By UniqueNImperfect

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"Stop there! Let me do this!" She came forward only for him to take back his hand, "No!" His blood now drippi... More



628 62 58
By UniqueNImperfect


Second chance. There is always a second chance in everything in this world. Unless you are dead. Being alive always corresponds to chances.

D A V I D    W E L L I N G T O N

My view of the clouded sky is blocked as a cup of coffee is forwarded in my direction.

" will make you feel warm. The temperature has dropped notches down today.", She said softly.

I smiled gratefully, and took the cup.

"If you want to change, I have Harry's clothes in the closet."

I shook my head, "I am fine in this one."

My clothes are generally comfortable. I don't wear anything that doesn't comfort my body. Only while sleeping, I need to get rid of all.

And as far as I remember, yesterday I saw my little shit sleeping only in his diapers. Though his body was covered in the small blanket.

I feel her gaze on me and look at her to see her smiling.


"You were smiling."

I nodded, "I was thinking of Oliver."

"I guessed that."


"Even I smile like that remembering his tactics."

I looked at her, "You are close to him. No?"

She nodded and settled on the other end of the couch, wrapping herself in the blanket I hadn't noticed before.

"I am close to him. The kid is too adorable to resist. He was fifteen days old when I finally had the courage to take him in my arms. And since then there was no going back. He calls me Hoe!"

That made me chuckle though I have heard something along that line.

"Erica told me he has a crush on you.."

She laughed, "God knows why everyone assumes that. I am just waiting for him to grow up and say we are just friends."

"He is a playboy though..", she continued, "He has this air about him. I know he'll be a heartbreaker when he grows up."

"Is it..?"

"Father's genes..", she mumbled under her breath but I heard it.

"The father was a sexy heartbreaker though. He didn't invite girls...they simply chased him."

She rolled her eyes, "So conceited!"

I looked at her and grinned.

"Tell me about yourself Hope...I have realized that I am too busy in myself that I haven't checked up on you."

Her eyes meet mine and they soften, "I am good David. I will be better knowing all my friends are doing good. And even better knowing they made up."

She was talking about me and Eric but I don't want to hear that.

"No Hope! From tomorrow I'll be again lost solving my own business, you tell me about yourself."

She looked confused, "What about me?"

"Well...from the time you just abruptly left... without as much as a single word from your side."

I saw her face falling at that. But I have always wondered this. Why did she leave? Where did she go? And as much as I want to punish her for worrying me so bad then, I can't help but wonder over the cause of her sullen expression.

I observe her, "Just some stuff David. I wanted to live with mom and Edward."

"Just like that? In the middle of the term? Before final examinations?"

She looked away, suddenly trouble clouding her eyes. For a fact, I was aware it was difficult for her. Her eyes always spoke way more than her.

"Uh...I..I co..."

"You don't have to tell me if it is difficult for you hope.", My sentence had her looking at me, her eyes showing an unexplainable emotion.

"I will tell you one day...", She trailed off.

I smiled to calm her, "One day...promise?", my hand was forwarded before her.

She looked at my hand, then at my face, and slowly nodded keeping her hand on mine, "Promise!"

To divert her I asked another question, "Your mother got married when we were in school. How is she doing?"

She looked at me and her eyes twinkled with happiness. I don't know how one can manage to not be enchanted by her personality. She is beautiful inside out.

"Mom has been doing great. Though she was hesitant about marriage with Ed initially, but with time she realised he was one of the bests out there. She was worried what we thought of her marrying. But both me and Harry were fine as long as we have our mother's attention. Edward even refused to have kids because he took us as his."

Her father died before we met her, and she was still in grief when we met first. I always tried to make her feel better by giving my example, or even Eric's who didn't mind because it was Hope we were talking about.

All three of us had loss in common, probably that was why we clicked in place.

"How are you now?", I asked. I have seen her vanish one morning, her roommate calling me up to ask about her whereabouts, and when I searched frantically, I found her sobbing near her father's grave. I will never forget that day.

"I..I have not forgotten him. I have just learned to live with the realisation that he died loving us. And so we will have to love ourselves too. I visit his grave every year, and there are times I wish he was here. But it's okay. I am happy here knowing he's watching over me."

She has always been a mature person, so mature for her age. One reason, why she became our friend or why Eric is my friend. They balance the amount of childishness I show. I can rely on them blindly.

Silence fell over us as we gazed at the scene outside, rain still not going any notch down.

Such nights remind me of Venus. She loved gazing at the rain.
Hope you are watching it well from up above.

"Does it not hurt anymore? Your mother really loved your father. Loving a second time...."

She looked at me briefly and then back to the rain, "She says she still loves him. My dad. And Edward too..while she spent her youth with Dad, she is spending her old age with Edward. She said once that you can love as many times you want, only if your love is true."

"I feel loyalty matters in love. Infact Venus taught me how important it is to stay loyal, to commit to one person. For life. You see, I was not a very good man when it came to women."

"Loyalty matters. But it doesn't in the matters of dead. My father was dead. And I would hate seeing my mother dying in misery. It was better she found same love in Edward and now very happy."

I looked at her, "Then she was probably lucky. People don't find one person who can love them selflessly. She has two."

I see her smiling at the window but she stayed quiet.

That was me and Hope. We talked meaning whenever we sat together. With Eric it was more like banters, which I equally enjoyed. But talking to her gives clarity.


My eyes opened as I heard the incessant bell ringing.

God! Who is here early in the morning!!

I hear some shuffling across me and see Hope standing up hastily and wrapping up the blanket.

Well, I didn't notice yesterday but her legs were on full display in those denim shorts.

Is it wrong to find your friend sexy?

I looked away. Probably sex deprivation is now getting to me. I am perving over the one I should not.

She went to open the door, and I see Erica and Stephan entering. While Erica had Eve in her arms, Stephan had Oliver.

They were as active as popcorns while being cooked and I was still feeling like I haven't slept in days.

I sat up and the blanket fell from my body. Oh! I don't remembering wrapping myself in this one.

"Oh David? You are still here?", Erica said shocked seeing me.

I nodded, "I must have slept while it was still raining."

"Hoe!!!", I see Oliver literally jumping out of Stephan's arms to reach Hope.

She chuckled and went forward to take him. Once in her arms, I see him kissing her both cheeks. And then slowly forwarding his own cheek.

Hope giggled and kissed him. The guy smiled shyly showing his dimples. The one he inherited from me.

God! Is he really one? Nasty kid! Perving over a woman of her mother's age.

But if I point it out they'll say he's my son. Bastard!

"Awwiiee handsome boy! Aren't you the best gentleman out there?"

He giggled and sheepishly nodded his head up and down.

  - Grow your all teeth first buddy!

He stuck to Hope like a panda on the branch of tree, and I couldn't help but wonder if I was the same in my childhood.


"Uhmm little one! Even though you look like a hen, you cook these eggs pretty well."

I hear Hope snicker and then a slap on my shoulder, "Look at yourself you asswipe!"

"Oh C'mon Erica! Learn to accept some criticism! Not everyone will praise you with cheesy lines like your husband and fans."

"Ah well! And who's criticising? A foolish brat!"

"Yeah! When one child is brat, other is too! So if I am brat that you are too!"

"Whatever!", She replied arrogantly and got back to her food.

"Mommy Hen!"

I loved to vex her up. It made me feel normal. Because the only person with whom my equation didn't change a bit through the year was my sister. Even when I was never there for her. Her expectations are zero and her love is limitless.


Oliver was again with Hope, and I saw Erica putting Eve to sleep. I was wanting to go to office but Erica insisted I take a break because it was weekend.

Soon after, I see her coming and taking a place beside me.

"I heard you met Jefferson yesterday."

I nodded, "I did. I handed him the custody papers to find loophole if there is any."

I see her smiling wide, "So you are officially fighting for Oliver?"

I looked in the direction where Oliver was sitting in Hope's lap reciting god knows what, "I am fighting for him."

I am soon engulfed in a tight hug, "I am proud of you David!"

"Don't tell your husband though. It's a legal matter. He'll go two steps ahead of me."

She sighed, "I am not on talking terms with him."

I looked at her with raised brow, "Don't you think you are punishing him too much. I mean yes! he's an asshole. But he is so to me and not to you."

She looked away, "You don't know David. I am still upset about you both making Oliver a commodity in court. And the fact that Eric initiated this makes me want to strangle him."

That man is insane. I've spent all my life thinking I have a brother in him. He had my back always. No questions. No complaints. What has happened suddenly? Just one year can change so much between two people.

"You can be upset all you want. But you and me both know Eric must be bleeding inside that you are not talking to him. Remember once, when you found out about Embrey, and refused to see him for a whole week. That man may have never told you, but he turned into a caveman. You keep him sane Erica. And I think your ignorance will force him to do more rubbish. So pardon him, talk to him. I wouldn't say you should coax him into giving up the case because that would look weak on my part. But I have had a beautiful friendship with him and I don't want whatever dignity left, to be destructed in the vicinity of court."



Being in love is like being in a world of obliviousness. You know the outcomes, the pains, the hurts, yet you won't stop from exploring the depths of it. And when it will finally hurt you, you'd still be content you atleast felt it.

H O P E   R I C C I

"Oh man! In all this ruckus, I forgot, how was your date Hope?", Erica asked suddenly making me choke on my coffee.

Yeah! The date was good. I was enjoying. Trying to get to know the guy unless your brother crash landed from somewhere and decided to be my bodyguard.

"It was fine. I think."

"Fine? That's it? Tell me about the guy? Is he atleast good looking? Should I tell Eric to do a background check?"

Before I could speak, I hear a snort, "The guy was complete dumb! He is the CEO but he didn't know I was the architect to his newest hotel chain. I mean Hopeless deserves better!"

I see Erica narrowing her eyes at him, "And how do you know that."

"Oh! I kind of spotted them in the restaurant where I was supposed to meet Jefferson. He was so loud and chatty. I think I should get a otolaryngologist's appointment for Hope."

She glared at him, "So you basically interrupted their date?"

Oh yes Erica! Tell him that! I was trying to escape from his thoughts for one damn evening, and this time he himself occupied the place..

"I didn't interrupt. I am Hope's friend and I do not approve the guy!"

"Tell that to my mumma! She has sent my phone number to him and he even texted this morning.", I shut my mouth as soon as I blurted this.

David looked at me perplexed while Erica clapped her hand excited, "The bitch texted!", "Give me your phone!"

I sighed.

Sometimes they prove they are siblings. So hyperactive kids. Oliver is less violent than the two.

Soon my phone is taken away, and I see Erica opening the texts.

"Here it is."

I see David crossing the coffee table to go beside her, and both of them read the text.

David read it out aloud, "Hey Hope! I assume you slept on well. I have been thinking of you since I walked out of the restaurant. I am deeply impressed with you and want a repeat of yesterday. Though I'll give you all the time in the world before I myself ask you out.
  - Your bewitched admirer, Ace fucking coward dumb bitch."

I chuckled, "He didn't write those colourful words in the last."

Erica smiled wide, "He looks the romantic type. God! Hope! You will be worshipped by him."

I see David rolling his eyes, "These guys only worship till they get in the pants. Okay!"

Erica narrowed her eyes at him, "Why are you so against the guy?"

He looked confused for a second before he resumed, "I am not against the guy. I am against Hope going on random dates with even more random guys. Not good for her safety."

"And this comes out of the mouth of Italy's most desirable man, who has been in the pants of about three fourth female population!", Erica says dramatically designing the sentence making me chuckle internally.

He looks at her absurdly, "They wanted to get in my pants. Not the other way around."

Erica chuckled, "Whatever floats your boat, my sweet little brother."

Then Erica turned to me, "Well let me tell you one thing Hope. Love doesn't come and tackles you all of a sudden. You have to get up, search for an appropriate person, and then try to love them. If they are the one for you, they'd stay. If they are not, then there's someone else out there. You need to search. And I agree with your mom. It's high time you find a partner for yourself."

"Oh mommy Hen being mommy again!"


The next day, I drive to the other end of the city to my brother's apartment. Though we live in the same city, we rarely meet. He's always abroad because of his job of fashion designing. Apparently all time, some or the other corner of the world is holding some fashion show.

I knock on his door, and soon enough he opens, "Oh my sweet little sister! You have grown up so big!"

I chuckle, "We saw each other last month.", and then I hug him tight.

"Well, C'mon inside. We have a lot to catch on."

"I thought you were going to introduce me to a girl?"

He sighs, "I want to talk to you first. This isn't about me.", and then he looked at his watch, "I invited her late."


As I stir the pasta and he chops vegetables for the soup, I tell him everything significant that happened. He knows it all. About me. About school. About job. About my feelings even. What he doesn't know is the guy is David. And I don't know if I will ever tell him that.

"So David is going to fight for the custody?"

I nodded, "That's what Erica told me."

"These guys were such good friends."

"Yeah! It was way more than just brotherly affection. You know I have seen David feed Eric from the bowl, once Eric was ill. It hurts seeing them drifting apart."

He looked at me, "You see true feelings never let the relation break. You tell me? How have you been coping? Some new detail of the guy you got to read in the newspaper?"

I shook my head. Last time I told him when I read the news of David marrying. I cried alot that day. Even after years of preparing myself for that. Harry saw me that way, and he made me talk forcefully and I told him that the guy I loved is marrying.

"Mom told me went on a date.", I hear him.

"I did."

"That's a good step. But are you okay inside? I mean nothing must be forced."

I shook my head, "I wasn't forced Harold. Mom and Ed only pestered alot but I went on my own will."

"Good but be careful. You never know these guys. Rich billionaires giving no fucks to others."

I laughed, "You are one of them."

He swatted away my hand, "I am a decent man Hope. And I wish you find a decent man for yourself. Someone who idolises your brother probably."

"Yeah yeah! Whatever!"

I am fed up of this dating conversation.


"So Cia, this is Hope, my sister, and Hope, this is Lucia, my..uh.."

I chuckled, "Girlfriend. I know."

I went forward and gave a hug to the nervous looking girl. She was nowhere near the model like girls that have tagged with Harry before. But she looked decent. And well mannered.

"I hope you like it here. And do tell me if he troubles you. I will complain to mum.", She smiled. I only wish she's comfortable.

As we had dinner, we made conversations on several topics. Lucia or as my brother calls her Cia is his junior who has just finished her first consignment with my brother. They apparently were in Bora Bora for a month with their team, where the things clicked.

Harry has been an outgoing man. Not too outgoing though. Because he has spent a great deal of time taking care of me and pursuing career. Only when I moved out of this apartment five years ago, did he began dating. And his choice was pretty bad. He himself knew this and hence he never introduced me to them. He is very protective and makes sure I am far away from snobby men and women.

  - Their snobby nature rubs on you. It's a contagious disease with no cure till date.

I decided to stay for the night when Harry insisted. His girlfriend left though. And when I asked him when she's moving in, he said he's only dropping hints but is scared to ask out aloud.

I understand because Cia looks like an independent woman, who wants to not rely on a man in all ways. I can feel her. I myself have this inception in my head. I don't want to give too much charge of my life to anybody. It makes us vulnerable.

"I approve of her.", I chime, "And make sure you make her meet mom and Ed soon. They had started making insane assumptions."

" in?"

"As in you are gay?"

He laughed out loud, "If this girl would have been a man, I'd turn into one anyday."

"I see you are whipped!", I commented.

He chuckled, "Not more than you baby sister. Not more than you."


He dropped me to my office next day and when I walked in, all the employees greeted respectfully. Though I try to be not very conceited, but making a name takes time, and it feels good when the results finally come. As here in the form of respect from my employees.

As I come out of the elevator on my floor, I see Rebecca coming towards me, "Hope! I have scheduled some meetings with Simpson Productions. About the next world tour."

I nodded, "That's fine. Call Louis though. He must be present when we schedule his concerts."

She nodded and I left for my cabin.

As soon as I enter, my eyes fall on the flower bouquet of orchids. I see a card popped between the flowers and go forward to pick it up carefully.

However, the moment I reach in the vicinity I start sneezing like never before.

  - Oh God! Orchids! Allergy!

"Rebecca!!", I call her loud between sneezes.

"Yes H...oh my god Hope! What happened? You are turning red!"

"These Or..Orchids! Take them away!", I complain.

She understands the situation in a second and takes them out of the cabin. She comes back with the room freshener but I feel something crawling inside. Oh man! It is getting serious.



"David! Use this spoon and don't take too much in one spoon. Okay!", He nodded understanding and took a little amount of milk in the spoon, used his thumb to probe open Eve's mouth and fed her the small amount of milk.

Eve, as if very hungry, gulped it in slowly..

Oliver sat beside David observing him do this. He was quite an observer, specially when Eve was fed, taken for bath or even made to sleep.

Erica found him patting Eve to sleep one day. And she loved it.

"Perfect monster! You are done!", David said to Eve who smiled a toothless smile making all swoon.

Just then all the churned milk came out of her mouth, onto David's shirt.

"Oh god!!", He exclaimed, "She's puking!"

Erica chuckled, "What did I tell you David? After feeding her, you have to make sure she barps."

David sulked, "This was my favourite shirt you little shit!"

Eve only smiled in return as if proud of spoiling his shirt.

David wondered if these kids have some secret deal with the asshole.

After making her barp, he went upstairs to change and walked across Erica's room when he heard her phone ringing.

"Erica! Your phone is ringing!!", He yelled loud enough for her to hear and went to change.

Once he came out, her phone was still ringing and so he went inside her room and picked it up.

It was Hope.

He smiled viciously. He needs to irritate someone to compensate the kids irritating him.

"Hey Hopeless!"

"Uh..sorry I am Rebecca, Hope's PA. Am I talking to Erica?"

"Ah yes. This is her phone. I am her brother."

"Oh..okay sir. Actually I want you to inform Erica that Hope has been admitted to the hospital because she got an allergy. She is unconscious right now. The doctors wanted to talk to family."

He was shocked would be an understatement. They met just two days ago and he heard Erica talking to her yesterday.

"Is she fine?"

"Sir she was conscious few minutes ago but was sneezing profusely. Her brother is out of town so I had to call Erica."

"Okay don't worry. We'd reach there soon. Send me the address."


Worried they stood outside waiting. Erica had to leave the kids behind. She didn't want to make them ill in the sterile air of hospital.

She called Eric, as soon as they left their house and he was on his way now.

"She's allergic to Orchids! I have known this for years! Who could sent her that?", He exclaimed furious.

"How's she?", They heard the frantic looking Eric.

Rebecca was now worried. More for herself than Hope. She has known Eric for years and this man is anything but a gentleman especially when his loved ones are hurt.

"Sh.. she's unconscious sir."

"Unconscious my foot! How in the world did orchids reach her?"

She fumbled for words, both men furious. And not to forget she has to bear the wrath of Hope's brother too.

"Si..sir someone sent this bouquet in the morning and so I kept it in her cabin."

"Don't you know she's allergic to Orchids? What kind of PA you are?", It was Eric.

"Who sent that?", Asked David.

She gulped and fetched a note from her handbag and gave it to David.

David saw the note with anger and the name on the bottom, made him want to thrash the man.

"Ace fucking Belrose!"

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