Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Ro...

By 73627266282762928b

121K 2.9K 179


Sick day/S.J
Food fight/N.R
Eating disorder/s.j
First christmas:N.R
Social anxiety/s.j
The run/N.R
Nerves on the plane/S.J
Iceskating in a interview/s.j
High ๐Ÿƒ/s.j
High ๐Ÿƒpt.2/s.j
High pt.3๐Ÿƒ/s.j
Strangers with memories/n.r
Strangers with memories.pt2/n.r
Drive ! /n.r
Sleeping on the couch/s.j
Traitor pt.2/n.r
Voice activation/n.r
First time/n.r
meeting the parents gone wrong (N.R)
whats wrong ? N.R
dont touch her/n.r
take me home/s.j
my ex/n.r
im here - N.R

Beach day/s.j

2.7K 70 2
By 73627266282762928b

I'm meeting my new cast mates today and I'm really excited the directors are holding a beach day for the cast and people who work on the set to have a day off and they invited me to meet everyone for the first time,they just started filming and I've been cast as Natasha Romanoff's love interest and I'm definitely excited to kiss Scarlett In multiple scenes I mean who wouldn't it's Scarlett fucking Johansson.

I get out of my car and greet the producers and spend some time seeing everyone who works behind the acting they all seem very nice, "y/n,it's nice that you came everyone else is playing beach ball except from Scarlett she is dropping her kid off to her dads so please let me introduce you to them" the man speaks and whilst I'm walking down I make conversation with him until I see all of the other actors and actresses playing beach ball,I walk over and hear Robert and Chris H arguing but in a brotherly way, "I so hit that over the line" Chris snaps and I see everyone quite amused, "no-no-no" Robert waggles his finger and everyone else sniggers "hate to break up this heated fight" the man spoke sarcastically and their heads snaps to me "this is y/n y/l/n,she is joining  the MCU family by becoming The black widows girlfriend" I give a warm smile and Elizabeth Olsen runs up to me "yay another women" she remarks hugging me,I'm not a hugging person but I still hug back,she squeezes me too hard and I laugh "you're a hugger" I squealed and she smiles "and you smell really nice" she speaks softly "oh thanks it's a vanilla fragrance" I smile and look behind her to see the rest of the cast smiling "so y/n tell us about yourself" Tom speaks passing me a beer and we all sit down in a circle "well Im just turning 26 and I'm from Britain I moved to LA a couple of years ago" I speak taking a sip of my drink

"your very pretty" Chris says in a flirty tone "thank you evan's" I speak awkwardly "he likes you" Mackie speaks and he hits him in the arm "i would totally smash ....only if I was straight" I speak grinning "okay I love this girl" Robert says high-fiving me,Chris puts out his hand "better luck next time" he speaks giving me a warm smile and I wink, "so y/n tell me,can you swim ?" Jeremy speaks smirking "umm yeah why ?" I ask "well we all wanted to play races as we think we all think we can beat each other in a race but we needed someone else to participate,wanna help out" he says eagerly "you guys don't know what your in for,I did swimming competitions all though out my childhood" I grin and everyone cheers that we are doing races,I swear they are like a family full of kids,we all go into the sea and she heard a horn and we all swam until we hit the pier,I lift my head as I got there and I definitely won by a good meter when everyone else finished they all looked impressed "told y'a so" I say a grin pulling at my lips,they all had back and we sit for another hour getting comfortable.

"I've got to admit I was nervous meeting you guys but you guys are really nice" I speak out and everyone hugs me "okay okay I don't like hugs" I laugh out and they all burst out laughing "so who wanna play beach rugby/American football?" Lizzie asks and we all agree jumping up to our feet,we arranged ourselves in groups and Chris E passes me the ball "okay guys you ready ?" Tom speaks and we all nod,I run forward and dodge Roberts attempt to drag me to the ground I pass the ball to Brie and she runs ahead,I watch her fall onto the ground as Lizzie takes her down and passes the ball to Seb,he ran towards the line and everyone was chasing after him,shit I'm going have to need to take him down,I groan and run forward and wrap my arms around his body and push him backwards and he falls me landing on top "damn girl you have strength" he speaks as I take the ball "thank you" I smile and pass the ball to Jeremy.

I defend our side and manage to score,it's now been 30 minutes and it's getting pretty heated as we are all very determined,the ball gets thrown up and I go to run for it,until I feel a wave of force knocking me down,I fall to the ground with a body on top of me,I groan as I hit my head on the cooler, I go to sit up to see who knocked me down, fuck ...Scarlett "hey,don't move your head I knocked you down very hard" she speaks in her famous voice "ffuck" I moan as I feel my head throb, "I'm y/n" I blush and she laughs taking my hand "and I'm the person who just destroyed your ass in that game" she speaks laughing "nope I would totally destroy you,plus I didn't even know you were playing" I protest, "so your who i fall in love with" she speaks still on top of me, "I-I wow I mean s-sure" I speak flustered "I mean with our characters" she says sitting on my lower waist "oh yeah " I speak softly, "we better finish the game" she whispers and I nod "oh yeah but be careful I'm going to go for you"I speak and she laughs, "bring it on new kid" she speaks leaving me and I quick brush myself on,I see her starting with the ball and she blows me a kiss,I blush furiously and I watch her run off and dodge half of my team I smile and myself as she is running to me,I grab her waist roughly and pin her down on the sand, "ugh your strong" she huffs and I let out a laugh "you okay though ?" I ask picking her up to stand "I will be when you take me out for a drink" she smirks and I freeze up,her hands brush past my heat "I mean you did pin me to the ground like an animal,you must want means you've been checking me out ever since I've" she gently speaks walking away "y-yes I will" I shout and she winks at me.




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