Viridian and Crimson (DISCONT...

By perditiondean

2.4K 62 69

This is a Vigilante Deku Story! ⚠️TW: mentions of suicide, depression, self harm ⚠️Also includes: swearing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Viridian and Crimson pt.1
Viridian and Crimson pt.2
Viridian and Crimson pt.3

Chapter 9

92 3 2
By perditiondean

February 14th

Today's the day.

I'm finally free from my current life.

School ended about 4 weeks ago, so I've been spending this last little bit of time saving up money. Yesterday, though, I bought chocolates for my mom. It's Valentine's Day. I have to get her at least something... before I leave. I know it's kinda crappy, leaving on Valentine's Day. But I can't think about that right now. It's early in the afternoon, and I'm finishing packing up as of currently. I don't need to bring a lot, especially since I'm not a fan of All Might anymore. I'm honestly glad I don't have to see all those figures anymore. I just packed the essentials, and the things I bought specifically for this. I messaged the Illusionist the other day, explaining what I needed from him. Illusionist is just a nickname I gave him. I think it suits him well.

Izuku: yo, illusion guy. It's me, the kid who caught you stealing that purse a few weeks back.

Illusionist: okay, kid, what do you want?

Izuku: I'm glad you asked! You see, I need your help with something very important. And your quirk is just thing I need to make it work.

Illusionist: okay, and?

Izuku: basically, I need a favor. I need to fake my own death.

Illusionist: say what now?? The hell you need to fake your own death for? You're just a kid!

Izuku: the details don't apply to you. All you need to know, is that the next time I text you, I'll send you a location and you need to be there by the time I give you. I need you to use your quirk, so you can make an illusion of me dying. Got it?

Illusionist: am I at least gonna get paid for this?

Izuku: not unless it's necessary. I let you go that day, remember? I didn't call the cops on you. So, this is what I want in return for sparing you trouble with the police. I'll pay you if you plan to rat me out for doing this, though. But, I don't think you're that stupid. We don't want to repeat what happened a few weeks ago, do we?

Illusionist: ...fine. I'll help you. No need to pay me for it either.

Izuku: alright, thanks! Pleasure doing business with you! I'll send you the time and location sometime soon, so be ready.

Pfft. Sorta pathetic. A man somewhere in his 20's taking orders from a 15 year old kid...

And that's where we are now. I just sent him the location and the time to be there by, and I'm about to head there as well. He doesn't know the details of how I want to "die" yet, but he'll find out soon enough. I left the chocolates on my bed, as well as yet another note. Oh, the nostalgia. I fit the last of my things in my new backpack, changed into a pair of black ripped jeans and the dark green hoodie I bought a while back. Oh yeah, about the hoodie. I did end up customizing it a little bit after all. Just for the fun of it, I sewed matching colored bunny ears onto the sides of the hood. I thought it was cute, and it made the hoodie less plain than before.

Once I made sure everything was set, I walked over to my window with my backpack in hand. I quietly opened my window and made sure nobody was nearby, before swinging my backpack over my back and climbing over the windowsill. I carefully dropped down, and landed on the grass. Our house was a two story house, but it was small. It wasn't too high up, I could easily jump out of the window without causing much, if any harm to my body if I wanted to. I pulled my hood over my face and began running towards the back of my house. It would take a little longer to get into the city, but at least nobody will see me if I go this way.

The location I chose was the roof of an old building. So original, right? Anyways, I told Illusionist to be there by 2 or earlier, it's around 1:45 right now. By the time I reach my destination, it'll be 2pm.

As I was running, I began thinking. When Illusionist explained his quirk to me, he said the longest he's held an illusion of a person for was about a day. This may be a problem for me... I'm a fairly smart person, you know that. But I didn't really take this into account. You see, when I first encountered him, I was able to land a hit on the illusion. It looked and felt like a real human, but then it disappeared, just like he explained. So, the illusions can take damage, but I don't know how much, or how long he can keep the illusion visible after it has taken damage. I might have to change my plans a tad bit because of that. I quickly fished out my phone and texted him again.

Izuku: yo, slight change of plans. Meet me in the back alley behind the building location I sent.

I put my phone away and continued jogging. I got to the building a little past 2, and luckily, Illusionist was already there waiting for me. "Okay, kid. How do you want me to set this up?" He asked. I set my bag down on the ground so that I could give my shoulders a rest. "Let's see..." I mumbled to myself. Since he can only hold an illusion of a human for about a day, this will be tricky. You see, Illusionist has to make a replica of me, and have it kill itself. Since I'm not doing the original roof plan, I decided that I'll have it shoot itself in the head. Gruesome, I know. But I have to do what I gotta do to make this work. I'm mere hours away from finally being free, I can't let all this hard work go to waste. Anyways, once the replica dies, we'll need to know when exactly someone finds the body, and when the police arrive to the scene. Then, the police need to take the body and do whatever they gotta do with it. I know this can happen in one day, but after that, I'm not sure. Since they will think I'm dead, I'll need to have a funeral, right? I'm not in control of what my mom does for the funeral or when she does it. Normally funerals take place several days or even weeks after someone dies, right? That's not good in my case.

That's my problem.

"Oi, kid." His voice snapped me out of ny thoughts and I looked up at him. "You got a plan or what?" He asked. I looked away for a moment to think, then looked back at him. "I need you to make a micro camera. Like the tiny ones that people use to spy on someone?" I told him. "Like this?" He asked, holding out his palm as he used his quirk to make a tiny lens that was connected to a strip which I assumed held all the important parts to make the camera work. I picked it up and looked at it for a moment before smiling. "Yeah." I said. "I need somewhere to watch the footage from, though..." I mumbled to myself. I quickly looked up to Illusionist. "Can you make a small device that connects to this camera that I can watch the footage from?" I asked. "Hmm..." he hummed. He thought for a moment before holding out his palm again, this time using his quirk to create a small iPod- looking device. I turned on the device as well as the camera, and to my luck the screen displayed what the camera was looking at. Which right now, was the ground of the alleyway we were standing in.

"Perfect." I whispered to myself. I took the camera and stuck it as high up on the wall as I could. I made sure it was far enough away from where the body would be, just so that nobody would see it. I made sure I could see myself in the cameras view before turning the device off and putting it in my pocket. "Now for the complicated part..." I sighed.

Illusionist needed my height as well as my weight to make a near-exact replica of me. Once he had the required info, he started using his quirk. It didn't take too long, which was nice. Once he was done, he also made a pistol and gave it to 'me'. "This is so trippy..." I muttered. I mean, I'm literally staring at myself. That's weird. Illusionist made the clone walk to the corner of one of the walls in the alleyway. Everything was set. Obviously, we couldn't stay there. Illusionist told me he can do the rest on his own, and told me to start running. I told him I'd text him once I'm farther out into the city, so he knows when to have the illusion do it's thing. I began running behind the old buildings until I came out on a different side of the city. I pulled my hood over my face and started running. I was running like my life depended on it. I got some weird looks, but I didn't care. I just kept running and running.

Izuku: do it.

As soon as I sent that text I grinned. It's finally happening. It's finally happening. I laughed to myself. This is unreal. My heart is beating so fast. This is... the most excited I've felt in years. I thought to myself as I continued running. I decided to stop in another alleyway to catch my breath and see what's going on. I pulled out the device that was connected to the camera and turned it on. I saw my replica sitting on the ground, leaning up against the wall. I noticed that Illusionist wasn't there anymore, probably ran as well. Smart move. My replica had the gun against his head, about to pull the trigger. It was odd watching me kill myself... but...

It was also exhilarating.

I watched my clone pull the trigger and immediately the body fell over, dropping the gun in the process. It was in that moment, I realized I was grinning like a mad-man. I began laughing. I almost didn't recognize it. I sounded so... different. Almost like a villain who has just defeated it's arch nemesis, and was overwhelmed with pride. Nobody was around to hear it, thankfully. After my short laughing fit ended, I turned off the device and put it back in my pocket. I'll check it again soon, once I get even further out of the city. I pulled my hood back up, and walked casually out of the alleyway.

And so the fun begins.

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