The Guy Next Door

By hisdeepestdesire

156K 1.5K 231

It all began with an innocent crush on the guy next door... More

His gift
An Unexpected Turn
His room
In my arms
The Blonde Woman
Prove It Then
The Office
Caught Red Handed
Please Let It Be The Flu
I Hope She Understands
It's Not What It Seems Like
Locking Up Together
For Sale
Living A Better New Life
My Day Can't Get Worse
Britney's Boutique
Gala pt.1
Gala pt.2
Gala pt.3
Lights Out
An apology to my readers.
Mommy's got you
Escape Plan
Face To Face
Hit By The Unexpected

Who are these people

1.8K 23 0
By hisdeepestdesire

Amber's POV

I lift the trash lid, throwing the heavy garbage bag inside. "Holy shit that stinks" I try to cover my nose but the smell is too strong making me nauseous. I quickly place the lid back on and start making my way inside but something causes me to pause. I hear a loud tire screech, I look back and see a Black van parked in front on the house. Who would be coming around here at this time? Especially in such a suspicious vehicle. I probably should go inside but something just draws me to stay out and find out who was in the van...

A tall Buff guy around 6 foot in all black starts speed walking towards me. I know I should scream or run but nothing comes out and my feet stay put. My body becomes tense. As the guy comes closer it becomes harder for me to breathe. Do something Amber i yell inside my head. Nothing. The guy is finally in front of me turning me around and gagging me with a rag that has some weird chemical. Finally my body reacts, I start to kick and just try to scratch whatever part of his face that i can. This makes him angry causing him to cover my mouth and nose harder with the rag. I struggle for a few more
seconds and then everything goes black.


"She's waking up", I hear faintly as I slowly open my eyes. I am sitting in a chair tied up in which looks like a basement due to the lack of windows. The lighting is dim and the air is cool. I can hear 3 different male voices and one soft female voice. As my vision clears i see 3 of them standing around me waiting for my reaction. " Oh she's pretty Russ, what could she have possibly done to get herself here", says the blonde petite woman standing in front of me. " Pretty? Yes indeed she is", Smirks one of the Males in the room. His smirk sends a chill down my spine. What am i doing here? Who are these people, Better yet what are they going to do to me?.. "Well let's introduce ourselves guys", smiles the woman, "I'm Caterina". How can this woman care about introducing herself when she is holding me hostage. She seems so sweet but really? like come on. "I'm Giovanni", I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn my head to see a tall, handsome, well built, Italian that looks straight out of the mafia movies. He catches a glimpse of my eyes and looks away. "I'm Tony and I can promise you that we'll have a lot of fun", it was the guy who had smirked at me a few minutes ago. For being such a snob, He was also so attractive, not as much as the other brother but almost. "I'm Russ and enough of this crap, let's go Caterina and Tony. Papa is waiting. Giovanni stay here and keep an eye on her". The 3 of them walk out the door leaving me with the male who I believe is Giovanni alone. For all I know he could be an assailant or some kind of psycho. I'm too afraid to say anything. "Do you know why you're here", he finally says breaking the silence. I roll my eyes, I was kidnapped outside my house taking out the damn garbage, I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHY I'M HERE. i simply reply "no". He stands up from the couch behind me and pulls up a black desk chair in front of me. " Hm, Good I guess, the less you know the better. But honestly why would such a pretty girl like you go for someone like Jason". This question confuses me. How does he know Jason and why is he making it sound like Jason is a horrible person. "What do you mean by that", I ask. "Well Jason isn't a saint but his mother... she's the devil on earth. Just not the family I would want anyone around". Who was this guy and how did he know so much about Madalyn and Jason. " Look I don't really care about what you would want or not. I want to get out of here", I snap. He lets out a sigh, "better get use to it here princess because you might be stuck here a while", He gets up from the chair and leaves the room, locking the iron door behind him.

Okkkk yes i know i suck with the updates but i'm trying lol. Stuff are about to get real interesting around here, i'll probably list the people that Caterina, Russ and Tony plus Giovanni look like so you guys can have a visual. Especially Giovanni.

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