Our secert, that started in a...

By Zandurr

177K 4.4K 3K

❃❁ Sapnap has always had a Dangerous crush on his tall dirty blond bestfriend Dream, Just by Dream calling... More

⋆Not the place⋆
⋆Satisfaction ruied⋆
⋆Bedroom fun⋆
⋆Uncomfortable, with the force⋆
Holey shit and a N/A
⋆Toxic parent check⋆
⋆Chat at the table⋆
⋆Unwanted touching⋆
Jesus fuck- Another N/A
⋆You made me ink⋆
⋆Touchy gone⋆
My goodness N/A
⋆Wrong number⋆
Magic??? N/A
⋆protective Sister⋆
-pikachu shocked face-
⋆Run in⋆
⋆Cabin fever⋆
other Dreamnap:

⋆Leaveing Kailia⋆

3.3K 106 57
By Zandurr

Dream pov⋆

I was first awake and I wake up clinging to Sapnap and he had a death grip in me but protectively  at the same time, I wonder why I look up to Sapnap and he looked like he got like 5 hours of sleep.

I just sit my head gently  on his shoulder cuddling closer, that's when the dorm handle jiggled and he woke up.

"Son a bitch that's the 3rd time" Sapnap mubbled  in his sleepy voice noticing I was awake.

"Huh?" I say.

"I woke up once to your mom and a girl comeing in to I don't know take you from me but woke me up, then when I got up and locked the door like 3 hours later jiggled the door" he said annoyed and tired.

"It's alright babe, go back to sleep if your tired" I say playing with his hair.

"No its fine" he said kissing my four head.

"Boys let us in now" Kalia  said.

I look at my annoyed boyfriend "if we dont?" I say.

"Then your grounded clay" Kailia  said.

"Ughhh" Sapnap said annoyed  getting up to go unlock the door then coming back grabbing me tightly again cuddling me.

She coming in with a girl, I just  lay my head onto Sapnaps shoulder.

"Hello im Ariana" the girl said in a nice voice.

"Alright?" I said tiredly.

"Where are your manners?" Kailia  said.

"Mmm left at midnight when you woke me and sapnap up" I say annoyed.

"Wait you were awake?" Sapnap asked tiredly and kinda mad.

"Yeah, I'm really good at making it seem I'm asleep when I'm not" I say looking at my boyfriend.

"Mmm... now what do you two need?" Sapnap said as I play lightly with his hair.

"Well Kailia wants me and Clay to date" Ariana said.

Now I know what Sapnap wanted to do.

"Let me guess your family is wealthy" I say.

"Yeah what does that matter" Ariana said.

"My mother only wants me to date rich people for the money" I say.

Ariana just walked out of the room as my mother looked at me "really clay?".

"She deserves  to know the truth" I say as Sapnap kissed my hand.

My mom went running after Arianna.

"Let's go somewhere else I'm done with my mother" I say.

"As you wish prince" Sapnap whispered in my ear relasing me to go pack.

I quickly pack a bag with some extra clothes, and changers  as he sat on my bed watching me lovely.

In my backpack there was around a month's amount of clothes "Alright let's go babe".

Sapnap got off the bed getting both of our bags, and we out our shoes on, we head to his car, and head to his house so he could get clothes aswell, of course  on the way he was rubbing my thigh.

Where  will they go?

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