The 10th Member

By why_not_kpop

156K 4.3K 1.7K

Kim Y/n, the TROUBLEmaking maknae of Twice, and was the last person to join in Sixteen. This is her life as T... More

Ch. 2
Ch. 7


2.3K 94 41
By why_not_kpop

They made it back at the hotel, and Y/n called Lis, she finally got herself to stop crying "Lis, I can meet you tomorrow, if that's okay"

Lis: "Yeah, tomorrow works. Where should we go?"

Y/n: "Uh..." "Unnie, do you want to come, if so we might get pizza tomorrow"

Jihyo: "Yeah, we'll stay in today, get pizza tomorrow"

Y/n: "Lis is it okay if I bring Jihyo?"

Lis: "Yeah it's fine, so where we going?"

Y/n: "Pizza, the one that's by the school"

Lis: "Okay, is 2...Okay? I get off work at 1 and it gives me time to change and go over there"

Y/n: "I'll see you at 2"

Lis hummed then hung up, Y/n looked over "Can you believe this...This is how I can prove that my parents won't change when they have the baby"

Jihyo: "I'm sorry Y/n"

Y/n: "I guess my life sucks, only you guys make it better"

That day went by, and the next day, Y/n went back to her parents house, to find out her license came in. So she took it, cussed out her parents (again) for lying to her, and then went meet Lis

Y/n: "Hey Lis"

Lis: "I thought I would be late, not you"

Y/n: "Sorry, family complications"

Lis: "Ah, sorry bout that dude"

Y/n: "Lis, this is Jihyo. Jihyo unnie...Lis, well Lindsey, but her nickname is Lis"

Jihyo: "Nice to meet you, I've heard stories...about you"

Y/n: "Yeah..."

Lis: "Oh, yeah. I'm sorry again, just know I support you"

Y/n: "I appreciate it"

Lis: "I'm work at a jewelry story, well, where you can have fun and make your own, and I made you a ring, it has your name on it. Just as a I'm very sorry for what I did to you gift"

Y/n looked at the ring "It's pretty, I love it. Thank you"

Lis: "You're welcome"

Jihyo: "Don't lose it Y/n"

Y/n: "I won't, I'll wear it everyday. It's pretty and cute"

They talked for a long time, finishing the pizza, Lis offered to pay, but Jihyo ended up paying for it instead...well Y/n did. Jihyo just stole Y/n's card

Y/n's phone dinged, she looked at it "I thought you paid"

Jihyo: "I did, but with your card. Thanks for lunch"

Y/n laughed "You're welcome"

They made it back to the hotel and started to pack and book a flight back. But Y/n needed to stop by her parents house first.

Y/n: "I'll be back, I'm gonna drop off the car, then take a cab back"

Jihyo: "I don't want you out there by yourself"

Y/n: "I'll be fine, and it gives me time to think and be pissed"

Jihyo: "I...I guess. I'm gonna keep track of you by your phone"

Y/n: "Okay, I'll call you when I get in the cab"

Jihyo: "Okay, bye"

Y/n drove to the house, and knocked on the door, it opened but she didn't expect Alex to be the one to open it

Y/n: "Oh great, when did the circus come to town, I must've missed it. David, here are your keys. Michelle, I'll see you and him in court, and Alex...I'm just mad. How long have you known"

Alex: "Since you were born, but I left and thought they would care for you because they looked at you with love"

Y/n: "MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE?! Nah...this is a dream. I'm in a nightmare, my favorite author is my sister but stayed out of my life and left me to mentally not be okay. Michelle, who is my mother, is not a good one. David, who is my father, is even worse...I can call for mental abuse, let's do that. I'll see you two in court, and I never want to hear from you again"

Alex: "Y/n wait"

Y/n: "This better be good"

Alex: "I'm sorry, I really am. If I did know you weren't doing okay, I would've immediately swooped in, but I'm sorry I didn't come sooner"

Y/n: "It hurts still"

Alex grabbed a backpack "Uh, it's the 17 books you were about to buy, I'm sorry. I bought them all, Jihyo can't be mad at that. I even put in a new unpublished book that I was also working on and that I was going to publish next week. If you don't want to support me anymore, that's fine. I only put it in is because I know you like reading these books"

Y/n grabbed the bag, left the keys on the table, and left. She called Jihyo and told her what happened, and kept her on the phone as she was in the cab.

At the hotel, Jihyo grabbed her bag, and checked out, they met outside and Y/n just sat there thinking. Their flight was in 2 hours, but might as well go now.

They made it in Korea hours later, and Nayeon came to pick them up "Hey, how-"

Jihyo: "Not now Nay"

Y/n: "Lis was the only one I like there. Fuck my parents and fuck Alex"

Nay: "What happened?"

Jihyo: "I'll explain later"

Nay: "Okay"

Y/n looked through the photos, and saw one from when they went to the cafe early morning...Hanbin, he's cute, nice, and a good friend

She called him on the phone as they were still driving "Hey"

Hanbin: "Y/n, what's up"

Y/n: "Wanna hang out sometime, just us. I need a breather from life"

Hanbin: "Yeah, when? Tomorrow okay?"

Y/n: "Tomorrow is perfect, I'll see you at the cafe"

Hanbin: "Yeah"

Y/n: "Bring your skateboard, we can skate together"

Hanbin: "Oh look at you, okay"

Y/n hung up and let Nayeon and Jihyo be confused, but she needed time to herself so they weren't going to say anything

Y/n said hi to everyone but then went to her room. The rest of the night was just Y/n being alone and quiet. Jihyo told them what happened.

The next day, Y/n got covered up, grabbed her board, helmet, and gloves before rushing out the door. She met Hanbin who was at the cafe with his skateboard

Hanbin: "Nice board"

Y/n: "Yours as well, let's get out of here"

Hanbin: "Sure, also what's with the coverup"

Y/n: "Well, I'm still an idol and I would hate rumors to come out. When they do, they'll come for you so hard and I would hate that for you"

Hanbin: "Oh okay, let's go then"

They skated around making it to the empty parking lot where Y/n took off her cover up. Both of them skating around, Y/n talked about her situation

Hanbin: "Wow, that's hectic"

Y/n looked at him "Yeah, I'm just gonna say it. I like y-"

She hit the curb, and fell hard on the ground, Hanbin rushed over, seeing her arm all red. He touched it a little bit, she was crying because it hurt

He grabbed his board, and his phone, but Y/n stopped him, unlocking her phone and clicking Nayeon's number

Nay: "Hey how is it?"

Hanbin: "Uh, Y/n fell and hurt herself"

Nay: "Who is this"

Hanbin: "Hanbin, her former classmate"

Nay: "Ah, where are you"

Hanbin: "An empty parking lot, she says you'll know"

Nay: "I do, stay there"

Nayeon hung up the phone, grabbed her keys, and Y/n's jacket. Then drove up to the parking lot since it wasn't far, she helped Y/n put her things in the car. Both Hanbin and Y/n got in

Hanbin: "It hurts her a lot"

Y/n: "Unnie..."

Nay: "We're going to the hospital, don't worry"

They made it to the hospital, and got her in, Hanbin decided to leave so he was going to skate home. It turns out Y/n broke her wrist where it snapped in half, so she was going to go in surgery

Nayeon called the others, told them not to panic, and  that they'll be home in a while. She left the hospital, got some food, and picked up her favorite candy.

Nay: "I knew this would happen, good thing we're on break"

By the time Y/n came out, and fully woke up. They waited until she was clear to leave. It took a while, but she got the okay. Nayeon helped her out on her jacket, then gave her her favorite candy, but poured them into a jar so Y/n doesn't have to worry about the box

Y/n: "Unnie, I'm sorry for this"

Nay: "You fell, I know it was bound to happen, even if you didn't have any pads on, it's okay. You don't have to be sorry. We're gonna go pick up your medicine though"

Y/n: "Okay"

Nay: "You already know, no skateboarding, I know it can clear your mind, but you're but"

Y/n: "Okay"

Nay: "Why Hanbin?"

Y/n: "I like...liked him"

Nay: "What changed so quickly"

Y/n: " I was confessing, but something didn't feel right. I was denying everything, because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I like Ryujin, but saying I like Hanbin gave me a reason to not like Ryujin"

Nay: "Woah, since win"

Y/n: "When we were freshman"

Nay: "I'm sure she'll like you"

Y/n: "It's okay, I'll stay away from it. I'm gonna just read books, I now have 17 books to read from"

Nay: "Okay, up to you."

Nayeon got Y/n's medicine, and drove home. The others were worried about her, but she seemed fine. She sat on the couch, and just leaned her head against Tzuyu

Tzu: "You okay"

Y/n: "Having an early life crisis."

Tzu: "Early life crisis?"

Y/n: "Well I can't say mid life crisis"

Tzu: "What are you thinking about"

Y/n: "I'm gonna leave Twice, when the baby is born"

Tzu: "What?!"

Y/n: "I can't be an idol and a guardian, that's not okay"

Tzu: "We're gonna help you, and the company will be very understanding, also you're only 18, you can't do that on your own"

Y/n: "I'll find something, thank you though"

Y/n fell asleep, and Tzuyu told them what she said. They don't think it's gonna happen, but they really don't want her to leave.

Nothing else happens during the break, everyone had the time of their lives, Y/n was happier being back, had to extra careful when she got her cast off and got back to skateboarding, but was now able to do simple tricks

It's been 4 months, and they were now going to start recording for Cry For Me. The lyrics were finished, and they actually know that this will be a hit single

Nay: "I love the song"

Y/n: "We all love the song"

It took a while to record, but it was recorded in 2 days, then they would need to start working on choreography, and it was going to be amazing.

When they started to actually work on the choreography, they were all out of breath easily, but it was a good choreography. Great actually, they already knew Once would love it

Momo: "Sucks we won't have a music video"

Y/n: "Once is gonna beg for one, especially after they see our teaser than hear our song"

Dahyun: "You know Y/n, we're gonna be performing this for a while"

Y/n: "And I'm okay with that, it's our job"

They all talked some more as they took breaks, took multiple pictures, and maybe sleep a little. It was 4 and a half months in, so Y/n called her mom

Y/n: "Michelle?"

Michelle: "Hey Y/n"

Y/n: "How have you been feeling"

Michelle: "Sick here and there, but overall it's okay. Why did you call, I thought you didn't want to hear from us"

Y/n: "I don't want to hear from you, but I'm curious if you found out the gender of the baby...I had to look it up but around this time, you can find out the gender"

Michelle: "We don't know it, and when we do get it, we're not gonna reveal anything until the baby shower"

Y/n: "That will be in months...okay. I believe you I guess"

Michelle: "Okay, sorry Y/n"

Y/n: "It's fine, bye"

She hung up the phone and sighed, they went back to practicing, it was going to be a good dance as they keep practicing.

By the time the song came out, they were going to perform the song for the Kelly Clarkson Show, but later on, first it will be award shows.

They went to practice everyday, practiced a lot, got their outfits to film the teasers, got the official dance down. Then they finally got the final looks down.

It was time for it to get released, and they were super excited, because they know once will love the song. Y/n went live one hour after it released.

Y/n: "Once, I really hope you love the song, I love it"

She talked with them for a little bit, then everyone joined in, they tried to do some acapella, it worked for the most part.

When they finally ended the live, Y/n laid her head down on Nayeon's lap, and just fell asleep. She was tired, and still letting her mind roam.

Nay: "At least she hasn't been causing trouble"

Chae: "It been 5 months since she found out, she's been stressing about the baby, so her mind is in different places"

Dahyun: "She doesn't have time to get in trouble, but it's okay. She's still with us and is still in Twice"

Tzu: "Until she's not"

Mina: "Tzu, you already know that she's not gonna leave"

Tzu: "She told me with confidence, I don't want her to, but I believe she will"

Sana: "We'll see what happens"

They talked for a little bit longer, then went to bed themselves, Y/n had to get up to get ready, but the second she laid down in her bed, she was out.

Now with Cry for Me out, they have schedule, but just to dance, also to film the dance practice. They filmed the regular one, but then the staff started to set up lights and everything.

Y/n: "Is this that performance video thing?"

Momo: "Yeah, it's gonna be cool. Once is gonna love it"

Y/n: "I love the lighting already"

Momo: "Me too"

They got in position, and danced like they were on stage, by the end it took so cool. They watched a few clips, and they were in love with it

Y/n: "Sana unnies part is gonna be Once's favorite, when she drops in"

Sana: "You think?"

Y/n: "I'll bet you on it"

Sana: "Okay, I think they'll be in love with Mina heart thing or Chaeyoung's end more than mine"

Y/n: "You're on. I bet if I win, you have a really pretty picture of me, saying I'm the best person ever, and make sure Once knows it by you"

Sana: "Okay, if I win, you have to post embarrassing pictures of you, 10 of them, because that's how many pictures you can put in one post"

Y/n: "You're on"

When the video got released, Y/n and Sana checked Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube after 2 hours. Y/n was right, everyone was loving it more.

Y/n: "Wanna keep going till it reaches 24 hours, or give up now and face it, I won"

Sana: "Wow, I can't believe it...and these edits are amazing"

Y/n: "So I win"

Sana: "Yeah, you win"

Nayeon and Jeongyeon came into the room, Nayeon showed them her phone "Look at this edit I found, it's of Sana's part"

Y/n: "Oh...You're pretty Unnie"

Sana: "Once's are creative"

Y/n: "Yup"

Y/n's phone rang, so she answered it "Michelle is something wrong?"

Michelle: "No, I'm just calling to tell you that in 2 months, on that 14th we'll have the baby shower. We're choosing the date now because we want you to have time to get off, maybe with your members. We don't know. Cause we figure you would want to come"

Y/n: "Yeah, I'll be there, try to be there"

Y/n hung up then continued to talk about Cry For Me with her members, she doesn't want to leave Twice, they are her actual family. It'll be decided soon

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