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82.8K 1.4K 79

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Cast Members!
The Unknown Pritchett!
The Bicycle Thief!
Come Fly With Me!
The Incident!
Coal Digger!
Author's Note!
Airport 2010!
Manny Get Your Gun!
Dance Dance Revelation!
Mother's Day!
See you next fall!
Dude Ranch!
Punkin Chunkin!
Express Christmas!
Little Bo Bleep!
Virgin Territory!
Send Out The Clowns!
Leap Day!
Baby On Board!
Bringing Up Baby!
The Butler's Escape!
Open House Of Horrors!
Yard Sale!
Mystery Date!
Diamond In The Rough!
New Year's Eve!
Party Crasher!
A Sight At The Opera!
Bad Hair Day!
Best Men!
Dressier Dress!
notice/done :(

Tableau Vivant!

729 14 6

We were in a science lab and Me, Manny and Luke weren't at Lunch where we were supposed to be, the teacher was gone it was just us three, "I don't like this" Manny frowned, "You know where's not supposed to be in here...just keep a look out Manny" I sighed. "We're ten seconds away from creating Luketonium" Luke cackled as he poured two liquids together, We all looked at each other and began to talk, "Oh crap"! I whisper yelled, "Look what you did"! Manny yelled, the liquid's had set on fire, "Get the extinguisher"! I ordered pointing to the fire extinguisher that was mounted on the wall. 

"Luke, what happened"? The teacher asked running in, "I don't know...I was just walking by and I smelled flames" Luke lied, Me and Manny just gawked at him, why would he lie? To a teacher? It was after school. Manny was at home studying and Jay, Gloria and I went to the old Diner, Jay use to go to all the time. 

"So...make sure you give this menu here a good, thorough reading" Jay smiled, "Soup" I shrugged, "You didn't even look at it" Jay huffed, "Soup" Gloria repeated lifting up her menu. "Check out what's under the soup-Sandwiches" Jay sighed, "Have you checked what my body use to look like when I wasn't pregnant? That didn't come from sandwiches" Gloria laughed. 

"Look"! Jay sighed, "The Jay Pritchett"?! I gasped, "I don't understand? They named you after a sandwich"? Gloria frowned, "No, they named a sandwich after me" Jay laughed, "Turkey, bacon, swiss cheese, red peppers anchovies on wheat" I read off the menu. "Most people stop at the salty bacon, but I double down with the anchovies" Jay sated, "Were you making a sandwhich or attracting a deer"? Gloria joked. 

"Is this bum bothering you, ladies"? A waitress asked us as she walked over, "I should get a picture of this. An actual waitress sighting this dump" Jay laughed, "I took a chance and put an order in for your sandwich, although most people like their Jay Pritchett's to go" The woman chuckled, "What's happening"? Me and Gloria asked, "Gloria, Julie, this is Maxine" Jay introduced.

"So you're married to Jay and your his surprise bundle"? Maxine smirked, "Where did you tie up your Seeing Eye dog"? Maxine joked, me and Gloria didn't understand her joke. "No, no, I'm not, um-Okay, I get it. I get it" Gloria laughed, she didn't, neither did I. "Here is that number for that neck doctor I want you to see" Maxine sighed passing Jay a piece of paper with a phone number written on it, "Thanks" Jay thanked. 

"What's wrong with your neck"? I asked, "For thirty years, I've been hearing it's a handball injury, but it always seems to get worse with stress. Maybe it's that audit he's got coming up" Maxine suggested, "Audit"? Gloria questioned, "Nothing" Jay whispered, "Oh, isn't that cute. He doesn't want you to worry...here's your sandwich, now you should worry, "Look at it, my prettiest child" Jay gasped, "Really"? I scoffed. 

"Why didn't you tell me about your neck"? Gloria frowned, "It's fine...take a bite" Jay shrugged, "You're company's getting audited"? Gloria asked, "Nothing!  Three bad days then it's over. Come on! I'm anxious to hear what you both think" Jay sighed, Gloria cut the sandwich in half and gave me half, I bit it when Gloria bit hers. 

"Uh-huh? Uh-huh? I see it growing on you both. It's like Maxine when she first tried it-" Jay began, "I don't like it" Gloria blurted, "You probably didn't get all-" Jay excused, "Hey, I try it. I don't like it" Gloria shrugged, "That's all you can say"? Jay huffed, "It tastes bad in my mouth, it's like a fish and a turkey beat themselves to death with a pepper" Gloria whined. "Okay, fair enough. Maybe a little picky though...what about you Julie"? Jay asked looking at me as did Gloria, I didn't want to upset Jay, but I wasn't a fan of the Jay Pritchett Sandwich either.

"It's nice" I shrugged, "Nice"? Jay and Gloria scoffed, "I like it" I smiled, "You do"? The both asked, "I do" I sighed. We drove home and it was almost silent the whole way home, "You were so quiet the whole way home, are you mad I honked at that old lady"? Gloria asked, "Normally we leave the honking to the driver but I'm use to it" Jay huffed. "Is it because of the sandwich"? I asked, "Yeah...maybe you could've eaten half of it, said a couple nice things" Jay whined, "It's just a sandwich, Jay" I sighed. "It's not about the delicious, sandwich, Julie, it's about being respectful of another person's feelings" Jay explained.

"But I was just being honest" Gloria frowned, "You don't have to be honest about every little thing in a relationship. Something's you say somethings you don't" Jay shrugged, "Oh, what are the things that you don't say"? Gloria asked, "Gloria, I don't really wanna do this anymore" Jay sighed, "Oh, really? But you cannot just try teach me a lesson and then not-" Gloria began, "Okay, fine...I don't say this, but it bothers me a little bit that you're just a tiny bit loud" Jay whispered. 

"Loud"? Me and Gloria scoffed, "Not all the time" Jay huffed, "When"? Gloria asked, "Only when you- you know, when you talk" Jay stammered, "So, I embarrass you"? Gloria asked, "Gloria.." Jay sighed, "What am I being too loud again"? Gloria whispered, "Alright...buckle up" Jay sighed. "Oh, I'm gonna go try do the laundry, and I'm gonna do it very quietly so I don't bother you. Maybe Manny and Julie can help me.." Gloria whispered. "Manny! Julie! Manny"! Gloria whisper yelled, "I get it...I get it" Jay huffed, Gloria tiptoed away but her high heels kept clicking, she mouthed the word sorry, "Now you're not making any noise" Jay sighed. 

It was the next day, me, Manny and Luke were at school back in the science lab, it was just us three and our teacher, "We're really proud of you buddy. See you at the ceremony" The teacher waved as he left, me and Manny walked back in, "You're not a hero" I sighed, "I put out a fire" Luke shrugged, "A fire you started" Manny frowned. "Was there a fire"? Luke asked sassily, "Yes" I huffed, "Did I put it out"? Luke asked, "That's not the-" Manny began, "Answer the question...I'm getting a reward for it, if they gave out rewards for starting fires, I'd be getting one of those too" Luke sighed. 

"I know you have a conscience, Luke" I frowned, "You see this flag? It stands for justice. So, when that fire marshal get's here, I know you're going to look at that flag and do the right thing" Manny nodded as he saluted the American flag hung up on the wall. 

We were at Alex's art project role play thing, "Dad, come on! We have a minute to set up"! Alex yelled, "Where are Mitchell and Cam"? Alex asked, "Hey, Julie...Manny, Thanks about what you said before about the flag. It really got me thinking-" Luke began, "I knew you had a conscience , Luke" I smiled, "More importantly, you've got a good-" Manny began, he tapped Luke on the chest, "You didn't" Me and Manny frowned, "Yep, and thanks to you I had them move my ceremony to right under the flag...I'll sign a picture for you" Luke smirked tapping me on the shoulder. 

"Oh, there you are, I was afraid you weren't coming" Alex sighed out of relief, "It was a discussion" Uncle Cam huffed, "If we weren't gonna show up we would clearly let you know and not humiliated you in public-" Mitch began, "If it's any consolation the lawyer we hired to replace you is already suing the elevator company" Phil frowned, "Ow! You're sitting on my hand" Haley whined, "Be thankful you have two I almost lost one today" Uncle Cam hissed. 

"Oh, stop being such a baby. She was nowhere near that switch" Claire huffed, "Shh! Keep your voices down. We're about to go on"! Alex shushed, "Why are you looking at me? Am I too loud? Is that what everybody thinks"? Gloria whispered, "What"? Alex questioned, "Don't even" I mumbled. "There is a backstory here you don't want to know about" Jay sighed, "I want turkey" Lily whined touching the turkey, "Save your appetite baby girl" Mitch smiled, "And don't forget afterwards we're going to Lenny's for a bite to eat. More than a bite...if you value my feelings" Jay hissed. 

"Oh, great...we get to see Maxine"! Claire smiled, "What? You know Maxine too"? Gloria asked, "Oh, we all know Maxine" Mitch shrugged, "Love" Uncle Cam added. "Second best hugger in the world after Mr. Burt Reynolds. Story to follow" Phil stated, "Guys, this will be over in ninety seconds. Hold your poses" Alex whispered, "I want to impress, Mr. Gorgeous" Alex smiled, "Jarvis! Shut up"! Alex whisper yelled. "Hey, Mitch, I know this isn't a good time.  I just want you to know, I'm really-" Phil began, "I know, Phil. You're really sorry, okay? But this is gonna take me some time to get over alright"? Mitch huffed, "Actually, I was gonna say, I really need your parking pass" Phil frowned, "What"? Mitch gasped, I smiled as the presenter began to speak.

"Our next stage presentation...Alex Dunphy's interpretation of Norman Rockwell's nineteen forty three painting Freedom from Want" The presenter announced, "How do you sleep at night Luke"? Manny mumbled not moving a muscle in his face keeping his smile, "With a medal around my neck" Luke sneered, "Shh" I shushed. "I want turkey" Lily spoke, "Lily! No"! Alex whisper yelled, "She doesn't understand that word" Claire snarled, "Cram it Claire" Uncle Cam hissed. "Control, your child Cam. It's not that difficult, I've raised three" Claire sighed, "Really"? Uncle Cam hissed turning to Claire, "Cam"! Alex whisper yelled, "Why don't you ask Haley what time she got home last night"? Uncle Cam asked. 

"Uncle Cam"! Haley whined, "Sorry dear, collateral damage" Uncle Cam sighed, "What is he talking about"? Claire asked, "You're arms are shaking" Jay sighed to Gloria, "I'm sure the great Maxine can do a better job" Gloria hissed ,"You can criticize my parenting all you like, Cam, but , my son just won a medal" Claire smirked, "For a fire he started" Me and Manny sighed, "Luke is that true"? Claire asked, Luke shone the medal in mine and Manny's eyes, "Ow" Me and Manny whined, "Ay, how long? It's getting heaving" Gloria sighed.

"You're not getting that parking pass back" Mitch hissed, "I tried to let you down easily" Phil frowned, "You don't know how to talk to people, Phil" Mitch hissed, "It's just like when Claire didn't even realized you dumped her" Mitch reminded, "What"? Claire gasped, "When did Dad dump you"? Haley asked, "I didn't dump her...I just tried too" Phil frowned. "I am loosing it"! Gloria whisper yelled, "Just a few more seconds" Alex sighed., "I want turkey" Lily smiled, "Lily! No"! We all yelled, they closed the curtain, separating us from the audience. "We really are trying not to use that word" Uncle Cam stated. 

Me, Manny and Gloria were in the car, Jay went in his own car, "I tried that sandwich it's not that good, you're not missing anything" Gloria shrugged, "I sure won't miss seeing Luke and that stupid medal" Manny sighed, "We play by the rules...where's our medals"? I frowned, "Jay, can stay with that Maxine, she's not loud, like me" Gloria huffed. "I don't know why you're so bothered by Maxine" Manny frowned, "She's nice" I smiled, "Oh, good why don't you both, Jay and Maxine go live together eating sandwiches forever"?! Gloria yelled, "Can I float a theory here, Mom"? Manny asked. 

"You sound like you're jealous" Manny sighed, "Oh, please, me, jealous of that woman? I just don't like the way they talk to each other...and the little jokes she knows about everything in his life. Just makes me feel like, uh-" Gloria gasped she looked at me, "Is that jealous"? She asked, I nodded my head, "Ay, my poor sisters" Gloria frowned. 

We arrived, "Here they are"! Jay cheered, "Well, look who made it" Maxine smiled, "Ahola Maxine" Gloria waved, "Nice to see you...again" I smiled, "Let me get you some menu's" Maxine chuckled, "We don't need it" I smiled, "It's Jay Pritchett's all around" Gloria laughed, "Yay"! Everyone cheered. "Gloria...if you want your sandwiches without anchovies I won't be offended" Jay laughed, "Ohh" Gloria sighed, "Course then, it'll be a Jack Feldman" Jay chuckled. 

Maybe I did like the stupid Jay Pritchett sandwich after all...

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128K 2.9K 17
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