FATE (a Shingeki no Kyojin x...

By TheTributer

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When he was faced with death, he fought and lived. When he became one of the same monsters he sought to destr... More

Author's note
Chapter I: Goodbye Paradise
Chapter II: The Man in the Crystal
Chapter III: Dreams of Guilt
Chapter IV: Hallucination or Reality ?
Chapter V: Monsters Among Monsters
Chapter VI: Two sides of the same coin
Chapter VII: First Impressions
Chapter VIII: Choices and Hardships
Chapter IX: Titan vs Machine
Chapter X: Keep Moving Forward
Chapter XI: A living Nightmare
Chapter XII: The First Mission (Part 1)
Chapter XIII: The First Mission (Part 2)
Chapter XIV: A Leader's Struggle
Chapter XV: A Promise from the Past
Chapter XVI: Choice
Chapter XVII: The Start of the Operation
Chapter XVIII: Orders
Chapter XIX: The Belly of the Beast
Chapter XX: Despair

Chapter XVII: Heart or Instinct

869 20 25
By TheTributer

Hey guys,

So I decided to add osts and themes for each scene of this chapter. I would really appreciate it if you guys could leave your thoughts about the music choice for each ost.



Hiro Pov

I was searching for Zero Two through the woods just as Nana told me.

I'm sure, she must be in her regular spot in the lake, surely she must have a lot to think about.

"Eren......" I thought to myself, saying my squadmate's name softly as I recalled his outrage in the briefing room earlier.

Up to this point, I didn't know what pure hatred looked like or even was like. All I knew was that those people that had that, were either sadistic psychopaths or vengeful but strong willed individuals that use that to fuel their vengeance.

I think..........Eren is neither the first nor the last, he's just........himself. I've just met him for some days but that was long enough to realize his motivation to protect and help his squadmates no matter the cost.

I remembered what Eren did in the first mission in the tombs.

Even though he's brutal and ruthless in combat battles, he is not heartless. Maybe quiet, perhaps cold but he still cares about what happens to us, I can't explain it in any other way.

I finally reached the lake I first met Zero two. And I was right, she was there, standing between two trees, her beautiful pink hair was wet and some drops of water were dripping on the ground.

After all the things Eren said about her, I'm certain she must be very troubled and conflicted.

I approached her firmly and she must have figured it was me.

"Everything smells nice after it rains huh ?" She stated softly yet so peacefully "Make it rain sometime again eh ?"

She then put her hands behind her back as her face turned to her playful and teasing one "Oh that's right, you can't" She pouted teasingly.

I giggled softly as she smiled and began walking away, I followed behind her as she walked through the shore of the massive wave of water. She pointed at a nearby tree, all too familiar.

"This is where we first met right ?" She exclaimed

"It's thanks to you, that I stand where I do today" I stated calmly "Because of you, I can pilot a FranXX"

She giggled turned to me "You're exactly right" She said and proceeded to unzip my shirt "Your partner is me, and me alone"

She stared at the massive blue tumor which was slowly killing me from the inside with a straight face as if such a sight was completely normal to her. Like she saw that often, so often that she got used to it and ended up getting bored just seeing it as she extended her right hand and rubbed it against the blue scar. Her expression even though empty and cold, it looked, relieved.

"You know don't you" She questioned. I didn't answer which gave her the chance to continue "Anyone who has ever rode with me........has died after the third ride"

"Are you sure you want this ?" She asked with a smile "This is your last chance to get off. So which is it gonna be ?"

I didn't know how to answer, what could I tell ? If told her that I wanted to get off the ride then I would be sent back home but if I continue I will a goner in the next mission for sure.

What........am I feeling, is this...........fear ? No. I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid of what will become of my friends if I did. Icigo, Goro you guys........

A picture of Eren popped up in my mind during the night he talked to me.

*Firstly I apologize for the small letters in this panel and secondly try to imagine that Grisha is Hiro

Ever since that day, those words were stuck in my head. Honestly I couldn't tell whether it was because I wasn't able to figure out their true meaning or because the moment and the way he said them were far more impactful then I realized.

Even so, like Eren said, I have to keep moving forward, in order to protect the ones I care about the most, even if..........that means I'm signing a contract with the devil.

"I'll ride with you" I replied and my eyebrows frowned. I imagined my reply to amaze her or even surprise her but..........its did not. She simply smiled and turned her gaze back to the lake.

She must have asked the same thing to her past partners. I suppose my answer was not so special, just as I am not special.

She looked happy but also angry. No, not angry, worried.

"Zero two, are you okay ?" I asked

"Of course I am darling! Why wouldn't I be ?" She replied with her usual playful tone, a slight blush in her cheeks.

"Because of what Eren said to code 090 after he called you a monster" I responded calmly.


At that moment, her smile disappeared like dust in the wind, her eyebrows frowned as her face gained that cold expression she used to carry and she gazed upon the lake silently.

I could tell she was not alright, not after what happened. Perhaps this was the first time someone has ever stood up for her and she doesn't know how to take it. Being the partner killer, I imagine that on her way to an elite parasite she must have made a lot of enemies. Both klaxosaurs and humans. One thing is for sure, all of them, including the rest of our squad, has seen her eith the same eye except me and Eren.

"Zero two, if you need someone to talk, I'm here" I said firmly and put my hand to her shoulder which she quickly knocked away.

"I'm fine" She replied calmly.

"Are you sure ?" I questioned firmly and worriedly

"Yeah. Don't worry about it" She responded coldly.

Even though I knew she was hiding something, I didn't want to push it too much. Especially after her argument with Ichigo yesterday. I still remember the words that Goro said to describe what happened.


"Human ? Human you say ? Then let me ask you this. What does human mean to you ?"

Flashback end

That thing couldn't be Zero two could it ? If that is her wild side, then I'm glad I'm not on her bad side.

"I see. W-well then, Hachi said that the rendevous point is in 24 hours so be ready alright" I said

"Alright" She said firmly

"And get dry yourself, you might catch a cold" I said as I walked away. As I was leaving I heard a sound giggling from behind me.

"Hmmm now you sound like her" Zero two exclaimed teasingly

At first I didn't understand what exactly she meant but then it hit me.

"I don't sound like Ichigo!" I exclaimed a little loudly

"Hah, yeah, sureeeee" She teased

My cheeks began burning and I quickly turned away in an attempt to hide my blush from her. But it was too late as I heard her laughing behind me. She wasn't just laughing, she was bursting into laughter like there was no tomorrow. Well, at least she's not so angry anymore, so I guess it wasn't an entire loss.

"Hahhahahahha, oh darling! I'll never get used to that face!" She exclaimed playfully as she pirrueted around the shore happily. I smiled at her seeing that her spirits were lifted and I began to walk away back to the house.

Timeskip (6 hours)

Ichigo Pov

I was in the bath taking a shower alone. I had a lot to think so I wanted to be alone for a bit. I poured the water on my head. As I brushed away the wet hair from my face, I put my hands to my face and pulled my hair harshly, not caring about the pain.

Conflict, troubleness and chaos was all that was in inside my head as the thoughts of the worst circled around my thoughts.

"Hiro....." I muttered to myself in utter sadness and guilt.

It was my fault and weakness that put Hiro where he was. I care about him, more than anything else in this world, I want to help him, to keep him alive.

"Zero two....." I murmured in a weak yet hateful tone

She will be the end of him,no two ways about it. No one has outlived the 3 ride curse.

Ever since I was a child I was always kinda shy, not the ongoing and enthousiastic type of girl. Hiro helped me, he gave me a name, he offered to be my friend, introduced me to his friends. The people I cherished the most.

I owe him for that and I have to make it up to him........somehow.

I have to protect him, from Xero two and from himself, he is reckless and doesn't think the consequenses of his actions and what impact it might have on us.

A sudden beeping sound snapped me from my line of thought. I turned my gaze towards my communicator after drying my hands with a towel. I opened it and saw a message from Miss Nana. She said that I needed to shortee in the briefing room asap.

I dryed my body with the towel before dressing in my uniform. I then exited the bath and headed towards the briefing room. Though I had a bad feeling, both for the meeting and for the operation

Zero Two Pov

I was in my room in the attic. I was pressing my hands against my left and right side of my head and had removed my headband which was laying on the bed next to me. After the meeting with unit 26, after Eren said those things and collapsed to the ground........I couldn't help but cry but why ? Why did I cry ?


"HUH?! Tell me code 090! If there was another way ?! Then tell me what that was ?!"

Flashback end

After I heard those words, those unbelievable words...........I couldn't know what to do, how to feel. Should I be happy ? Relieved ? Sad ?

I shook my head aggressively. I tried desperately to convince myself that all that Eren said was a lie. That he would never even dare to defend a monster like me

"Eren...........why, why did he defend me ? Eren..........you don't deserve a friend like me. You're a respectable and honorable Hero. I'm a monster, a murderer" I thought to myself as tears escaped my eyes and I put my hands to my face in utter sadness.

Of all the years I've lived, of all the people I've met, only two of them did not treat me like a wild beast.

Those two.........were Darling and Eren.

I don't know how to explain it but........when I'm ground them, I........feel like a whole different person. I feel special. Like I'm not a monster, but a normal girl. Human.

It's like I'm with someone I could actually relate to.

Even though I don't deserve a friend like Eren..........it's not selfish if we still interact right ? Everyone's got a right to live anyway, so why not me too ?

I shook my head aggressively in vain and decided to get myself together. I needed to keep my calm and focus on protecting darling. The next mission is gonna be a pain in the ass, especially now that I've got to follow that annoying bitch's orders. Its so frustrating.

I sighed and stood up. I then grabbed my headband and put it on my head and proceeded to leave the room.

As I was walking through the hallways of the house, I heard someone calling for me from behind. I turned around and it was Nana. What does she want now ?

"Zero two, we would like your assistance" She stated calmly

I raised an eyebrow "You need.....my help ?"

"That's right" She replied

"Yeah, maybe later I'm in a hurry so ciao ciao" I exclaimed lazily and headed off.

To my not so unexpected surprise Nana was not in the mood.

"Code 002, these are direct orders from Dr FranXX himself!" She snapped furiously.

I turned to her from the corners of my eyes.

"Argh, fine what do you want ?" I said annoyed

"Please deliver this to Mister Jaeger" She said as I noticed the large box these two guards were holding.

"A package.........for Eren ?" I thought to myself in confusion

"O.....kay....." I muttered and held out my hand to grab the valice. However as I got a hold of it, I was quickly overwhelmed by its immense weight but I managed to not fall on the ground.

"Geez, that's heavy. What's in it anyway ?" I asked while taking a look on the box

"Don't know, don't care, the order is to give it to Mister Jaeger no questions asked. Got it ?" Nana stated annoyingly

"Sheesh alright, you said it once already. Geez" I exclaimed and walked away towards the pistils' room.

Hiro Pov

Nana said that she wanted to speak with me, Eren and Ichigo. I didn't really get what she wanted to talk to us about.

When I reached the briefing room, Ichigo was the first to ask Nana. However her question was different than what I had in mind.

"Nana, I want to ask you........is Zero Two and Eren.......really going to the front lines ?"

A singular little question shattered my soul to oblivion. My eyes widened and cold sweat coursed through my face and body as I waited nervously for the latter to respond

"They are ordered to move to the front lines. Therefore, Strelitzia and the Attack Titan will not be participating in this mission" Nana replied.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I felt like my entire world was about to turn upside down. I turned to Eren who also had a surprised expression on his face.

A sudden sound of the door opening pulled us both from our line of thought.
The sudden visitor was no other than Zero Two.

"I WILL FIGHT WITH MY DARLING!!!" She shouted on top of her lungs.

She then proceeded to throw a large metal box towards Eren "Catch" she said playfully

Eren caught the box in time but almost fell to the ground but managed to maintain his balance.

"And, what do I suppose is this ?" He asked a little annoyed

Zero two smiled "Special delivery Eren, just for you from Doctor. Something about a weapon. I don't know" she replied

"So he pulled it off....." Eren said softly

"Huh ?" I muttered in confusion

Zero two slowly yet furiously approached Nana, an angry demeanor surrounding her body.

"A large group of klaxosaurs is headed towards us right now right ?" She asked coldly "What do you intend to do......without me ?"

She then turned to me "Right darling ?" she questioned happily

At that moment, I was so overwhelmed by guilt and confusion that I couldn't matter even a single word.

I simply turned my gaze sideways in shame.

Both Zero Two and Eren had a look of utter shock carved on their faces.

Suddenly the doors shut open and many armed soldiers barged inside the room and surrounded Zero Two and Eren

"They're here to escort you" Nana stated "So please come quietly"

A soldier then approached Zero Two and held her by the arm "Please, come with us"he said.

Her response was a throw with her hand as she pushed the man towards the wall

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" She screamed angrily.

The other soldiers aimed their guns at her but also shaking a bit.

Eren stood there holding his package on his right hand and exchanging looks with the soldiers as the red lasers were aimed at him.

"Zero Two!" I yelled

"I have to keep killing Klaxosaurs. When I'm with you I feel like I belong here" She stated "I really hoped this was gonna work........but this farewell"

She then began to walk away with the guard as Eren stood still looking at Hiro conflictedly.

"Hey! Get a move on!" A guard shouted

Eren glared at him and began to walk away. However before he left the room, ashe stood by the door he stopped.

"Know this Hiro" He started "You are free, to choose what you believe is right. But know that whatever happens now........is in your hands"

He then left the room, leaving me in guilt and regrets. Ichigo walked up and stood next to me.

"Hiro, don't worry, everything is going to be alright. Okay ?" She said with a smile.

Even though I want to believe her........I am sure that this is not true.

Timeskip (3 hours)

Ichigo Pov

After Eren and Zero two were escorted away, Hiro looked devastated, but it wasn't time to comfort him. The battle was about to begin.

Shortly after, all of our squad, excluding Hiro, Eren and Zero Two met up with unit 26 and we proceeded to enter our respective FranXX.

To be honest I was a little nervous, not that our squad wouldn't survive but........Eren's final words.

"Was he.......trying to push Hiro to help Zero Two ?" I thought to myself in utter confusion.

One thing I've learned that night back then was that not only was Eren manipulative but also quite wise.

"Was he always like this?" I muttered quietly.

I can't trust him. He tried to get Hiro killed. How could I ever forgive him for that ?

Suddenly the comms opened and my squadmates voices filled the speakers.

"Do you guys think we're gonna make it ?" Kokoro asked worriedly "These groups of klaxosaurs are immense in numbers. They're not like the ones we have faced before"

"We'll be fine! I promise to always protect you Kokoro!" Futoshi exclaimed reassuringly

"We are here to fight. It's not like we've got any other choice" Goro stated firmly

I agree but.....Hiro is counting on us. We've got to give it everything we've got! To make Papa proud!

"I'm sorry for being useless during the last battle. This time we'll connect properly" Mitsuru coldly stated

"I know" Ikuno said softly

Soon enough Chlorophytum had connected as its face formed and it began to move its hands, holding them out, opening and closing them.

Guess they got it this time huh ?

3rd Person Pov

Inside the Control room, Hachi and Nana had just learned about the Chlorophytum 's activation.

"Good" Nana said firmly

"Attention all squads" Hachi said in his serious to the bone tone.

"It's going to be a difficult battle without the aid of Strelitzia and Mister Jaeger" Nana stated

Suddenly the door behind them opened and two parasites walked in. Those two being, the ever so proud Alpha, leader of the Nines, strongest squad in existence and his honoured partner Zeta, her mask giving her an even more menacing look.

"There's nothing to worry about Hachi" Alpha stated with a smirk "I've prepared them"

His gaze suddenly gained a sadistic look as he proceeded with his next question "If you'd like, we could substitute for her"

Hachi looked concerned about the younger boy's question, even for an emotionless adult, still he wanted to make sure "So, you brought it here right ?" He asked "........the 9'S' model ?"

Alpha nodded firmly.

Meanwhile deep inside the cells, Zero Two and Eren were sitting in their respective beds in their respective cells, thinking.

Zero Two was hugging her knees close to her chest with a sad and depressed demeanor surrounding her gaze as shadows were formed on her face, making the pinklette's face a sight of utter greed.

"Darling....." She muttered weakly

Eren on the other hand was not sad or angry but simply confused.

He was sitting on his bed, wearing his shirt and pants. His right arm was resting on his right knee which was up while the other knee was down. He had a gaze of determination and a slight confusion behind as his face was not dark and his eyes were filled with motivation to fight.


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