Mystery boy (a owl house stor...

By yampariv

1.5K 50 31

Blights, one of the most esteemed and richest family's of witches in the boiling isles. They have three kids... More

The accident on melancholy hill
The black sheep
Oysters and curses
A human and a chalaca
The meeting of two partys
Blights and snobs
Partying and suprises
Smugleing two humans
Rhinstone eye of a monster
Seven nation army.
beasts and dancing
Wrath and truth
Waves are rising
The wars inside and out
Fire coming out of a demon
Everything ends eventualy
Lots of pain killers and a flower bud
An emperor, a demon, and a stuborn teen with a bat
Revilations and despairs

Birthdays and destruction

57 1 1
By yampariv

It was the next day and it was lunch time at school. I had dark bags under my eyes and was barely awake. My hair grew out immensely for some reason and now it's length is to my shoulders. I had a bun at the top again. Everyone looked at me like I was a zombie, I might be at this point. "Um...oden you ok there buddy" luz asked
She tapped my shoulder and I jerked up and had a ball of blue flames in hand. "WHERE IS IT" I yelled
I looked around and saw no skin walker, "wait where is it" I ask squinting
"Oden its over, you killed it remember" amity said
"Oh yeah, we did" I said
"We...who's we" amity said
"Oh just me and my girlfriend" I said
I then sat there but my eyes went wide for what I said, "WAIT I DIDN-" "oh and who is this girlfriend Oden" luz said wiggling her eyebrows
"Sup losers and cat boy" Lucia said
She also had bags under her eyes, she then sat on my lap like nothing and I didn't care. This is nothing new now. "Seriously, you could have had higher standards" amity said
"HEY ILL HAVE YOU-" "I was talking to Lucia" amity said
I was obliterated by that, my life has ended just that second. "He's good enough for me" she said
She then started to rub my head which was oddly satisfying. "And that's why" she said
I could see amity about to make a joke but I glared at her. "Say one word of this to anyone not at the table and I talk about your diary with your little noceda" I said
She instantly shut her mouth, "that's what I thought" I said enjoying my rubs
Then the bell rung for the next class. "Thanks blight" I said
"Your welcome noceda" Lucia said
She got off me and I slowly got up. "Hey one more thing" I said
She stopped to look at me. "What" "you think you can help with a song for the party" I ask
"Yeah sure, Clint Eastwood right?" She asked
"That's the one" I said
I waved her goodbye and went to classes that I might have slept through till the day was over.

Back at the manor

I was helping around with the stage setting up equipment with my siblings. Connecting power to the speakers and running aux chords to the instruments and when I was doing the mic amity asked me "hey Oden, so we know what type of music you love and you live a lot of it but... what about the ones you hate"
"Well sis I can't say I hate a type of music to most but when I do I mean it like how I hate new rap" I said
"So will you ever sing it if you have to" Ed asked
"Not for myself no but if it was for y'all I might if life threatening but I made myself a vow to never sing it. So if I ever do sing it that ain't me, it probably is one of Ed or Em's stupid illusions" I said
"Hey there not stupid" the twins said
I gave them a 'are you sure about that look'. I waved my finger making a golden spell circle and a illusion showed up

"Now that was a good illusion" I said proud
Ed and Em looked at me disgusted at the meme, "this is just terrible" Emira said
"No it's art" I said
I got a slap to the head "ow what was that for" I ask
"Because we have a job to do right now for your birthday party" amity said carrying a box
"The one I didn't ask for" I corrected
I made a spell that lit the torches in the room lighting it. Amity then added a spell that made balls of light that floated to the ceiling to look like stars. "Learn that from your little girlfriend" Edric asked
"Maybe" amity said
She actually played it off and isn't a tomato, is she finally having courage. Then she fainted with a red tint on her face. "It's progress, Yo Ed get the legs" I said
He grabbed her legs while I grabbed her arms as we carried her to her room. I sat her on her bed and moved a hair out of her face. "Sweet dreams little bean" I said
'Enjoy this while you can' "oh look who decides to talk now you prick" 'no I'm just making sure you know that for tonight will be the beginning, willing or not it will happen' "what that skin corpse thing I could care less I can whoop it again without those glocks" 'no a far greater being that can't be stopped' and that was the last thing jashin said
"*tch* far greater being my butt I will whoop anything, the only thing that can beat me is me" I said sarcastically
I look at a thunder storm coming. "Nothing will beat me if I can help it" I said going out amity's room

Da party

The curtains were infront of us and I was looking around for Lucia. "Yo where's Lucia" Edric asked
"She's coming I know it" I said
There were two sets of foot steps coming up the stairs and when I looked it's Lucia with a trumpet and luz with a recorder. "Sorry I was trying to teach luz how to play the recorder" Lucia said
"Why tho" Emira asked
"You'll see, so let's start this show" Lucia said
I nod and everyone else nods in agreement that there ready. I make a spell that burned the curtains in flames "gentlemen, lady's, high members of society welcome to my party. Now this isn't your normal banquet that your use too so I ain't gonna hear no complaints because what I and my band are here for us to make sure you have fun so let's get this thing started" I yell
Some of the crowd cheered and I see Boscha look at us weird. I gave a toothy smile to everyone and Lucia started it off.

Everyone was slowly dancing to it and Ed was killing it with each bar he throws down and I was just enjoying it since I didn't do anything for this song. Lucia was hitting that trumpet with luz on that recorder. I was laughing a little since luz did little dances while playing it. Then the song finishes and everyone cheered. "Thank you everyone, well since y'all thought that was good you will all love this next one" I said
I pulled the guitar out and turned my mic up.

The song was sounding good and luz was a good fit for this song. It sounded like everyone liked it since people joined in. The song ended and everyone cheered for us. I was about to say what we were playing next but it felt like someone was holding my throat from speaking. 'Oh you've had to much fun why not give me a try' it was a new voice
It had a sound of power behind it, it was rough and gave chills down my spine and before I knew it I found myself in my mind scape. Seeing a tv, jashin sitting in a chair watching it. When I walked up to it I see the crowd but it was different, it wasn't a half picture. It was a full one with both eyes.

Lucia pov

I look over to Oden about to announce the next song but he had his eyes closed. I could see him chuckle to himself and smile with fangs showing. He grabbed the mic from off the stand and he opened his eyes and I was surprised to see his left eye having a pupil in it. But they weren't there usual bright golden eye. The two new eyes alerted a glistening orange that shined in the dim lit room. "Why thank you everyone for that great applause from such a great audience. Now this song is a new one coming up that may change this little scenery" he said
Something is wrong, I don't like it. "What's he doing" Emira asked me
"I don't know but something changed in him and it's not right" I said
"Now let's get this party really started" he said
He drew a spell circle and instead of gold it was crimson red. The equipment short circuited in Emira's keyboard and amity's bass. The mic set on the drums blew out. He snapped his fingers and the light spell amity made blew out and the flames on the torches turned blue. He laughed kinda insane as the strings on the guitar changed from green to pearl white. (Play song at top) he started singing this song slowly plucking the strings on his guitar. He jumped off stage into the crowd in the middle and they made a circle around him. He didn't even bat a eye to them and he just was keeping focus on us at the stage. And then he did a spell that summoned a flute and he played a little of that and the flames seemed to get bigger and then he stopped and continued to sing. The song ended and then he smiled showing his fangs to everyone. "Thank you for enjoying my little show now I must have my fun" he said
He made a crimson circle and his left eye set ablaze in a blue fire. He opened his eye more and it made a orange aura emit from him that knocked the crowd out but before it hit us it stopped and dissipated. "Now that I enjoyed what little oden does I take my leave friends" 'Oden' said
"Who are you really? I know Oden he wouldn't do that" I said
'Oden' pulled his pin in his hair letting his bun down, he slicked his hair back smoothing it. "So your his little girlfriend are you" 'Oden ask'
"That's not what I asked" I said firmly
"I take that as a yes then. Well little Noceda, I am the one he feared the most." 'Oden' said
The one he feared most, the face of destruction. "Your only supposed to come out when he is under high mental stress" I said
"While that may be true, he was under stress that I put on him slowly. Tonight I just gave him a firm push to set me loose for a bit." Destruction said
What could make him that stress. No one died, he was having fun, the only thing he could feel was a betrayal of his trust...did he tell him my secret. " I just wanted a little test run tonight before I bring havoc upon this island once again. Now I am a generous soul so I'll give you five a choice. Join me and you live. Go against my will and you all die while I make him watch, what will it be?" Destruction asked
"Hell no, I am not letting you control my brother. I just got him back and I am not loosing him to you so I will fight you if I have to" amity said making a spell
I grabbed her hand. "What are you doing Lucia we gotta get him back" amity said
"I know but not right now. We'll figure out a way when oden gets control back but for now he is to powerful for all of us so let's chill" I said
"I'll give you till the moon bleeds red. That will be my day of awakening. That is the day you choos life or death" destruction said
He walked through the doors and the light spell went back on and the flames went back to normal. "Oden I hope you get back control soon, we need you now more than ever" I said

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