Girl's Can Race To

By Street_OutlawsFan

3.7K 76 33

Daryn is Chiefs little sister. One day on race night something happens, she falls for one of her teammates. More

Meet Daryn
Race night Part 1
Race night Part 2
Wtf Azn
Test hits
Movie night Part 1
Movie night Part 2
Not a chapter
First Race
Climbing up the list
Shop visit
The crash
Out in Memphis
How the hell
What do you say?
Go carts and cookouts
Bad news
I'm what?!?
Here's the thing...
Caytlin and Azn
What made you think that?
You're kidding me
It's time
Im sorry
Birthday party
Announcement (please read)


121 2 0
By Street_OutlawsFan

(the dress in the media is Daryn's but imagine that it's white)

~three months later~

Daryn POV:

Today is the day of the wedding. I'm so excited but so nervous not only am I marrying the man of my dreams but he's also my best friend. I stayed at Caytlin's place last night because my luck I'll sleep in and be late to my own wedding, I was late to my graduation because I slept in.

"Daryn are you up yet?" Caytlin yells from the other side of the door and I decide to mess with her and act like I'm sleeping. All of a sudden someone starts jumping on the bed but it's too big to be Caytlin. I open my eyes and realize that it's Azn jumping on the bed.

"When did you get here?" I ask causing him to fall off the bed with a loud thud.

"One little monkey jumping on the bed, he fell off and bumped his head." I sing and he gets up rubbing his head.

"Not funny." He says and I laugh.

"I thought it was, anyway why are you here?" I ask him.

"You have three hours to get ready Erin's already here to do your hair." He says and I panic. I get out of bed and drag him down the stairs with me.

"Sorry this is why I stayed here last night Justin would have just let me sleep in and be late." I apologize and Erin laughs.

"It's ok sweetie I get it, sit down and we can get started." She says pointing at a stool from the kitchen island. Due to the time we already lost Caytlin does my nails while Erin does my hair.

"Sweetie I know you hate it but I have to do your makeup." Erin tells me and I groan.

"Daryn it's just for the wedding, at the reception you can look as homeless as you want." Caytlin tells me and I flip her off.

"Just get it over with, and if you do mascara make sure that it's waterproof there's no way that I'm not going to cry." I tell Erin and she laughs.

"Take it from me, you're gonna cry." She says and I laugh.

"Ok are y'all gonna even acknowledge my presence?" Azn asks from where I left him at the bottom of the stairs and I decide to fuck with him.

"Omg who said that, Caytlin is your house haunted?" I ask winking at the two girls. They get the idea and play along.

"I think so, I think the ghost is Azn." Caytlin plays along and I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"Oh no not Azn, you will always be remembered little buddy." Erin continues and I take a deep breath to keep myself together.

"You were a good friend, a dick at times, and annoying as hell but you were a good friend." I say and he stands up

"For fuck sakes I know you know I'm here, Daryn you just drug me down the stairs, don't make me go get Hannah and see if she sees me." He says and me, Caytlin and Erin burst out laughing.

"We know you're fine but can you please go wake up Hannah she's the flower girl but I ain't waking her up, I know my little sister and she's a bitter if you wake her up." Caytlin says and Azn looks at her.

"What makes you think I want to wake her up, she'll bite me." He says and she gives him this look.

"Azn you know she has a thing for you, she won't bite you." Caytlin tells him and Erin looks at me cocking an eyebrow. I mouth I'll tell you later to her and she nods.

"Ugh she better not lock me in her room until I agree to be her boyfriend again, I had to try to climb out the window I slipped and broke my leg." He says and me and Erin start laughing.

"There's no way that sweet little six year old Hannah did that." I say and he just walks away. Erin finishes my makeup and I go to grab my dress from my room. Me and the bridesmaids, which is made up of Jackie, Erin, and other wives/girlfriend's of the 405 guys, decided that we would all get ready together at the track. Yeah I said at the track, we're having the wedding right by the tree, perks of the guy your marrying being as into cars ,if not more into them, as you. I grab the shoes I'm being forced to wear with my dress along with my vans and head back downstairs. Both Erin and Caytlin have their dresses and shoes too and I can't help but laugh.

"Let's head out, we can use my truck." Caytlin says and we nod.

"AZN, HANNAH LET'S GO!" Caytlin yells up the stairs. Hannah comes down the stairs skipping but Azn doesn't come out.

"Hannah sweetie go let Azn out of your room." I tell her and she pouts.

"But why aunt Daryn?" She asks me.

"Because you can't lock people in rooms to make them date you, that's basically kidnapping." I say and she nods. She heads back upstairs and I hear her door creak open. The next thing I know I hear running feet. Azn is running away from Hannah so quickly that he misses a step and falls down the last three stairs.

"I told you." He mumbles as he walks past me. We all get in the truck and head to the track. All four of us girls head to the place where we're getting ready and everyone else is already there. All the bridesmaid's and Caytlin get there dresses on then they help me get into mine.

"I just want to say that you are all here because you are an important part of my life and if you are standing here right now then you did something that made me want to keep you in my life and make you a part of this special day." I say and a chorus of awwws follow. Caytlin comes over and hugs me.

"I can't believe that you're getting married Dar, we've been friends since we were in diapers and I'm so thankful that you made me your maid of honor." She says and I smile.

"I wish your mom didn't have to go on that business trip, after our parents passed away she basically adopted me and Justin. " I tell her and she nods.

"Well it's time to go get married." She says and I laugh. (To save you all the hassle of wondering wtf I'm taking about trying to write this ceremony I'm just going to skip right to the reception.)

The moment we get to the reception, which is in Ryan's backyard because its just the 405, I change into a t shirt and shorts and remove all the makeup from my face. When I walk back out I see Lou in the corner taking photos just like he was at the ceremony.  I walk over to him and he doesn't even acknowledge me.

"Lou you got to enjoy yourself, you can't just stand in the corner taking photos all night." I say and he looks at me.

"Eh it's not that bad." He says and I force a smile.

"Lou can I see your camera please, I'm a little into photography." I say in the sweetest voice I can.

"I don't know." He says kinda hesitant.

"Please." I say using the puppy dog eyes and pouty lip.

"Ok sure just please put that lip back." He says as he passes me the camera. I put the strap around my neck and he looks at me confused.

"You'll get this back before you leave." I say and he groans. I pull him over to Farmtruck and Azn and head over to Justin and Caytlin.

"Ok the fact that you two are alone together scares me." I say and they both give each other this weird look.

"We're not planning anything. " Justin says quickly and Caytlin nudges him.

"Why do you have Lou's camera?" Caytlin asks changing the subject.

"He was planning on sitting in the corner taking photos all night so I tricked him into giving it to me." I tell her and I feel a hand on my shoulder.  I look up and it's Ryan.

"May I have this dance?" He asks and I nod. We have our first dance as a couple and there's one thing I forgot to mention, I can't dance for the life of me. After our dance we go over to the cake. We cut it and I hear someone yelling.

"SMASH IT IN HER FACE!" I hear Caytlin and Lou yell at the same time. I walk over with two pieces in my hand, one for each of them and act like I'm giving the cake to them. When they go to grab it I smash it on their heads but when I do it to Lou I look at him.

"Hmm maybe for trying to pull that little stunt you ain't getting your camera back till tomorrow. " I say and he pouts. I walk away laughing and I just know that Lou's giving me the finger but I don't bother with it, I think he's had enough for one night.

"I'm glad my boy finally found a girl that's gonna treat him right." Javier says putting his arm around me.

"Bro where the fuck did you come from?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?" He asks me.

"I mean, it's like you just fucking appeared out of thin air." I say and he laughs.

"At least I ain't squishing you this time." He says and I laugh.

"That is true." I say then he walks away. By two in the morning just about everyone has left. It's just Justin,  Caytlin, and Javier left.

"Are they just gonna stay out here all night or...?" I ask looking up at Ryan and he shrugs.

"Couldn't tell ya." He says and I sit on the deck. Ryan sits beside me and I put my head on his shoulder, looking at the other three that are talking together.

Eventually they went home and we went in to go to bed.

Im so sorry for the sucky ass wedding and I'm sorry about skipping the main wedding but idk how they work, the last time I was at a wedding I was five years old. I'm thinking about making a chapter for just Caytlin and Azn, let me know what y'all think about that.

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