Carlisle Cullen x Fem!Reader...

By Mrs--Marvel

206K 3.9K 2.5K

Because I have a sneaking suspicion that my Carlisle Cullen phase is going to be a long one. So enjoy some on... More

An Itch
Second Chances (Ending 1)
Second Chances (Ending 2)
The Cullen Games
Fight Me
Possessive, Protective, and Pregnant*
In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised
Is It Over?
It's Time To Party!
Good Kitten*

I Missed You

6.8K 174 61
By Mrs--Marvel

"Carlisle, it's only a week. I'll be back in no time," she told him, getting ready to board her flight to Idaho. Y/N was a professional photographer. A friend of hers had recommended her to a friend of theirs and she was asked to take photographs for their wedding. It was a good gig and she accepted the offer happily.

"Are you sure I can't come with you?" he asked her gently, her hands in his. She sighed and smiled, "You have work here. You can't just not show up."

"I have plenty of vacation days left," he tried.

She shook her head, "And I'd like to use those vacation days for actual vacations." Y/N looked behind her, before turning back to Carlisle, "I have to go before they leave without me. I love you, and I'll see you in a week. Bye, Carlisle."

He sighed, kissing her quickly before reluctantly letting go, "Goodbye, Y/N. I'll see you soon."

She smiled and left, pausing at the booth as she told him, "Miss you already."

"Miss you more," he replied.

Y/N walked the rest of the way as Carlisle stayed by the window, not moving from his spot even after the plane took off ten minutes later.


Only a couple days had passed and it was clear that Carlisle missed her. Y/N could have sworn he called every few hours, "checking up on you" he called it.

She had to tell him to quit calling her after a few interruptions, and he only listened for an extra hour before calling again.

He was no better at the house. He was there waiting by the phone if he wasn't at work. The others teased him for being so lovesick while she was away.

He would be trying to concentrate on work, but would space off and wonder if he should call her again. Edward would laugh and shake his head, which made Carlisle snap out of his daze, work on more of his work, and then pick up his phone to call her.

Sometimes he'd even call Alice into the room to ask if she would pick up the call if he called her. It was a yes every time, so he quit asking at some point.

Y/N's phone rang in her pocket after she got a shot of the church the wedding was taking place, getting a few of them for different options. She sighed and picked it up, putting it to her ear after she answered, "Yes, Carlisle?"

"Hello, Y/N," he greeted with a smile.

She huffed with a small chuckle, "Carlisle, stop calling me. I have to work. You're gonna get me fired if you keep doing this."

"I'm sorry, I just miss you," he told her, fiddling with his pen in one hand.

She nodded, "Yeah, that's what you said a few hours ago when you called me on my lunch break."

"I just miss hearing your voice," he smiled, "but I'll let you get back to your work. I love you."

"I love you too," she said, "I'll call you later, or you'll call me. Whatever happens first." He laughed and gave one last goodbye before hanging up the phone. She sighed and put her phone in her back pocket, lifting her camera to continue.

Carlisle called two more times that day. Once around her dinner time, and then right before she went to bed. He was still sad that he wasn't able to come with her.

"The others are being mean to me. I think you need to come back and deal with them," he told her with a huff as Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie walked up to the door and leaned there, laughing amongst themselves. He gave them a joking glare and Y/N laughed as well, "You're the one in charge while I'm gone. Or should I put Emmett in charge instead."

Emmett whooped in the background of the call, "About time. It's time for the real fun to begin."

She rolled her eyes and laughed, "You guys be nice to Carlisle. He's clearly a broken man without me there."

He set his head on the table in front of him as Y/N joined in the teasing. Rosalie muttered with a laugh, "You got that right."

Jasper laughed, "He's been hanging by any phone he can so he always has a chance to call."

"Which call is this, number twenty?" Emmett asked.

She laughed, "Might as well be."

Carlisle propped his head in his hand as he grumbled, "Even my mate is coming after me."

Y/N laughed, "Aww, come on. Don't be like that, love."

He shook his head, turning away from the phone with crossed arms, "No, you're being mean. What did I do to deserve all of this?"

She snorted, "Nothing, you're a literal angel. Now stop moping and kiss me goodnight."

He kissed at the phone and she kissed back with a smile, "I love you."

"I love you too," he responded, "Goodnight."

"Night," she smiled before hanging up the phone.

Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie were standing by the door with their hands over their hearts, giving each other sappy smiles. "How cute," Emmett teased.

Carlisle raised a brow at him and Rosalie, "I don't want to hear it from you two, you were much worse."

"Well, you gotta give him that," Rosalie said to Emmett. They looked at each other for a while before poor Jasper shuttered, moving away from them as he muttered, "I'm not doing this. Goodbye."

He left the room, Emmett and Rosalie soon following. Carlisle sighed, looking down at his phone and pulling up his work so that he could get something done for the night while she slept.


Surprisingly, Carlisle only called three times the next day. The first time (timed perfectly) when she woke, the second at lunch, and the third time that evening before she went to bed.

She sighed as she held the phone to her ear, "You know, you don't have to limit to three times... I kind of missed your pestering today."

His soft chuckle made her smile, "I'll keep that in mind. How was your day?"

She shrugged, "It was alright. I got some really nice shots, can't wait to show you."

"Can't wait to see them," he replied. There was a rustling on his end and she furrowed her brows, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I'm just looking for something," he told her dismissively.

"Okay," she said, "Hey, I come back in, like, two days." She knew that he knew, but she was excited to be seeing him soon.

"I know. I'll finally get to hold you again," he smiled. She sighed longingly, about to say something else when Carlisle spoke into a the calm silence, "I'm so sorry, but I have to go. You get some sleep and I'll see you soon, alright? I'll call again in the morning when you wake."

She sighed again and nodded, "Okay, fine. I love you."

"I love you, too," he promised before allowing himself to hang up the phone. You set it down on the nightstand, rolling over in the bed and getting yourself to fall asleep. You were a little out of practice in sleeping alone.


In the morning, you woke to the sound of your phone ringing. You grumbled as you opened your eyes. The sun wasn't even out yet. It was only six in the morning and someone was calling you now?

When you rolled over and picked up your phone, you groaned lightly when you checked it. Carlisle was calling you... at not-even-six in the morning. You picked up the phone, burying your head in the pillow as you grumbled in words that not even you could understand, "What do you want?"

You heard his light chuckle as he responded, "I'm sorry for waking you. I just missed you."

"And I miss sleep. Why are you calling so early?" you asked, rolling over on your back. He went to answer, but there was a knock on your hotel room door. You groaned lightly, stuffing your face in pillow. "Aren't you going to get that?" he asked lightly.

"Who the hell wants me at ass o'clock in the morning?" You got out of the bed and dragged yourself to the door, running a hand through your hair.

You sighed as you turned the knob and opened the door. You dropped your phone and stepped back when you saw who was on the other side. Your hands flew to your mouth and you gasped, "Carlisle?"

He smiled up at you, bent down on one knee as he presented you with a ring. He hung up the phone. "Hello, my dear."

Tears pricked at your eyes as he knelt there. He continued to smile as he spoke, "You make my life perfect. I love and cherish every minute I get to spend with you, even if it is through the phone. You're worth more to me than you could possibly know, and it would mean even more if you would become my wife. Will you marry me?"

You nodded as your answer, choking out your words, "Yes. Yes, I will marry you!" You through your arms around his neck as you got on your knees. He smiled excitedly, standing as twirling you as he hugged you back. He kissed your forehead before setting you back down on the ground. He took the ring from the box and slid in onto your finger, his smile widening as he saw it. He then pulled out another box, his smile somehow growing as he opened it up to you, "And this comes with it."

You wiped at your tears as you took the box, your smile spreading as you saw another ring identical to the one he had. It held the Cullen crest on it and it was sized perfectly for your finger. He slid it onto your right hand and pulled you into him for a kiss.

Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, chuckling lightly into the kiss. When you pulled away, you told him, "I don't have to be there until eleven, and I have intentions of sleeping, but I can arrange for some alone time." Your smile shifted into a smirk and he chuckled deeply, "I'm sure you can."

He kissed you again as he pulled you both into the room and closed the door behind him. You broke for just a moment as you muttered to him, "You're so petty, proposing to me on someone else's wedding day."

He laughed, "I considered doing it during the wedding."

You hit him gently, "That's mean, Carlisle."

"That's why I didn't do it," he kissed you again and you laughed.

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