šæš‘–š‘”š‘”š‘™š‘’ š“š‘›š‘”š‘’š‘™

By daisy-meadow

1.1M 22.9K 12.3K

š—–š—¹š—®š—暝—® š—„š—¼š˜€š—² š—¶š˜€ š—® š—“š—²š—»š—¶š˜‚š˜€. š—–š—¹š—®š—暝—® š—„š—¼š˜€š—² š—¶š˜€ š—¶š—» š˜š—暝—¼š˜‚š—Æš—¹š—². š—§š—暝—¼š˜‚š—Æš—¹š—² š—°š—¼... More

pre-story ā™„ļøŽ
1: š—²š—¹š—¹š—¶š—²
2: š˜ƒš—¶š—»š—°š—²š—»š˜ š—ŗš—®š˜€š˜š—®š—¹š—¹š—¶
3: š—Æš—²š—®š˜‚š˜š—¶š—³š˜‚š—¹ š—±š—暝—²š—®š—ŗš˜€
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5: "š˜€š—¶š˜ š—¼š—» š—ŗš—²"
6: š˜š—暝˜‚š˜€š˜ š˜š—µš—²š—ŗ
7: š—¼š—» š˜š—µš—²š—¶š—æ š—¹š—®š—½š˜€
8: š—±š—®š—±š—±š˜† šŸ­šŸ¬šŸ­
9: š—°š—¼š—¹š—¼š˜‚š—暝—¶š—»š—“ š—Æš—¼š—¼š—ø
10: š˜š—µš˜‚š—ŗš—½š—²š—æ
11: š˜„š—µš˜† š—®š—暝—² š˜†š—¼š˜‚ š—°š—暝˜†š—¶š—»š—“, š—¹š—¶š˜š˜š—¹š—² š—“š—¶š—暝—¹?
12: š—¶š—» š˜š—µš—² š—°š—¼š—暝—»š—²š—æ, š—®š˜€š˜€ š—¼š˜‚š˜
14: š—·š—²š—®š—¹š—¼š˜‚š˜€š˜†
15: š—½š—®š—½š—®

13: š—²š˜…š—½š—¼š˜€š—¶š—»š—“ š—ŗš—²

59.8K 1.2K 461
By daisy-meadow



"And how we want to fuck you."

Oh god.

Slade's words - however blunt - send a wave of something I'd akin to pleasure through me. That one word setting the mood in the huge SUV that has a partition in between us and the driver. It was already up when I sat down, so it wouldn't surprise me to know these men value their privacy.

And our girl? What did that even mean? The way they both spoke of it as if in a group...

Surely this can't be happening. I look at Vincent with his all black button up shirt and slacks, he wears an expensive silver watch on his wrist that his tanned skin contrasts against. With the largest frame of the three, I dwarf him, but want to just hug him all day long to wipe that almost permanent frown off his face. It doesn't make him any less attractive. He's still perfect.

Whilst Soren - a different kind of beauty - with his ear length dark brown hair and grey eyes that mirror the sky. His also muscular build is intimidating, but when his arms wrap around me, it's like all of my worries disappear. The silver rings on his large hands grip around his thigh that put visuals in my head that it's not the time for.

And Slade. Pretty Slade who wears the constant bright, perfect smile on his face, and tonight black framed glasses on his nose. I've never seen them before, but woah if they don't make him even more attractive. Along with his muscular, but more athletic build to the others. And with skin that glows, it makes me wonder if I now live with three of the most perfect men alive.

All equally, highly attractive and all wanting... me?

Yes, I already called Soren Daddy, and he responded like a Daddy dom would - assured, confident, sweet. But what if he was just be nice? What if, what if, what if.

Though I wasn't as silly to think these men didn't have involvement with BDSM. The dominance radiates off them, making me feel small but not unseen.

No, when they all look at me, I feel like the centre of their world.

But they don't know what they're getting in to, Clara.

"You're kidding." The car jolts forward in start.

"Why would we joke, princess? We're very straightforward men, if we want something - or someone, you - we'll say it. No games."

My no filtered mouth has always gotten me in to a lot of trouble, so I appreciate what Soren says, but really?

I must look like a lost little kid, because Slade takes my hand and rubs slow, comforting circles on my palm. I grasp one of his fingers in mine and squeeze comfortingly. He then speaks, looking gentle as he does, "We want to share you."

My eyes bug out. I knew that's what they were getting across, and I've heard of plenty menages and poly fidelity relationships in college, but I would never have put myself in that category.

But you can imagine it, can't you? Surrounded by these three men.

"For sex?" There goes my filter yet again, "I mean- No, that's exactly what I meant."

Vincent chuckles and it's a wonderful sound - really, it is. "No kitten, we want a relationship."

"We know you're a little, pretty girl. Vince and I are doms, and Soren is a Daddy."

They know? Of course they know, Clara, you weren't exactly subtle.

It's comforting to know I was right, though.

Doesn't mean I'm any less shocked. "You- I- why me? Also, this is crazy-"

I catch Vince's eyes blaze as I begin to breathe a little harder, faster.

"Breath, little girl," He leans forward over the gap opposite me and takes my chin in his large fingers. "You're okay, breathe in," I follow, "Breathe out. There we go, you're okay. No more."

"I need to breathe, Vince."

He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, "No more stressing out." The big man leans back a little, but rests and hand on my knee that completely covers half of my upper leg. His fingers slightly dig in, making me all... ugh, hot.

Not the time.

"We want to be friends first, princess." I immediately look at Soren. "You need someone to care for you, and we can do that, whilst also showing you what it would be like."

Worry starts to churn in my tummy - despite Vince's warning - "You won't kick me out though, will you? Of the apartment?"

They all look startled that I asked, Slade even a little angry. "No." He gets out, "Never. If anything, we leave, if you suddenly don't feel comfortable. But trust me, pretty girl, we know you're it for us."

I can't help but think how lonely it would be in the apartment by myself.

Breathe in. Breathe out. I've got this.

"So friends? I can do friends. I'm not ready for a relationship yet after Forrest," Never mind three, "He, um," I wince at the thought, "He messed me up pretty bad."

The anger, yet understanding, is transparent.

"Why don't you tell us your story, Princess. And then we'll tell you ours."

Here we go.



Her face is too fucking kind for the expression she wears.

Stress. Worry.


"You don't have to tell us, kitten." I speak over the silence that echoes around the back of the vehicle. I love silence, but this is the sad, dreary shit that doesn't run well with even me.

I just want someone to fucking speak. Listening to Slade flirting with me would be better than this.

"No." She pouts. I imagine her pink lips wrapped around my dick - a regular thought around her. "I want to."

Friends. Fucking friends. Fuck. Me.

I want her to.

"You're okay," Soren says soothingly, just as he does when Slade panics. It's not often, but we're there for our best friend when he has an attack. Behind that strong facade he mostly fronts, Slade can sometimes crumble. As everyone does. "We're here for you, baby."

I hadn't seen much more happiness than when Clara called Soren Daddy. I'm happy for him, my brother through so much, he deserves all the happiness thing and shit.

And when she looks me in the eyes - when my whole world tilts - it feels like I deserve it, too.

"I was never the favourite child." Her beautiful, small voice breaks. "I grew up in Massachusetts and have an older brother by ten years. His name's Samuel and he's literally good at everything he does. His grades were perfect, everybody who meets him loves him and he even graduated high school as the valedictorian. My parents loved him more than anything... always putting him first. I was never special, and I was okay with it."

I highly doubted that. Our pretty girl could spread her wings, call herself an angel, and we would believe her.

"Shy, quiet Clara. No friends in my brothers shadow, no sports, no anything." She pauses, looking out the window. I want to take her in to my arms, learn everything about my kitten to reassure her she's perfect. "My parents would leave me at home and take my brother to parade off. They would call me names and lock me in my room when they didn't want to look at me." I had thoughts of murder, though I didn't miss the way Clara spoke in a past tense. "It was always them, and it was always me.

"My parents were academics. My father taught at MIT as a computing professor, and my mother worked in a lab that created modern medicines. Both were socialites, which worked with our so called perfect house and family. So many expectations that I never lived up to - that my brother did." A deep breathe. Slade pulls her into his side, which she burrows in to before looking back up at us. "And then they died. They both got skin cancer within six months of each other, my father first. They left everything to my brother who was twenty at the time, and the court put me under his care."

"I'm so sorry for your loss, baby girl." Clara squeezes Soren's hand as if it's a life line.

She gulps, "That's when things got bad," The tears should not be present on my kitten's face. Never sadness if we had anything to do with it.

I also had a feeling I was going to want to kill this fucking Samuel.

"He... he would beat me. So much that he took me out of school to hide my bruises, under the premise of him 'home schooling' me. Of course everyone believed him. I was ten and he got on to the city council through bribes and connections to our parents friends.

"His mask lasted for five years until he slipped up."

Five years of physical abuse. Fifteen years of neglect. Our sweet baby...

"Samuel let it loose in front of me that he was stealing money with the governor from the public by slipping their receipts to the accounts that were actually their personal outgoings. I was so sick and so tired by then of him. Of everything that was stacked against me, that I... I did something.

"I was in to coding at this point by using my father's old computer to take lessons so I could learn something, anything. One of my brother's employees, who worked closely to him, leant me hundreds of dollars for school online.
She knew what was going on - how he would abuse me - I think it was guilt or something... but I was so grateful for her. I wanted nothing more than out. It was especially good when I took to coding and was doing college level lessons at fourteen.

"So I hacked in to the governor's office and downloaded every bit of evidence that I could fine against Samual, and coincidentally him. Then I sent them out to the public, along with some anonymous friends I'd made online, we made sure every news station and every person they'd wronged knew what they'd been doing.

"It felt like a break through. If my brother went to prison, then at least I could escape him. I would get some of my parents money, and I could build from there. He never knew it was me.

"I- I thought the court date would be the happiest of my life. Until the judge just gave him community service. Freaking community service. I knew they had bribed the judge. Normally the punishment would be ten to fifteen years... and somehow he got away with it."

Clara hiccuped from the tears that rolled down her face, which I patted at with the end of my sleeve. I wanted to scream for her to stop, to save her from this pain. But we had to let her finish.

She needed this.

"When my brother's community service was done a few months later, we immediately moved to Ohio. Although he continued to abuse me, Samuel let me enrol in the local high school. That was when I met Mrs Dayton." The most beautiful smile forms on Clara's face, even through her wet tears. "She was my coding teacher, and a parental figure through everything - even back then. She gave me a laptop when my brother smashed my father's one; it was the best gift I've ever received. I never told her what was going on, until a year later.

"My brother had discovered drugs when we moved, and we only lived off our parents money. He spent most of it, owed a whole damn lot. And then one day - he had just finished hitting me - Samuel told me he was leaving and had sold the house."

Clara let go of a heartbreaking sob, "He wasn't going take me with him. I was officially homeless a week later. He left me with no money, no family. I lived behind a club for a few weeks and couldn't go to school because there was no money for transport or food.
I went to the police, but they told me because of my brother's conviction, and my older age, they wouldn't be able to find a foster house placement for a long while. And would have to stay with a friend. I didn't have any.

"It was when I turned to begging a woman three months later that Mrs. Dayton found me. I was too gone to tell the difference, but she took me in immediately. Set me up for life again and gave me a second chance."

A joyful expression passes on her face, "We lived in her small, seventh story apartment that was hippie and just perfect. I got a job to help pay the bills and returned to school. After a year of paperwork, Ally - Mrs. Dayton - adopted me. She's my mom in every way it counts and I owe her everything.

"Even after every mental breakdown, every tantrum, she stood by me. I was broken, but she got me help. She fixed me and for that I love her. Three of the happiest years of my life. I still have my laptop as well. Somehow through all of the robbers and threats I had on the street, I'd managed to keep my laptop safe. I'd sit on it, even if it broke it even more and was out of charge.

"When I got accepted to Harvard on a scholarship, they offered me a new one, and I took it but I still only use the one Molly gave me. Spent hundred of dollars fixing it up because of what it means to me.

"Then I met Forrest in my last year of college." He eyes averted mine, as if she was ashamed. There would never be any reason to with us. "I always knew I was a little when I would read books and revert in to my headspace, so when I met him and he told me he was a Daddy... it went from there. At first, everything was perfect, though I couldn't quite reach little space with him - I felt cared for. And I needed it. Until we started to have, um, sex.

"We never had a safe word, which he convinced me was perfectly normally, and he wouldn't give me aftercare after a scene. Although I'm in to BDSM when it comes to sex, Forrest was quite sadistic. He was a fake dom, I learnt later on. It was only until a month ago that Daisy managed to pull me out of the unhealthy relationship we had, though it seemed over a lot earlier on. I was vulnerable and I think Forrest like that - craved it from me. Daisy and Mrs. Dayton saved my life multiple times."

It was in that moment I vowed to do everything I could do protect our girl as much as I could.

"And yeah," She relaxes her hands on her thighs, gives us a smile that brightens the world and says, "That's about it."

We're all speechless. I'm astounded by the most incredible person I've ever met to have lived through that and still had a smile on her perfect face.  

"You're the strongest person I've ever seen." Slade blurts, and means it.

Soren looks at her with adoration, "I can't even comprehend what you've been through. But we're here for you, and we'll listen whenever. We just want to care for you."

"I would like to try that," She says quietly, and looks to me.

"You'll never have to worry for another day of your life, kitten."

We hold her for the rest of the journey.


𝗵𝗶 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲!

𝘄𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘄𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘆 : )

𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿... 𝗜'𝗺 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱.

𝗶 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗽𝘂𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗼𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄, 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 !!


𝗹𝗼𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲
- 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝘀𝘆☺︎︎


don't think this one really fits the vibe though^^

the doggos though. crying

or should I just keep the original?? tell me what you think looks good! ♥︎

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