The Siren's Song

Par MushuStumpy

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Siren/no quirk au Rumors spread quickly but sometimes those rumors come to be true. Some people don't believe... Plus

A/N before we start
1- Welcome New Siren
2- What Happened?!
3- Why Him?
4- Is This Real or Fake?
5- Hunger
7- The New Toy
8- Fall for me Little Angel
Quick a/n
9- Your Demise is Coming Soon
10- Little Visit from Sam
11- The Secret that Needs to be Kept Hidden
I drew Sam
12- I Thought it was Over
13- Drawing Closer
14- The End

6- The Time He Lost Himself

130 7 45
Par MushuStumpy

All I gotta say is be ready for a long chapter

⊱ ───ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ─── ⊰⊱ ───ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ─── ⊰

The next morning everything seemed normal to the Todoroki family. The others were downstairs while Touya was still in his room. His door was still opened just in case something happened with him which his family was unaware of

"Do you think we should check on him?" Shoto asked as they stayed silent for a second before nodding. As they got up Touya was coming down the stairs. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, walking over to the kitchen. "We were just about to check on you" Rei said as she smiled seeing her son was ok. At least for right now

"Oh. Well you didn't have to even if I didn't come down yet. Trust me I'm fine" his voice had some annoyance lacing through as he walked back to the steps with a bottle of water in hand. "Your not staying down here with us?" "Why should I. You all probably think I'm a monster anyway" before anyone could say anything he was already up the steps and shut his door to his room

"What up with him?" Fuyumi asked as she didn't look away from the steps. "I have no idea but I'm gonna find out" Enji said as he walked up the steps. "I don't know if that's- and he's already gone" Natsuo shook his head as he sat back down

Enji made his way up the steps and towards his son's room, knocking lightly. "Touya open this door please" he asked nicely as he got silence in return. He checked the doorknob to find it was unlocked so he took this opportunity to check on him

"Are you ok in here son?" he looked into his room only to see him sitting on his bed with his computer on and headphones in. He looked over at his dad, rolling his eyes and looking back at his screen continuing what he was doing. "What was with your attitude earlier" he tried to ask but got no answer again

"I'm talking to you Touya. So you better answer me" as Enji raised his voice a little bit, the others got a bit worried to they made their way upstairs. "What's wrong?" Rei asked as she seemed scared but then looked at her son and sighed with relief. "He's not listening to me" Rei chuckled a bit and went up to her son

She took his headphones out and he glared at his mom. "What the fuck!" "Your father was trying to talk to you" She said. "So?" his tone coming off more rude than usual. "I don't like that tone you're using with me Touya" "Why can't you guys leave me alone!" he yelled as he glared at them, his siblings at his door while his parents are in his room

"Don't you dare disrespect me" Rei said raising her voice a little. Touya took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry mama" Rei smiled a little bit but her smile went away quickly as Touya looked back at her with fully black eyes. Blue nowhere to be seen anymore

She backed away from him pulling her husband back slowly with her. "Just stay calm sweetie" she said with a shaky voice. "Don't be afraid mama...please" he reached for her as he got up off his bed. He kept getting closer as his parents kept getting farther. "How about we just go. And don't you use that tone with me again" Rei said as they left and quickly closed the door as he banged on it

"Mama open the door. You guys don't have to be afraid of me anymore. I'm fine really" "I don't trust you!" Rei yelled as she held the door closed. "What's wrong mom?" Fuyumi asked. "His eyes. He's...he's gone" they all went quiet as they stared at her

"Open the door" Enji said as she looked at him. "Do it" she sighed and opened the door to see Touya standing there with a smile. "Come with us Touya. We're going out" with that he walked away and left the other's there

"Going where mama?" Rei just shrugged as she took one last look at her son and left. His siblings were the only ones left standing with him. "Just put a pair of shoes on or something" Natsuo said as he quickly walked away with his siblings

After everyone was ready they walked out and made sure the door was locked. As they walked they kept a close eye on Touya. Never taking their eyes off him. "So what are we doing?" he asked as he looked up at his dad. "Just walking along the beach till sunset which isn't for another 8 hours" he nodded as they walked onto the sand

People stared at the family and avoided them as much as possible, especially Touya. They sat at the edge of the water and watched it hit the edge of their feet. Touya's breathing became heavy as he tried to relax but felt only hunger deep inside. His leg began to shake as he looked out towards the water

"Touya are you ok?" Shoto asked as he put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "y-yeah I'm all good" he brought his legs up to his chest and tried to calm down

Rei noticed this and tried to hold him close but heard a soft growl come from him as she did so. "Not out in public Touya just calm down already" Natsuo said as he was now getting annoyed with his brother though he knows there's no reason to

"If he goes crazy I'm not stopping him. You guys can deal with him on your own" "Natsuo don't be like that towards him" Rei said as she felt disappointed. "Why not? It's not like he cares" that's when Touya looked over at him as he looked the way he did yesterday

A piercing sound hit their ears as he hissed at them (if u can call it that) causing them to cover their ears from the sound that felt like their ears were gonna bleed. "Stop!" Enji yelled catching the attention of others. Those who heard the sound covering their ears as well

"The sound is fucking horrible! Tell your son to stop!" someone yelled as people were walking away

The people Rei and Touya ran into the other night were also there but far enough to not hear what everyone else was hearing. "What is going on over there?" Toga said as they watched him being picked up by his father while reaching towards his mother

"He seems to be really attached to his mom huh?" Tomura said as he chuckled. They continued to watch but wanted to get a closer look so they stood getting closer and closer then finally hearing the sound everyone was so desperate to get away from

They covered their ears and felt a stabbing pain in their ears backing away. They seen a man with long black hair, another with long blonde hair and a woman with long deep purple (I think it is? Idk) hair running up to the family as well as someone with short black hair as well as a lab coat running up to them

"Let us help you Mr. Todoroki!" Aizawa called out "No don't touch him!" The doctor yelled as they pushed Aizawa out of the way and quickly went up to Touya. They grabbed out a couple vials of blood and opened one holding it to him. The noise stopped as they gently guided their hand through his hair and making sure the vial doesn't move from under his nose

Everyone around them came a little closer seeing him calm down and seeing the person the news was talking about not to long ago. "This is what you wanted right Touya?" they asked as he nodded slowly and allowed them to feed him the one vial

"I see this has also took full control. That's good. He'll still look normal some days but when he gets hungry things will change about him and after next week is over you won't have to feed him anymore" "How come you're here?" Enji asked

"Well I was just passing by and I was gonna bring more vials of blood to you just in case" they put the empty vial in their pocket and grabbed out another giving it to Touya while still rubbing his head gently

"I then seen something happening on the beach and decided to come over. Only to find its Touya causing the scene and who's making everyone freak out" "So you did this to him?" Aizawa asked not knowing until today about what happened to Enji and Rei's oldest child

"I did yes. If you have a problem with it then that's to bad. It's already been awhile since he's been mixed and besides this isn't any of your business. It's just the todorokis business" they said annoyed as they gave Touya another vial which was calming him down

Everyone around them was weirded out as they watched Touya drink the blood like it was nothing to him. "That's terrible. Why would you do that to him?" Nemuri asked. "Like I told him it's none of your business so stay out of it" they gave Touya one more and smiled as Enji let him go so his son could sit. Once he did they gave him the rest of the blood

"See that's all you had to do. Next time you guys go out bring some with you just in case" they closed the vial, putting it back in their pocket as Touya layed his head on their shoulder

"After his outbursts he'll get tired and affectionate so just keep that in mind. I figured that out after my visit yesterday when he leaned on me" they all nodded as everyone around the family got closer making him growl at them as a warning to not come closer

"This is just gonna get worse till next week is over right?" Natsuo asked as he sat down on the sand in front of them, his family doing the same. They nodded as Touya held them close making sure to not dig his nails into their side

"You all can move along with your day there's nothing more to watch here. Go on now" everyone did as told and went back to what they were doing but every now and then looking over. "It was so hard to deal with him today" Rei said as she sighed

"I get it Mrs. Todoroki but here" they took out a card and handed it to her with a smile. "My address, number and name are on there so next time he gets like this call me or do what I did. Approach him slowly and take some of the blood from your fridge while you hold it up to him. Make sure he knows you aren't scared cause that'll make him act out more. Isn't that right Touya?" he hummed in response as he nudged his head into their neck

"As you can also see he's getting affectionate. When he does this give him the affection. It's his way of saying thank you. Right?" they asked as he nodded while giving them more affection. The family watched his every move and hating how he's staying with them and not his family like he should be

"What about my brother fully losing himself now? What do you have to say about that?" Natsuo asked annoyed, knowing his brother wasn't himself anymore hurt but something he has to get used to just like everyone else

"All I have to say is watch over him. When you're out in public like this, bring the vials with you. At lease three of them. He can make himself look normal but it'll be tough for when he gets hungry. He feels comfortable enough to be this way around you all but out in public is somewhere I know he doesn't like to be when it happens" they said as they felt a nudge on their neck and soft white hair touching their skin

They chuckled a little bit as they rubbed his head once again. "Like I said just watch over him, feed him, give him affection back when he shows it and you'll be fine trust me" they nodded as they looked away from Touya and the doctor and out beyond the waters of the ocean

Time skip

As the sun began to set, a soft orange was showing behind the clouds as the sun shined. Everyone was still at the beach either relaxing or playing in the water

The todorokis were watching over Touya as he sat kinda far from them not wanting to hear what they would have to say about today. His eyes stayed the same while his body was normal. Like nothing ever happened to him at all unless someone looks at his eyes

"Touya come over and sit with us" Rei called out but he didn't answer. He just got up and walked away. "I feel bad now" "You should Nat. What you said was very rude. That's probably why he isn't sitting with us or even coming near us at all" Fuyumi explained as she watched her brother walk near the docks

As he was walking he seen the people from the other day and someone he's never seen before. A boy with blonde hair and golden brown eyes. He thought about approaching but he doesn't know how they'll react to him after what happened earlier in the day. He walked right passed them and felt their stares. He sighed and continued on his way till someone grabbed his wrist

He turned and saw the blonde girl with the two buns in her hair. "Hi my names Toga. I'm aware your name is Touya right?" he nodded and got pulled along. He tried to cover his eyes as much as possible but before he knew it, he was already near them all

"I brought him like you asked Tomura" she said happily and sat down as he backed away a little bit. "Why don't you join us. I wanna ask you something about....earlier" "I think I'm good thanks" he said as he tried to walk away only to be grabbed again and pulled down. "Sit" he did as told but didn't look at them at all

"So what even was that earlier. That sound you were making. It made our ears hurt" Tomura asked as he scratched at his neck a little bit. "Nothing that concerns you. I don't even know why your asking me that or even wanting me to sit with you all. I'd rather be alone right now but I can't even have that" he said annoyed as they stayed quiet

"Before you go though, it would be rude of us not to tell you who we are. I'm Tomura. That girl next to you who you already know is Toga. The one next to her is Magne. Then there's Jin, Atsuhiro and Keigo" Tomura said as Touya just nodded. He would be talking to Keigo at some point

"We'll it was nice meeting you all. I'm gonna go now" he quickly got up and left as they watched him leave. "What's wrong with him?" Keigo asked as he looked at his friends. "A lot of things Kei. A lot of things" Toga said

Touya kept his distance from everyone as he continued to walk. When he finally made it to the docks he walked all the way to the very end and sat down. He didn't know how he was gonna deal with this anymore. He didn't wanna be near his family, well anyone at this point. He felt like a monster

He sat there in silence till he seen his family sit next to him. "Great more people to bother me" he said as he moved away from them. "Natsuo wanted to say something to you" Rei said as she motioned for Natsuo to go to his brother

As he did he sat next to him. "I'm sorry for this morning. I hope you know that we care for you a lot. I didn't wanna seem rude or like I didn't wanna deal with you but it's just I don't know how that's all" his voice was quiet but loud enough for him to hear

"It's fine. I don't blame any of you. I don't even wanna deal with myself but I have to. One thing is I fell terrible for having you guys deal with me" he didn't look at them once. He just looked at the dark sky and watched the water crash against the rocks from afar

"The only reason we deal with you is because we love you. You're our brother. Nothing you say or do will ever make us mad at you" Fuyumi said as she sat on the other side of her brother

"I know you do but this is something I'm never gonna get passed" they nodded as they hugged him and smiled

Another time skip

Once they were back home, Touya was being carried by Enji on his back, asleep. "He's so peaceful when he's sleeping" Rei said smiling as they went to the living room. "He really is" his family smiled as Enji walked up the stairs and put Touya in his bed to rest

"We should stay down here tonight. I have a feeling something is gonna happen" Shoto said as his family looked at him confused. "Just trust me" so they did

They didn't have a clue what he meant but they listened anyway. They grabbed some blankets and pillows from a closet downstairs and fixed everything up. Rei and Enji on the couches while Shoto, Fuyumi and Natsuo were on the floor

"So what's this feeling you have little bro?" Natsuo asked as he leaned on his arm. "I don't know I just feel like something is gonna happen tonight. So be prepared" they nodded and turned the TV on looking for a movie to watch. Once they found one they put it on

As the night went on, the siblings couldn't sleep

"Hey are you guys still awake?" Natsuo asked as his siblings both responded with a silent yes. "You guys think we should check on Touya?" Fuyumi asked quietly. "Yeah we should" with that they got up as quiet as possible and went up the stairs looking back at their parents to make sure they didn't wake up

As they got closer to his room they heard heavy breathing, low growling and scratching against the wood on something in his room. "I don't wanna go in there" Fuyumi said as she backed away. "We have to though. We gotta see what's wrong"

She sighed as they approached the door and looking in. "Touya?" they looked in more to see him sitting against his wall and clawing at the floor. "Are you ok?" all they got was a growl in response

"Come on. We'll take you downstairs to be fed. Is that what you need?" he nodded quickly as Fuyumi grabbed his hand and helping him up off the floor. As they made their way back downstairs, they made sure to stay quiet

Natsuo went to the kitchen and grabbed out two vials from the bag then going back to his siblings where they were sitting. They had to hold his hands down with theirs as he was trying to claw at the floor. They didn't want to wake up their parents so they tried as hard as possible to keep him from doing so

"Do you have them?" Shoto asked, earning a nod from his brother seeing him sit down in front of them. His bared his teeth at them making them move back a little. Their parents moved around a bit but didn't wake up. At least not yet

"Touya you need to be quiet. You'll wake up mom and dad" Fuyumi whispered as she tried to get him quiet. He only got louder which caused Rei and Enji to wake up "What's going on?" Touya's head turned to his mom as she spoke. He glared at her as he started pulling from his siblings grasps. "Give it to him!" Shoto yelled as Natsuo opened the vial and tried to give it to his brother but nothing he did was working

Touya got himself free from his siblings, quickly pushing himself up and tackling Natsuo. "This can't be happening" Enji said as he went over to his son trying to pry him off. "His nails are digging into my skin!" Natsuo yelled as he tried to push him off while his father was pulling him

When he finally got him off, Natsuo's shoulders were bleeding so his siblings had to help. The vial was now on the floor, spilling the blood out of it

After they got him fixed up they stared at their brother with fear. Rei got the other one from the floor that wasn't open yet and quickly gave it to her son. As soon as he calmed down they gave him one more to completely have him under control

He clinged to Rei nudging her neck gently. "Are you ok now?" he nodded. Rei rubbed his head as he smiled and wrapped his arms around her while slowly falling asleep. "Is he asleep?" she asked as they nodded

"Let's get back to sleep. Hopefully we won't have to deal with this much longer" with that Enji picked him up from Rei and placed him on the floor with his siblings

They all hoped next week would be better

>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<

Word count: 3646

That was the longest chapter I've written. Took me literally all day cause I was getting distracted so many times

I also don't like how it turned out either but I'm tryin. Hopefully I'll make the next chapter better

I've also decided on a name for the doctor. Their name is Sam. I think it fits them honestly

But I hope this chapter was at least ok. Like I said I don't like how it turned out but nothin I can do rlly

I would rewrite this whole chapter but that would take to long. It's already over 3000 words lol

U also won't see much of Aizawa, Nemuri or Hizashi but I'll try to add them as much as I can


If u have any criticism it is welcomed

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Cya lovelies 🏳️‍🌈✌️🏻❤

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