burst | alex summers

By clfverr

76.8K 1.5K 52

"i love who you are, don't change because other people say you look different. your difference is what makes... More



352 7 0
By clfverr

"Why were you kissing Erik Lehnsherr?" a voice said from behind Corinne, Corinne frowned and turned around to face Sage. Corinne blinked and stared at her angrily, "I thought I told you to stay out of my head," she snapped, Sage took a step back nervously and frowned before sighing. She walked towards Corinne and her expression immediately turned from innocence to satisfaction, "Did you even tell Alex? Or do you want me to?" Sage asked quickly, "See we've grown rather close, he actually listens to what I say," Sage said slowly, "Will he take my side or yours?"

Corinne felt her hands shaking and she shook her head, "I didn't tell him, but it doesn't matter, it didn't mean anything." Corinne muttered angrily. Sage blinked innocently and sighed before looking away, "Mhm, so I can tell him can't I?" Sage asked sweetly, Corinne blinked and frowned before shaking her head. "Of course not," she said sternly, "Tell him and I'll kill you," Corinne warned before shoving past Sage. Sage laughed and skipped after Corinne, "He'll trust me anyways," Sage whispered before walking past Corinne and towards Alex's classroom. Corinne stopped walking and frowned before feeling her heart race, she closed her eyes and nodded slowly before walking into Alex's classroom.

She opened her eyes to see Sage giving Alex a passionate kiss and Corinne stared at Alex blankly, Alex didn't seem to notice her. Corinne knocked on the door and blinked, "Oh great my husband's cheating on me what am I going to do?" Corinne muttered sarcastically before slamming her fist on a student's desk making it break. "You liar," Corinne whispered angrily as she stared at Alex, Alex stared at her surprised before pushing Sage away, he walked towards her but Corinne blocked him from coming any more closer.

"We're done Alex, I don't care about your stupid excuses or whatever, we're done." she took off her ring and threw it onto the ground before ripping it into pieces. "Don't talk to me, don't even try to apologize, don't make some excuse and say that since I kissed Erik you get to do this, he kissed me first." Corinne shouted angrily, "You were kissing her though, you've been avoiding me and I thought we were okay but I guess we're not," she cried as tears fell down her face. "I hate you Alex, I really- I really trusted you and you went and broke that," Corinne whispered. "Don't come back to me," she snapped before storming out of the classroom.

Corinne felt tears streaming down her face, she had never felt more hurt, she crouched onto the ground and cried softly. "Corinne," she heard a familiar voice say, Corinne didn't answer. She sat outside Alex's classroom and she watched as Scott sat next to her. "He didn't cheat on you Corinne," Scott said slowly, "He knew Sage had a crush on him but he wouldn't kiss her, Alex loves you Corinne," Scott muttered. Corinne felt her whole body shake and Scott wrapped his arm around her gently before pulling her close, they both then heard arguing.

"This is your fault," Corinne heard Alex say, it seemed like he was crying. "Just go away," Alex cried angrily. Corinne heard Sage saying something and she frowned, "You can do so much better Alex why won't you just stay with me?" Sage asked softly, "Please, I'd give you anything you want," Sage begged. Corinne felt Scott grip onto her tightly and she stared at him before smiling softly, Scott smiled and suddenly Corinne heard Alex again. "You just made me lose the one thing I want the most," Alex shouted, "I love her, I love Corinne, more than anything in the world," Alex said confidently.

Scott stared at Corinne and Corinne blinked before Scott patted Corinne's head lightly, "You're lying, you can't possibly love a monster like her!" Corinne heard Sage cry out, Corinne felt her heart drop and Scott quickly wrapped his other arm close to her head. "You are not a monster Corinne, don't listen to her," he muttered softly, Corinne nodded and Scott sighed before standing up, he grabbed onto Corinne's hand and helped her up "My turn," he said quickly before walking into the classroom. Corinne got dragged over and Scott pushed Corinne behind him, "What are you doing? Do you want me to call Charles? You two are making a huge mess! Clean up or I will-" Scott shouted before looking at Alex, "I mean- go clean this mess please?" he offered.

Alex blinked before looking at Corinne, Corinne looked away and he walked towards her. Corinne didn't bother looking at him, Alex sighed and immediately wrapped her into a hug, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Rinne." he whispered softly, "I'm sorry, please. Rinne, I love you, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Corinne stood in silence as he continued, "Please forgive me, I'll do anything for you, please," Alex begged, "I love you," he muttered gently. Corinne stared at Alex and he looked back at her hopefully. "Funny, it's impossible breaking up with you," she mumbled slowly, Alex grabbed onto the back of her head and breathed out shakily.

"Corinne, Corinne," Alex whispered softly, "Oh fuck," he muttered as he accidently stepped on Corinne's feet. Corinne blinked and stared at him softly, "Alex, Alex," she mocked his whisper. Alex stared at her in disbelief, Corinne gave him a sly smile and quickly hummed softly, "Mm, you hurt my foot," she muttered before making the leg he stepped on go limp, Alex raised his eyebrows and nodded quickly. He wrapped his arms around her and carried her bridal style, "How can you possibly love someone like her?" Corinne heard Sage cry out before suddenly striking Corinne's face.

Corinne flinched and felt her heart racing, she raised her hand and dropped a textbook on Sage's head, "Corinne," Scott warned before grabbing onto Sage's wrist, "Come on, we're gonna have a talk with the Professor," Scott said before leaving the classroom. Alex kissed her forehead light and Corinne then let go of Alex and she frowned before facing him, "I'm sorry for kissing Erik, I just thought you- we haven't been talking and I- I kind of missed having someone you know? Someone who would-"

"You missed sleeping with me?" he asked teasingly, Corinne immediately went red and she quickly looked away. "No! No, that's not what I-" she stammered nervously. Alex sighed and Corinne gave him a certain look, "I didn't mean that okay? I meant I- I missed- you?" she offered quickly. "You do love me though do you?" Corinne whispered curiously. She waited for Alex to answer, she could feel a sudden urge. Just wanting him so badly.

Alex smiled before grabbing the side of her face gently, "Mhm," he muttered before leaning in and kissing her passionately, Corinne couldn't help but close the classroom door. She kissed back hard and wrapped her arms around him before tugging on his hair. "Oh god," she stumbled over a desk as he pushed her onto it. Corinne could feel a wave of pleasure as his body pressed against hers, she kissed him hard and he laughed softly as they pulled away from each other, "I love you," he whispered before leaning in to kiss her again.

Corinne felt her heart beating loudly as he kissed her, she could feel her core grow wet and she immediately stood up, "Alex," she moaned softly. Alex stared at her and his face went red before he leaned in and kissed her again. Corinne pulled him closer and he placed his hands on the desk, gripping onto it hard, Corinne kissed him passionately and Alex let out a shaky breath. "Rinne," he whispered lustfully, "Oh Rinne," he mumbled before closing her eyes, he wrapped his arms around her torso and started to undress her.

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