By LucilleMRosales

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He's been damaged by his past, yet his relentlessness never stopped him to aim for the greatest thing in the... More

Chapter 1 - Keld Steffano Ellison
Chapter 2 - UNCANNY
Chapter 4 - KARA
Chapter 5 - PREJUDICE
Chapter 7 - A SUDDEN URGE
Chapter 9 - LIAM MILLER
Chapter 10 - THE FIRST MOVE
Chapter 12 - SWEET DREAMS
Chapter 13 - LETHAL
Chapter 14 - MOVIE NIGHTS
Chapter 15 - DEVON OSMOND
Chapter 16 - SECRETS
Chapter 17 - VICTOR
Chapter 18 - GISELLE
Chapter 19 - KARA'S JOURNAL
Chapter 21 - LUNA
Chapter 23 - LILY
Chapter 25 - ELUSIVE
Chapter 26 - 120
Chapter 28 - IBIZA
Chapter 29 - LEVI OSMOND
Chapter 31 - FEELINGS
Chapter 32 - STARVING
Chapter 33 - CROSSFIRE
Chapter 34 - LIAM
Chapter 36 - FAMILY DINNER
Chapter 39 - THE OSMONDS
Chapter 40 - LOSING GAME
Chapter 41 - HELLO VICTOR
Chapter 42 - KNUCKLEHEAD
Chapter 43 - CINQUE TERRE
Chapter 44 - RUNAWAY
Chapter 45 - EPILOGUE


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By LucilleMRosales

She's seen the view from the sky as she, Sierra, and Luna found themselves in a private plane ten minutes after their chaotic preparation. They had no clue where they were going and Keld would not even spill any details.

But as soon as the skies have paved from where she was looking, her heart was beating faster than she's ever imagined. The perfectly shaped truss from below excited her. It was then that she has concluded, they will soon be landing in Paris.

She looked at him as he too met her stare and smirked sheepishly.

"You're very sneaky Mr. Ellison."

"I thought you deserve at least a short trip. I've also arranged a visit with your previous foster family."

All of a sudden, she felt her heart jump with joy.

"But how did you find them?"

"Well, there were a few connections I needed to use to find them."

"I can't thank you enough. This is already too much for me."

"It's the least I can do for you."

She thought about the contract. Perhaps he was doing this to woe her into signing it. Still, it felt really good being taken care of by someone. She could think of all possible reasons such as the contract, but being spoiled by him truly brings so much joy for her.

In a few minutes, they landed safely and both Luna and Sierra could be any more excited with where they are right now.

They were welcomed by a limousine ready to take them to their accommodation. Their eyes were filled with all Paris could offer as they stared out of the window while sipping champagne inside the limo. Keld on the other hand was talking to someone over the phone as and all she could do was stare out to him hoping he'd for once take his eyes and mind off whatever was bothering him.

They arrived at a rustic villa that had the best view of the Eiffel Tower. The moment they got inside, Luna and Sierra just could not stop shrieking with excitement.

"Well girls, Nora and I have to to be somewhere. You girls think you could manage on your own?"

"Definitely!" they both spoke in unison.

'I'll leave one of my bodyguards to accompany you. Nora and I should join you again tomorrow morning. We have a reservation in Le Fouquet's."

"Ohhh.." both of them were looking really excited.

"You guys don't mind us. We can take care of ourselves. You go and do whatever you have in mind and Sierra and I will be taking our sweet time touring around. It's going to be so much fun!" Luna was already pulling Sierra away from both of us as they get inside the next room they could get.

The villa was ecstatically huge enough for all of them. Keld made sure that everyone would have their own room including his two bodyguards who would be taking turns for the night shift.

She found the place really homey with its rustic appeal and with a balcony that directly looks out the perfect view of the Eiffel Tower.

This is her first trip out of the city where she used to walk aimlessly looking for her next meal.

Now, she's in this wonderful city and will soon get to see her old foster family. Truly, Keld has opened so many doors for her. Doors she didn't even know she'd get to have in her lifetime.

She came inside one of the rooms that were directly looking out the Eiffel Tower. She didn't even realize he was following her.

"She looks lovely doesn't she?"

She could literally feel her heart skip a beat as she saw him leaning on the door with both his hands inside his pockets. The tiny rays of the sun illuminated his skin and it made him look more golden to her. More god-like sent from the heavens.

His eyes bore on her like they had no plans of letting her out of his sight. That stare alone sent a silly chain of chills to her spine, one that's in a good way.

She smiled as she basked her eyes in his beauty.

"She is."

"Is this your first time seeing it?"

She nodded as he started walking towards her.

"I hope you'll love it. I'll get back here in about ten minutes so we could go."


Just when she thought their conversation has come to an end, he suddenly reached for her waist and wrapped his arms around it. She surrendered to the heat that started to creep in her body as he never took his eyes off her. His thumb started to caress her cheeks, feeling as though memorizing the entire shape of her face.

"I hope I am making you happy right now."

"You are."

"That's good to know." his face started to get closer and closer to hers. She could feel his breath against her face and a tiptoe could already cross all boundaries they've secretly set for each other.

"Why do you keep making me feel this way?"

"Feel what?"

"Like I'm the only woman in this world." she could feel her entire weight be leaning in his arms, willing to fall even if he's not ready to catch her.

"Because right now, you are.. the only one that matters for me."

She was silenced by the soft caress of his lips against hers. She could not fully say it was a kiss, it was barely touching hers, it was simply hesitating, feeling how soft her lips could be.

"But I don't want to cross this line yet. At least not now." slowly, he lifted her back up and helped her stand up straight.

All of a sudden she felt like a bucket of ice cold water was thrown right at her to help her get back to reality. Of course. He has all of these barriers up and she definitely might not be the woman who could have them plowed down.

She fixed herself as she turned her back on him and closed her eyes.

A strange tingling sensation started to fill her senses and she could not define what it was. A discovery of how her body reacts with his every touch.

"Get ready in ten?"

She nodded with her back still turned away from him. She took a deep breath and tried her best to relax her mind and her body. All of this is a strange thing for her. She's not someone who has all the possible experience that someone could have yet she will still allow herself to feel it. It's something new yet she knows, within her, it simply is part of what she's supposed to be as a woman.

She just hoped she could totally take control of how every inch of her body feels when Keld starts invading them.

In about ten minutes, she was already set to go out. She wore a simple floral mini dress that fitted Paris' beautiful weather.

Keld was already in front of the limo waiting for her to come down.

As she stepped out of the villa, she saw him look at her from head to toe. His eyes fluttered like a butterfly's wings as he took a real good look at her.

She'd like to think that it simply wasn't just her imagination. And that somehow, he really did think of her as someone who could take his breath away.

But at the same time, she has to keep herself guarded all the time. Until they could set out each other's true intentions with whatever is going on between them, she can't allow herself to fall head and heels for him.

It'd be such a waste of time and energy.

She's not prepared to have her heartbroken by the very first man who has swept her off her feet. She just can't.

"You look lovely."

"Thank You. Is it too much?"

"No. It simply is breathtaking."

She smiled as he held his arms for her and helped her get inside the limo.

They were filled with silence as they were riding towards what seemed to be an almost secluded part of Paris.

They came across several spreads of vineyards and all the while, she marveled at how beautiful they were.

The things she only saw on the old television of a foster home she used to live in, she's now seeing in reality.

The colors of each vineyard filled her eyes and all she could do was gasped at their beauty.

It was the only time that Keld spoke to her again.

He told him stories of his adventures and of some properties he's had that also had beautiful vineyards in them.

But amongst all, he expressed how Paris has always had a place in his heart.

He's done several business deals in the country, especially once that are profitable for their business in retail.

He often talks about how his parents couldn't get enough of Paris as well. They loved the place and often, they'd come here to celebrate their anniversary.

She smiled and laughed along with his stories. Interestingly, she wanted to meet his parents. They seemed to be really good people.

The limo soon pulled up in front of a small rugged house painted in old rose-colored paint.

The entire house was surrounded by beautiful trees that looked like they were reaching out to the clouds dancing on top of them.

There's a small gazebo just a few steps away from the front door filled with a cushion and some pillows that are inviting you to take a seat on it.

They seemed to be really well off now than how they used to live off a home that was almost broken in every corner you turn.

She started feeling overwhelmed and overly nervous about how today would end up.

She hasn't seen them in six years. She was just twelve years old when they became her foster parents.

As her eyes surveyed the entire place, she saw bushes of large tomatoes that were properly trimmed and tended. There's a small garden facing the gazebo filled with basic produce. She even found some lettuce and chilis.

She recalled both of them talking a long time ago that they'd like to build their own garden and plant their own vegetables.

Homer, her foster father was a huge fan of fresh products and he often goes to the nearest market from where they used to live and would often wake her up really early so they could get the very first things the vendors could offer.

He loved cooking things from scrap and basically creating good sauces for pizzas and pasta.

She'd often listen to how he would explain why a certain fruit or vegetable would go so well in a particular dish.

Agnes on the other hand, her foster mother has always been supportive of her own husband.

She could remember how good she was when it comes to handling their finances. She too is very passionate about bread and pastries.

Often, she'd make really good tasting bread and she remembered loving her pudding so much all she'd wanted to eat was her pudding.

She felt tears starting to run down her face as her mind recalled those memories. They were brief but they have always filled her heart with joy.

They were the best foster parents she's had and she brawled the day they were separated.

She knew both of them also felt really downcast having to give her up.

She dampened the tears in her eyes with her fingers. Trying to make sure not even Keld would see it.

The door to the front swayed opened and let out a woman wearing a green apron with a cute little basket twirled around her arms.

She was looking down not noticing that there were guests on her property.

Nora's heart started leaping inside the moment she saw it's the same woman she'd called mother six years ago.

The same woman who took care of her when she has gotten sick and the same woman who sang lullabies to her when she was having nightmares.

She sobbed as she tried her best to call out her name.


It was only then that the woman in her rowdy apron looked up and saw her.

Her basket fell to the ground as she wrapped her palms around her mouth stopping her astonishment.

"Nora? Baby is that you?"

All she could do was nod as tears started welling up her eyes.

"Oh, God!"

They crossed each other's distance and met for the tightest hug they could ever give each other.

"Oh My God. My child. Homer!!" she called out to her husband. "Homer! Nora is here! Oh My God! You found us."

A bulky old man took a peak from the door that was left open. His face filled with white stubbles and he too was wearing the same green apron as she was.


His eyes suddenly lit up and joined in on the hugs. He started bawling like a child as he plated soft kisses all around her face.

She felt ticklish as his stubbles landed on her face while he was kissing her. It was his favorite thing to do. Planting kisses all over her face knowing too well she'd react rather childishly. They all got into one huge hug once again before they let go of each other and started asking her about how she's been. 

"I've been really well. I have so much to tell you but right now, I'm just happy I've found both of you."

"How did you find us?" Homer was tucking her in his arms. "I.. I'd like you to meet a friend of mine." she turned around as she realized she was with someone when she came here, "this is my friend Keld. He's the one who found you and told me this is where you are now."

Keld curtsied in front of them acknowledging both Homer and Agnes. "So you two are our guests tonight?" Homer blurted. 

"What do you mean guest?" she asked confusingly. 

"Well, we held private dinners for people who'd like to have a really good experience with the Paris delicacies. We had someone called in named Mr. Keld Ellison."

"That's him." she excitedly exclaimed. "Well, my dear, and our beloved guest, please. Welcome to our humble home."Both Homer and Agnes motioned for both of them to enter their house. 

Nora's smile was pasted on her face for a very long time. She's never felt this happy ever since her entire life. Meeting again two of the most important people in her life meant so much to her. 

And she had Keld to thank for that. As they got inside the house, they were welcomed with a very light and homey feel. The smell of spices all over the place started to fill their nostrils. 

The house wasn't too big nor was it too small. There's a second floor that she'd assume is where the bedrooms are. The entire house is structured securely and neatly. 

The kitchen was filled with fresh greens ready for the dinner preparations. She could smell the sweet and tangy aroma of a newly boiled tomato sauce. And all of a sudden, she felt like traveling back in time when the three of them used to cook together in the small kitchen they've had. 

She stiffened as she felt soft hands entwined with hers as he pulled her towards the kitchen area. She looked down as she saw Keld's safely locked together with hers. She smiled as she followed him towards the kitchen all the while Homer was talking to both of them. Giving them a quick tour of the entire house. She could feel her hands shaking and feeling cold while his felt soothingly warm.

"Well, we'd better get ready for dinner. We'd love to sit down with both of you and talk more." Agnes was grinning from ear to ear as she once again carried her basket with her. 

"Can I come with you" Nora inquired.

"Of course you can. I'd be very happy to have you come with me." she giggled at how Agnes tried her best not to stammer in front of both of them. She knew she's really shy and that has never changed until now. 

"Well, you two go ahead. We still have plenty of time." Agnes handed Nora a white apron before both of them walked out an arm to arm. Homer, on the other hand, handed Keld a bottle of beer which he gladly accepted. They were now walking towards the gazebo looking at both Nora and Agnes who were now picking tomatoes and a few other vegetables from the small garden.

 "Thank you for bringing her in here. It's been a long time since we've seen her and it has always bugged me not knowing how she's been since we've given her back to the foster system. It was a rough time. But I never stopped praying for her to be guided and be kept safe all the time."

"I just needed to do this for her. It's the least that I could after what she's been through."

"Did something happen to her?"

"I am not at liberty to tell you about that. But all I can tell you is that as long as I am with her, I will do everything I can to keep her safe."

Dinner was filled with laughter and various stories from each of them. She learned about what happened to both Homer and Agnes before they left for Paris and how heartbroken they were with the thought of leaving her. But they chose to fill the night with happy thoughts and with the hope that this would be the beginning of something instantaneous for them. Nora could not be any more thankful to Keld for what he has given her today. 

They ended the night with some wine as both Agnes and Homer prepared a room for both of them. They asked for her to stay the night so they could prepare breakfast for her. Agnes recalled how she used to love the puddings she made and that she would make one for her the following morning. Keld agreed to the idea as he too got curious about this Pudding they kept talking about. 

So as the night went on, they found each other slumped together in a small bed inside the only guest room that the house had. She has changed her clothes to an old nightgown that Agnes had while Keld was simply wearing his shirt along with his pants. They were facing each other silently speaking to their souls. 

She was smiling the entire day today and it was enough for her to not keep thinking of all the recent events that have happened to her. Keld did something she never thought anyone could do for her. Small strips of light from the moon were getting inside the room where they were both tucked in together. He noticed how her deep-set, doe eyes turned even more iridescent.

Her lips seemed to be pleading to be kissed and yet he stopped himself from giving in. This is most probably the only time he isn't jumping into the opportunity of having a woman sleeping beside him. If it were anyone else, this night could have eventually turned erratic for him as he surely would not say no to any consensual sexual act knowing he could easily forget about it and her the following day. But this here is something else. He felt like sleeping with the ghost of his past. 

It was like living a fantasy of her memory. "Are you thinking about her when you look at me?"

His train of thoughts was suddenly cut off as he heard her whisper those words. He thought of the same thing himself. Is he thinking of Kara every time he sees her?

"I don't know."

"What do you see right now?" her eyes stared straight at his. Under the small specs of the moonlight, his eyes brimmed with fear, unable to determine who it is he's seeing right at this very moment. He heard her sigh. 

"It's okay. You don't really have to answer that. I just feel so pathetic asking that question."

"It's a valid one."

A short streak of silence filled the entire room, her eyes never leaving his started to look like it was about to get teary. She slowly turned her back against him and tucked herself with the blanket.



"Will you hug me please? Just for tonight. I feel really lonely."

He hesitated. It was an odd thing to ask yet he too felt the same. He's lonely. He has been for a long time now. He scooted closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She held his hands and wrapped them in front of her. Those brought an unexpected comfort to him. A feeling of safety and certainty that the woman laying with him will never leave him. He gave in to the warmth of her under his embrace.

He slowly closed his eyes as he found himself succumbing to the darkness brought by the solemn night. He could think of a thousand things that he could do right now, right here. Kiss her, make love to her. Nothing is stopping him from doing so. But he felt contented with the simple touch of her skin against his. He turned towards her neck and took note of how good her hair smelled. 

It took all courage he had not to touch her there or else, all lines would be crossed. Soon enough, sleep took over. He hasn't had any for such a long time, and all it took was the feeling of Nora's touch and her body, hugging against his. 

The following morning, he woke up with a clear mind and a happy perspective. All the strain he'd felt the previous days is suddenly gone. Nora was no longer there when he woke up. She heard her giggle as both Homer and Agnes were telling her never-ending stories of their life in Paris and how she would love it in here if she chose to come and stay with them. Indeed, the pudding was delicious and the businessman in him started thinking of how the couple could actually profit from it. 

He offered his card just in case they'd need his help. They bid each other goodbye with the promise of seeing each other again soon. They were now back in his limo when she handed him a familiar brown envelope. He accepted it and opened it up. He noticed that on the part where her name is, her signature was there along with the date when she signed it. 

It was dated on the night he visited her. 

"I'm in. You can tell me what I have to do."


"But I need to know, if I ever choose to get out of our deal, you will never ever come looking for me."

He was baffled by what she said. Truly, it might not be impossible for him to come looking for her whether the deal is done or not. 


"Okay then." she looked out of the window. "So, what do I do now?"

"You will know soon. Once we get back, you will move to the new house I specifically bought for the three of you."

She turned her head back to him. "I can't risk having Marcus learn where you live. He is a very powerful man. But at the same time, you need this new house for all the things that are about to happen."

"What do you mean?"

"You've read the contract, Nora. Everything in it meant exactly what it's supposed to mean. So I can't have you living unprotected. In exactly seven months from now, we will turn someone's world around. We will haunt every single one of them. And you are the most important piece of this game. So I can't have you lurking around just anywhere. I will take care of you. Your friends and your family. Because once we're in this, there's no turning back."

He saw her get rid of a lump in her throat. He opened his hands in front of her, ready to shake off the deal. She stared out his hands and after a short while, accepted it. "Now, our plans shall commence."

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