Loving Him (Pietro x Male!Rea...

By HusbandOfAMaximoff

24.7K 612 98

you were new to the avengers, but it felt like you were treated as if you were with them since they started. ... More

Him and his Pranks
As a Thanks
A bit of work, and a bit of Pietro
Damn. Damn indeed.
A shower
A night to remember
Nervous for no reason
New and Improved
Just a normal day
False Alarm
Its just You and Me
Back in reality

Sweet like candy

782 22 0
By HusbandOfAMaximoff

You took a sip at the drink, it tasted like liquorish, but it was mixed with bitterness to counter the sweetness, it balanced the flavors, it was satisfying indeed, "Wow, that's really good", you stated and looked at Thor, "Yes, it's a delicacy in Asgard, we only drink it on special occasions", he stated, "Then why now?", Pietro asked, "I just wanted to, it gets addicting after a few occasions, and I'm not in Asgard, who cares", he chuckled, you giggled at the reply.

"So, how's your relationship with Pietro, Y/n?", Thor asked, you looked at Pietro, "It's going great, some problems here and there, and I know you might not believe me because of how cold he is in the field, but this drink is almost as sweet as him, Almost, not quite though",

Pietro blushed at your reply, punching you lightly on the shoulder, Thor chuckled at you, "And what about you", he asked Pietro, he had a smile on his face and said, "Well, it's one of the greatest experiences I've had, I wouldn't want to exchange it for the world", you smiled, putting your hand over his.

"You three are getting along well, mind if I have some", Tony walked into the kitchen, "I got 2 and got another, what a blessing", Thor chuckled, there was now 4 of you, drinking on the table, "This is really good, where'd you buy this, how much", Tony looked at Thor, "Well I didn't exactly buy it, we make it, and I just took it from the barrel", Tony sighed, "1 million" he stated, "I'm afraid I can't take that, my dear friend, you have different currencies", Tony rolled his eyes and sighed, "Damn it", he muttered, "Bring me another one next time then", Tony stated, finishing his glass and walking out of the kitchen back to his working station, "Will do", Thor replied.


You finished drinking with Thor and Pietro, so you headed up with Pietro to your rooms, "We had a great time Thor, thanks for having us here, really, thank you", you smiled at him, "I hope to have a drink with you and your boyfriend some other time again", He pulled you into a hug, he kept you close, Pietro was just watching you, "Bye, Thor", You waved at the tall blonde man, "Goodbye", he waved and walked to his room on the floor. "Come on, let's go", you offered your hand for Pietro to hold, he gladly took your hand and stood beside you, "I'm tired, wanna speed through the halls to we can get there faster", Pietro offered, "Yeah su-", you were talking mid sentence when Pietro already sped through the building and when you blinked, you were already in your room.

"Jesus..", "Oh, Fuck, I forgot the warning, I'm sorry", Pietro said in an apologetic tone, he put his hand on your shoulder and offered his hand to stand you up from the floor, "I'm..going to bed" you muttered and took his hand, "We're going to bed", instead of making you walk to the bed, he carried you by the stomach and brought you to the bed.

He plopped you down on the bed gently, placing you under the sheets, kissing you on the cheek, "Good night", he stated, "No.. wait, I wanna change positions", you replied, "Alright, I get to hold you tonight", he said excitedly.

He changed into a tank top to get more comfortable and you removed your shoes and your jacket. As you finished you laid your head back on the pillow releasing a heavy sigh of relief and relaxation, Pietro went in the bed with the tank top and boxers on, you moved over to him and cuddled up beside him, "God knows how long I've wanted to feel this again", you stated placing your head onto Pietro's chest, he smiled, "Why didn't you tell me then", he asked, "Cause you looked adorable on top of me, And I liked it, obviously", you replied, he blushed at the reply, "Go to sleep you goof", he said back, "Okay, Goodnight, Love you.", "Love you too", he replied.

You had fallen asleep quickly since you were tired from talking, driving, and eating. You just wanted to feel Pietro's warmth around you for comfort. You wished it was like this all the time. You held his hand as you slept on his chest, it was oh so warm, the perfect size for yours, he rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb, Pietro left a kiss on the back of your hand in the process, he smiled. Slowly, he fell asleep as well.


You were in a dark room, everything was black but there was somehow a spotlight on you, you looked up just to see black, "Where....am I...?", Your words echoed. "Well well, look who we have here", You turned to see Pietro, his hands crossed, he looked serious, "Pietro..?", You ran towards him. But he just sped up to dodge you. "Aren't you forgetting something.", He asked in a very stern tone, "Your kiss?", You smiled, He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "We broke up 2 years ago, don't even think about it", your face saddened and confused, "Wha.. what're you talking about..I was just sleeping with you, th-this has got to be a mistake, I dont-",you were cut off by him "You don't what?, can't comprehend that I never loved you?, How sad." He said in a very stern and low voice, you saw a dark figure hug Pietro by the waist, the way he did to you "No...no...."

"NO!", You yelled and took rapid breaths, "Hey hey, what's wrong, what happened, why are you sweating so much", you looked at Pietro, you caressed his face, he saw the fear, shock, and worry in your eyes, "What's wrong?, Love?" He asked once more placing your hands in his, "Tell me, please", he looked so worried, "I...", You looked into his ocean blue eyes, you saw his concern, like he was about to lose you, "I...I had a nightmare..", "About what", he asked concerned, "You..", "Me?, What could I have possibly done to give you a nightmare..?", "You...you said, we...I..", you struggled to find your words, "Calm down, breathe, I'm right here", you were breathing heavy. After a few seconds of silence, you found the words you wanted to say, "You said...you never loved me and you left me 2 years ago. You were with someone else", your tears started to form, "Hey, hey, it's ok, its not real, I'm here, I'm never leaving. Never." He stated as he pulled you into a hug and you cried onto his chest, hugging him tightly, he rubbed circles on your back to help you feel better, his chin rested on the top of your head, "It's okay" he stated, leaving a kiss on your forehead. This hurt you a lot, this was the scenario in your past relationship.


"Sam wait, I never did anything wrong why are you being like this. To me?", You asked him in a concerned and worried but stern tone, "DONT YOU UNDERSTAND ANYTHING." Sam yelled back, you realized what he meant, you knew exactly. What he meant.

"You're..breaking up with me..?", You stated in a saddened tone,"Fucking exactly." He replied angrily, turning his back on you, he continued walking towards his car, you stopped on your steps "I stayed with you...for 4 years..", your tears were forming in your eyes, "Yeah, big deal.", He said sarcastically, your tears fell onto your cheek.

"I loved you...", Your voice weakend, "Yeah?, Well guess what, news flash, reality check, I never did." He drove away, leaving you in tears, heartbroken, you sat on the curb, hands on your face as you cried onto them. "Why did it have to be me...", You said to yourself.

You decided to text him.

You: comeback, please. I need you

You closed your phone to wipe away your tears. He had just left you on read. He never came back. You decided to wipe it off and decided to go home. You still had to go to the academy tomorrow. You decided to leave him another text

You: Can we talk about this. Please

You waited again after a while, Read. He never replied, you cried for the rest of the night, thinking why he had done this. This left a scar on your heart.

End of flashback

"Are you ok, love?", Pietro asked, combing your hair with his hands, keeping you in his arms, his warm embrace brought you comfort, it made you feel a lot better, you sniffled and put your cheek against his chest and said, "Yeah..", smiling as you heard his heart beat, His pecs provided the softness of a pillow, so you felt at home. Pietro smiled, "That's good, you wanna head back to bed?, Want some water?" He asked, "I'm good, thank you though" you left a kiss on his cheek and slowly crawled back into his chest.

"I want to stay like this for a while", he giggled, "Okay", he responded in an affectionate tone. He rested his chin on your head once again and rubbed circles on your back, you felt like you were in paradise again, all the memories from your nightmare fading away.


After a while you had fallen asleep while Pietro was hugging you, he felt your hands loosen around him, "Y/n?", He whispered, you weren't able to reply. So he laid down and kept you on top of him, "So this is what it feels like", he, whispered to himself and smiled. He laid your head on his chest and your arms wrapped around his neck, he moved you up a little so it would be more comfortable for the both of you. You felt him moving you around and adjusted your arms around his neck and rested your head on the pillow, your head was laying right beside his, "Stop moving so much..", you muttered, "Ok, sorry. Good night. I love you, so much", he whispered and gave you a kiss on the cheek


You woke up on top of Pietro, he was hugging you, you lifted your face from the pillow, planting your hands on the matress to support your weight, his arms were secure around you, there was no way out, but you didnt mind, you gently placed yourself back on his chest and put your other arm behind his neck, the other grabbing your phone. You looked at the time and it said "10 AM", you laid back down and went on social media for a few minutes while Pietro slept underneath you, it was comfortable, you didn't complain.

About 50 minutes on your phone, you felt him grunt and let go of you to rub his eyes, "Good morning", you said, leaning in to kiss him, "Good morning to you too", he replied in a sleepy voice, you smiled, got off of him, and went to your side to go to the bathroom, "I'm gonna go wash my face and brush my teeth", you stated.

After doing so, you went out to Pietro waiting on the bed, "Can I get another one?", He asked, you sighed, cupped his face and kissed him generously, "There you go", you replied and smiled, Pietro smiled back at you. "That smile never fails to melt my heart", you stated, you went to go and brush your teeth, you slightly turned your head and said, "Go brush your teeth, you dummy", he chuckled and gladly did so, following you into the bathroom.


After he brushed his teeth, he went out to see you watching tv, hugging a pillow, "Hey, that pillows in my spot", Pietro said in an annoyed tone, you looked at him, "Seriously?", You asked, "Yes", he replied. He used his speed to quickly replace the pillow with him instead, so you were now hugging him instead of the pillow. You chuckled at his action, "You got jealous over a pillow", he looked at you over his shoulder, "No, it was just in my spot", you chuckled.

You took a breath and smelled the air, "Did you use my cologne" you asked Pietro, he looked away, "Noooo..", "Pietro.", "Ok maybe I did, but I couldn't help it, it smelled nice" he finally gave in, "I use it everyday, why would you wanna use it, you could've just came to me and sniffed me", "Well you're not always with me", you rolled your eyes and he chuckled. You two continued watching television, you switched to another channel as the show you were watching had already ended, your phone then dinged, "Who is it", Pietro asked, "Someone's jealous", you giggled, "Pfft, I'm not", you took your phone and looked at the notification, it was Wanda, "It's your sister", you stated, he looked at you, he was curious, "What did she say" he looked at you joyfully, you read out the text and it said

"Take care of my brother, and tell him I said Hi <3"

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