The Siren's Song

De MushuStumpy

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Siren/no quirk au Rumors spread quickly but sometimes those rumors come to be true. Some people don't believe... Mai multe

A/N before we start
1- Welcome New Siren
2- What Happened?!
4- Is This Real or Fake?
5- Hunger
6- The Time He Lost Himself
7- The New Toy
8- Fall for me Little Angel
Quick a/n
9- Your Demise is Coming Soon
10- Little Visit from Sam
11- The Secret that Needs to be Kept Hidden
I drew Sam
12- I Thought it was Over
13- Drawing Closer
14- The End

3- Why Him?

186 6 32
De MushuStumpy

As the sun began to rise, the first one up in the Todoroki family was the oldest sibling Touya. After what happened he didn't want to move from his bed at all in fear of his family just being scared of him. He just woke up and he has a taste for human blood and getting hungry for it

"I can't believe this" he said quietly to himself as he got up and went to his door stumbling slightly. He heard footsteps from the other side and slowly opened his door to see his mom walking towards the steps. He quickly went to her and grabbed her wrist which made her scared and pull away

"Oh it's only you. How are you feeling Touya?" she asked as he shrugged and stared at her as his mouth watered a little bit. "Touya? Are you ok?" he stayed quiet as he walked to his mom as she backed away from him. "What are you doing?"

"Just don't move. Everything is fine" he said in a quiet tone as his body yet again changed to how it looked last night. "Touya stop your scaring me" Rei said as she grabbed onto the railing and tried to run only to be grabbed by her wrist again. His nails piercing her skin and causing blood to come out of her arm

He suddenly got pulled away from her which caused claw marks to go down her arm from where his nails were at. She held her arm close as her children ran to her and Enji held him back with him struggling in his father's arms. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Natsuo yelled as Fuyumi was wrapping her mom's arm up

All Touya could respond with was a nonhuman sound. A sound that scared them. A growl that let them know their brother is slowly losing himself. It got louder as Natsuo glared at him to tell his brother he wasn't scared. Touya showed his fangs and reached for him when he got to close leaving Natsuo to back away from him

Touya's breathing was heavy as he smelled his mother's blood. He kept trying to reach for her but his father backed up with him still in his arms. "You need to calm down Touya!" his father yelled as he held him tighter but was struggling as his arms were getting clawed at

That's when Touya bit Enji's hand a little hard but he was still not letting go. "Don't let him go no matter what he does!" Rei yelled as she was now scared of her own son. Natsuo got in front of his mom and his two siblings to act as a protective shield to them just in case their dad lets go from being clawed and bitten so many times

Though Touya calmed down as he smelled the sent of his father's blood from where he was clawing and biting at earlier so he stopped moving just staring at it as it dripped down to the floor from his arm

"Is he calm?" Natsuo asked as he slowly approached his older brother. "I think so" Shoto responded in his normal tone of voice with tiredness lacing through as he just woke up. He also approached their brother slowly to make sure any other movement doesn't disturb him or make him act out again

Rei and Fuyumi stayed back though not wanting to approach at all. Touya moved a little bit causing Natsuo and Shoto to stop in their tracks as they have no idea if he's gonna try to attack again. What he does instead is bring his head down and lick at his father's arm slowly getting rid of the blood that was there

"What in the actual fuck" Enji stated as he just let his son do what he was doing to not make him mad or blood thirsty like he was. "Your just gonna let him do that dad?" Shoto asked a bit confused as his father nodded. "Don't need him acting like a wild animal again now do we?" they all shook their heads as they watched Touya lick the last of his father blood and smile

"You ok now son?" Enji looked down at Touya as he nodded and looked up with his blue eyes. Something Enji and the rest of them were happy to see. Touya then looked over as his mom with a saddened expression on his face. Enji got the hint and put him down slowly but he didn't move an inch towards Rei at all

"Mama...I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to do that to you. I didn't want that to happen. I'm so so sorry" Touya felt tears threatening to leave his eyes so he blinked and let a tear go down his cheek. But the tears didn't stop after that

"Oh sweetie..." Rei walked up to him and placed her hands on his face gently, wiping away his tears while looking at him with a soft expression on her face. "It's ok I know you didn't mean it. This is new for you as well as us. We just gotta know how to deal with it that's all. Especially you. You gotta learn how to control this Touya"

"I know but it's so hard mama" he said softly as more tears fell from his eyes. He looked at her arm and felt his heart ache. He didn't know what to say except sorry. It was the only thing that seemed to make him feel a bit better but not fully better

Rei was about to say something else until they heard a soft knock at the door. "Who could that be?" Rei asked herself as she let go of Touya and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead to make him feel better and went downstairs. Everyone else following behind with Touya also walking far behind his family

When they get downstairs they heard the knock again and everyone else went to sit down as Enji got the door. They watched in silence and listened to what was being said

"Can I help you?" "Actually yes you can I'm aware you know about your son Touya" they said as they smiled wide with their hands behind their back and standing tall. "So your the one who did this to my son?" they nodded and were immediately dragged inside by Enji

"Strong grip you have there sir" they said as Enji rolled his eyes and sat with his family. Touya automatically noticed them and quickly ran to the kitchen to hide from them

"Oh come on now don't be like that. I simply came to visit to see how your holding up" they walked over to him and pulled him to the living room with his family. He followed them and sat down where they lead him and looked at them as they took a clipboard from the side pocket in their lab coat that had a piece of paper on it with a bunch of different questions on it

"Alright I know it's only really been a day but I want to see how your doing. I know this is new for you all and I'm sorry for taking your son like that but it was necessary for some experiments of mine and-" "So you thought taking my son was ok?!" they were silent for a couple minutes then they smiled wide chuckling a little bit

"Sir if you could just listen to me for a second. I know it wasn't ok but it was important. He seemed fit for this mix and I'm glad to say it went well over the span of the week he was gone. I just have to ask a few questions then I'll be on my way. Does that sound fine with you?" they looked over at Touya and he nodded

"Good. Now how have you been feeling?" "Um...ok I guess" they nodded and written his answer down as the family stayed quiet. "Anything new happen at all?" that's when Touya went quiet and his eyes got glossy but he wiped the tears away and shook his head to make it seem like nothing happened at all

"Your father's arms and your mother's wrapped wrist tells me different" Touya looked down as they spoke. "I'll ask you again. Has anything new happened at all?" "Yeah actually. You seen their arms and stuff and it makes me feel really bad to know I hurt them" they nodded and wrote it down looking back up at him once their done

"Can you tell me what happened specifically?" he went silent for a second before nodding. "Speak when your ready" after a couple minutes have passed, Touya sighed and looked at them. "Well I woke up and felt this weird feeling deep inside of me. A craving I knew I shouldn't have at all or any human being at that" "But your not fully human sweetheart. You gotta remember your half siren as well. I know that sounds weird to say but that's why this stuff happens" they said as Touya just continued

"That's when I heard movement on the other side of my door and it was my mom" he looked over at Rei with a sad smile "I didn't wanna scare you at all or hurt you. I'm sorry" "It's ok Touya I forgive you" he nodded and looked back at them. "Continue when your ready" "When I got close to her the feeling just got stronger and I felt like I lost myself at that moment. I grabbed her arm and made her bleed just so I could have a bit of blood but got pulled back by my dad before I could which is why she has deep cuts in her arm from the spot I held down to her hand"

"My siblings also came out and I guess they just woke up or something and seen what happened. They helped our mom as I was being held and basically clawing and biting at his arms" he looked over at his dad this time with a sad expression. "I'm sorry for hurting you as well" "It's fine as long as we got you to calm down that's all that mattered" he nodded as he continued on. "What hurt though is that I could tell they were scared of me at that moment and I don't want that. I don't want my family to be scared of me" they nodded as they written everything down

"How strong would you say that craving is?" they asked as Touya thought for a second "I'd say very strong. Especially in that moment" they nodded and moved on to the next question. "Do you understand the full extent of what you can do or what sirens are made for?" that made them all a little confused and Natsuo looked at them. "What do you mean by that? What did you do to my brother!?" he got up as his hands were made into fists

"Calm down there sir. I simply did experiments on your brother and made it a success. It's better to know what sirens are and what they do so he understands what's going on in that moment" "Just sit and calm down Nat. I'm fine really" Natsuo didn't listen to his older brother as he stayed standing and didn't calm down

"How are you fine Touya?! You literally attacked mom this morning and dad! Your body looks weird when it changes and your just overall out of control!" "That's enough!" Touya yelled as he glared at his brother as he stood up. "I know what I did ok! Do you think I don't feel bad for what I did?! News flash Nat I do! So I'm sorry I'm a bit screwed up right now but I can't fucking help it! So the least you could do is act as if you actually cared!" he didn't take his gaze off of him as everyone was silent, even Natsuo

The only thing that changed in that moment was his eyes, going back to the dark color they were with less blue this time. A sign he was losing himself by the minute. Natsuo sat down then Touya but didn't take his eyes off him. He was watching his brothers every move to see if he would do anything

"Alright well I can tell your mad but trust me this is a good thing. Anyway let's continue with the questions shall we?" they asked the question again and Touya just shook his head. "Well for right now your in the beginning stage. Reason being the craving for blood. Next will be the singing. That's how sirens lure someone in to a trap and basically have them fall into a trance so the next thing can take place. Which is the killing. Do you understand now?"

Touya just nodded and they written down that he understood and continued on with the questions. After another half hour they left leaving the Todoroki family by themselves. Everyone was silent and avoiding Touya. He didn't know what to do now

Everyone was just staring at him. Made him feel uncomfortable. He never liked being stared at so this didn't help at all with how he was feeling at the moment. "Can you guys stop staring at me. It's making me uncomfortable" he said quietly as he didn't make eye contact with any of them. When he didn't feel their eyes on him anymore he felt a bit relaxed

"Why did it have to be you Touya?" Rei asked as she looked at her son who was a couple feet away from them. "I don't have an answer to that question mama. I'm sorry" yet again not making eye contact with her. He was to afraid that they wouldn't love him anymore or even care. He didn't want to make them feel scared of him either

"Are you scared of me?" he asked a bit to quietly which caused the others to look over again. "What did you say?" Shoto asked kindly as to not scare his own brother with his own feelings right now in a different kind of tone. "I said are you scared of me?" he looked over at them with glossy eyes, afraid of their answer

He was met with silence. No one saying a single word. "Great. Good to know" with that he stood up making everyone back away as he passed his family. "I'll be leaving then" "Where are you going?" Rei asked but only received a low growl in return as the door slammed shut

Rei jumped a bit as she wasn't expecting him to do that. "He's not ok" Natsuo stated as his eyes never left the door. "We know Nat. We just....gotta help him somehow" Fuyumi didn't look away from the door either. She expected her brother to walk back through the door but he never did

"He's not coming back is he?" Rei looked at Enji with glossy eyes and allowing some tears to fall. "I don't know sweetheart. I don't know" with that they waited and waited but he never came back. It was now night time. A calm atmosphere was all around them as they listened to the waves that were moving along in the water

"I miss Touya. I want him to come home" Fuyumi said as she hugged her brother Shoto who was next to her. Shoto returned the hug to comfort his sister, eyes never leaving the door

"Why did it have to be him"

>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<

Word count: 2615

Damn that was longer than the other two. Took me a bit to write tho cause I was very tired durin it but I managed to get it done

It's only 2pm for me rn so this was an earlier chapter than the others. I also feel like this is still a bit confusin tho so imma explain smth

So with this au I decided to change smth abt the whole siren thing which is blood thirst. Smth Touya is experiencin right now. There will be times where Touya craves blood and gets what he wants by either mama Rei, Enji or Natsuo (since he's one of my other fav todorokis). He would still act the way he did in this chapter, his body changin and actin like an animal till he gets what he needs

Anyway I also think Touya callin Rei 'mama' is like the cutest thing ever. Almost like it bein smth he didn't grow out of as a kid so that's why he calls her that cause it's adorable to me. Sry if it's weird to u but yea

I don't have anything else to say so

If u have any criticism it is welcomed

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Cya lovelies 🏳️‍🌈✌️🏻❤

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