By Vkookexclusive

4.1K 436 463

"A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth"-- Forest....a beautif... More

Mr. Jeon
An attempt
Apsan forest
With him
Thank You!!!
Signature (2/2)

What about me

330 39 38
By Vkookexclusive


The incessant pesky sound of the alarm clock wasn't at all helping him to drift back to the magic orb he was in. The bright sunrays ; piercing through the window curtain coerced him to rub the eyes agitatedly. Taehyung opened his eyes just to be welcomed by the new morning with the same chirping of birds, horn of vehicals, sound of chimneys....

His trail of thoughts were cut off by the cracking sound of opening door...

MR. KIM : Tae....are you awake???

Tae shrugged off his drab notions ; getting up from the bed, he took a quick glance at the clock, conveying it's already 9:00 a.m.

TAE : Yes dad....I'm up.

MR. KIM : Then come downstairs quickly. You're getting late already. I'll be waiting there.

He left stroking his little baby's messy hair lightly.

Tae put on his sandels and hurriedly freshen up looking at the clock repeatedly. He then changed himself in a comfortable outfit and flew to the kitchen to have breakfast. He grabbed a sandwich gobbling it up as soon as possible and left hurriedly bidding his father a quick good bye.


Tae ran through the hallway and found a glaring Jimin waiting beside his locker. Jimin looked at the watch and then at Tae...

TAE : Hey Chim!!!Look... I'm ten minutes early today....(boxy smile😁)

JM : (sighed in defeat) C'mon Tae...hurry up...the bell have already rang....

TAE : Yeah...yeah... It's ok na... Don't stress yourself too much.

Tae said smiling 🤓at a "so done" Jimin while taking his books from the locker....

TAE : Let's go....

He grabbed Jimin's wrist and both walked up to their classroom.


The students stood up and bowed as the teacher made his way to the class...

NKM : Good morning students....So you're in time today???(looking at Tae)

Tae nodded faking a smile towards the professor. NKM smiled back at him and started his lessons.

Tae was controlling his sleepy head throughout the entire class.... by rubbing his eyes... enlarging the eyeballs very often...or playing with the pen.... sometimes maybe observing how beautifully painted the wall is!!! Yes....he found the wall way more interesting than the lecture!!!

"The Suga Effect!!!" Jimin whispered to Tae's ear who was busy dozing off peacefully. Tae flinched at the abrupt disturbance and looked at his "trusfrated" friend as he smiled nervously and tried to concentrate in the class.
After a good one hour of this boring drama, finally the bell rang.

JM : I you still manage to top the exam every time...

Taehyung raised his one eyebrow playfully and smirked looking at him..

TAE : Well... world wide genius you know. ( flips imaginary hair)

Jimin gave him a cringe look .

JM : Tae....

TAE : Hm...

JM : Did you plan something????

TAE : About?

JM : Don't tell me you forget about the camp next week.

TAE : Oh !!! Ah- about that...I still have one week to think..

JM : Of course. You do have a loooooooong time...(sarcastically)

TAE : I don't need loooooooong time to plan for just a mere camp. It's ok to take ur time Jimina. Few hours are enough for me.(smirk 😏)

JM : Excuse meee!!! It's not just a mere camp dear... It's our last camp before graduation.

TAE : So???

JM : (disbelief)So!!!! Wow....I got it. I got it, that was true.

TAE : (confused) What ?

JM : My dream of you landing from the spaceship.{👽}

TAE : You also dreamt of coming first in the college. 😏

JM : "..."

JM : (sigh)I do feel bad for Bogume hyung. He have to bare with you all the life after your marriage a month later.

Tae just chuckled and averted his gaze as the teacher made his way...


JM : You're surely something. For real you made a cab driver "hyung" just in a ride!!!!

TAE : What's wrong in that?

Jimin gave him a " Are you serious bro" look.

TAE : He'll come in no time. You can join if you want....

JM : Isn't it obvious??? I'll not let you be alone with an "one ride stranger".

TAE : C'mon I'm not a chi--(cut of by a sound of horn)

They both looked in the direction to see Bogume coming out from his car.

BG : Hey baby!!! ( Kissed his cheek)

JM : * cough* *cough* I'm not yet invisible I think.

BG : That's why I only kissed in his cheeks. ( innocent smile🙂)

JM : Yah!!!You two always make me miss that sleepy cat. (pout)

TAE : We're not stopping you from going to him. By the way , why are you here??

BG : Ah- actually, after taking over the company after graduation, I couldn't give you enough time. So, I thought why not spending a little time with you today.

TAE : Seems okay to me.(smile☺️)

JM : Oh!!! Indirect rejection!!! I see...

TAE : Hey !!! It's not like th--

JM: Just kidding. It's ok as long as you're with hyung. Bye..

TAE : Bye... be safe.

BG : Shall we go???

TAE : yeah... wait... I have to message Hobi Hyung...

BG : Now...who is that ?

TAE : Will tell you later.

Bogume nodded and opened the door gesturing him to get in. They both drove off................

2 hours later.....

BG : Are you enjoying???

TAE : I'm.

Both of them were sitting on a bench under a tree just beside a small river.. enjoying the enchanting neverseen landscape in front. Thousands of stars were shining in the dark blue sky ; creating a reflection on the crystal-clean water.

The place was kinda abondoned still splendid...

BG : Tae....Do you trust me??

TAE : ( chuckle 😀) Why so sudden??

BG : Do you???

TAE : Of course I do . A-ahhhhhhhh

Bogume's expression changed in an instant. His calm eyes turned into an aggressive and vengeful one. He was chocking Tae with no mercy. Taehyung was awestruck for a moment. He kept hitting his chest and hands but in vain. Fear took over him. Suddenly.... Bogume let go off him with a slight laughter.

BG : Now do you??

Taehyung was in short of words. He was still traumatized .

BG : Here...drink this.... Don't believe a stranger so easily next time........ Hey....calm down... It wasn't that serious...

[ wasn't serious to choke someone right to death..... right???]

TAE : o-ok.

BG : Tae baby.... Are you afraid of me now???

TAE : N-no.

BG : Don't be😄. I love you right??? I was just too concerned . So... just.... don't talk to strangers.


What was all this for ??? He loves me ....of course he does....No one has done as much as he did.. literally no one.....

But...what about feelings...

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