Ashes to Ashes | A Kylo Ren...

By Novacant

13.4K 454 217

When the First Order raids a village on Tatooine you are taken away from everything you know. Entering the Fi... More

1. Taken
2. Command shuttle
3. Deal Or No Deal
4. Propel Me Into Space Why Don't You
5. Damsel
6. My Prisoner
7. Meet the Knights
8. Back where we started
9. Warning This Chapter Contains Exercise
10. Meet The Knights Pt.2 (Don't piss them off this time)
11. Vicrul Has Abandonment Issues
12. Battle and a Half
13. So Much Angst
14. Play The Role
15. Dresses?!
16. Society?!
17. No one puts little rebel in the corner.
18. People Are Watching.
19. Don't let me down
20. In The Bleak Morning Light.
22. Cat and Mouse.
23. Ashes.
24. Dust
25. Power and Glory
26. Anew
27. Death of each-other

21. Aftermath

223 7 2
By Novacant


Storming through the ruins of the Hanna City Government Kylo's mind was a storm of emotions, anger flashed like lightening through every thoughts, slicing through the image of her as she brought the very building down upon them. 

He had donned his mask and sheathed his lightsaber by his side, clenching his fists so tightly the leather of his gloves strained. 

She was reckless, the darkness he had first detected in her was morphing. But into what?

Subconciously he threw the force out like a net into the space he so arrogantly thought she would occupy, finding it horrifically empty, only then did the extent of his complacency crash down on him. 

Survivors who were regrouping shrunk away from his striding, masked form. Rightfully scared, but he didn't spare them a glance, instead heading for the now heavily guarded group of senators. 

The guards parted for their Supreme Leader, the Senators looked terrified, and he wanted nothing more than to cleanse the torn grounds of Chandrilla of their convoluted stain. 

But he gritted his teeth, standing still as death waiting for a report. 

It was Senator Burlaq that unwisely spoke up. Good, he had been waiting to throw him against a wall since he had laid his loathsome gaze upon his Little Rebel.

"Senator Demarr of the Retan System plotted with the rebels, they planted three blazer bombs around the building then attacked, we took out most, but Demarr escaped with his aides." The Pantoran shifted uncomfortably, Kylo stood motionless and he lifted the male and flung him against the wall, where he lay crumpled, few Senators even flinched.

Vincu, the Prime Senator, spoke up, diplomacy lacing her steady tone. 

"We have identified the flaws in our security that allowed this to happen, an internal investigation is being ondcuted and we have several influential Retan officials in custody, Demarrs attack was sloppy, only costing us superficial damages and few lives-"

"Senator, spare me a monologue. Fix this mess, I expect reports of your investigations" 

He lied of course, every second he lingered on the Rebels pathetic act of terrorism,  the one he sought could be half way across the galaxy."

-Little Rebel- 

Your first port of call was to swipe a cloak, covering yourself in mud green scratchy material that smelled faintly of urine spared you the gaze of the masses, not that they'd bother with you anyway. The people on the streets of Hanna City were in crisis, catering like mites among the debris. 

Next you meekly enquired where to find an off world station, from what you knew (which was infuriatingly little) Hosinian prime was located within the core worlds, so you would not have to travel out of system. 

A kind vendor took pity on your weary eyes and handed you a loaf of bread, telling you her brother was leaving in a cargo ship from a port at the end of the street. 

She told you to tell her to tell him Verity send you, she was a plump motherly kind, the creases by her eyes told you a story of years of smiles. 

Despite the mayhem around her she showed you kindness gladly accepting your promise to pay it forward.

It was of course a lie, you, a murderer, would be showing no kindness until such time you could afford it.

Still, as you tread down the shadows of the backstreets, you realised you were experiencing freedom for the first time, not held in debt to an abhorrent slave master on Tatooine, or held captive by a tyrannical force of nature. 

The vibrodaggers were a heavy weight, strapped across your back, for a while you had compulsively scrubbed them with the corner of your cloak as you walked, you couldn't stop picturing the kind Togruta who's like you had taken.

 You had tucked the blades away as you arrived at the off world station, you had no credits, no first order identification, nothing. 

How the hell were you going to pull this off?

Not wishing to waste time you strolled towards the revolving doors, there was very little rubble this far from the explosions but the station was teeming with lifeforms fleeing the planet. 

A slight overreaction, in your opinion, but who were you to judge, you were taking the advice of someone who you had just stabbed.

Your judgement was skewed, scratch that your judgement had crashed and burned, the second you considered your place to be beside the supreme leader of the galaxy. 

You entered the building, hood up and pressed against others as you moved towards the ticket booth. 

"Where to" A strained and exhausted male voice sounded from behind the glass.

"Hosinian prime, central" Your voice didn't shake to your credit, you had dealt with worse.

"200 Credits" 

You finally made eye contact with the middle age lifeform behind the glass, staring into his one eye, trying to sound as assertive as possible "This ticket has been paid for by Regal Ugan"

You recalled the person you had been sent to find by Mora.

"This ticket has been paid for by Regal Ugan" The man recited back, his voice dull and eye hooded.

"Y-yes it had" you recoiled slightly in surprise, you didn't know you could do that, you had never seen Kylo do it. 

He was such a shitty teacher. 

A ticket popped out the dispenser and you walked through, head down and reeling in shock, perhaps things would go a lot smoother than you thought. 

But as you set of down the corridor, falling into line with trudging citizens, phantom hands seemed to grip you, halting you where you stood.

Panic grasped you as you realised you must have been found, that Kylo had sought you out before your journey had even begun. 

But no, you were all to familiar with that sensation, and this was different. 

Yet again you mind was cast back to the words of Mora, she had told you to come back to the Supreme Leader. 

With that you mentally scolded yourself, pushing forward into the throng. 

You knew you would see him again. For better or for worse.


Kylo roared as he swiped the blood red blade of his saber through a seat in the Command Shuttle, cleaving it in too, he panted slightly his pupils mere pinpoints in his black eyes, he finally took in his surroundings. 

The command shuttle's interior was in ruins, not form the explosions, the shuttle was docked underground in hanger, but instead the thick metal and intricate design had been torn to shreds by Kylo's rage.

He didn't know where to start, his knights had leapt into action as soon as they had made their way around the rubble his little rebel had brought down around them. But he was in limbo, his thoughts scattered and unintelligible as they raced through his mind.

They had shut down all off world travel, labelling it anti-terrorism protocol, but it may have been too late, he had underestimated her for the last time.

Uncertainty was the fuel to his frustration, why had she ran? he was offering her so much more, lengthening her leash as their mutual trust grew.

It was perhaps despite himself, he realised, that he found he was giving more of himself to her than he intended, but he saw it as an investment. 

Win some loose some. 

But he had lost everything. 

Thus far they had no leads on her whereabouts, even hours after she had ran, he had deployed crews of tie fighters to track the of world flights from near stations, and had Hux order his technical analysts to comb through video footage taken of Hanna City streets. 

As though spurred on by this train of thought the Command Shuttles communicator beeped, thankfully  unharmed by the havoc kylo had unleashed moments before. 

Hux appeared as a small holograph, his uniform noticeably pressed to pathetic perfection through the image, his hair gleaming with pixilated gel. 

"Supreme Leader"

"What have you found" Kylo's stoney voice rung out, reverberating of the tatters of metal. 

"Firstly, I feel it is my duty to ask you to prioritise the more pressing matter of the attack on-"

Kylo slowly raised a hand, raising Hux's scrawny body with it, the weak man struggling for air as the force tightened around his trachea from across the galaxy. 

"It is your duty to obey me, General, would you like to tell me what has been found by your team?" Kylo's anger was slipping through his apathetic mask, and though his face remained neutral his words slipped through his gritted teeth.

He released his hold on Hux, who fell to the floor, briefly disappearing from the scope of the hologram, before popping back up, tugging at his collar. 

"Video footage was recovered from an off world station of her buying a ticket and boarding a cruiser to Hosinian Prime" The General rasped. 

"How did she purchase the ticket? She has no credits" Kylo mused. 

"The file was partially corrupted and my team is still decoding the audio, but it appears she may have used one of those Jedi mind tricks" Hux's face contorted in disgust, but Kylo refrained from physically hurting him, there was work to be done.

"Send me the file and notify me when the audio is recovered." Kylo was curt and immediately cut the feed, setting coordinates for Hosinian Prime. 

The chase had begun, sure of his imminent victory, Kylo cast his mind to how he would punish his her. The streams of light cast by the jump to hyperspace gleamed in his mouth as a wicked smile curled the corner of his mouth. 

I'm sick of calling her "Little Rebel" That shit is so cringe, and pick-me-girl x3000, so that should give you an idea of where our little vacay is heading.

Stay safe out there!!

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