The Gift of Merci

By _inksapien

810 202 9

"Error means failure, and failure means disappointment." "The Gift of Merci" takes readers on a gripping jour... More

Igniting Hope in Every Filipino's Heart
Beyond the Medal
Chapter 1 - The Burnout College Kid
Chapter 2 - Constant Battles
Chapter 3 - Mental Health Matters
Chapter 4 - Law of Reverse Effort
Chapter 5 - Success Beyond Standards
Chapter 6 - Life Is A Race
Chapter 7 - Yearning for Tranquility in a Turbulent Mind
Chapter 8 - Why Does Sadness Override Efforts to Stay Happy?
Chapter 9 - In a Sea of Applause, Does Authentic Validation Exist?
Chapter 10 - When Grades Mean Nothing and Everything
Chapter 11 - Its Okay Not To Be Okay
Chapter 12 - Put Yourself First
Chapter 13 - Emptiness Behind Victories
Chapter 14 - The Girl Who Feels Too Much
Chapter 15 - Deep Rest Is A Self Care
Chapter 16 - Sensitive Kid
Chapter 17 - Tired at 20
Chapter 18 - To the Roads Not Taken
Chapter 20 - Evolving Through Failure
Chapter 21 - Away From Melodrama
Chapter 21 - New Chapter
Chapter 22 - New Sage
Author's Note
Chapter 23 - Second Life
Chapter 24 - Ironically Tainted
Chapter 25 - Perfect
Chapter 26 - No Doubt
Chapter 27 - Illness
Chapter 28 - You Only Live Once
Chapter 29 - Smiling Depression
Chapter 30 - Escape
Chapter 31 - Call her
Chapter 32 - It Cannot Be
Chapter 33 - Magic
Chapter 34 - Death Bed
Chapter 35 - It Was Delusion
Chapter 36 - When Healing Is Too Much
Chapter 37 - Leave Her
Chapter 38 - The Man
Chapter 39 - Prayers
Chapter 40 - Life
Chapter 41 - New Opened Doors
Chapter 42 - Forgiving Oneself
Chapter 43 - Falling Forward
Chapter 44 - The Man
Chapter 45 - Hold On Pain Ends
Chapter 46 - The Barista of Life
Chapter 47 - Contentment
Chapter 48 - The Grass is Greener On Neither Side
Chapter 49 - Damaged Souls
Chapter 50 - The World Never Stops Here

Chapter 19 - Upside Down

10 3 0
By _inksapien

I forget how to take care of myself in times like these. I forget to eat sometimes. Or sometimes I binge. It varies each time I sink again. This time, the food seems unappetizing. I feel nauseous a lot. Nothing I eat sits well with me. I get stomach aches and feel lethargic. I can't focus, and I get antsy. I can't even get through 20 pages of a book without getting distracted when normally I can read 300 pages straight through. Movies are easier. They take less work. But even then, I can't focus much. I don't write much. I just think. It's been a while since I've written a journal or blog post. It makes me feel unproductive. Like I'm failing. It makes me question my abilities and my future. I think a lot, but at the same time, I feel numb.

What is really happening?

Today, I didn't attend the Google Meet. I didn't pass any of my assignments this week. This was my second time doing it and It felt odd. My anxiety starts kicking in.

What if, I fail?

I started making excuses. I started contradicting my goals. I don't know. I am so tired. Suddenly I sit here, right in the chest, feeling lost and unsure where to look for direction. I spent too long denying my own feelings and now I feel like I am the one who is unraveling. I have written many articles about the Alpha woman: The strong, independent, self-sufficient woman.

It sounds nice, doesn't it? And now, it's me who has become pale and worn out.

I found myself slipping further into a state of numbness and disconnection from the world around me. I couldn't find the motivation to take care of myself, forgetting to eat or binging without control. The constant variation in my behaviors reflected the chaos within me.

Each day felt like a battle against my own mind and body. The simple act of eating became a challenge as nothing seemed appetizing, and I suffered from frequent bouts of nausea and stomach aches. My energy levels plummeted, leaving me lethargic and unable to focus on even the simplest tasks.

Reading, an activity that once brought me solace, now seemed like an insurmountable task. I couldn't concentrate on the words, and my mind wandered endlessly. Even writing, which was once a means of expression, became a distant memory. The lack of productivity weighed heavily on my self-worth, and I questioned my abilities and future. I tried to attend a Google Meet, but the anxiety and fear of failure were paralyzing. I couldn't bring myself to face the pressure, so I made excuses and avoided the situation altogether. The thought of failing again intensified my anxiety, and I felt trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and despair.

I had spent so long pretending to be the strong, independent woman—an alpha woman who had it all together. But now, the façade had crumbled, and I felt like an empty shell of my former self. The exhaustion and weariness were evident in my appearance, reflecting the internal turmoil I was experiencing. What was really happening? I didn't have all the answers. It felt like I was drowning in a sea of emotions without a lifeline to cling to. The numbness I felt was both a blessing and a curse—a way to protect myself from the pain, but also a barrier preventing me from truly living.

I realized that I couldn't keep denying my own feelings. I needed to confront my struggles head-on and seek help. But the path forward felt foggy and uncertain, leaving me feeling lost and directionless. In the past, I had written articles celebrating strength and resilience, but now I found myself on the other side of the spectrum—feeling vulnerable and broken. It was a humbling realization that we all have our moments of weakness, regardless of how strong we appear on the surface.

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