and I were climbing a tree, I fell out and broke my leg. You jumped down and helped me back into the house."

Esme nodded, a small smile on her face to accompany the far off look, "Yes, when you went back to the school, you wrote letters about how the bullies there would take your crutches and blame it on goblins."

She nodded, "I had a thing for goblins." Carlisle chuckled lightly. She added, "I also remember our horse. On the farm, we had a horse named Dotty."

Esme smiled, "Because she was covered in-"

"-white spots," they said. Esme chuckled, "You used to ride her every day you were back home so she didn't forget you."

Y/N nodded at the memory. Carlisle looked down and sighed, "We need to stop for gas."

Esme nodded and they pulled into the nearest gas station. As soon as Carlisle stopped the car and stepped out, you scooted over to Esme, "So, what's up with you and Carlisle?"

Hee eyes widened, "Me and him? We're just friends, he's like a brother to me."

"Oh, really. What's your cover story to the humans?" you asked, raising a brow. She rolled her eyes, "We're siblings. Emmett and Alice are adopted by me and Carlisle adopted Edward, Rosalie, and Jasper. Now we all just share a residence in Forks. Carlisle's a doctor, I work on home restoration."

You hummed as you thought about that, "Oh, you got yourself a doctor?" She rolled her eyes and shoved you away from her. She smiled a little, "Why, are you interested?" You were the one to roll your eyes this time and shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe. It doesn't matter anyway."

"How come?" she asked.

"I don't know if I can stay in Forks with you."

She frowned, "Why not?"

You shrugged, "I mean, I just don't know if it would work out. I'll visit all the time, promise. But I might have to find my own place somewhere. But I don't know."

She sighed and pulled you over by your neck in a side hug, "Well, whatever you choose, don't worry. I'll be here, we finally have each other again." She pressed a quick kiss to your forehead. Soon enough, Carlisle rejoined them in the car.


When they found Bella and James at the ballet studio, everyone made quick work of taking care of the situation. Y/N was not needed with James, she would have been in the way, so she helped with Carlisle instead.

"No," he said. "Go help the others. I don't want you to lose control."

Y/N shook her head, "I won't. I don't get cravings, I don't get thirst."

He glanced at her, "What?"

Y/N shrugged, "I've always been able to resist because I don't get hungry." He looked at her with a confused look before turning back to Bella to tend to her.

"Then... help me with this," he said as he got back to work. She helped him with Bella, monitoring their backs to make sure James did not escape and target them. The smell of blood filled the air, the blood was quite flavorful and distracted anyone who gave it any mind. But she remained unaffected by the scent.

Everything seemed to happen so quickly, she had not had much time to process it before it was over. The fire died down and Bella had passed out. While they got everything cleaned up quickly, she stood and let out a heavy breath. Carlisle looked around and then at her and she grabbed his face, pressing a long kiss to his lips.

When she pulled back, she let out another sigh and mumbled, "I thought we were going to die."

"What?" Carlisle questioned. Y/N shook her head and walked away, ignoring the eyes that were following her.

After everything had finally settled and calmed down, she was back in the car with Esme and Carlisle. It had been quiet for a while before Carlisle asked the question that had been nagging at him. "You said you don't get hungry?"

Y/N turned to him then and nodded. "Yeah, I think it's my gift..."

Esme rubbed her back out of instinct. Y/N smiled a little at her before continuing. Her energy had sort of depleted, the talk of her gift draining her. "It keeps me from 'losing control' or feeling bloodlust. So I'd go long periods of time without feeding, and I'd never know I was starving. The only way I could tell are by my eyes or my emotions. Sometimes, when James got really bad, I'd be able to calm his hunger, but sometimes it's like the hungrier I am, the worse everyone else is."

Carlisle thought for a long time. "You probably need to grow your gift," he said. "I know a vampire who can manipulate electricity, but when she first turned that gift was only in her palms, and now she can use it all over her body. With practice, you might be able to grow your ability and it will help you."

She gave him a smile, thinking about his words and nodding. "I'll see what I can do."

Esme spoke up suddenly to change the topic, she could see how it was beginning to weigh on her. "So, have you decided yet?"

She looked between her sister and Carlisle, thinking long and hard about whether or not she would stay or find Laurent.

She sighed, looking down at her hands. When she looked up again, she saw Carlisle's reflection in the rear view mirror. She saw his golden eyes and noticed her own crimson ones.

Before she could look away from her reflection, Carlisle's eyes locked with hers in the mirror. They watched each other for a few seconds, a few mere seconds that felt like a lifetime, and then she nodded. "Yeah, I have," she said, turning to her sister. "I'll stay."

"Really?" Esme smiled, and Y/N was so happy to have made her smile. She nodded and leaned in to hug her, "I'll stay."

She held on a little too tight before asking, "What changed your mind?"

Your eyes darted back to the mirror, looking at Carlisle, who seemed to be hiding a smile. She shrugged a shoulder, "Fate."

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